Large-Scale Wind Energy Systems: 10MW and Beyond World Future Energy Summit 2015 Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre January 21, 2015 Vernon Prince - Vice President of Development E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2014 2015 Advanced Magne9c agnet Lab, Lab, Inc. Inc. All All rights rights reserved reserved ww orldwide. orldwide. Opportunity Snapshot AML is a developer of advanced generators used in large scale (8MW+) wind turbines For the past 4 years AML has become a world leader in large scale generator technology and has been selected by the US Depart of Energy as the prominent technology developer in this field AML uses superconduc9vity and related technologies to significantly reduce the cost of producing energy with wind while elimina4ng the need for rare-­‐earth materials As offshore wind turbines scale up to sizes of 8MW and beyond, AML-­‐ enabled generators will become an essen9al component in this mul9-­‐ billion dollar market. AML and it’s world-­‐class development team of collabora9ng companies are entering the build and test phase of the superconduc9ng wind turbine generator program AML is seeking a $20 Million investment for build, dynamometer test and field test ac9vi9es. E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 2 From fossil to renewables… Global Source: International Energy Agency E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. increase in renewables 3 Evolution of non-Hydro Renewables 1990 141 TWh of non-­‐Hydro Renewables (1.8% of total energy produc9on) E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Source: International Energy Agency … all statistics for OECD countries 4 Evolution of non-Hydro Renewables 2013 Wind 1990: 3.8 TWh 2013: 442 TWh (+ 11,500%) … growth trend will con9nue 1990 869 TWh of non-­‐Hydro Renewables (+ 516%) (8.2% of total energy produc9on) 141 TWh E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Source: International Energy Agency … all statistics for OECD countries 5 Wind Power Capacity Increase 130 GW of new offshore capacity from 2015 to 2025 • By 2050, 32% of wind capacity will be offshore, up from 19% in 2030 • In the next 10 years, 130 GW of new offshore capacity is forecasted ( >13,000 new 10 MW turbines) E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Source: International Energy Agency 6 Turbine Sizes Turbine sizes will keep increasing, lowering cost of energy… … new technologies are required for larger turbines. E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Source: International Energy Agency, adapted from EWEA 2009 7 AML - Offshore Wind Turbine Drivetrain Blade Technology Direct Drive Generators Anchored & Floating Foundations Power Electronics Tower Grid Integration E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 8 Product Platforms – Rotating Machines Wind Energy AML has defined superconducting offshore turbine generator technology for the U.S. Department of Energy--and the world $30B market place by 2025 Road-To-Market Licensing or Joint Venture with strategic partner - 2017 ² ² ² ² Significantly lighter and smaller - yielding significant cost savings for the wind turbine Reduces the cost of energy - achieving US DOE cost of energy goals Scalable beyond 10MW - achieving even more pronounced savings No dependence on rare earth materials - a stated goal of the DOE KEY DEVELOPMENT ELEMENTS (INTELECTUAL PROPERTY AND VALUE PROPOSITION) MAGNET TECHNOLOGY CONDUCTORS CRYOGENIC COOLING SYSTEMS DESIGN & INTEGRATION COMPOSITES MANUFACTURING & TEST POWER CONVERSION/DISTRIBUTION DESIGN & MODELING SOFTWARE WORLD-­‐CLASS COLLABORATION PARTNERS U.S. DoE NASA / U.S. AIR FORCE ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY EMERSON ELECTRIC CREARE COLUMBUS SUPERCONDUCTORS E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY CENTER FOR ADVANCED POWER SYSTEMS (FSU) UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON HYPERTECH RESEARCH COMPOSITE TECHNOLOGIES WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY 10+ MW Generator Comparison E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 10 AML Fully Superconducting Generator Generator Specifica4ons Power: 10 MW at 10 RPM Diameter: 3.5 m [137 in] Length: 7.9 m [310 in] Mass: 146 t [321,900 lbs] E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 11 World Class Development Team Wind Turbine Drivetrain ² 1.5 MW Retrofit Generators ² 10+ MW Offshore Generators World-Class Development Team E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 12 Contact Information Vernon Prince, VP of Business Development 321-480-7445 E300475 RevA -­‐ Proprietary and Confiden9al ©2015 Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. 13