029010 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK Agenda ror the Meeting of May 2, 1996 Salisbury Center··8:00 p.m. I. DETE~ATION II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF A QUORUM AND CALL TO ORDER April 17, 1996 III. COMMUNICATIONS IV. ITEMS FOR ACTION A. Facilities B. Fanance 1. Adoption of Resolutions Cor Rental Aan:emenlS As required by Section 1950 (4y) of me Education Law. the Board is asked to adopt R:SOlutions pertaining to the following rental agreements (copies attached): Estimated [)esc' • Period Amount opuon Lessor 95196·011 95196·012 Show Mobile Show Mobile Town of Hempstead Department of Parks Town of Hempstead Depanment of Parks 6120196 $120 6114196 .un IOTAL: lli!l 2. ApproynJ of Bid The Board is asked to approve the award of the following bid to dlC lowest responsible bidder meeung specifications as recommended in the attached bid resume report: Estimated pe:;cription amount t:W.. Continuous Checks (Printing) 96197-078 $16.465 3. Rejection of Bid The Board is asked to approve the rejection of the following bid. as recommended in the attached bid rejection report: Ho.. Description 95196-095 REBID #1 Modular Classroom Building. Cannan Road School (779011 Agenda-May 2,1996 2 4. Approyal of Blanket Purchase Amwmenl (BPA) The Board is asked to approve the award of the following blanket purchase agreement to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications, as recommended in the attached blanket purchase agreement resume repon: Estimated t1g,. Description Period Amount 96/97-031 Licensed Unifonned Unarmed 513/96Guard Service (Cooperative BPA) 5/2197 ·$70,000 for BOCES S. Authorization for Additional Exgenditures and Extension of Dates from Exjstini Blanket Purchase Aw:ements CBPAsl In accordance with the attached cOlTCSpondence, the Board is asked to authorize the additional expenditures and extension of dates from existing blanket purchase agreements as indicated below: Estimated lia.. Description Period AmouDI 93/94-010 94/95-008 ••• REBID Building & Grounds Equipment & Supplies (Cooperative BPA), Ext.,1) Classroom & Office Furniture (Cooperative BPA). Ext.,1) 5/3196S/2197 $100.000· 5/3196SI2197 1.OOOJ)()Q. • TOfAL: $1.100·000 $15.000 for BacES S 172.000 for BOCES 6. n. Bydec' AdjustmcnlsuPrio[ Approypl (oyer 550,000) In nccorrlance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments," the Board is asked to approve the attached budget adjusunent request: tin. Description 95/96-27 Non-Insuuctional Computer Services Increase in revenue and related expenditures of $67.600 due co increase in district participation. b. BudKe' Adjusuneots--RatificatiQn (ynder $50,000) In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments." the Board is asked to ratify the budget adjustments for the month of May 1996. as listed on the attached schedule. and to authorize the District Superintendent or his designee to reflect such budget adjusunents in the accounts and records of the Board. 7. Adoption of a Resolution fQr Professional Service AKreewents The Board is asked to adopt a resolution for professional service agreements authorizing a comprehensive study of the BOCES organization and classification systems. Co. ~:~~.~~a _ _-=~~ __.. .................................. ~ ~ 0 ) : \ , Agenda--May 2, 1996 02901? 3 C. Personnel 1. Personnel Actions Report The Board is asked to approve the appointments, tenure appointments and. leaves of absence as detailed in the attached PersoMel Actions Report. D. Other I. Trustee Ejection The Board is asked to determine the results of the trustee election. 2. 1996'97 Administrative Bud"t Vote The Board is asked to accept the results of the vole on the 1996197 BOCES administrative budget. 3. Approval of AagemenlS The Board is asked to authorize the President (0 sign the following agreements. both of which have been approved by Counsel: a. The 1995196 Agreement for the Provision of Related Servioos to Preschool Students with a Disability (oges 3-S years), which authorizes BOCES to provide itinerant services to preschool disabled studenlS. b. An agreement with the Fanningdale Union Free School District. which sets Ihe tenns and conditions for the insuillation of instructionlll computer hardware o.nd software through the Rcgionlll Objectives Program. The Farmingdale project, which runs from April 2.1996 through June 30. 2000 represents a gross revenue to BOCES of $760.498 over this five-year period. 4. AcceP1ance of Gin The Board is IlSked to adopt the follOwing resolution: RESOL VEO. that the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County gratefully acknowledges and authorizes the administration to accept the following gifl: An Adapled Bike with an approximate value of $350 as indicated by the donor. Ms. Stacey Marquesano of Wantagh. NY. to be used in our Cannan Road School. V. nEMSFORThWORMATION A. Facilities B. rmance C. Personnel D. Other 1 O?~Ol:l Agenda-May 2, 1996 VI. SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMATION REPORT (Attached to Cover) VU. REPORT OF COUNSEL VID. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS IX. OLD BUSINESS X. NEW BUSINESS Xl. ADJOURNMENr 4 <LIMITED TO 1 HOUR> CWF:tfo Attachments BXECtIIIVB SesSION· A. Report of Counsel o • Contingent upon adoption of a motion during the pubUc ponion of the meeting in accordance with Section 105 of the Public Omcers Law. 25xlo Page 1 of O:'~01 tl 2 :rr- BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Sr ., RESOLUTION FOR RENTAL AGREEMENT BA #95/96-011 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County authorizes the purchasing Agent to enter into a rental agreement with the Town of Hempstead Department of Parks & Recreation, for the rental of a show mobile including 4 microphones, 24 chairs and 2 tables for the period 6/20/96, in the total amount of $120. The show mobile will be used for graduation ceremonies held at the Rosemary Kennedy School, Program for the Mentally Handicapped on 6/20/96. The cost of buying this equipment would be approximately $36,000. Therefore, such a rental serves the best financial interest of BOCES. 5/2/96 bel. atq. ) 02901fl paqe 2 of 2 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERV,ICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RESOLUTION FOR RENTAL AGREEMENT RA #95/96-012 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau county authorizes the Purchasing Agent to enter into a rental agree~ent with the Town of Hempstead Department of Parks , Recreation, for the rental of a show mobile-including 12 chairs and 2 microphones on 6/14/96, in the amount of $120. The show mobile will be used for graduation ceremonies held at the Rosemary Kennedy School, Center for Community Adjustment on 6/14/96. The cost of buying this equipment would be approximately $36,000. Therefore, such a rental serves the best financial interest of BOCES. 5/2/96 bd. mtCJ. j . • • : 2 >; ., 02901r. Paqe 1 of 1~ BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY 8& BID RESUME REPORT TITLE: #96/97-078 Continuous Checks (Printinq) DATE: April 19, 1996 - 2:00 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: Continuous Computer , Division's its client checks to be used by the Communications Services Data Processinq center for school districts. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who submitted bids: BIDDER 4 AMOUNT Baldwin Busines. Systems Mepco printing corporation Nashville BUaineaa Forma RGM 8usiness Products Ltd. ( 9 $16,465.00 $19,993.30 $17,589.20 $17,164.27 RECOMMENDATION: It ia recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $16,465 as indicated above. Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1995/96 budget: Account to be charged: Fund: May 2, 1996 9P 5/2/96 bd. IIltg. Yes 602-7710-300 General o ....... - --.-- 029fJ17 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BlP REJECTION REPORT TITLE: #95/96-095 REBID #1 Modular Classroom Building, Carman Road School DATE: February 6, 1996 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To lease a modular classroom building for the Special EdUcation Division's Carman Road School. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who sUbmitted bids: 11 4 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that this bid be rej.cted sine. the costa ware d••••d to be too high to justify an award. Anticipated date ot rejection: May 2, 1996 WPR:gp 5/2/96 bd. mtg. 5 U£ : $ P ; tJ o o Page 1 of 1 02901R I REVISED BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RATIFICATION OF RESOLUTION FOR RENTAL AGREEMENT RA 195/96-002. 88 IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Naasau county authorizes the Purchasing Agent to ratify a rental agr.ement with Arthur Building Systems for a modular classroom building tor a periOd of 60 months, from 7/1/96 through 6/30/01 at an average monthly amount of $10,996.73 (average annual cost $131,960.80). ShOUld there continue to be a need for the space provided by the modular building, this lease may be extended from year to year at a reduced monthly rate. The average monthly lease rate ref.lects a cost of $7,817 for the initial 60 aonth period, a one time deliver/erect cost of $160,784 and a ona ti •• de-installation cost of $30,000 at the end of the lease period. ShOUld the building be retained beyond the 60 months, the monthly rata ahall be reduced to $5,000*. This modular building, which is to be installed at the special Education Division'. Carmen Road School leased facility, is necessary to provide office and instructional space to alleviate overcrowding in the main building due to increased student enrollment & conform to I.E.P. mandatoa. Therefore, such a rental will serve the best financial interest of BOCBS. (see also Bid Resume Report #95/96-095) 5/2/96 bel. atCJ. *As Modified r ' 0 o .. c: 'i j • £1$ >~ ,1 I o Page 1 of 1 02~Ol!) I REVISED BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BID RESUME BEPORT TITLE: #95/96-095 REBID #1 Modular Classroom Building Carman Road School DATE: February 6, 1996 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide a modular classroom building at the Special Education Division's Carman Road School for a minimum lease period of 60 months from 3/29/96 thru 6/30/01 and may be extended annually for as long as there shall be a need. Number of vandors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vandors who submittad bids: 11 4 AVERAGE ANNUAL BIDDER Arthur Building Systems GE Capital Modular State of the Art Construction Corp. COST ti131, 960. seD $146,362.00 $134,992.00 Of the 4 vendors who submitted bids, 1 ia not listed above for the following reason: The scotsman Group --Bid did not meet specifications. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $659,S04 (60 month total) as indicated above. Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1995/96 budget: 96/97 thru 2000/01 budgets: Account to be charged: Fund: March 2S, 1996 Yes o ' .,\ Planned F725-0210-200 Special Aid gp , 5/2/96 bd. atg. ; -E-f" o . ] • b; 5 >? " o ) 02~020 Page 1 of 1 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY ~... BLANKET PURCHASE TITLE: AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT #96/97-031 Licensed Uniformed Unarmed Guard Service (Cooperative BPA) DATE: April 15, 1996 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide licensed, uniformed, unarmed guard service for BOCES and 8 component school districts for the period 5/3/96 thru 5/2/97, and may be extended by mutual consent for two additional oneyear periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: 13 Number of vendors who submitted bids: 6 BIDDER HOURLY RATE Absolute security Network, Inc. Professional Security Bureau, Ltd. RSM Security, Inc. Search Protective Services Security Professionals, Inc. Virgin Security Services, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications tor an amount estimated at $500,000 ($70,000 tor BOeES). Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1995/96 budget: 1996/97 budget: Accounts to be charged: Fund: Hay 2, 1996 Yes Planned Various General o gp 5/2/96 bd. mtg. - ___ ------:&=::! 2 _ •• , o . ft#i j as :I • >: ; o --- ----- ~-----~---~-.:....- 029021 page 1 of 2 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM April 22, 1996 Of/ ~~ TO: Dr. Charles W. Fowler FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures and Extension ot dates from an Existing BPA 193/94-010 REBID Building , Grounds Equipment & supplies (cooperative BPA), Extension 11 It ia recommended, as approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the May 2, 1996 Board Meeting--authorize additional expenditures ot $100,000 ($15,000 tor BOeES) and extension of dates to provide building , grounds equipment, repair parts & supplies for BOCES and 6 component school districts for the period 5/3/96 thru 5/2/97. vendQr AmQunt Public Electrical Supply Corp. Grainger $ 2,000 TOTAL: $15,QOO w.w. 13.000 WPR:qp 5/2/96 bd. mtg. \ .. J ,PI >; II [ J II 02902?, page 2 of 2 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY llil'ERQFFICE MEMORANDUM April 22, 1996 TO: Dr. Charles W. Fowler e~ FROM: willialll P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures and Extension of dates from an Existing BPA #94/95-008 Classroom , Office Furniture (Cooperative BPA), Extension #1 7 ~ It is recommended, as approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the May 2, 1996 Board Meeting--authorize additional expenditures estimated at $1,000,000 ($172,000 for BOCES) and extension ot dates to provide BOCES and 20 component school districts with school' classroom turniture from 5/3/96 thru 5/2/97. piyilion Amount Administrative Operations Business Services computer , communication Services Instructional Programs , Services occupational Education special Education Technical Support Services $ TOTAL: &172,000 1,500 15,000 80,000 12,000 12,000 50,000 __ 1 .... ,5.Q.Q. WPR:CJP 5/2/96 bd. mtg. T : ::: :: ' ::. " o 25 >< I ~ BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) Racel Year Original Budget or Approved Adjusted Budaet IREVENUE ISCHOOL DISTRICTS _--=-95:::..-~96::.:::..__ 95/96-27 -------------------- CoS« No./11tfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _. :::.602-==..::.:Non.::.:.:. -_I:.:.;n.::,:.t•::.. .=.Com=cP.:....:;Servf=:...::.:.;ctt= ReQuested Budget Adjustment I Ina.... 67,600 l'n"adM.lon OttMw Funding 5.340,072 538,080 34,942 88,188 lOthet [TOTAL REVENUE 5.979,282 67,600 IOthef BOCES DlvlaIonI BARi8 Oect .... 1 Explanation Adjusted Budget 5,407,672 538,080 34,942 68,188 6,048,882 I f1.'na ..." pertJc:lpatJon In Elmont for Pentarnation . .vice, In liland Tr... fof Ubtary Automation and In RooHwlt and Souu'n W.tchost... BOCES for cabUng project •• i EXPENDfTURSS rSTAFFCOSTS: t SALARIES: ADD'L PROV1SIONS ! TOTAL SALARIES [ FRINGE BENEFITS ,!TOTAL SALARIES a BENEFtT8 2.277.169 SI,OOO 2.315,180 408,775 2.811,044 i ..-~---- i 2,2n,169 38,OUO 2,315,180 4~,n5 2.811,9« I I :EQUIPMEHT 881,428 , 41.000 2 sm,4.26! 5,000 s 47G,GOO to .upply II.,. •• atalod In 131. 190,045 1 190,045 100,522 190,5.22 1:5IP1ut 200 aaftwa,. Oflglnalty budgot.od undof equipment, Ia* Clltogafllod.,. IUPPty ltom duo to • uNt ca.t botow I SUPPLIES 471.0001 , I : AllOCATIONS & INTEADMSfOHS ·;•UTILITIES I !PAOQAAM 1.200.305 , i PAYMENTS TO OlliER BOCESI , SCHOOL DISTRICTS 187,845 I INSURANCE 21.800 1.230,905 4 I $300. 14Jlncteued COlts o. cabling 167.845 58.295 •\ • 121Net costa r.urUng from lna....ad pGltkipatJon In Elmont for PentamaUon . . . . . In Island TrOM for Ubtaty Automat'on and In Aooeewl. and SouttMwn W.. tc:hHl. SOCES for c:abUng projoc:ta oHa•• by transf. of fund. ('5000) labor In Roo•• volt .nd In So. W.,tc:he,tot BOCES. 58,295 .- 1TOTAL EXPEHOIlURE8 IS 979,282 ~04~~ 87.800 APPnoVALS: '// Dia1rlct Sup" ,. f 3 me---- , - ; o . j -W7 1 • 2 >$ i o It" ( o r'" j"" Page 1 of 3 o I, BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OF EXPENSE MAY 1996 , COSERIBUDGET DescriptiOll 003-1310 BusiDea SVCI. Budget Adjust_lab Increase in Object of Expeue 01' IDcreuc in Rtwaaae 01' De~ or (l)ec;reatel iD Obicct of EXllea., or 1Dccr<ue1 ill . . , Code DescriptiOll Amount Code AIDOUDt De!criptioa I..!:"I'" 488 BusiDeSS Expeme $2,000 900)- Explanatioo Health IDswuce ($2.000) ITo reallocate funds for busiDess expease. ($1,000) INeed for additicul general supplies. 816 006-1300 Office of lnformatiOll 1 300 Suppljes 006-1300 Office of Information 162 492 Salaries Tempo Services $1,000 200 Equipmcat $26,961 $1.000 168 IU SaJ.arica Tempo Pool ($26,961) lACCOUDl code cbaDge required. (SI.ooo) lUal1ocatioo of monies from BOCES tempo pool to outside temporary agency • . 111- o. 147-3010 OccupaCiooal Education 200 423-5200 Language Prog. 446 Athletics 514-6366 Microcomputer Support SVC5. 516-6313 Printing Profcuiooal Svcs.- $6,665 $10,000 3641200 Equipmeol ($6,665) lUal1ocatioo of funds from cosmetology equipment to cover cost of office equipment. 980 Rcvcoaac $10.000 Iocrea.scd rcvCDuc/cxpcuses due to Educatiooal Coosult. Assessment Svcs. 502-6114 Intencholastic Equipmcot /300 449 Supplies &. additional bilingual assessment requests. $400 Equipmcat ($400) Materials Prof. Services $35,000 980 Rcvawc $35.000 1 1 1449 200 Other Professional &. Technical Svcs. $5.440 161 Salaries (SS,440) Transfer funds from equipment to supplies and materials for miscellaneous supplies. I Q,~ Increase in need for professional services to assist in cabling plan for Plaincdge School District. Transfer of monies to cover outside biDdery expenses. "'" ~ ~ .r-. %\~ cr- ~-- u ~ t'.,) o \' ~ Page 2 of3 BOARD OP COOPERAnVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Of NASSAU COUNTY BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OP EXPENSE MAY 1996 COSERIBUDGET , Descriptioo . 541-6261 Mother/Child Home Program 542-6261 Mother/Child Home Program L Budcct Adjust.. ..,,,,, 1acreue ill Objoct or ExpeDIC or fDCreue in RcWIaDo Of Deficit, or Surplus. or (l)ecrasc) in Revenue ([)ec:n;.ase) in Obioct or E!J!!1!L? ~ ____ Desc_--.:....:..:rip.!..,1'b_·011....:....-_ 446 1 446 1 AIDOUDt Educatioaal CODsuItants $1,500 Educatioaal Coasultants SJ,SOO Code 1300 DescripCjoa SuppUea Amouat ExplaDatioa (SI,soo) ,AdditionaJ funds oeoded to cover iocreued usage of coasultants. i300 SuppUea ($1.500) IAdditioaal fUnds aeeded to cover iDcreued usage of coasu.Itants. 550-6715 Health &. Welfare 1300 Supplica S10,OOO 1980 Rc:vcauc 607-7211 Research, Payment to other $43,280 152S Paymcat to OIberBOCES ($43.280) IRealIocation of funds due to increased 11210525 Paymcot to Other BOCES ($3,935) IReallocatioo of funds due to increased participation by school districts. 494 Tempo Pcrsoaacl ($3.320) SOO Evaluation 8c. school districts $10,000 l1Dcreased district participation and increased numbeR of students from various school districts in DOD-public schools serviced through Health and Allied Services. participatioo by school districts. Plan niD8 607-7211 Research, 500 Payment to other school districts lSI Certified Salary Noo-ccrtificd Salary Evaluation & $3,935 PJarming 660-7210 Regional Certification Office 162 300 485 813 815 Supplies Mileage Stale Employee Retirement Social Security $713 $600 Reallocation of budget line items. ~ 7•• , . $1,537 ~". $6S $170 =." $235 • u , t",- I. G . . _ ,..-=0L-.'~ j ~,...-' r o Page 3 of3 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Of NASSAU COUNTY ~ BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OP EXPENSE MAY 1996 ft-..a--A AdjUi1Ii!il!alS or COSERIBUDGET , Description IDcrcuc in Object EIpCDIC or Surplus, or CDecn;uel in Reveouc AmouDt I Code Descriptioa Code Desaiptioa Exp1auatioa AIDCJIIId ($600) IStaff DevcJopmeat worbhop for staff writen. $600 1449 Supplies $1,300 1200 Profeaif:lllli SeMcea Coattact EGuirxDeDl 1162 Salaries $30,785 1161 Sub-Ter.cbcra Aides ($30.785) 300 Supplica $36,500 1405 EJedrieicy 449 416 CcJDsultaafa (.$30,cm) Reuovatioo work bas exhausted the supplies ($6.000) KCOUDt. This traasfer is required to , Trawl EIp!iaIC \910 RtM:mIe 1401 IntcrdivUioaaJ 300 670-7S11 School Public Relatioas Svc. 702-7410 Facilities Svcs. 670-7SI1 School Public Relatioas Svc. lDcteae ill ReYeauo Of De~ or (l)ecra;!el in Object of E!p'!!!ft I 0_ 704-4010 Special EducatiOll\ZOO Equipmeat $6,780 ($1,300) IAdditioaal fuDds oeeded for supplies. (SSOO) ($6.780) IAccount code cbaDge required. purdJae supplies. ,Purchase cqujpmeal to provide Intemet .r~.-.c 704-4010 Special Ed.- 1492 Tempo Scrvic=cI SI.663 Central Office 708-S010 Instructiooal IS2S Programs &. Svcs.~ Cross-coatract Expense $49,067 ,Various CoIcts Tempo SerIices 980 Cross-coatnct Rcvcoaac ($1.663) coset to pay for tempo services. $49.067 Staff Developmen Board Meeting May 2,1996 ~: .'\ 1473 Equipment Repair $60 300 Supplies &. Mak:rials IA correspooding increase in both revenue a.od expenditures related to cross-contracts requested by locaJ districts. Central Office 513-6261 Cooperative IMouey reappropriated to central office ($60) IReallocation of budget line items. = ~ 029027 Page 1 of 1 ~ g,1 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RESOLUTION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING A COMPREHENSIVE STUDy OF BoeES ORGANIZATION/CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of cooperative Educational Services of Nassau county authorizes the Purchasing Agent to enter into an agreement with the firm of KPMG Peat Harwick LLP to conduct an organization/classification study of eOCES. The study will provide findings and recommendations for organizing BOCES most effectively and efficiently to serve the mission of the agency and the needs of the 56 component school districts. The expenditure for this study for the 1995/96 school year is for $99,000. KPMG Peat Harwick LLP has identified a team of its specialists to work with eOCES· staff to collect information, analyze and synthesize that information into a final report to be shared with the BOCES Board of Education and with the 56 school districts. \. Adequate milestones are established to assure quality and progress. Partial payments will be made in accordance with standard operational procedure. and contractual specifications. Funds for this project will be obtained trom the administrative budget. 5 T o ) , I G 01 ' " ..."J' / ~:-":"",,,_,, _______._.... _-::_'!'It._...-:"..... , \ 'l ,~ o I "",-' :1 Ii BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDOCATXODL SERVZCBS 01' RASSAV CQU.NTJ" ~ ~ PDSOIDIEL .A.CTl:0JIS May 2# 1996 I. Personnel Matters - Teachipq and Ma1pi,tratiD: A. Appointment(s' - Admini.trator(,) - £dueatiogal - ",n.geri.l and Copfidepti.l: Tenure o ~ Bffective pate (s' Certification Statu. Daly, Kevin F. 05/03/96 Stubbolo, Francis K. 04/24/96 10/24/96 Tenure Progry CoIIment Compepsatiop Assistant Director- 05/03/99 Client Services Certified Assistant Director Client Services Westbury .. Computer/Communications Teclmology (Currently Supervisor Admdnistrative Computer Services) Program need $84,267.00 Planning and Management Specialist Research, Evaluation and Planning Certified Temporary Planning and Management Specialist Research, Evaluation and Planning" Salisbury Center - Instructional Programs/Services New temporary position ~ 'B/A per annum $50,000.00 " o "!.O~ .. :!:) (\J ':z> Page 1 £?f\ o o l ) BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDtJCATIOHAL SBRVICBS OF HASSAtJ COtJHTY t. ;; PBRSOIDtEL AC"rI01IS Kay 2. 1996 o ~ r-.:' ~, Assistant Director • Client Services Division of Computer/Communications Technology Recommended Candidate Hr. Kevin Daly ~ :::» ~J ~ , Hay 3, 1996 Bffective Date Tenure Date Hay 3, 1999 Recommended Salary $84,267 .00 per annum I am pleased to recommend the appointment of Kevin P. Daly to the position of Assistant Director - Client Services in the Division of Computer and Communications Technology. co-authored the Co-Ser for library automation. ~nistrative Mr. Daly has been a successful educator for over twenty years, first as a teacher of social studies/business and computer science. and later as social studies chairperson. He began his employment with BOCRS in 1985 as the administrator in charge of computer services with the Division of Special Education. Mr. Daly has developed excellent rapport with local district administrators and the Nassau BOCES staff, enablin~ the Division to achieve its goals. As Bxecutive Administrator for Networking Services in Hr. Daly has written two worktexts on programming and the Division of Computer and communications Technology, Mr. Daly reshaped the structure and direction of that important service. increasing its revenue by 300t. He introduced administrative networking, which is the delivery platfo~ for virtually all of our administrative services, and has invaluable hands-on experience of having worked as a computer operator early in his career. In his current position as Supervisor tor Computer Services he has developed new services, written presentations, participated in the negotiations of new contracts, devised and monitored the budget, and assisted in the annual revision of the 793 Plan. It is indeed a pleasure to recommend a candidate with an outstanding record of educational and technical achievements. Page 2 (\ v " ., ., . I\ G ~ 0 .. -"""""'( 1I J 1\ 1 o ~ ,. ~ r 'I BOARD OF COOPDATIVE BDOCM'IODL SlRVICU 0' USSAD C01DI'IY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ij ~ C ~ Kay 2, 1996 I. Personnel Matter, - Ttachipq ap4 AdgSni'trat1yt: B. Bffective Tenure Area/ Certification Tenure IIu Oat. l,) Statu. ~ "WIY COPMDt Compeplation Barbera, Frank 04/15/96 Non-tenured Area N/A KIA Part-time Visiting Lecturer On Call • Cultural Arts Center Program need $25.00 per hour Iovino, Frank 02/01/96 Non·tenured area· N/A N/A Part-time Visiting Lecturer Center Program need $25.00 per hour On call - CUltural Arts (Pormerly Part-time Teacher Aide) o , ~ I , .. , ':.0 .;:, c..J :> Page 3 . .,". G 0 I _,_____..:_-=-~___.r__.___,d; o o BODD 01" COOPDATrVE BDUCATXOIDL SUVXCBS 01' DSSAU CUUN'J:i ,~,~ 1; p ,.1; iI- PDSQMOL ACT:IOJrS ~~ l1ay 2. 1996 ;,:.) ~ !:) . ..."', Personnel Matters - Teaching and Adaipi.tatiye: I. C. Appointment(.) - Divi.iop of Special Iclucatioa: HHJ. Hunter, Tinnie Piper, Candace Effective Date (,) '1'enw:. ~ Proq,. . Coaapent CQlllPp.atiqn Temporary Teacher - General Special Education - Fern Place (Formerly Substitute Teacher) Replacement for Shelly Mitwell Ravens $33,129.00 Temporary Teacher - General Special Bducation - Fern Place (Formerly Substitute Teacher) Replacement for Sandra Boriskin 03/28/96 06/30/96 Bducation of Children with Handicapping Conditions General Special Education Certified N/A 04/01/96 06/30/96 Bducation of Children with Handicapping Condi tiona General Special Bducation Certified N/A Bducation of Children with Handicapping Condicions General Special £clucat ion • Certified R/A 01 Savastano, Kichael Tenure Areal Certification Statu. 03/29/96 06/30/96 per annum $35,337.00 per annum , Temporary Teacher - General Replacement Special Education - Carman Road for Alyssa (Formerly Bodily Hygiene Ajde) Beyer Paga 4 """ $35,337.00 per annum o o _ ... _ I l (II -' ,r " I i O J 11 :1 BCWtD OJ' COOPl:U.1'IV8 BDtJC&n0llAL saa'llC3S 01' II&SSAU COUII'Ir I ,~ ~ ~ J i . .y 2. 19" ~, ~ II I. '".oppel llatt,r, - Tughipg apd Ada' pi'tr,e!", C. Appoiptment (,) - Divi.iop of Special lduatlop: big Effective pate (,) Steckler, Laura 04/01/96 Tenur. Area/ Certiflcatioa Tenure Statu, ba Bducation ot Children with 01/22/99 Teacher • General Special .. Education· ace •• - Long Handicapping Conditions General Special b'oar. . CoatDt Compen.ation Increased enrollment per annum Beach (Po:r:merly Temporary $36,737.00 Teacher) Bducation Certified Vallerugo, MOnique 04/15/96 Bducation of Children vi th Handicapping Conditions - lilA Part-time Teacher «.7) Speech/Hearing Handicapped Bec •• - Jericho Increased enrollment $23,190.00 per annum Education of Speech/Hearing o Handicapped Certified '\ oI'..) * Served 2 months and 10 days probation as temporary teacher. ** State funded program. ~ ;::, :.aJ ~~ Page 5 "'" I\ G O 'J ~.._ _ _",_~_J_~ 'I o ~ BOARD OP COOPERA'nVB BDUCAT:tOJl&L SBRVXCBS OP lDSSAU COtDtTY ~ t"'.::l -..&) ~ :~ Kay 2, 1996 :,.;) Personnel Jlatters - naching apd AdP1pi.tgtu.: :t. D. Appointment',) - Con,ultant': CONSULTANTS - Pivi,ion of Copput.r apd Commupicatiogs T.chpoloqy: JiIH 'f'.ctiye p.ts',) AI,iGllMRt Coprpeg.atioa Aletkin, Steven 03/20/96 Inservice Course - -Attention Deficit Disorder: Osing Technology in the Diagnosis $200.00 per day and Treatment" - Guidance Technology $200.00 maximum 1 day Support Service Saunders, Paula 04/28/96 - 06/30/96 Workshop Leader - "Internet Training" Grades 7-12 - CUrriculum Workshops for Language Arts $200.00 per day 2 days $400.00 maximum Tillem, Karen 02/05/96 • 02/12/96 Inservice Course • ·Using the QuicktaJce camera· - Instructional Computer Services $50.00 per hour 4 hours $200.00 maximum " Page 6 ( t I I \, o ; .If ,r- '11 o J'.I, BOARD OP COOPEIlA4f'1VB EDUCA'nODL SD.VICBS OJ' Jl..USAU COURt PBRSOIiDIBL ACTlORS Kay 2., 1996 ""OMe} Hatter. - Teachuq I. D. apd Adlliai.tatiD: Appointment's) - Con.ultant.: COMSOL'l'ANTS - Cooperative Arta PFOSU'M (CAP) - plvi.lop of 1p'S;Euet;iqpal PrOP'" aad SVyiq•• : ~ Effective Datel.) Atp.iqMIRt Ccgaptp•• tioa Wetzel, Michelle 02/26/96 - 04/30/96 Business Education - Objective 11 - Typist - Performance Contract $712.00 maximum Bast Headov Wetzel, Michelle 07/01/95 - 06/30/96 Science - Objective 13 - Typist - East Meadow Performance Contract $267.00 maximum o " ~ ~"J ~O ;:" i ;tJ :or-. Page 7 v '"- .. o I - ,.-~......-.~ "I o ~ SOARD OP COOPERATIVE KDOCATIODL SDVICBS 01' DSSAU COmrrY l"l-? '!I:) PDSODEL ACTIOItS ~ ;~~J :." Kay 2. 1996 Per.onnel Matter. - TeachiM and Adlipi.tratiD: I. .) D. Appointment(s) - Con,ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Division of Instructional Progr... apd ServiCl': o bg Bff.ctive Dat.(.) AI.icmMDt Cop!p.n.!ti 99 Abbene, Angelamae 04/18/96 • OS/22/96 workshop Leader - "calligraphy" - Grades 3-8 - Conference for Kids - Herrick Gifted and Talented Program 3 days $225.00 per day $675.00 maximum Affatigato, Tom 03/25/96 - 04/25/96 Two Performances • "Star Lab" - FanDingdale - Arts in Bducation $457.50 per day 2 days $915.00 maximum Alston, Stephanie 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - "All the World's A Stage Section II· - Grades 3-8 - Kerrick - Gifted and Talented Program $300.00 per day 3 days $900.00 maximum Baden-Gillette, Jean 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - ·The 1000 Folds of Origami" - Grades 3-6 - Merrick - Gifted and Talented Program $200.00 per day 2 days $400.00 maximum Berman, Daniel 04/19/96 - 05/19/96 Performance - "Performance Skills Within Performance Organizations" - Hicksville Arts in Education $300.00 per day 10 days $3,000.00 maximum Bir.d, Elliott 03/04/96 Inservice Course - ·Canprehensi ve School Mathematics Program· - Bellmore - Educators Service Center $750.00 per day 1 day $750.00 maximum Page 8 (, \ "" o ~ ..... __ ". ) "J" 'l o ~'I BOARD OP COOPERATrVE BDUCATIODL SBRVICBS OJ' &SSAO COtDlT'Y •,: r PERSO.RBI, ACTX01IS ~ I . "1' 2, 1996 J 'Ii Personnel Matters - Teaching and Administr.tiye: I. " D. Appointment's) - Con.ultant.: CONSULTANTS - Division of In8tryctiopal Proqrfll lAO StEyic•• : o !lI!Y. Effective Date(,) AJ.iCH1M9t Compep.ation Bird, Elliott 04/15/96 • 05/15/96 Presentation - -The Comprehensive School Mathematics Program for Primary Students- . Rockville Centre . Caupact Implementation Program $290.00 per day 1 day $290.00 maximum Brimer, Allan 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - -Mathematical Mysteries~ . Grades 3-6 • Conference for Kids Herrick - Gifted and Talented Program $250.00 per day 2 days $500.00 maximum Bucher, Elena 03/01/96 • 06/15/96 Rnrichment Consultant - Great Neck/Manhasset - Parent Child Home Program $13.34 per hour 51 hours $680.34 maximum Bush, Sheila 04/01/96 . 06/30/96 Home Visitor - Great Neck/Manhasset Parent Child Home Program $13.34 per hour 75 hours $1,000.50 maximum Cariola, Robert 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - ·Textured Mixed Media" Grades 3 -4 I .., - 8 - Conference for Kids Herrick - Gifted and Talented Program $225.00 per day l days $675.00 maximum Caseley, Judith 05/10/96 • 06/10/96 Presentation· ·Creation of Children's Books· - Roslyn - Arts in Education $1,000.00 per day 1 day $1,000.00 maximum " ~ 1'_) ~O :;:, '.,~ .-~ ~ Page 9 ... ' ....., ,' G f ~ .. ~ 0 " - :"!Itt_ _ ----I_.--::;.I" . o '!::) ~,.~ BOARD OP COOPERATIVE KDUCATXODL SBRVXas 0 .. R.SSAU cOlDlrr ~ :':) PBRSOJDmL AC'n01lS May 2~ I. :j 1'" " Per.onnel Natter. - Teaching apd Maini.trative: D. Appointment(.) - Con.ultaot.: CONSULTANTS - Divi.ion of In.tructiQP4l1 Proqra.' apd Service': ~ Bffective Date(') AI·iQ'RMDt C9IIpt1p.atiOR Diggs, Amon 04/24/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - -The Media and the World. Grades 5·8 - Conference for Kids . Herrick - Gifted and Talented Program $200.00 per day 2 days $400.00 maximum DiNaro, John 05/12/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - -The Art of Pastels II- Grades 5-6 - Conference for Kids - Gifted and Talented Program $225.00 1 day $225.00 Five Workshops - ·Workshop: Genocide in cambodia - Surviving the Killing Pields- . Bellmore/Merrick . Arts in Education $300.00 1 day $300.00 Inservice Course . -Maintaining a Perspective in a Changing World- . OUtdoor Bducation . Westbury - Cooperative Staff Development $500.00 1 day $500.00 per day • Inservice Course - -Maintaining a Perspective in a Changing World- - OUtdoor Education - Franklin Square - Cooperative Staff Development $600.00 1 day $600.00 per day • Dith, Pran :.1 0 J, Driscoll, Maryanne Driscoll, Maryanne 04/02/96 - 05/02/96 03/11/96 03/13/96 • Payment for service based on local di.trict rate. Page 10 \ '- "'" per day maximum per day maximum maximum maximum " G o ~, -..I r' 'I o j ~ ~ 'I BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCATIOIIAL SBRnCBS OP IlASSAU COURT!' t ~ PBRSOID1BL AC"1'XOIIS ·t ~ It I,I! ~ Kay 2. 1996 I. Personnel Matters - Teachipg and Adaipi.tratiye: D. Appointment (s) - Con.ultant.: CONSULTANtS - Divi.ion of Instructional P!99T'" BAH 'ffective pat,(.) AI·igp"ut C9!Ppen•• tiOD Dyling, Bmmalee 04/01/96 - 04/18/96 Workshop Leader - ·Chess Challenge" Grades 3-4 - Herrick - Conference for Kids - Herrick - Gifted and Talented Program $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum Freedman, Lorrie 04/01/96 - 06/30/96 Inservice Course - -Talents Unlimited Training" - Bethpage - Cooperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour lS hours $750.00 maximum Plus expenses $800.00 maximum Inservice Course - "Focusing on Anxiety and Depression- - Roslyn - Cooperative Staff $200.00 per day 1 day Development $200.00 maximum Inservice Course - -Nev York State Frameworks for the Arl:s" - Bast Meadow Arts in BducAtion 1 day Goodman, Beverly 04/18/96 o I apd service.: Gray, Jeanne Hopk ins, Lee 04/12/96 - 05/12/96 OS/22/96 - 06/22/96 Performance - "Poet· - Manhasset - Arts in Education $300.00 per day $300.00 maximum $1,000.00 per day 1 day $1,000.00 maximum REVISBD .~ I..~ :'0 ::> Page 11 ...' '.''!-; "II .... 2> "'" • G ,~~ o i - ~* .."",. o BCWlJ) OP COOPDATXVB BDOCA"nOllAL SDVXCU OF DSaU COUfl ~ ~.? PID1sotDmL ACTXOI1S ,I.i :.0 ::> ....... " Kay 2. 1996 ..... "tII ~ ~ .' I P.r'onn.l xatt.r, - T••chiDg and Adaini.tE.ti".: I. -II" I, D. Appointment") - Con,ultant': COMSULTAMTS - Division of Instructional o 'roar'" apd SKriq.: IY.@ Eff.ct!!! Dat.l,) ,h'iqgMRt CopIp.p •• tioa Johnson, Wayne 03/29/96 - 04/29/96 Performance - -A Touch of Wild- - Glen Cove • Arts in Bducation $340.00 per day 1 day $340.00 maximum Krishnan, Chirakkal 04/18/96 • OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - • From G\.1IrIDY Sears to Candle $300.00 per day 3 days Wax- - Grades 3-8 - Conference for Kids $900.00 maximum Herrick - ~ifted and Talented Program Levinson, Marcy 04/05/96 - 04/18/96 Workshop Leader - -Rhyme Time Mime- Grades 3-4 - Conference for Kids - Merrick - Gifted and Talented Program Marchena, Michael 04/23/96 - OS/27/96 1bree Workshops - -Dance and Movement" Hicksville - Arts in Education $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum $166.67 per day 3 days $500.01 maximum I Ratner, Jody 03/04/96 - 04/04/96 Performance - -Instrumental Improvement and Musical Pieces- - Plainedge - Arts in Education Performance Contract $250.00 maximum Sandler, Joan 04/18/96 - 04/25/96 Workshop Leader - -Behind the Sealed Door" - Grades 7-8 - Conference for Middle Schoolers - Merrick - Gifted and Talented Program $250.00 per day Page 12 "" " 1 day $250.00 maximum .. " J .~ /' /"" o :\ " BO.U.D OF COOPDATXVB BDtJCATIODL SDVXCU 01' DSSAO COmrrY :J ,'I I PBRSOlOlBL AC'TI05S :\ May 2. 1996 "I. ""OM.1 Hatt.,. I. D. - Tt'qhipg ape! AdIIipi,tr,tlye: Appoiptpent(') - Con.ult.Apt.: CONSULTANTS - D1"i.10n of In.truqtiOQ.1 Proqrau apd SUyiC9IJ Compensatiou ~ Bffecti"e Dat.(,) M,iqpMpt Schaefer I Laura 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - • The Art of Schorr, Milton 04/18/'6 - OS/22/" Stengel, Paul o Talmadge, Dorothy Pastels~ - Grades 3·8 • Merrick • Gifted and Talented Program 05/15/96 - OS/22/96 04/19/96 - 05/19/96 $225.00 per day 3 days $675.00 maximum $200.00 per day Workshop Leader - -Magic Methodology" Grades 3-6 - Conference for Kids - Merrick :2 days - Gifted and Talented Program $400.00 maximum One Work.shop - ·Wanna Be A Astronaut!" Grades 5-6 - Conference for Kids • $250.00 per day 1 day Hempstead - Gifted and Talented Program $250.00 maximum One Performance - ·Colonial Life· $150.00 per day 1 day Plainedge - Arts in Education " $150.00 maximum Targove, Jody 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 Workshop Leader - ·Write on Tracks" Grades 3 - 8 - Conference for Kids - Merrick - Gifted and Talented Program Taylor I Norma 03/21/96 - 04/30/96 Staff Development - Great Neck/Manhasset Parent Child Home Program $200.00 per day 3 days $600.00 maximum ::> r, 'J $14.00 per hour 14 hours $196.00 maximum ~ ~ ~~ ~ ': Page 13 u (\I ,,-- c ' - _ -_ _ _._ _ _ ~~,.._·, o }I (\ ,~._.,:-~_~._ .. _ j ". __ ~ ,! BOARD OF COOPDAnvB BDUCA2'IODL SDVlCU OP DSSAU CotJJlft' ~ }"',j ," .) PBRSOlIDIBL ACTZOHS :.0 Jllay 2. 1996 ~ oi-A ". ~ Per'onnel Matter, - Teachinq and Adaipi,tr.tiD: I. iij· \ D. Appointp.,pt (,I - Cop,ult.a.pt,: CONSQLTANTS - pivi.1on of Ig.tryct i 9BIl ';oar.., tAd StrviCl': C0p!p9n,ation HI!g Bff.ctiye Dat,(,) M.1QMIDt Tewel, Kenneth 05/01/96 - 05/31/96 Two Workshops - Facilitator Workshop· NASSAU Trachtman, Roberta 04/15/96 - 05/15/96 School Library System • Two Workshops . -Shared Decision Making: What's Next- - Research/Evaluation and Planning Veech, Robert o Waber, Bernard 04/18/96 - OS/22/96 04/19/96 - 05/19/96 $500.00 per day 2 days $1,000.00 maximum $500.00 per day 2 days $1,000.00 maximum Workshop Leader - -I.nventor" - Grades 3-8 Conference for Kids - Herrick - Gifted and Talented Program $225.00 per day Two Performances - ·Author Lecture" Great: Neck - Arts in Bducat:ioa $1,500.00 per day 3 days $675.00 maximum 1 ** day " $1,500.00 maximum Waber, Bernard Williams, Bsther 04/24/96 - OS/24/96 04/15/96 - 06/30/96 Three Performances/Bight Workshops "Aut:hor Presentation" - Bellmore - Art:s in Educat:ion Home Home Visitor - Roosevelt - Mother/Child Program Sta.ff Development $1,500.00 per day 1 day $1,500.00 maximum $9 . 00 per hour 250 hours $2,250.00 maximum * State funded programs. ** Payment for services based on local district rat:e. Pag' 14 ( - ** o '::-~~ - ."". ...... "'_----./ , .......-" o BCWtD OF COOPERATIVE !mUCATIOItAL SBRVIC&S OP DSSAD comrtY PDSoaR"'AC'nOJlS , J Kay 2, 1996 h .II II Per,onnel Hatter, - 'l'eaehiDq ap4 AdI!ipi'tratiD: I. HI! D. Appoiptmept") - CopJultapt': CONSULTAlfl'S - Lapguage Proqrp, - Divl.10A of ID.truet!opa1 Progr••' o apd Stryie•• : Compen.ation ~ Bffe9tiyt p,te(.) M.igpMRt Sakhai, Kimya 03/12/96 - 06/30/96 Psychological Evaluation - Farsi language Sakhai, Kimya 03/12/96 - 06/30/96 Corrections of RCT's/and or Translations Farai language $30.00 per translation 2 translations $60.00 maximum Sakhai, Kimya 03/12/96 - 06/30/96 Consultations/Interpretations/Screenings/ Social History - Spanish language $90.00 per consultation 2 consultations $160.00 maximum Sakhai, Kimya 03/12/96 - 06/30/96 Educational Evaluatioos - Farsi language $195.00 per evaluation 2 evaluations $370.00 maximum Suarez, Frank 03/01/96 - 06/30/96 lnaervice - -On-Going Staff Development for Mainstream, ESL/Bilingual- - BETAe • $30.00 per hour 65 hours $1,950.00 maximum I. * State funded program. $270.00 per evaluation evaluation $270.00 maximum 1 ~ ~ ~"\ ...) .:,.0 ,::) Iz.. Page 15 .... ' . .." ..., f\ 0 ,~~ 0 ,~ - ." --=-,~J , o :1 , ·1 "I .~ BOARD OP COOPBRATJ:VB EDOCATIOJIAL SlRVICU OP ItASSAU COmJTr I ~ ~ h'~ ~ ~ ~ PDSODBL ACTIORS • 1 :::» May 2. 1996 ~ ~ ~ IIr :11 '-I ~ Perlonnel Matters - Teachipg ap4 Ade# pilqati. . : I. 'I D. Appointment (,l - Consultant,: CONSULTANTS - outdoor Educatiop - Piviliog of Ig'tructiopal progr'" apd Stryic•• : bY Bff.ctive Date(,) ,h,icmMpt CompepsAtion Armellino, Maria OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Mal verne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Asendio, Sharlene OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Mal verne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Banek, Donna OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident camp Program - Malverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum I,,! I 0 Bennett, Nina OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program . Jericho I·, $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Bennett, Robert OS/28/96 - OS/29/96 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program - Oyster Bay $133.70 per night 1 night $133.70 maximum Bennett, Robert 04/17/96 - 04/19/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Oyster Bay $133.70 per night 2 nights $267.40 maximwn Page 16 ( ( \, 'J " I\ ,= . G 0 -"...-t j . ,j ,-- '{ t' o J ':1 t t/ .,n BOARD 0' COOPDATlVB 1D000"fIODL SDVICU OP DSSAU t: PBRSOJDIBL ACnORS j! Kay J ;11 CUUJlTX 2. 1'" Per'onne1 Matter. - Teaching a.pd M-ini.tratiye: I. D. Appointment Ca) - Con.ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Outdoor Bducation - Divi.ign of lQltructiopal Fr991',' ag4 Seryic•• : b!!!!l affective Date(.) AI.icmMpt COIIp9D.ation Bilello, Gregory 04/17/96 - 04/19/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Oyster Bay $133.70 per night 2 nights $261.40 Bilello, Gregory OS/28/96 - OS/29/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program • Oyster Bay camp $133.70 per night 1 night $133.70 Brigandi, Robert OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Halverne maximum maximum $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum o Collins, Cathy OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 I, ' Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Defeo, David OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Hal verne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Drab, Richard OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision • Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights :::':): $425.04 maximum ?'-'') ~ ~ J..e ~ Page 17 - .... -c......... , ~-~-~.-.",~ } ,~' o " fl! BOARD or COOPDATIVB BDUCATIODL SDVXC:U OF DSSAU Cuuw.r:r ~ ~" ~ ~ J.D May 2, 1996 I. ;-, Personnel Matt,rs - Teaching and Ad-!nistrltiye: D. Appointment(,) - Consultapts: CONSULTANTS - outdoor Education - Division of Ip'tructiopal Proqr'" ,i 0 I ap4 Seryiq,.: b!Y. Bff,ctive Datil,) AI.iQBMpt Coa!pp,atiog Gilbert, Diane OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Hennessy, Loredonna OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Halverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Jabin, Madeline OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Malverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Kropas. Kerri Anne OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 O>.rernight Supervision - Resident Camp Program • Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Latham, John OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident camp Program - Jericho S141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Levins, William OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Page 18 ( ::) ( \ o o ) ~ o ;~ :: BCWlD OP COOPBU.'l'IVB EDUCA'l'IODL sav:tClS OF JllSSAD comrn r, , I' ~ I' I,I ., May 2# 1'" I I. P.r.opp.l Mattlr. - T.achi.pq and At!e'gl'tAtlD: D. Appointment (.) - COQ.ultant.: CONSQLTANTS - outdoor EducatiOQ - plvi.log of 19'tructigp,l frogr',' apd ItryiC.,: o. Comp.p.atiou H!H Eff.ctiy! Date(" AI,iqrw:at Macher, Richard OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight: Supervi8ion - Re8ident Program • Kal verne camp $100.00 per night 3 nights $300.00 maximum McCabe, Christine OS/20/96 • OS/25/96 Overnight: Supervi8ion • Resident: Camp Program • Malverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Motchkavitz, John OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight: Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Halverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Murray, Kathleen OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight: Supervision - Resident: Program - Halverne camp $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Pape, Robert OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Rocchio, Mary OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum ~ I • .) :.c" ::') .J." ::-J Page 19 u o _ _-!..--=:._...:::4h......,.=-- ~ ~ -dill BOARD OP COOPBRATIVB BDUCATIODL SBRVICBS 01' HASSAU :., comrn ~ ~ PBRSOlOlBL ACTIOHS ;:> ,l,. Hay 2. 1996 I. --.l Personnel Matters - Teaching and AdaiDi,tratrn: D. Appointment«,) - Con,ultant,: !fHJl Bffective Datel,) AIJ,iQ1lMDt COIIIDen.etian Rosen, Matthew OS/22/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program • Hal verne $100.00 per night 3 nights $300.00 maximum Ryan, Patricia OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum Scarlett, Jane OS/20/96 - OS/25/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Halverne $100.00 per night 5 nights $500.00 maximum Schisgall, Beth OS/20/96 - OS/23/96 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Jericho $141.68 per night 3 nights $425.04 maximum 'age 20 \ ( " '" , G o I .../ ...... ...-- II ] O '~ BOARD OF COOPBRA"1TVB BDOCATIODL SD.V1CSS 01' DSSAU COtJIl"ft ~ ~q PDSOlInL ACnOliS I ~ ~ May 2. 19" 1:. Per'0!Ul!1 Matter• • Teaghing and Artplp1.tntiD: D. Appointment (.) • Con.ultant.: CONSUL'l'ANTS - pivision of Specia1 Bducatiop: M,lS""ot COIIpIDI.tlOD 04/30/96 Workshop Leader - -Attention Deficit Hyperaetivicy Disorder in Adolescents- Ploral Park - SETRC • $50.00 per hour 2.50 hours $125.00 maximum 04/30/'6 Workshop Leader - -A Crisis in Childhood: Responding co the Needs of Siblings of Children with Disabilities· - Bast Meadow SETRC • $50.00 per hour 2 hours $100.00 maximum HIll!. Effective Landers, Valerie Pachter, Paula PItt") o '\ ~ ' ) .. • State funded program. ~. ::> .l .- ~ Page 21 " - .... ____Jl_~' \( .i o :~l BOARD OP COOPBRAl'lVI EDOCAftODL t sancu OF DSSAU COUftt ~ .., h'" ~ II'1 ~ II " :\ ~ Ii ::;, lllay 2. 1996 I. ;."" ~ per'onnel Matter. - THchipq aacI Irlplpi,tnti", B. . ~ .' Stipend: III!a AlKzYpt Rea.OR Riggio, Russell V. $4,000.00 Assumption of duties of Assistant Superintendent for Special Bducation (08/14/95-02/23/96) o " " Page 22 I \ ' ( ( v , o I '"~ _ _ _ _ , , o _ ... ~ l 7&1' ,"-" } BOARD OlP COOPDATXVB JmtJCATXODL SBRVICBS 01' DSSAD COWl!! • ",I ,I "tI Kay 2. 1996 I II" 'II Per'onnel Matter. - TUching apd Adlpipi.tntiD: I. lP. Salary Ad1u'tment('): HI!!!. I2.§H AI,iQRIIPt/Diyi.iop current Salary Rafter, William P. 03/01/96 Assistant Superintendent Salisbury Center - $100,266.00 $108,500.00 per annum per annum Bffecti". Adju.ted SalAry Business Services o ~ h., :.0 .::;, Page 23 § I 0 Q \ - ,~ ." "!I!t ,,---11-__- ! # 1 ( 'I o I~'I BO.UD OF COOPEU.'l'IVB BDUCATZODL SBIlVlClrS 0.- JDSSUJ COmr.n ' '! ~ '!,.:) ~ ~ I I' ~; ,I I 'I" .....= May 2. 1996 I. 'e,..,oM.l Hatt.,.., - ,...eMaq agd G. .:]1 ada'ni.tnti ",: Appointmtpt8 - Additional Af.igpaept.: Board. Sffective I!H I!H§ AI.iQ'PPfPt Pt.eriptioa AI·igR"Rt Ig& COJIII?·n •• tion Foley, Margaret 06/24/96 06/30/96 Part-time Instruetor - Clinical - Pr&ctical Nursing - Registered Professional Nurse Instructional Programs/services $30.00 per hour 33 hours $990.00 maximum Occupational Educatioa o Page 24 ( ( " v G "- .... ..tI/e:-.--- . _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 •.'!!!L~_<l_ ..._.~/ /'.... /" o BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCA'fIODL SDVICBS OP DSSAU comrrr PBRSOJDIEL AC"rIOHS lilly ~. 1996 Personnel Matters - 'reaching and .tat Di.trati".: I. H. Tenure : Bffectiv. liIH WatroB, Mary ana bY TRUlL' 06/11/96 Program Assistant OUtdoor /Bnviroaraental LoCitiop/Pivi.ioq Brookville Instructional Programs/Services Education o " . ~ J, .,') :~ :::» .·)'1 ~ Page 2S :. .. o _c:_~_~_~._ .i 1/ ~ ':! o l~ BOAJU) OP COOPBRATXVB BDO'CATIODL SDVICBS OP DSSAU cowrrl ,~ ~ .J 'I ,I 'I l Kay 2, 1996 ~ ~ ~ . :1 .. ;.J 'II TENURE Mary Watros Additionally, KB. Watros worked closely with the PACE program, assisting in the development of outdoor and environmental education based activities and curriculum, including an environmental laboratory activity to accompany environmental studies and sciences courses. MS. Watros has been involved in programming for at-risk and bilingual students. She has played an integral role in the organization of the' services provided for the Project Support Grant, MCXinney Homeless Grant and Youth-at-Risk Grant. She has also provided expertise to the Just Beyond the Classroom Programs, both in remote sensing and in the use of Starlab. It is a pleasure to recommend Mary Watros for tenure in the position of Program Assistant - Outdoor and Environmental Education in the Division of Instructional Programs and Services. o Over the past three years, MB. Watros has demonstrated commendable organizational, administrative and leadership abilities. She expanded the Adventure Education program to accommodate the programmatic needs of participating districts and she has been responsible for the daily scheduling of up to four districts simultaneously. MB. Watros previously held the position of part-time naturalist and she continues to provide ongoing training to the staff naturalists, as vell as working effectively with district teachers and administrators. MS. Watro8 is a valued and respected member of the staff. It is with great pleasure that I recommend her for tenure. Page 26 ( '- ' ( """ G o J 1 .r' ",. BOARD 01' COOPBRA'HVE BDUCATIODL SDVICU OJ' DSBAO comrn Jlay 2, 1.9'6 I. P.r.oppel JIItt.r. - Teachipg and AdPipi.tntiye: I. L.ave (.) of .&b'uc, Without Pay: Bff.ctive Length of BIB RA.a SerriCI TIpurtd AI.iqgatpt/Locltiog/piyi.ion Beyer, Alyssa J. 03/29/96 • 06/30/96 6 Years Yes Teacher - General Special Education . 6 Months R.,.m Medical Ca:rman Road - Special Education. O'Connor, Danielle H. 03/26/96 06/30/96 7 Years Teacher - General Special Education Fern Place . Special Education. Yes 4 Honths Page 27 v Medical o ~ -' BOAJU) ~ OF COOPBRATXVE BDUCA'l'XORU. SDVI,CBS 01' DSSAtJ COOII'1"!' .!.~ ~ PBRSOR'JIBL ACrl:OIIS :!) ; '1 ., ..... .... Kay 2, 1996 xx. Per.onpel M4tter•• !QP-Ta.gb'qp: A. Appolntment(,) - Cla.,lfled: Effective ~ and Range 04/01/96 06/30/96 R/A Temporary Cleaner - Nights • carman $17,500.00 * Cluster M Range 1 03/18/96 II/A Teacher Aide • Baldwin Harbor Puk - $13,520.00 ** Cluster I Range 2 P'te (,) Bender, Adam Jones, Duane Sal.ry, Clulter Tenure ,..iq,WMPtILocatiQAIDivi.iog IJYg Road Special Education Replacement for Otis Cotten Special Education Replacement for Nathaniel Dean (Formerly Substitute Teacher Ajde) Ortiz, Bernadette 03/26/96 06/30/96 R/A Teacher Aide ••• Rosemary Kennedy Center Special Bducation Panico, Paula 03/29/96 06/30/96 N/A Temporary Teacher Aide - carman Road Special Education Replacement for Robert Tamke (Formerly Pa.rt-time Teacher Aide) * Includes $500.00 night differential and subject to negotiaticns. ** Subject to negotiations. *** One to one per district request. Page 28 (, ( '" v $13,000.00 ** Cluster I Range 2 $13,000.00 ** , Cluster I Range 2 I\ G ~'C e i' 0 - . . ."... t ~/ I, o :j BOARD OP COOPBRA'l'XVB BDOCA"nODL SBaVICBS 01' DSSAU "~ 'I PI'RSOIIDL ACTIORS J Kay 2. 1996 I' ·"1 " :[1:. c:omrrr f.r'onn.l Matter. - Bop-'l'ychiBq: A. Appointment{,) - Cl."ified: I!.I!a Effective pat. (.) Tenure I!nA A!.l9R"pt/Los.tlopfplvl.lop Salary, Clu.t.r And Bang. Pinckney, Janet 04/03/96 • 06/30/96 lI/A Temporary Teacher Aide • Bagle Avenue Special Bducation. (Formerly P~-time Teacher Aide) $l4,l96.00 Cluster I Range 2 Ramos, Peter 04/l5/96 lI/A Cleaner (Nights) • Rosemary Kennedy School Special Bducation. • Replacement for Jose Villanueva (Formerly CUstodian) $l8,500.00 ** Cluster M Range 1 Santos, Rosile. 04/29/96 lI/A Teacher Aide Hearing Impaired/Vision. 1mpaired Rosemary Kennedy Center Special Education $l4,875.00 *** Cluster I Range 4 o '\ * One to one per district request and subject to negotiations. ** Includes $500.00 night differential and subject to negotiations. *** Subject to negotiations. ~ . '.'): ~ :::» ;~ Page 29 :.,."., I\ G 0 .. ~_.__ ." ____ ...._._~_""_ . J i, • 0 .. f BO.UD OP COOPD..I.TZVE EDOCATZOD.L SDVICBS OP DSSAU COmiTY 'j ~ I· ~ PUSo,w.KL ACTIOJIS J Kay 2, 1996 . '"".~~ " • ~ • ~; i 0 ~.\. -I II. P,rl9M!l lattlrl - Ilop-THcbfnq: ... B. ..1 ~ "I • J App0lDtMnt(I)· Subltitutl ap4 " " - t w : Bff.cti". pate e,) AI' iqpaeptlLocttloplDlyi.lop CoauDHtiOD Cottrell, Deborah 03/27/96 Part - t iDle Teacher Aide Rosemary Kennedy School Special Bducation Replacement for Dawn Zaccoli (Formerly Substitute Teacher Aide) $9.62 per hour * Dinowitz, Rachel 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Bducation $9.51 per hour Brlich, Ivy 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Gormley, Lynn 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Gottlieb, Betty 04/15/96 Part-time Teacher Aide Bethpage Special Bducation Replacement for Blizabeth Volz $9.62 per hour * * Subject to negotiations. Page 30 ( ( '\J o -':-:: cr-__ ~,, _______ .. _. _ ~"_;:-_.~_~__.-,_ '~ .. -, , /' o BOARD or COOPBRATIVE BDUCATIou.r. SRVICBS 01' USSAO COUR'!Y PDSOIIDL ACl'IORS llay o II. Per'opne1 Hatten - Iop-Teachipq: ... B. Appoiptmtpt(,) - Sub.titutl tad 2. 1'" rart-tile: Bffective Date I.) a..i9P"Pt/Locatlqa/Diyi.10Q Compenlation Hyatt, Jacqueline 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Educacioo $9.94 per hour Kelly, Therese 04/15/96 Subscitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour McCarthy, Lynn 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour McDermott, Tara 04/15/96 Subscitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour McGrath, Nadine 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.51 per hour Munnich, Jennifer 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour '.,) ~ &1 ':J i£'."'I.~ p" .. Page 31 - o __ J~ <I 'It o ~ '/ BOUD 0' COOPBRA'rIVE BDUCA'fIODL saVICBS or DSSAU COUJrfY 'r ,; 'fi ) PERSOHRBL ACnOBS • e'; May 2. 1996 J; I xx. Personnel Matters - IJop-THehinq: '" ~ B. AppoiBba9pt e,) - SUb,tityte and Put-tiM: Name Effective Date(s' Murphy, Mary 04/15/96 Part· time Teacher Aide Bast Broadway • Special Bducation Replacement for Barbara Huosinger $10.65 per hour O'Leary, Patricia 04/1S/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Ostrow, Jennifer 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Rafferty, Christina 04/15/96 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation (Fo~rly Substitute Typist Clerk) $9.06 per hour AI,iqDIeDt/Loc.tiog/piyi.iog Comp,psltiOA * o " * Subject to negotiations. Page 32 • ( '" o J r '\ !I, •i o d 8CWlD OP COOPDA'1'IVB 1DOCA'rXc.&L SDVICU a. JWJS.AU COUll'!! . .,. 2. US6 II. P,r'oppel Matter• • lop-1'HChipq: 8. AppoiDtMpt lel - Sub.tiWt;e ap4 'VSi-tiM: Eff,cti". 111M ~.t,(.) Washington, Arnold 04/01/96 AI.iCDIMRt/lcoc:&t'qplDiyi.,OIl Part-time Teacher Aide Bagle Avenue Special Education Comp.p.ation $10.12 per hour * Replacement for Barl Smith o " * Subject to negotiations. .... • P••• ~ . Page 33 ~ ~ S I, I I ,I 0 o " o lJ:i BCWlD OF COOPBRATrVB BDUCATZODL SDVICBS 0,. DSSaD Comr.rr ~ :J .1 pBRSOJDIBL AC'nOllS ''iI '3 I, .~ May 2, 1996 J fi ,'i t II. Per'onn.1 Matter. - Hop-Teach!.pq: :J I c. Tepure: IIH!l Bffective ilia 1'puq Ingegno, Jacklyn OS/22/96 Occupational Therapist ArIa Loc.tiop/Divi.iOQ Bee * - Jericho Special Education i l Narasimhan, Geetha OS/22/96 Phy.ical Therapist Rosemary Kennedy School Special Education Nesdill, James OS/22/96 Physical Therapist Rosemary Kennedy School • Special Education o " • State funded program. Page 34 , \ " o • _ o . . . _____ #, J 111/ _.. ,.. I o .J.1 BCWlD OP COOPDATn'B BDUCATIODL SDVlCU O. DSSAU cOmrrY II !~ I. PDSOMM'BL ACnmtS I' ~ 1" May 2~ 1996 I, :1 i, xx. Per'OPPel Matter. - Mop-teaehing: I ~J!ll D. Appointment... Student !forker(,' apd!!ork StudY bY Aide(" : Iffecti,.. Pate CoIIpep,.tiop Pivision of Occupational BduCAtion; 02/20/96 .. 06/30/96 $5.25 per hour Hidalgo, Alan 04/15/96 .. 06/30/96 $5.25 per hour Ortiz, Shanny 04/15/96 .. 06/30/96 $5.25 per hour Vodola, John 04/15/96 - 06/30/96 $5.25 per hour Brown, Karoom pivision of Special Educatiop; , Page 35 "" BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMATION REPORT May 2, 1996 Staff Honors-Office of Information I am pleased to report that our all-BOCES videotape, Tire BOerS Advantage, has won a Bronze a\vard from the International Association of Audio Visual Communicators. The "CINDY" competition draws hundreds of entries in categories spanning a wide gamut and includes commercial productions, making this a notable recognition. Staff Honors-Cultural Arts Center \- ) Shirlene Blake-Neale, who teaches dance at the Cultural Arts Center, was asked to make two presentations at the recent national conference sponsored by the American Allinncc for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). One presentation will be on "Curricular Vision in Dance," the other will be on strategies (or tcaching dance to high school students. As well as being a member of the Cultural Arts Center faculty, Ms. BlakeNeale is also a graduate of the school. She's currently a doctoral candidate in dance education at Temple University. 2sxlo