1. Look at the first two digits on a digital stopwatch.
Those numbers represent the minutes used. You can see a digital stopwatch in the picture to the left.
2 Look at the new two larger numbers after the ":"
mark. Those numbers are the seconds used.
3 Look at the two smaller numbers after the second.
Those numbers move much faster because they are
the "hundredths of seconds" used.
4. Combine the number for your full time used. For instance 11:14:01 would be 11 minutes, 14 seconds
and 01 hundredths of a second.
Some stopwatches also offer "lap" times in which a second button is pressed to measure each "lap" completed.
The numbers are read in the exact same manner, however, you may have more than one time displayed.
The picture to the left of this step shows a "lap‐ enabled digital stopwatch"; the bottom time is a combination of all the laps.
Read more: How to Read a Stopwatch | eHow.com
http://www.ehow.com/how_5031749_read‐ stopwatch.html#ixzz13O9bxXmQ