I24 POTENTIAL DIFFERENCES ACROSS NATURAL MEMBRANES SEPARATING UNLIKE SALT SOLUTIONS BY S. C. BROOKS, A. C. GIESE AND R. I. GIESE. (From Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of California, and Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.) (Received nth September, 1930.) (With Two Text-figures.) (1911) showed that when the cutinised epidermis of the apple separates two unlike solutions of electrolytes, a potential difference develops, which they interpret as being due to exchange of ions, mainly cations, across the epidermis. They suppose that the faster-moving ions tend to penetrate more rapidly through the epidermis, and hence build up a potential difference. Michaelis (1925) gives a mathematical development of essentially this theory to explain his own experiments with "dried" celloidin membranes which are permeable to cations but not to anions, and which, like the apple epidermis, develop a potential difference which is constant for a considerable period of time. Recently, Mond and Hoffmann (1928) described a membrane made of celloidin and Rhodamin B, which is selectively anion permeable. This was followed by Hober and Hoffmann's (1928) study of a mosaic membrane made up of alternating areas of cation permeable celloidin and anion permeable celloidin-Rhodamin B. In this case the potential difference obtained was considerably lower than that for either the celloidin or celloidin-Rhodamin B membranes separately, the potential differences of the two areas being in opposite directions and tending to annul one another. The cutinised epidermis from the inner surface of bulb scales of the onion resembles these membranes in that there is no diffusion of ions through the epidermis from solutions of electrolytes into distilled water (Brooks, 1917). It, therefore, seemed desirable to study the nature of the potential differences developed by the onion epidermis when it separates two solutions containing ions, with a view to further analysis of the electromotive mechanisms at work. LOEB AND BEUTNER Potential Differences across Natural Membranes 125 METHOD. The membrane was stretched as a partition between two half cells connected to saturated calomel electrodes by saturated KC1 capillary stop-cock bridges (Fig. 1). The potential differences were determined by the use of a potentiometer with an accuracy of about 0-5 mv. To avoid leakage, the ground edges of the cells were greased with purified wax vaseline, and the membrane was then carefully and tightly fitted around. The cells were insulated by a glass plate and both cells and plate were kept dry throughout the experiments. The bridges and the calomel electrodes were checked to ensure that no potential difference was being developed except at the membrane, or at the liquid junctions between the capillary stop-cock bridges and the solutions in the half cells. The latter may be assumed to be negligible in comparison to the potential difference developed at the membrane except, possibly, in C — C Fig. 1. Half cells and membrane as used for the measurement of potential differences. M: membrane separating solutions S1 and <S2; R, rubber band holding half cells together; C, C, capillary bridges to calomel electrodes. the case of the concentration potential difference with CaCl2, and of the chemical potential differences with common cation and different anion. Even in these cases it is not possible to explain the observed phenomena as liquid junction potentials. The bridges were refilled before each experiment, and the ends washed in the solutions to be used. When solutions were changed, the cells and membrane were rinsed with the solutions to be used. RESULTS. Table I gives the data for the experiments on concentration chains. The potential difference of concentration chains composed of o-iMKCL/membrane/o-oiM KC1 rose shortly after the initial reading, was fairly constant for 15 to 45 minutes, then gradually fell off during the course of 24 hours or more. The behaviour of similar concentration chains using NaCl or LiCl was similar (see Fig. 2). It is this plateau region of constant potential difference that we consider the quasi-equilibrium, and refer to in our experiments. It is reproducible within a few JEB-Vlllii 9 126 S. C. BROOKS, A. C. G I E S E and R. I. GIESE millivolts for each membrane when the cells are refilled with fresh solution, but quite individual to each membrane. The fall in potential difference was not due to tearing, since membranes artificially punctured with very fine glass needles showed a sudden steep drop in potential difference. This test also makes it clear that the membrane itself is the principal source of the potential difference. Table I. Concentration potentials obtained with O - I M / O - O I M solutions of KCl, NaCl, LiCl, and CaCl2. The sign of the potential is that of the o-oiM solution, the positive current tending to flow from the positive solution through the potentiometer. KCl Membrane Potential difference Membrane No. mv. 12 44-2 34-5 18-0 14 15 23 26 27 36 48 55 63 65 67 68 404 40-1 32-5 32-5 391 198 37-i 29-6 17-1 139 71 120 74 78 216 80 81 92 230 93 94 LiCl NaCl 16-1 15-3 38-5 386 42-4 +29-2 Mean Probable error ±i-5 Potential difference Membrane No. mv. 11 12 280 366 335 33'3 34'5 335 18 19 16 23 26 3° 32 289 36 48 67 22-5 320 9'4 2I'O 20-7 2O-7 I2-I 24-1 15-0 33-2 70 72 74 £ 81 93 94 392 CaCl2 Potential difference Membrane Potential difference No. mv. No. mv. 12 39-8 10-5 213 306 21 23 34 44 45 48 67 u -4'3 -3-6 ±0 — I-I -6-2 ±0 —2-2 -1-5 ±0 ±O -7-5 -135 ±0 — 129 68 70 72 72 357 23-2 22-4 15-5 22-6 4 T, 80 8-6 73 81 70 72 68 12-3 20-3 22-5 93 93 94 74 2I-I 80 81 93 94 22-9 15-7 321 94 38-9 8 +25-7 + 23-1 -3 ±1-4 ±1 4 ±2 4 The maximum value for KCl was 44-2 mv., the majority of the readings fell between 20 and 40 mv. and a few were as low as 12 mv. The mean value for KCl concentration chains was 29-2 mv., for NaCl 25*7 mv., and for LiCl 23-1 mv. The difference between the mean potential differences developed by KCl and LiCl is nearly three times the probable error of the difference. This may be taken as a significant difference, the intermediate position of NaCl in itself not differing significantly from KCl on the one hand or LiCl on the other, is thus to be expected on the basis of the physical characteristics of the ions in question. It seems probable that the potential differences developed by concentration chains of these salts are really of the relative magnitudes given. In order of descending potential difference we would then have K > Na > Li. Similar concentration chains using CaCl2 showed somewhat similar behaviour when a measurable potential was developed at all, but the potential differences were Potential Differences across Natural Membranes 127 at best very small and were opposite in sign to those observed with alkali metal chlorides. The mean potential difference does not greatly exceed its own probable error but its consistently negative sign is suggestive. Table II gives the concentration potential differences observed when different salts were studied one after another with one and the same membrane in the case of eight different membranes. The readings were made in the sequence indicated, except that the CaCl2 solution was studied after the others because of an effect on the membrane which will be discussed later. +42 + 35 •0 ~NaCT •§ +28 w~--—. N / .3 +21 i i d (48) I \ + 7 \ KC1(14) +14 \ \ s. \\ v \ \ \\ Of, u <§~— --«Ca :i 2 (80) CaCl2 (74) 20 40 60 Time in minutes 80 100 120 1 1 20 29 38 Time in hours Fig. 2. Changes with time of the observed potential differences between o-iM and o-oiM solutions of the indicated salts separated by membranes of onion epidermis. The numbers of the individual membranes correspond to those given in Table I. When like concentrations of different salts are used on the two sides of the membrane, a potential difference may arise which Michaelis has called a "chemical" potential difference in contradistinction to the "concentration" potential difference discussed above. One type of chemical potential difference was observed when equally concentrated solutions of chlorides with different cations were separated by onion epidermis. The results of these series agree in general with the lyotropic series, the potential differences for the different ions decreasing in the order K > Na > Li. This same order was found by Michaelis in the case of dried celloidin membranes. It will be noted that the potential difference with KC1 against LiCl of the same concentration is the largest and, within the limits of error, equal to the sum of the potential difference for KC1: NaCl and that for NaCl: LiCl. 9-2 128 S. C. BROOKS, A. C. G I E S E and R. I. G I E S E The other type of chemical potential difference was observed when o-iM KCl was used on the one side of the membrane and o-iM KBr, KI, KNO 3 , K J S O J or KSCN on the other. These potential differences were so low as to be almost negligible. While, in the case of cation potential differences, all the mean values are significantly greater than their probable errors, in the case of the anion potential differences this is not the case. Only one membrane (No. 63) consistently showed a potential difference in the case of all the salts. Several membranes showed potential differences in the case of Cl': N0 3 ' and Cl': SO4" (see Table II). Table I I . Concentration, cation and anion potential differences exhibited by individual membranes. Unless otherwise stated the figures indicate the potential difference in mv., the solution given last being positive to the first. Set up Potential differences Concentration potential differences 01 :ooiM Numbers of membranes 48 63 67 74 80 8l 93 40-4 33-3 35-7 39-i 320 22-6 371 171 94 8-6 -4'3 21-6 20-7 2I-I -2-2 23-0 24-1 229 IS-3 150 iS-7 ±OO 38-4 33-2 321 -7-5 29-0 24-0 22-7 -31 ±2-6 ±30 ±2-4 ±0-9 60 59 2-7 3-7 2-3 4-S 2-S i-6 i-7 8-S 4-3 47 60 7-8 4-3 ±o-8 2-O I'l ±o- S 4-2 23 10 36 o-6 ±00 i-8 ±00 ±00 ±00 ±00 i-5 1-5 ±o-o o-6 16 o-S 3-6 7-1 70 ±00 33 242 274 3S'2 12-2 2-O 2-S 2I-2 149 O O O O O ±o-o ±00 ±00 ±00 ±00 o-S H-H-H-H-H- ±00 O O O O O : KBr : KI : KNO, : KSCN : iK8SO4 66 66 6 KCl KCl KCl KCl KCl H-H-H-H-H- Anion potential difference o-i : o-iM 0-3 ±00 09 i-o i-4 363 24-1 H- 14-1 104 2-8 0 p 0 0 0 95 5-0 4-S 60 99 5-5 3-2 -i-s H-H- Cation potential difference o-i : O'lM KCl : LiCl KCl : NaCl NaCl : LiCl KCl : CaCl2 23 6 6 6 6 6 KCl : KCl NaCl : NaCl LiCl : LiCl CaCl2 : CaCla Mean Probable error ±0-7 ±0-3 ±0-7 (±o-s) ±0-3 ±o-6 ±o-6 Check concentration potential difference o-i : O'OiM KCl : KCl 21-2 ±I-I Apparently the cation potential difference is established at once and, except for irregular minor fluctuations, there is little subsequent change. As the anions developed almost no potential differences, the rate at which equilibrium is established in such systems cannot be discerned from the data at hand. The solutions used have some effects on the membranes, as shown by the relative values of the concentration potential difference for KCl at the beginning and at the end of a series (see bottom line, Table II). This was particularly noticeable in Potential Differences across Natural Membranes 12() the case of CaCl2, which so affected the membrane that the potential difference for the KCl concentration chain, observed immediately after CaCl2 had been in contact with the epidermis, was considerably lower than before, and returned to the initial value only after several washings. CaCl2 was applied first on the cuticular side, then on the cellular side of the epidermis, and the effect was found to be more pronounced in the latter case. Likewise o-iM CaCl2 on the cellular side was found to lower the potential difference more than o-oiMCaCl2. Washing with o-iM KCl gradually dissipated the effect, which is, therefore, reversible (see Tables III and IV). Table I I I . Effects of calcium on the concentration potential difference for KCl. o-iMCaCl 2 applied to surface indicated Solution applied to other surface Cuticular Cuticular Cuticular Cuticular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular KClo-iM KClo-iM CaCl2 o-oiM CaCl 2 ooiM KCI01M KClo-iM KCI01M CaCls o-oiM CaCl2 001M No. of membrane 85 89 81 93 85 88 90 93 94 Equilibrium concentration potential difference for KCl Before Ca After Ca 2O-8 2S-8 21-7 26-0 15-2 22-7 3O-O 299 13-7 314 61 24-4 210 3IO 326 28-s 34° 210 Table IV. Effects of renewing solutions of KCl on the concentration potential difference for KCl after the cellular side of the epidermis has been exposed to o-iM CaCl^for 3 to 53 minutes. Concentration potential difference for KCl after application of CaCl2 No. of membrane 82 85 88 9° 91 93 94 With first KCl solution (After renewing solution number of times indicated.) (Equilibrium values) Initial Equilibrium 1 2 3 0 20 61 244 2I-O 2 3 -2 2I-O IO-2 I5-O 162 17-8 2-6 6-S 3-8 19-7 28-s 28-s 338 29-0 318 26-7 336 130 S. C. BROOKS, A. C. G I E S E and R. I. G I E S E DISCUSSION. The rise and temporary quasi-equilibrium in concentration potential differences may be interpreted as indicating that the lower epidermis of the onion scale is permeable to the univalent cations tested, but perhaps not to Ca-. The gradual falling off in potential difference might be due to the slow establishment of an anion quasiequilibrium which opposed its potential difference to that of the cation quasiequilibrium. If the membranes were permeable to anions as well as to cations, it was to be expected that the final resultant quasi-equilibrium potential difference would be lower than 57 mv., the value calculated on the basis of complete impermeability to ions of one sign of charge. Furthermore, if the quasi-equilibrium for ions of one sign were established sooner than that for ions of opposite sign, the potential difference would pass through a maximum and then fall off with increasing time. The resemblance of this behaviour to that of mosaic membranes has been mentioned above. Different specimens of onion epidermis exhibit a wide variety of behaviour. Some appear to be very impermeable to anions, so that the cations build up a high potential difference which is maintained for 1 or more hours; in most cases anions are probably penetrating the membrane and setting up their quasi-equilibria relatively soon, so that a relatively low and brief potential difference results; a few membranes appear to have so high a permeability to anions that the potential difference is abnormally low and brief (Table I). If the membrane were permeable to anions, anion chemical potentials might be expected. Some membranes show such potential differences, but they seem usually to be small or lacking (see Table II). However, this may not be due entirely to lack of permeability to anions. The relative mobilities of the anions used differ much less among themselves than do those of the cations used. It seems quite possible that the hindrance offered to similar ions by membranes of this type is related to their mobilities in dilute aqueous solution. In this event the anion potential differences might well be much smaller than those due to the cations. The concentration potential difference given by CaCl2 yields a further insight into the situation. The reversal of sign of the potential difference, as compared with that for a similar KC1 chain, can most easily be explained by assuming that the epidermis is more permeable to Cl' than to Ca-. Under the conditions of the experiments the diffusion potential due to Ca- would be opposite in sign to the potential difference actually observed. The diffusion potential due to Cl' would be of the same sign as that observed, and in view of the sign of the observed potential difference, it must equal or exceed that due to calcium. If Cl' penetrates the epidermis, the other anions used must do so also, otherwise chemical potential differences would be built up when different salts of the same cation are present in equal concentrations on opposite sides of the membrane. Since little or no potential difference was actually found, the epidermis must be about equally permeable to the different anions. Potential Differences across Natural Membranes 131 That the living protoplasm plays some part in producing these potential differences is suggested by those experiments (Table III) in which the same membranes were used for a series of observations with different salts including CaCl2. In these experiments CaCl2 was found to cause a reversible decrease in the observed concentration potential difference of KC1. Since the effect was more marked when the CaCl2 was on the cellular side, it must be due to the action of Ca-- on either protoplasm or cell-wall material. Either of these would be more or less protected from CaCl2 applied to the cuticular side of the epidermis, since it is probably the cuticle itself which is least permeable to ions (Brooks, 1917). That the potential differences are not primarily due to living protoplasm is shown by the fact that dead membranes behaved like living ones, though the observed potential differences were lower. However, a satisfactory method of killing the cells of the membrane was not devised, and further discussion of the part played by the living protoplasm must be left to the future. The effect of Ca-- might be attributed to the formation of calcium pectinates, with a resultant change in the physical state of part of the cell-wall material; or it might be attributed to a decrease in the permeability of the protoplasm which quite probably occurs. Whatever the nature of the effect, it is reversible in nature, as is shown by the progressive increase in the concentration potential difference of KC1 following successive washings of the epidermis with a KC1 solution (Table IV). The lower epidermis of the scales of the onion seems, then, to be permeable to cations, and, at least to a limited degree, to anions. Since salts cannot pass through these membranes into distilled water (Brooks, 1917), the facts are most easily interpreted by supposing the onion epidermis to embody a sort of mosaic of selectively ion permeable areas of the nature of the patch membrane described by Hober and Hoffmann (1928). These experiments suggest that bioelectric potentials observed in other plant cells may also be due to the properties of the cell walls as well as of the protoplasm. It can hardly be considered safe to assume without special study that such potentials are due to the protoplasm alone. SUMMARY. 1. When the lower epidermis of the bulb scale of the onion separates o-iM and o-oiM solutions of KC1, NaCl, or LiCl a transient "concentration" potential difference was observed, whose magnitude decreased in the order: K > Na > Li. 2. The potential difference of o-xM: o-oiM CaCl2 is small and opposite in sign to that of the above chains. 3. When the epidermis separates like concentrations of chlorides of K, Na, and Li a cation "chemical" potential difference arises which is low but steady. 4. When K-salts with different anions are present on the opposite sides of the membrane, the anion "chemical" potential difference is small or lacking. 132 S. C. BROOKS, A. C. G I E S E and R. I. GIESE 5. These facts are most simply accounted for by assuming that the epidermis is a mosaic of cation and anion permeable areas, the permeability to alkali metal cations much exceeding that for calcium ion or the anions tried. 6. It is pointed out that the cell walls may perhaps participate in the production of the bioelectric potentials observed in other plants. REFERENCES. BROOKS, S. C. (1917). Bot. Gaz. 64, 509. H6BER, R. and HOFFMANN, F . (1928). Arch. Ges. Physiol. 220, 558. LOEB, J. and BEUTNER, R. (1911). Science, 34, 884. MICHAELIS, L. (1925). Joum. Gen. Physiol. 8, 23. MOND, R. and HOFFMANN, F . (1928). Arch. Ges. Physiol. 220, 194.