for for more:more:- Set No: 1 Code No: V3227/R07 III B.Tech II Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2012 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) What are the behavioral diagrams? explain b) What are the different classifiers? How to represent them with a diagram? 2. a) Explain how to Model the non software things. b) What are the various Rules of UML? 3. a)Explain how to Model the distribution of responsibilities in a system b) How to conduct the reverse engineer a class diagram? 4. a)Explain the Realization relationship in the object oriented modeling b) How to conduct the forward engineer a class diagram? 5. Write short notes on the following a) Sequence diagrams b) Collaboration diagrams 6. a) What are the activity diagrams? Explain with an example b) Draw the use case diagram to show the functions of a “credit card validation system” 7. a) What is a component? Explain the components and classes with a neat sketch b) Write short notes on the following i) Signals ii) call events 8. a) What are the four kinds of events of the UML? Explain them in brief b) What are the various kinds of components? Explain the components and interfaces with a neat sketch ***** 1 of 1 for for more:more:- Set No: 2 Code No: V3227/R07 III B.Tech II Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2012 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) Explain the various phases of Software development life cycle with a neat sketch b) Explain the Modeling a System’s architecture with diagram 2. a) What are the structural diagrams? Explain b) Explain how to Model the primitive types of a system. 3. a) Explain the class diagram and its components with a neat sketch b) Explain the interface with its graphical representation 4. a)What are the common mechanisms in the UML b) What are the various levels of visibility of a classifier? 5. Write short notes on the following a) Use cases and actors b) Use cases and flow of events 6. a) Explain the component diagram with a neat sketch b) What are the activity diagrams? Explain with an example 7. a) What are the four kinds of events of the UML? Explain them in brief b) Write short notes on the following i) Time and change events ii) Sending and receiving events 8. a) Draw the use case diagram to show the functions of a “cellular phone” b) Explain the deployment diagram with a neat sketch ***** 1 of 1 for for more:more:- Set No: 3 Code No: V3227/R07 III B.Tech II Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2012 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) Explain the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) from the UML perspective. b) What are the various kinds of Relationships in the UML? 2. a) Explain how to Model the vocabulary of a system. b) Explain how to Model the single inheritance 3. a)Explain the class diagram and its components with a neat sketch b) How to conduct the forward engineer a class diagram? 4. a)Explain the dependency relationship in the object Oriented modeling b) Explain the Generalization relationship in the object Oriented modeling 5. Write short notes on the following a) Sequence diagrams b) Discuss the activity states and action states of the Activity diagrams 6. a)What are the state machines? Explain a state machine with a diagram b) Write short notes on the following i) States ii) Transitions 7. a) Write short notes on the following i) Communication ii) synchronization b) Explain the state chart diagrams with a neat sketch. 8. a) What is a component? Explain the components and classes with a neat sketch b) What are the various kinds of components? ***** 1 of 1 for for more:more:- Set No: 4 Code No: V3227/R07 III B.Tech II Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2012 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a)What are the various kinds of Relationships in the UML b) What are the various kinds of diagrams in the UML? 2. a) Explain how to Model the non software things of a system. b) What are the structural diagrams? Explain 3. a)Explain how to Model the logical database schema using the class diagrams b) Explain how to Model the simple collaborations using the class diagrams 4. a)What are the types and Roles of an Interface? Explain b) Explain the generalization among packages with UML diagram. 5. Write short notes on the following a) Use cases and collaborations b) Organizing the use cases 6. a)What are the activity diagrams? Explain with an example b) Write short notes on the following i) Advanced states and transitions ii) sub states. 7. a)What are the four kinds of events of the UML? Explain them in brief b)What are the state machines? Explain a state machine with a diagram 8. a) Explain on how to model the inter process communication. b) Explain the state chart diagrams with a neat sketch. ***** 1 of 1 Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Explain the following with UML notation i. behavioral things ii. Grouping things iii. Annotational things (b) Define software architecture. Explain the 4+1 view model of systems architecture. (c) Define using relationship. Give UML notation. [6+7+3] 2. (a) Explain the UML’s behavior diagrams. (b) Briefly explain the following relationships with UML notation i. ii. iii. iv. Using Realization Simple aggregation Composite aggregation (c) Contrast is-a relationship with has-a relationship. [6+8+2] 3. Enumerate the steps to model object structures. Illustrate with an object diagram. [16] 4. Explain the sequence diagram and collaboration diagram and draw an example diagram for each one. [16] 5. What are the common uses of use case diagrams? Consider any two modeling issues and draw relevant use case diagrams. Explain briefly. [16] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the following: i. family of signals ii. exceptions (b) Explain the four kinds of events modeld by UML. 7. (a) Define node. Contrast node with components. (b) How are nodes organized? (c) Enumerate the steps to model processors and devices. 1 of 2 [6+10] Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 (d) Draw a UML diagram to illustrate modeling processors and devices. Explain briefly. [4x4=16] 8. (a) Draw the use case diagram for the library system and explain the relationships. [6] (b) What are the packages in the Library system? explain ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 [10] Set No. 2 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Pick the ones that are related. Justify. i. ii. iii. iv. Behavioral things, verbs Structural things, nouns Generalization, specialization, adjectives Associations, verbs. (b) Explain the following briefly. i. class/object dichotomy ii. interface Vs. implementation. (c) Explain the various relationships in UML briefly. [8+4+4] 2. (a) Contrast interface inheritance with class inheritance. (b) Define interface. Contrast it with abstract class. (c) How do you inter relate interfaces, types and roles? [4+4+8] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model simple collaborations. (b) Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. (c) What is class diagram? [6+8+2] 4. Consider the usecase “withdraw amount” related to ATM transaction modeling. Draw both the interaction diagrams for the usecase. Explain briefly. [16] 5. (a) Enumerate the properties of a well-structural use case. (b) A retail system will interact with customers who place and track orders. Give UML diagram that uses various use cases. (c) Define use case. Enumerate the steps to model the behavior of an element. [5+5+6] 6. (a) Contrast action with activity. Define state and event. What are the various parts of a state? Explain briefly. (b) Define signal. [14+2] 7. (a) Enumerate the steps to model adaptable systems. Illustrate with a UML diagram. 1 of 2 Set No. 2 Code No: R05310502 (b) Enumerate the steps to model an executable release. Illustrate with a UML diagram. (c) What are the common uses of component diagrams? 8. (a) Write a Java program for the Loan class (b) Draw a deployment diagram for the library system [6+8+2] [8] [3] (c) Draw a class diagram showing architectural overview of the library system [5] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. Define the following: (a) use case driven (b) architecture centric (c) iterative process (d) Incremental process (e) stakeholder (f) artifact (g) usecase (h) Active class. [16] 2. (a) Contrast interface inheritance with class inheritance. (b) Define interface. Contrast it with abstract class. (c) How do you inter relate interfaces, types and roles? [4+4+8] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. Give all example class diagrams. (b) Explain the common uses of class diagrams briefly. [12+4] 4. (a) What is sequence diagram? What is collaboration diagram? What are the features in each one? (b) What are the properties and common uses of sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams? [10+6] 5. (a) Sketch the use case diagram for modeling a hospital information system aimed at collecting and storing complete information pertaining to the patients treatment history and disease behavior where actors could be doctor, lab technician, patient, duty nurse, receptionist, visitors etc. (b) What are the contents and common uses of activity diagrams? (c) Contrast: action state Vs. activity state. How are forking and joining used in activity diagram. Illustrate. [6+4+6] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess communication (IPC). 1 of 2 Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 (b) Draw a UML diagram which models IPC in a distributed reservation system with processes spread across four nodes. Briefly explain. (c) What are the characteristics of a well-structured active class and active object? [4+8+4] 7. (a) Enumerate the steps to model adaptable systems. Illustrate with a UML diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to model an executable release. Illustrate with a UML diagram. (c) What are the common uses of component diagrams? 8. (a) Draw a sequence diagram for the Add title use case [6+8+2] [4] (b) For coding, the specifications are fetched from which diagrams in the design model? explain [6] (c) Draw class diagram for use interface classes in the functions menu and explain [6] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 4 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Define object identity. What is oid uniqueness principle? (b) What is model? What are the aims of modeling? (c) What are the principles of modeling? (d) What is UML? Define. [5+5+4+2] 2. (a) Enumerate the steps to model different views of a system. (b) Enumerate the steps to model complex views. (c) Define idiom. Enumerate the steps to model structural relationships. [6+6+4] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model simple collaborations. (b) Enumerate the steps to model object structures. [6+10] 4. Explain the sequence diagram and collaboration diagram and draw an example diagram for each one. [16] 5. (a) Explain the following standard stereotypes that adorn the ends of links. i. ii. iii. iv. v. association self global local parameter. (b) Briefly write about messages and sequencing with an illustrative diagram. [10+6] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the distribution of objects. Explain briefly considering a UML diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess communication. [10+6] 7. (a) What are the properties of a well-structured component diagram? (b) What are the contents, common properties and common uses of component diagrams? Explain briefly. [4+12] 8. (a) Draw the use case diagram for the library system and explain the relationships. [6] (b) Draw a sequence diagram for the use cse Lend Item and explain 1 of 2 [5] Set No. 4 Code No: R05310502 (c) Draw a collabortion diagram for the add Title use case and explain ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 [5] Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Explain briefly runtime polymorphism illustrating a program in Java or C++. (b) What are the principles of modeling? (c) Explain the antisymmetric and transitive properties of aggregation. [8+4+4] 2. (a) Explain any three features used in creating abstractions. (b) Enumerate the steps to model the vocabulary of a system. (c) Write a simple JAVA applet for printing “Hello, World!” in a web browser. [6+6+4] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to forward engineer a class diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to reverse engineer a class diagram. (c) What are forward engineering and reverse engineering? [8+6+2] 4. (a) What is sequence diagram? What is collaboration diagram? What are the features in each one? (b) What are the properties and common uses of sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams? [10+6] 5. (a) Sketch the use case diagram for modeling a hospital information system aimed at collecting and storing complete information pertaining to the patients treatment history and disease behavior where actors could be doctor, lab technician, patient, duty nurse, receptionist, visitors etc. (b) What are the contents and common uses of activity diagrams? (c) Contrast: action state Vs. activity state. How are forking and joining used in activity diagram. Illustrate. [6+4+6] 6. (a) Give the sketch of a state machine for the controller in a home security system, which is responsible for monitoring various sensors around the perimeter of the house. Briefly explain. (b) Explain the following parts of a transition i. Event trigger. ii. Guard condition. [12+4] 7. Enumerate the steps to model the following. Illustrate UML diagrams and explain briefly. 1 of 2 Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 (a) Modeling processes and devices. (b) Modeling distribution of components. [16] 8. (a) Write a Java program for the Loan class (b) Draw a deployment diagram for the library system (c) Draw a class diagram showing architectural overview of the library system [8+3+5] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 2 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. Explain briefly about the various diagrams in UML. [16] 2. (a) Explain any three features used in creating abstractions. (b) Enumerate the steps to model the vocabulary of a system. (c) Write a simple JAVA applet for printing “Hello, World!” in a web browser. [6+6+4] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. Give all example class diagrams. (b) Explain the common uses of class diagrams briefly. [12+4] 4. (a) Draw a collaboration diagram that specifies the flow of control involved in registering a new student at a school. Explain. (b) Explain forward engineering and reverse engineering of interaction diagrams. [12+4] 5. (a) Consider an automated soda machine that gives cool drinks. Draw a use case model of the soda machine. (b) Draw an extended use case diagram for the soda machine example depicting the ‘extend’, ‘include’ and generalization relationships. [8+8] 6. (a) Illustrate modeling family of signals and modeling exceptions with UML diagrams. (b) Define event and signal. What are the four kinds of events modeled by UML? [10+6] 7. (a) Enumerate the steps to model an executable release. (b) What are the contents, common properties and common uses of component diagrams? Explain briefly. [4+12] 8. (a) Draw activity diagram to inform a person when a loan is due and explain (b) Draw activity diagram to remove reservations after a specified amount of time and explain [8+8] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1 of 1 Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) What is genericity? (b) Enumerate the principle of modeling. (c) Enumerate any six artifacts. (d) Briefly explain the extensibility mechanisms in UML. [3+4+3+6] 2. (a) Briefly explain any four standard constraints that apply to generalization relationships. (b) Briefly explain the four adornments that apply to all association. (c) What is the stereotype applied to generalization relationships? Give a brief. [6+8+2] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to forward engineer a class diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to reverse engineer a class diagram. (c) What are forward engineering and reverse engineering? [8+6+2] 4. (a) What is sequence diagram? What is collaboration diagram? What are the features in each one? (b) What are the properties and common uses of sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams? [10+6] 5. (a) Sketch the use case diagram for modeling a hospital information system aimed at collecting and storing complete information pertaining to the patients treatment history and disease behavior where actors could be doctor, lab technician, patient, duty nurse, receptionist, visitors etc. (b) What are the contents and common uses of activity diagrams? (c) Contrast: action state Vs. activity state. How are forking and joining used in activity diagram. Illustrate. [6+4+6] 6. (a) What area various parts of a transition. Explain briefly. (b) Define event and signal. What are the four kinds of events modeled by UML? [10+6] 7. (a) Enumerate the steps to model adaptable systems. Illustrate with a UML diagram. 1 of 2 Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 (b) Enumerate the steps to model an executable release. Illustrate with a UML diagram. (c) What are the common uses of component diagrams? [6+8+2] 8. (a) Draw the use case diagram for the library system and explain the relationships. (b) Draw a sequence diagram for the use cse Lend Item and explain (c) Draw a collabortion diagram for the add Title use case and explain [6+5+5] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 4 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) What are the various views considered in modeling a system’s architecture? Explain. (b) What is the UML approach to software development life cycle? Explain the various phases. [8+8] 2. (a) Enumerate the steps to model webs of relationships. (b) Contrast simple aggregation with composite aggregation. What is association class? (c) Illustrate with examples how realization is used to specify the relationships between the following. i. Interface Vs. Class ii. Interface component. [9+5+2] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model simple collaborations. Give an example class diagram. (b) What are the contents in class diagram? [12+4] 4. (a) What are interaction diagrams? What are their contents and common properties? Define semantic equivalence between two kinds of interaction diagrams. (b) Enumerate the steps to model flows of control by time ordering. [8+8] 5. (a) What are the properties of well-structured use cases? (b) Enumerate the steps to model the requirements of a system. (c) Consider a retail system that interacts with customers who place and track orders. In turn, the system will ship orders and bill the customers. Model the behavior of the system will ship orders and bill the customers. Model the behavior of the system by declaring the behaviors as use cases. [4+6+6] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the distribution of objects. Explain briefly considering a UML diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess communication. [10+6] 7. (a) Define component. What are the differences between components and classes? How are component and interface related? (b) What are the properties of components? 1 of 2 Set No. 4 Code No: R05310502 (c) What are standard stereotypes UML defines that apply to components.[8+4+4] 8. (a) Draw the use case diagram for the library system and explain the relationships. (b) What are the packages in the Library system? explain ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 [6+10] Code No: 07A6EC09 R07 Set No. 2 in III B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering, Computer Science And Systems Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? ld . 1. (a) Briefly discuss about boundary classes, control classes and entity classes. Give suitable examples for them. (b) Draw an object diagram for a company information system. [8+8] 2. (a) What is meant by constraints and tagged values? Discuss when they can be used, and also give suitable examples to show their usage. or (b) What is meant by dependency and realization relationships? For what purpose they are used, give suitable examples to describe their usage. [8+8] 3. (a) Draw statechart diagram for unified library application. (b) Draw the sequence diagram for library management system. [8+8] uW 4. (a) How will you model distribution of objects. (b) What is an event? What are different types of events? [8+8] 5. (a) What is a synchronization bar? What is its significance? (b) How branching is represented in activity diagram. Elaborate on it. [8+8] 6. (a) What do you mean by component? What is component diagram? Explain with an example. nt (b) How will you reverse engineer or forward engineer a component diagram. [8+8] 7. (a) What is meant by a classifier? Discuss how to choose right kind of classifier. (b) What are the various kinds of visibilities that can be specified for attributes and operations of a class? Explain them with a suitable example. [8+8] Aj 8. For a railway reservation system, draw possible sequence diagram and convert the same into a collaboration diagram. And also discuss the possibility of forward engineering of it. [16] ????? 1 Code No: 07A6EC09 R07 Set No. 4 in III B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering, Computer Science And Systems Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? ld . 1. (a) What do you mean by component? What is the difference between components and classes? (b) What are the different kinds of components? Explain. [8+8] 2. (a) State the four principles of modeling and explain them in detail. (b) State and explain various advantages of Object Oriented approach over conventional approach in developing a software project. [8+8] or 3. (a) What is an event? What are different types of events? (b) What is a signal? Explain with suitable examples. [8+8] 4. (a) State various categories of messages that can be specified in a sequence diagram. Give suitable examples. uW (b) What is meant by message sequencing? Discuss its importance and also explain how it will be done when active objects are involved in an object interaction diagram. [8+8] 5. (a) What are the different ways of organizing use cases? (b) Distinguish between action states and activity states. [8+8] 6. (a) Draw activity diagram for unified library application. Explain it. nt (b) Draw a diagram for library system that emphasizes on event-ordered behavior of an object. [8+8] Aj 7. (a) What is meant by abstraction? What are the various levels of abstraction in a software project development? Discuss how to model different levels of abstraction in the UML. (b) What is meant by a diagram? How many diagrams that the UML supports? Is this list of diagrams are sufficient for modeling any complex software project? Justify your answer. [8+8] 8. Write a class diagram for a school information system. Specify clearly relationships among classes, attributes and operations in each class. Write the sample code which will be generated by forward engineering of this class diagram. [16] ????? 2 Code No: 07A6EC09 R07 Set No. 1 1. (a) Draw object diagram for a library information system. in III B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering, Computer Science And Systems Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? ld . (b) How many object diagrams that may be possible from a class diagram? Justify your answer with a suitable example. [8+8] 2. (a) Explain history states. (b) What is a signal? Explain with suitable examples. or 3. (a) Explain components in detail. (b) How do you model a client/server system. [8+8] [8+8] 4. (a) Discuss how to model flows of control by organization and give a suitable example to it. uW (b) Explain the process of forward and reverse engineering of object interaction diagrams. [8+8] 5. (a) Explain the Association, Generalization and Realization relationships. Give suitable examples on which context these relationships are specified. (b) List various diagrams that the UML contains. Explain any four of them briefly. [8+8] nt 6. (a) What is meant by dependency relationship? State and explain various stereotypes that apply to dependency relationships among classes. (b) What are the stereotypes that apply to dependency relationships among packages? Explain their usage with suitable examples. [8+8] 7. (a) What is a synchronization bar? What is its significance? Aj (b) Give activity diagram for library management system. [8+8] 8. (a) Draw use case diagram for library management system. (b) Draw structural diagrams for library application. ????? 3 [4+12] Code No: 07A6EC09 R07 Set No. 3 (b) How do you model an embedded system. [8+8] ld . 1. (a) What are the common uses of component diagrams? in III B.Tech II Semester Examinations,APRIL 2011 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering, Computer Science And Systems Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 2. (a) Discuss about structural things and behavioral things of the UML and also give suitable examples. or (b) Discuss briefly about the UML diagrams which can be used to model the behavioral aspects of a system. [8+8] 3. (a) What are behavioral diagrams in the UML? Discuss them briefly. (b) What are the UML diagrams that can be used in the logical view of a system? Explain them briefly. [8+8] uW 4. State and explain the common modeling techniques of class diagrams. Give appropriate examples. [16] 5. (a) What are the common modeling techniques of interaction diagrams? Explain them with suitable examples. (b) Define the terms Message, Link and Sequencing. Draw a sample object interaction by using these concepts. [8+8] 6. (a) Give activity diagram for hospital management system. nt (b) What is object flow? Explain. [8+8] 7. (a) Explain the five parts of transitions(between two states). (b) How will you model distribution of objects. [8+8] Aj 8. (a) Draw structural diagrams for library application. (b) Draw activity diagram for unified library application. Explain it. ????? 4 [8+8] .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 1 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S ddIIS ddIIS ddIIS n III B.Tech II a Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010an n n a a U . U U OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .U . . w w w ( Common & Engineering andw Information w wwwwwto Computer Science w w Technology) Time: 3 hours gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 1. gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d (a) Pick the ones thatn are related. Justify. n n n a a a a U U . . U U i. Behavioral things, verbs ww. things, nouns ww. w w ii. Structural w w wwiii. Generalization, specialization, adjectives ww iv. Associations, verbs. gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S I I S S I I d d d d n n (c) Explain the various [8+4+4] nrelationships in UML briefly. n a a a a U U . . U U wwany. twelve stereotypes that may be applied toww ww. relation2. Brieflyw explain dependency w ww ww ships. [16] (b) Explain the following briefly. i. class/object dichotomy ii. interface Vs. implementation. 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model simple collaborations. Give an example class diagram. rrgg o . o . r r 4. a t a t S ddIIS gg5. r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS rrgg rrgg [12+4] o o . . o o . . r r r sequence and collaboration diagrams. Statar a t a t (a) What is semantic equivalence between S IIS interaction diagrams. I IS d d d d n n (b) Explain the following illustrating n n aa aa U U . . U U . . i. Focus of control w w w w w w w wwii. object lifeline ww w iii. path (b) What are the contents in class diagram? iv. Dewey decimal numbering. [3+13] gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a i. association t t a a t t IS IS S S I I ii. self d d d d n n n n aa iii. global Ua a U . . U U . . ww ww iv. local w w w w wwv. parameter. ww (a) Explain the following standard stereotypes that adorn the ends of links. (b) Briefly write about messages and sequencing with an illustrative diagram. [10+6] gg6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess ggcommunication (IPC). gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 1 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 1 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S IISmodels IPC in a distributed reservation system IIS ddIIS d d d d n n (b) Draw a UML diagram which n n aspread aa a across four nodes. Briefly explain. .U U . U U with processes . . w w w w w w w (c) What are the characteristics of a well-structured active class object? ww ww andwactive[4+8+4] 7. Enumerate the steps to model the following. Illustrate with UML diagrams and explain briefly gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 8. gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. (a) Tables, files and documents ta a t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d (b) API d d n n n n[16] a a a a U U (c) Source code. . . U U . . w w w w w w w w (a) Draw and explain sequence diagram for the searchw facility of the objects, so ww w that ”wild card” characters can be used when searching for titles, authors, or borrowers. [8+8] g gg g r r r r o o . . o o r?r?. rr. a a t t a a t t ? ? ? S S IIS IIS d d d d n n n n a a a a U U . . U U ww. ww. w w w w ww ww (b) Write Java program for the search facility rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S IIS I IS d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg gg gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 2 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 2 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S ddIIS ddIIS ddIIS n III B.Tech II a Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010an n n a a U . U U OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .U . . w w w ( Common & Engineering andw Information w wwwwwto Computer Science w w Technology) Time: 3 hours gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 1. Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d (a) Why is it necessary to have a variety of diagrams in a model of a system? n n n n a a a a U U . . U U (b) Whichw UML dynamic . diagrams give a static view and which givewa w . view of a w w w system? w w ww ww (c) Consider a computer-based system that plays chess with a user. Which UML diagrams would be helpful in designing the system? Why? gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS 2. gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t [4x4=16] S S IIS IIS d d d d n n n with class inheritance. n a a (a) Contrast interface inheritance a a U U . . U U . Contrast it with abstract class. www. (b) Definew interface. w w w ww ww [4+4+8] (c) How do you inter relate interfaces, types and roles?w (d) Contrast the following: i. Actors Vs. Stakeholders ii. Usecase Vs. Algorithm. 3. (a) Illustrate the following modeling issues with class diagrams. rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS 4. rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t (b) What are the contents in class diagrams? [12+4] S S IIS I IS d d d d n n n n aaa railway reservation system. Consider the use aa“spec(a) Consider modeling case U U . . U U . . ify ticket wwdetails” and draw a sequence diagram. Explainwwbriefly. ww w w ww ww the use case “buy (b) Consider modeling a railway reservation system. Consider i. Modeling simple collaborations ii. Modeling logical database schema. ticket” and draw a collaboration diagram. Explain briefly. [8+8] 5. What are the common uses of use case diagrams? Consider any two modeling issues g g gg and draw relevant use case diagrams. Explainrr briefly. [16] g g r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. 6. Explain the following advanced features rrof.states and transitions. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS S S IS I I ddIS d d d d n n n n (a) entry and exit a actions aa a U U . . U U . . (b) internal wwtransitions ww w w w w ww ww (c) activities (d) deferred events (e) substates, nested states, composite state g gg gg g r r r r r r (f) concurrent substates o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 1 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 2 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S IIS IIS ddIIS d d d d n n (g) sequential substates n n aa aa U U . . U U . . (h) history states. [16] ww ww w w w w wWhat are the characteristics of the following: ww 7. (a) w gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 8. i. Well-structured deployment diagram ii. Well-structured component diagram. gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. diagrams? rr. a a t t a a t t (c) What are the common uses of deployment [8+5+3] IS IS S S I I d d d d n n n are fetched from which diagrams.U n a (a) For coding, thea specifications in the design a a U . U U . model? wwexplain ww. w w w w ww ww (b) What are the packages in the Library system? explain [6+10] (b) Enumerate the steps to reverse engineer a deployment diagram. gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S IIS IIS d d d d n n n n a a a a U U . . U U ww. ww. w w w w ww ww rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S IIS I IS d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww ????? gg gg gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 2 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 3 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S ddIIS ddIIS ddIIS n III B.Tech II a Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010an n n a a U . U U OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .U . . w w w ( Common & Engineering andw Information w wwwwwto Computer Science w w Technology) Time: 3 hours gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 1. gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS 2. rrgg3. o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS 4. gg r r o . o rr. a t a t 5. IS ddIS Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d n n (a) Pick the ones that are related. Justify. n n a a a a U U . . U U . things, verbs . i. Behavioral w w w w w w w w things, nouns w wwiii.ii. Structural w Generalization, specialization, adjectives iv. Associations, verbs. gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. i. class/object dichotomy arr. a t t a a t t S S ii. interface Vs. implementation. IIS IIS d d d d n n nrelationships in UML briefly. n a a (c) Explain the various [8+4+4] a a U U . . U U ww.the steps to model different views of a system. ww. (a) Enumerate w w w w ww ww (b) Enumerate the steps to model complex views. (b) Explain the following briefly. (c) Define idiom. Enumerate the steps to model structural relationships. [6+6+4] rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S IofIS I IS (b) What are the properties a well-structured object diagram? [9+7] d d d d n n n n aaequivalence between sequence and collaboration aa (a) What is semantic diagrams. U U . . U U . . wwthe following illustrating interaction diagrams.wwww w (b) Explain w wwi. Focus of control ww (a) Enumerate the steps to reverse engineer class diagrams and to reverse engineer object diagrams. ii. object lifeline iii. path iv. Dewey decimal numbering. gg gg r r r r o o [3+13] . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S (a) Draw a use case diagram toS model the behavior of a cellular phone. Explain I I S I I d d d d n n briefly. n n aa aa U U . . U U . . (b) Whatw are the contexts, common properties and common uses wwof use case diaw w w w w grams. ww ww (c) Enumerate the steps to model the context of a system. [6+6+4] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the lifetime of an object. g ggstate. gg g r r r r r r (b) Compare: substates, nested states, . composite [14+2] o o o . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 1 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 3 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S IIS IS executables and libraries. ddIIS dtodImodel d d n n 7. (a) Enumerate thea steps n n aa a U U . . U U . . (b) Enumerate ww the steps to model the following ww w w w w wwi. Tables, files, and documents ww gg r r o . o rr. 8. a t a t IS ddIS ii. API iii. Source code. gg gg [4+9+3] r r r r o o . . o o . in the functions menu and explain tatarr. rrclasses a t a (a) Draw class diagram for use interface t IS IS S S I I d d d d (b) Draw a componentn diagram for the library system and explain n n n a a a a U U . . U U (c) Draw w a class model . diagram of business objects in the design w wwand. explain w w [6+5+5] w w ww ww (c) What are the characteristics of well-structured components? ????? gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S IIS IIS d d d d n n n n a a a a U U . . U U ww. ww. w w w w ww ww rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S IIS I IS d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg gg gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 2 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 4 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S ddIIS ddIIS ddIIS n III B.Tech II a Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010an n n a a U . U U OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .U . . w w w ( Common & Engineering andw Information w wwwwwto Computer Science w w Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? gg gg gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS S S IS I I ddIS d d d d n 1. Define the following:an n n a a a U U . . U U . wwarchitecture ww. (a) software w w w w ww ww (b) Active class and its UML notation (c) Usecase and its UML notation gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS 2. gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t a t (f) Runtime polymorphism St ta S IIS IIS d d d d n n (g) UML n n a a a a U U . . U U (h) Role. w . ww. [16] w w w w w ww w (a) Enumerate the steps to model architectural views. w (d) Liskov’s substitution principle (e) Using relationship (b) What are the characteristics of a well-structured packages? rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S 3. ddIIS 4. gg5. r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS 6. rrgg rrgg o o [4+6+4+2] . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S (a) Consider a library information IIS system and draw class diagram. nddIIS d d n n n a a (b) Consider reverse engineering all object diagram. List the steps. [8+8] a a U U ..Upolymorphism in collaboration diagrams. ww..U w w (a) Describe about w ww w w w w w (b) What are the contents and common uses of interaction diagrams? (c) Give an example UML diagram that depicts all the four relationships. (d) Contrast is-a relationship with has-a relationship. (c) Compare and contrast the two kinds of interaction diagrams. [6+6+4] gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S I I S S (b) Enumerate the steps d involved in forward engineering and reverse engineering I I d d d n n of use case diagrams. [7+9] n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww wwwhich can be (a) Define event and signal. What are the four kinds ofw events w w w ww ww modeled by UML? Explain briefly. (a) What are the contents, common properties and common uses of use case diagrams? (b) Enumerate the steps to model a family of signals. [13+3] 7. (a) Define component. What are the differences between components and classes? g gg gg g r r r r r r How are component and interface related? o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 1 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan .. w w w www .. w w w www gCode g g g g g r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o No: V3227/R07 Set No. 4 . . . r r r r r r a a a t t t a a a t t t S S S IofIS IIS ddIIS d d d d n n (b) What are the properties components? n n aa aa U U . . U U . . (c) Whatw are standard stereotypes UML defines that apply to components.[8+4+4] ww w w w w w wDraw and explain sequence diagram for the searchwfacility w of the objects, so 8. (a) w gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS that ”wild card” characters can be used when searching for titles, authors, or borrowers. gg gg [8+8] r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I ????? d d d d n n n n a a a a U U . . U U ww. ww. w w w w ww ww (b) Write Java program for the search facility gg r r o . o rr. a t a t S ddIIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t S S IIS IIS d d d d n n n n a a a a U U . . U U ww. ww. w w w w ww ww rrgg o . o . r r a t a t S ddIIS rrgg rrgg o o . . o o . . r r r r a a t t a a t t S S IIS I IS d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg r r o . o rr. a t a t IS ddIS gg gg r r r r o o . . o o rr. rr. a a t t a a t t IS IS S S I I d d d d n n n n aa aa U U . . U U . . ww ww w w w w ww ww gg gg gg r r r r r r o o o . . . o o o rr. rr. rr. a a a t t t a a a t t t IS IS IS S S IS purchase PDF Split-Merge on I I 2 to of remove 2 ddPlease d d this watermark. d d n n .UUaan .UUaan Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Why is it necessary to have a variety of diagrams in a model of a system? (b) Which UML diagrams give a static view and which give a dynamic view of a system? (c) Consider a computer-based system that plays chess with a user. Which UML diagrams would be helpful in designing the system? Why? (d) Contrast the following: i. Actors Vs. Stakeholders ii. Usecase Vs. Algorithm. [4x4=16] 2. (a) Explain the following: i. ii. iii. iv. Role Multiplicity has-a relationship Generalization (b) Define idiom. Enumerate the steps to model structural relationships. (c) Define the following: i. Stereotype ii. Tagged value [8+6+2] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. Give all example class diagrams. (b) Explain the common uses of class diagrams briefly. [12+4] 4. (a) How is recursion represented in a sequence diagram? (b) Explain the following with regard to interaction diagrams. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Object life line ≪create≫ and ≪destroy≫ messages Focus of control Dewey decimal numbering Nesting of tours of control Semantic equivalence. 1 of 2 [4+12] Set No. 1 Code No: R05310502 5. (a) How is activity diagram used to model an operation. Enumerate the steps. Give an example diagram and explain briefly. (b) Enumerate the steps to model a workflow with reference to activity diagrams. [8+8] 6. (a) Give the sketch of a state machine for the controller in a home security system, which is responsible for monitoring various sensors around the perimeter of the house. Briefly explain. (b) Explain the following parts of a transition i. Event trigger. ii. Guard condition. [12+4] 7. (a) What are the contents, common properties and common uses of component diagrams. Briefly explain. (b) Enumerate the steps to model source code using component diagrams. [12+4] 8. (a) Write a Java program for the Loan class [8] (b) Draw activity diagram to inform a person when a loan is due and explain [8] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 2 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Explain briefly about usecase, sequence, component and deployment diagrams. (b) Explain the UML approach to SDLC. [8+8] 2. (a) What is generalization/ specialization hierarchy. Give an example diagram. (b) Give example diagrams for UML notation of various relationships in UML, one for each relationship. (c) Give an example diagram in UML that depicts all the four relationships. (d) Contrast: dependency Vs. association. [4+6+4+2] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to model simple collaborations. (b) Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. (c) What is class diagram? [6+8+2] 4. Consider the usecase “withdraw amount” related to ATM transaction modeling. Draw both the interaction diagrams for the usecase. Explain briefly. [16] 5. (a) Draw a use case diagram to model the behavior of a cellular phone. Explain briefly. (b) What are the contexts, common properties and common uses of use case diagrams. (c) Enumerate the steps to model the context of a system. [6+6+4] 6. (a) Contrast realtime system with distributed system. (b) What is the UML notation for the following. Explain briefly. i. timing marks ii. time expressions iii. timing constraints. (c) Enumerate the steps to model objects that migrate. [3+9+4] 7. (a) Enumerate the steps to model source code. Illustrate with a diagram in UML notation. (b) Enumerate the steps to model an executable release. Illustrate with a UML diagram. [8+8] 1 of 2 Set No. 2 Code No: R05310502 8. (a) For coding, the specifications are fetched from which diagrams in the design model? explain [6] (b) What are the packages in the Library system? explain ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 [10] Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Why is it necessary to have a variety of diagrams in a model of a system? (b) Which UML diagrams give a static view and which give a dynamic view of a system? (c) Consider a computer-based system that plays chess with a user. Which UML diagrams would be helpful in designing the system? Why? (d) Contrast the following: i. Actors Vs. Stakeholders ii. Usecase Vs. Algorithm. [4x4=16] 2. (a) Briefly explain any four standard constraints that apply to generalization relationships. (b) Briefly explain the four adornments that apply to all association. (c) What is the stereotype applied to generalization relationships? Give a brief. [6+8+2] 3. (a) Draw a class diagram that depicts the various relationships in UML. (b) What are the common properties and uses of class diagrams? (c) What are the contents in class diagrams? [6+6+4] 4. (a) Describe about polymorphism in collaboration diagrams. (b) Explain iterated messages and use of self in messages. (c) List out any four differences between the two kinds of interaction diagrams. [6+6+4] 5. (a) Explain the following standard stereotypes that adorn the ends of links. i. ii. iii. iv. v. association self global local parameter. (b) Briefly write about messages and sequencing with an illustrative diagram. [10+6] 1 of 2 Set No. 3 Code No: R05310502 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the distribution of objects. Explain briefly considering a UML diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess communication. [10+6] 7. (a) Define component. What are the differences between components and classes? How are component and interface related? (b) What are the properties of components? (c) What are standard stereotypes UML defines that apply to components.[8+4+4] 8. (a) Draw class diagram for use interface classes in the functions menu and explain [6] (b) Draw a component diagram for the library system and explain [5] (c) Draw a class diagram of business objects in the design model and explain [5] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 2 of 2 Set No. 4 Code No: R05310502 III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) What is genericity? Enumerate the principle of modeling. Enumerate any six artifacts. Briefly explain the extensibility mechanisms in UML. 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) Enumerate the steps to model architectural views. What are the characteristics of a well-structured packages? Give an example UML diagram that depicts all the four relationships. Contrast is-a relationship with has-a relationship. [4+6+4+2] 3. (a) Enumerate the steps to forward engineer a class diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to reverse engineer a class diagram. (c) What are forward engineering and reverse engineering? [3+4+3+6] [8+6+2] 4. (a) What are interaction diagrams? What are their contents and common properties? Define semantic equivalence between two kinds of interaction diagrams. (b) Enumerate the steps to model flows of control by time ordering. [8+8] 5. (a) Draw a use case diagram to model the behavior of a cellular phone. Explain briefly. (b) What are the contexts, common properties and common uses of use case diagrams. (c) Enumerate the steps to model the context of a system. [6+6+4] 6. (a) Enumerate the steps to model the distribution of objects. Explain briefly considering a UML diagram. (b) Enumerate the steps to model interprocess communication. [10+6] 7. (a) What are the properties of a well-structured component diagram? (b) What are the contents, common properties and common uses of component diagrams? Explain briefly. [4+12] 8. (a) Write a Java program for the Loan class [8] (b) Draw a deployment diagram for the library system [3] (c) Draw a class diagram showing architectural overview of the library system [5] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1 of 1