Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science ENGR 3844 - Basic Electrical Components and Systems Part-II (Electronics) EXP. 3844-1E Voltage Divider and Wheatstone Bridge PURPOSE To introduce students to various voltage divider and Wheatstone bridge circuits. INTRODUCTION 1.0 Voltage Divider Circuits The voltage divider circuit is used to reduce the supply voltage to the desired level at the load. A simple voltage divider circuit is shown in Figure 1 where a resistor is connected in series with the load. + E + VRS _ IL + VRS RS + + RS E _ RL VL _ ≡ _ + RL Load VL IL Figure 1 KVL around the circuit gives, E - VRS - VL = 0 ⇒ VL = E - VRS = E - ILRS But, I L = Ex RL E . Therefore, VL = RS + RL RS + RL E 1.1 (1) (2) However, this type of voltage divider has a serious disadvantage as the value of VL depends on the load current IL. If IL changes, the voltage drop across RS also changes and hence, the voltage drop across the load RL will also change. This change in voltage at the load is called voltage regulation. The load voltage will remain relatively constant if the load is maintained constant. In order to overcome the above limitation another type of voltage divider circuit is used which is shown in Figure 2. In this case a bleeder resistor is used in parallel with the load. + E + IT IL IT _ + VRS _ R S + + IL RS ≡ VL + VL E RL RB _ RB IB RL _ Load IB Figure 2 Using voltage divider rule, VL = E (R B R L ) RS + RB RL RB RL = (3) RBRL RB + RL If RB << RL, then VL = (4) E RB RS + RB (5) If the bleeder current IB is high in comparison with IL then IT will remain more or less constant with changes in IL. Therefore, the load voltage will change slightly and hence it will have a better regulation than the previous circuit. 2.0 Wheatstone Bridge Circuit The Wheatstone bridge circuit is mainly used to measure an unknown resistance. However, the principle of Wheatstone bridge is used in many transducers and instrumentation systems to measure the physical variable E 1.2 such as strain, temperature, and pressure. A Wheatstone bridge circuit is shown in Figure 3. In this figure R4 is a variable resistance, which models the transducer. If a change in physical variable results in a change in resistance of the transducer, the Wheatstone bridge can be used to convert the change in resistance to a change in voltage, which can be measured. Figure 3 Under balanced condition of the bridge the output voltage V0 will be zero. The balance condition can be achieved by varying any one or more resistances of the bridge until, Va = Vb Under balanced conditions, voltage divide rule for R1 and R2, and R3 and R4 gives E R2 R 2 + R1 E R4 Va = R3 + R4 Vb = (6) (7) For Va = Vb, E R4 E R2 = R 3 + R4 R 2 + R1 (8) ∴ R1R 4 = R 2R 3 (9) Equation (9) shows the balance condition for the Wheatstone bridge. When the bridge is not balanced, the output voltage is given by, E 1.3 R4 R2 − V0 = Va − Vb = E R 3 + R 4 R 2 + R1 (10) Equation (10) shows that if R1, R2 and R3 are fixed (or given) a change in R4 translates into a change in V0. Thus, a variation in V0 is a measure of the variation in R4. PRELAB 1. Read the section entitled “Introduction” carefully. 2. Read the handout entitled “Safety in the Laboratory” carefully. 3. Referring to Fig. 4, determine RL so that V0 = 7.5 V. If the load resistance is increased by 25% calculate the new load voltage, V0. + E + VRS RS RS = 1 kΩ E = 10 V _ + RL V0 IL Fig. 4 4. Referring to Fig. 5, design a voltage divider for the load resistance RL obtained in Fig.4 so that it can operate at 7.5 V from a 10 V source. Assume that the bleeder current, IB is 75mA. If the load resistance is increased by 25% calculate the new load voltage. Compare this result with that obtained in question (3) above. + E IT + RS _ VRS IL + RB IB Fig. 5 E 1.4 RL V0 EXPERIMENT 1. Voltage Divider 1.1 Construct the voltage divider circuit as shown in Fig. 6 on the op-amp designer board using a nominal 1000 Ω resistor in series with a 1 kΩ variable resistor. Make sure that the source voltage is 10 V after connecting to the circuit. Adjust the variable resistor to get the output voltage V0 = 7.5 V. Measure the value of R2 for this condition. Comment on any discrepancies between the measured and calculated value in question (3) of the Prelab. + E + RS VRS _ + R2 V0 RS = 1 kΩ E = 10 V R2 = 2.2 kΩ pot I0 Fig. 6 1.2 Obtain a plot of the output voltage V0 as a function of R2 for the circuit shown in Fig.6. Use a range of resistor values between 680 Ω and 2.2 kΩ. 1.3 Construct the voltage divider circuit shown in Fig.5 and measure the load voltages to verify your design in question (4) of the Prelab. (Use the nearest available resistance values). E 1.5 2. Wheatstone Bridge 2.1 Construct the Wheatstone bridge circuit shown in Fig.7 on the op-amp designer board using three nominal 120 Ω resistors in three arms of the bridge and a 200 Ω variable resistor (pot) in the fourth arm as shown. Ensure that the source voltage is 10 V after it is connected to the circuit. Fig.7 2.2 Adjust the pot until the bridge is balanced (i.e., V0 = 0). Measure the value of R4 for this condition. Confirm your observation by calculation and comment on any discrepancies. 2.3 Obtain a plot of the output voltage, V0 as a function of R4. Determine the sensitivity of the bridge circuit. E 1.6