Tandem MS = MS / MS ESI-MS give information on the mass of a molecule but none on the structure In tandem MS (MSMS) (pseudo-)molecular ions are selected in MS1 and fragmented by collision with gas. collision induced decay – CID electron transfer decay – ETD (= ECD) The fragment ions are analyzed in a second MS. Quadrupole Entrance optics ESI ion source MS Q0 Mass analyzer Q1 Separation of primary ions detector Triple Quadrupole ESI ion source Entrance optics MS Q0 Q1 Collision cell Q2 ion transfer Q3 detector Separation of primary ions just a longer flight path, nothing gained MS / MS tandem MS Precursor ion selection Separation of fragment ions Difference: Collision energy Target analysis by MS-MS ESI HPLC ion source Entrance optics Q0 Q1 Collision cell Q2 Precursor ion selection MS / MS In LC-MS: mass selected for compounds eluting in a certain time window Q3 Analysis of fragment ions detector Target analysis by MS-MS ESI HPLC ion source Entrance optics MS / MS Collision cell Q2 Q1 Q0 Q3 Precursor ion selection fixed in time window Detection of specific fragment ions m/z 393 Only m/z 147 Example: dexamethazon “Transitions“ Or: 121,147,237 Reaction monitoring SRM / MRM detector Tandem MS = MS / MS Target analysis: mass of analyte and mass of fragments are known beforehand. MS1 and MS2 are preset on target masses maximum dwell time, maximum sensitivity In proteomics applications nothing is known. Precursor mass is determined by “survey scan“ Precursor mass is selected by operator (off-line) or PC (on-line; “data-dependent acquisiton“) according to abundance, charge state and additional information Tandem MS = MS / MS Precursor Ion scan: Fragment masses indicate structural details e.g. 365 reveals glycopeptides Neutral loss scan: Loss of a certain mass by removal of chemical group, e.g. – 18 by H2O Loss of 98 indicates phosphorylation Requirement for proteomics applications: Resolution of multiply charged isotope clusters, high accuracy of MSMS → Q-TOF, ion trap, IT-ICR Hybrid-instruments: Quadrupole-TOF (Q-TOF) entrance lenses MS1 quadrupole Collision cell octapole MS2 TOF rotary vacuum pumps „rough pumps“ turbomolecular pumps for high vacuum inside instrument PC for control and data aquisition Server for databank searches N2-generator (and oil-free compressor) Argon (collision gas) Waters Synapt II: R in V-mode: 20.000 R in W-mode: 40.000 Bruker Maxis 4G: up to 60.000 TOF as MS2 allows higher resolution, accuracy and upper mass limit. Hybrid-instruments with Orbitrap analyzers Combination of ion trap and Orbitrap analyzer Newest option: Combination of quadrupole with Orbitrap analyzer Applications of MS-MS Hybrid instruments or Trap: Exact mass analysis of unknown compounds over a wide mass. Typical application: peptide identification by MS-MS structural analysis of biochemicals .... ---> fast "scan" rate of TOF or Trap Q-TOF in MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 Primary ions are collected and sent to MS1 octapole MS2 Q-TOF in MS Mode MS1 MS1 does not filter, all ions pass through MS2 Q-TOF in MS Mode MS1 collision cell is inactiv (ions are slow) ions pass unaltered MS2 Q-TOF in MS Mode MS1 TOF analyses primary ions MS2 Q-TOF in MS/MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 Primary ions are collected and sent to MS1 octapole MS2 Q-TOF in MS/MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 MS1 selects parent ion of a certain mass (m/z); Others cannot pass Collision cell MS2 Q-TOF in MS/MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 Collision with gas atoms (e.g. Ar) causes fragmentation of ions (collission induced dissocation = CID) Collision energy is controlled by kinetic energy of the analyte ions. Collision cell MS2 Q-TOF in MS/MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 Daughter ions leave the collision cell Collision cell MS2 Q-TOF in MS/MS Mode entrance lenses MS1 MS2 (TOF) analyses fragment ions Collision cell MS2 Proteomics work with ESI-MS/MS De novo sequencing of a peptide of mass 1212.33 from a wasp venom allergen v ulgaris PLA MSMS v ulgaris _PLA _MSMS Max Ent 3 68 [Ev 4631,It50,En1] (0.040,200.00,0.060,14 00.00,2,Cmp) AV I Y KI % M C E MSMS 607.33 ES+ A A E C M bMax IK Y I V A yMax +AVIYMAECLK+ + VIYMAECLK 767.36 y6 1043.51 + 866.45 y8 IYMAECLK 620.33 + y5 YMAECLK + MAECLK theoret. + [MH] 979.51 AECLK 930.43 703.37 y7 + ECLK 420.26 549.29 1044.59 284.21 y4 y3 + 249.17 867.38 2+ b3 [MH 2] CLK 768.42 1239.77 361.13 704.32 1045.44 601.38 465.67 522.22 1149.67 + 239.18 621.26 311 .11 929.36 1283.761299 .69 LK M/z + 120.07 172.12 0 1 00 200 300 400 50 0 600 700 800 900 10 00 Doubly charged precursor → singly charged fragments 1100 1200 1300 Proteomics work with ESI-MS/MS 1553.54 100 MSMS 1087.35 ES+ 115 1438.43 1236.32 1753.60 1249.23 77 113 1337.42 1578.42 1476.68 1666.52 1050.31 % 1034.38 890.34 819.24 490.17 762.24 330.15 963.33 1147.51 599.23 721.27 280.10 201.11 508.16 308.08 0 100 1866.71 2067.542179.86 mass 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 FC+H % A Y G + 308.08 280.10 201.11 C T T W 1050.31 1236.32 330.15 490.17 599.23 721.27 508.16 1753.60 1249.23 1337.42 1034.38 890.34 819.24 762.24 963.33 I S D 1438.43 2000 2100 2200 2: TOF MSMS 1087.35ES+ 1553.54 100 0 100 Mexp 2173.70 200 I 1578.42 1666.52 1276.68 1147.51 1866.71 1578.77 1146.40 1235.47 1249.68 2067.542179.86 2185.86 mass 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 FCISIDTTWCAGYCYTR Doubly charged precursor → singly charged fragments 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Peptide fragmentation Major fragments derived from a peptide (protonated) y3 +2H +2H H2N y1 y2 +2H R1 R2 R3 R4 C C N C C N C C N C COOH H H H H O a1 b1 H O a2 b2 H O H a3 b3 Doubly charged precursor → singly charged fragments Fragmentation of a singly charged peptide y6 R1 H2N y5 R2 y4 R3 y3 R4 y2 R5 y1 R6 R C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N H H H H H H O O H O H O H O H O H NH 3 H C COOH H NH 2 H2N R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N H H H H H H O O H O H O HH O H O H R H C COOH H NH2 H2N R1 R2 C C N C C N H H O H H R4 R5 R6 N C C N C C N C C N H H H H O R O O neutral b-fragment H C C R3 H O H O H y4-ion H C COOH H Fragmentation of a doubly charged peptide NH 3 H3N R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N H H H H H H O O H O H O H H O H O R C COOH H H NH 2 H3N R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N C C N H H H H H H O O H O H O HH H O H O R C COOH H H Doubly charged precursor → singly charged fragments H3N NH2 R1 R2 C C N C C N H H O H O O H C C R3 b3-ion H H R4 R5 R6 N C C N C C N C C N H H H H O O H O H R y3-ion peptide mass + H H C COOH H Peptide fragmentation H3N R1 R2 C C N C C N H H O H O O H C H2N C R3 R1 R2 R3 C C N C C N C C O H H H O H O b3-ions H acylium ion peptide mass - 17 H2N R1 R2 R3 C C N C C N C H H H O H O H R3 H2N C H a3-ion immonium ion peptide mass - 45 reveal amino acids in peptide Collision energy Collision induced or collison activated dissociation of parent ions (CID or CAD) Triple quads, ion traps, Q-Tofs and similar mass specs can only provide low energy (eV – range) fragmentations. can be modulated within certain range (adjusted to mass of peptide) Yields relatively simple fragment spectra. Disadvantage: Leu and Ile cannot be discriminated High energy CID in BE or TOF-TOF instruments. Applications of nano-LC / MS-MS BSA 100fmol, Time=43.0-43.3 min (#339#341), 100%=159692arb MS y5 MS/MS y9 y6 b8 b9 y3 PBC m/z 300 – 2200, all MS y4 b7 b3 y2 200 600 all MS/MS 30 40 100 fmol BSA injected on column 50 y7 Time [min] 1000 b11 y10 b12 m/z Protein identification by LC / MS-MS Archeal histon Result of the database search of silver stained protein gel spot. Archeal histon was unambiguously found in a Halobacterium salinarum (genome) database using MASCOTTM. Important software packages for protein identification: MASCOT, SEQUEST F. and company derivatives e.g. MassLynx, Proteome Discoverer F.. Data-dependant aquisition At first, the machine works in the MS mode (survey mode) until mass is detected which: - is of sufficient intensity - is not in exclude list (not background, not trypsin, not keratin) - is doubly or triply charged - or is in include list Then, machine switches into MS/MS mode to acquire CID spectrum of this compound for e.g. ca. 1 sec Then, this mass is “locked” for some time to prevent redundancy. Often, the survey mode detects more than one signal before switched back to survey. MSMS 1, MSMS 2, etc. MS/MS specials I.) Dependancy of ion type and collision energy - the larger the more energy required - charges help fragmentation - careful choice of collision energy profile II.) DDA tends to overlook many peptides Solutions: - increase speed of instrument - optimize selection criteria - rerun sample with inclusion list and/or exclusion list - do no select target ions, fragment them all MSE MS/MS specials Searching for peptide fragment (and mass) in data banks e.g. „Swissprot“ By MASCOT or SEQUEST and related tools yields list of hits with probability The score depends on: 1.) number of peptides fitting to a particular peptide “one hit wonders“ usually disregarded 2.) number of fragments fitting to theoretical digest of peptide (also: those NOT fitting) 3.) size of peptide (the larger, the better) 4.) size of protein (the smaller the better) 5.) allowance of missed cleavage sites 6.) allowance of modifications the more the worse (search space !) 7.) size of databank (too small is bad !) Sample inlet systems for ESI Syringe pump 5 to 50 µL / min Liquid chromatography 50 to 1000 µL / min System test Calibration “Simple” samples Most typical LC-MS applications (pharmaceutical, environmental, forensic etc.) Sample inlet systems for ESI Nanospray tips For limited sample amounts in bioscience 20 nL /min 1-2 µL of sample give 30 min of analysis time 40 mm Nanoflow LC 100 to 1000 nL / min split For demanding life science applications Sample inlet systems for ESI Column i.d. Flow rate Technique 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 1.0 mL/min 0.25 mL/min Conventional HPLC Small bore LC 1.0 mm 0,0625 mL/min Micro LC 300 µm 180 µm 5.6 µL/min 2.0 µL/min Capillary LC Capillary LC 350 nL/min Nano LC 75 µm Sample inlet systems for ESI S/N= 3800 4.6 mm i.d. 1.0 ml/min Signal to Noise ratio 75 µm i.d. S/N = 1 Sample inlet systems for ESI 4.6 mm i.d 1.0 mm i.d. UV 206 nm 300 µm i.d. 75 µm i.d. 2 pmol digested myoglobin (each column) ESI has a similar, even stronger concentration dependance Chromatographiesäulen im Vergleich 4 mm 0.18 mm 75 µm Nano-Elektrospray Nano-Elektrospray Diameter 1 mm Diameter 0.32 mm Diameter 0.075 mm Diameter 4 mm, Flow rate 1.6 mL / min Flow rates ?