AC Circuits Part 10, EE1103 Po-Tai Cheng Dept. of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University Hsin-Chu, TAIWAN Part 10, EE1103 – p.1/21 Overview Direct Current (DC) vs. Alternating Current (AC). Sinusoidal AC; AC generators; single-phase and three-phase Phasor and impedance; Time domain and phasor domain; Sinusoidal steady state; Definition of impedances; Root Mean Square (RMS) Values and AC power calculations. Part 10, EE1103 – p.2/21 Direct Current (DC) DC batteries are first developed by Alessandro Volta in 1799. DC generators are developed by Thomas A. Edison; First DC distribution network implemented in Manhanttan, New York, USA. Volta’s first battery Pearl Street Power Station in Mahattan, NYC, NY Part 10, EE1103 – p.3/21 Direct Current (DC) Edison’s DC generators. Part 10, EE1103 – p.4/21 Alternating Current (AC) AC induction machines are developed in 1888 by Nikola Tesla. AC generation and distribution system developed in 1890s by Tesla and Westinghouse. Part 10, EE1103 – p.5/21 AC generator a1 PSfrag replacements c2 N b2 ω b1 S c1 a2 A winding placed in the rotor to produce flux, and the rotor rotates at the rate of 3600 RPM(= 60 × 2π = 377 rad./s) Three sets of copper windings are distributed around the stator. The flux linkage of each set of windings are given as: φa = Φm sin(ωt); φb = Φm sin(ωt − 2π/3); φc = Φm sin(ωt + 2π/3); Part 10, EE1103 – p.6/21 Three-Phase generator By Farady’s law, the induced voltage across the winding terminals are: dφa dφb = ωΦm cos(ωt); vb = = ωΦm cos(ωt − 2π/3); va = dt dt dφc = ωΦm cos(ωt + 2π/3); vc = dt vb va 1 vc 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 PSfrag replacements −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Part 10, EE1103 – p.7/21 Sinusoidal Steady State Assuming the circuit under sinusoidal excitation has reached steady-state: v(t) = Vm sin (ωt + φ) where Vm = the amplitude of the sinusoid ω = the angular frequency in rad/sec φ = the phase angle of the sinusoid Periodic signal: v(t) = v(t + nT ), where T = 2π ω , and n is an integer. Constant frequency: ω does not vary with time. Part 10, EE1103 – p.8/21 Definition of Phasors Eular’s identity: ejφ = cos φ + j sin φ A sinusoidal signal in the time domain can be presented in complex form using Eular’s identity: v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ) = <[Vm (cos(ωt + φ) + j sin(ωt + φ))] = <[Vm ej(ωt+φ) ] = <[Vm ejφ ejωt ] = <[Vejωt ] where V = Vm ejφ . In sinusoidal steady state, ω is a known constant, Phasor of v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ) −→ V = Vm ejφ or Vm ∠φ The phasor analysis is developed by Charles P. Steinmetz in 1900s. Part 10, EE1103 – p.9/21 Definition of Phasors For a steady state signal v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ) dv = −ωVm sin(ωt + φ) dt = ωVm cos(ωt + φ + π/2) = <[ωVm ejφ ejωt ej = <[jωVejωt ] dv dt → jωV π/2 ] Z 1 Vm sin(ωt + φ) ω 1 = Vm cos(ωt + φ − π/2) ω 1 −π = <[ Vm ejφ ejωt ej( /2) ] ω 1 = <[ Vejωt ] jω v(t)dt = R v(t)dt → 1 jω V Part 10, EE1103 – p.10/21 Impedances iC iL PSfrag replacements PSfrag replacements vC vL dv = −ωCVm sin(ωt + φ) iC = C dt = ωCVm cos(ωt + φ + π/2) = <[ωCVm ejφ ejωt ej π/2 ] = <[jωCVejωt ] IC = jωCV VC 1 = −→ ZC = IC jωC Z 1 1 v(t)dt = Vm sin(ωt + φ) iL = L ωL 1 Vm cos(ωt + φ − π/2) = ωL 1 −π Vm ejφ ejωt ej( /2) ] = <[ ωL 1 Vejωt ] = <[ jωL 1 VL V → ZL = = jωL IL = jωL IL Part 10, EE1103 – p.11/21 Impedances vc = Vm cos(ωt + φ) vL = Vm cos(ωt + φ) ic = ωCVm cos(ωt + φ + π/2) VC = Vm ejφ ; g replacements φ ic IC = jωCV Ic φ PSfrag replacements vc ωt π/2 1 Vm cos(ωt + φ − π/2) ωL 1 jφ V VL = V m e ; I L = jωL iL = ic vc ωt Im π/2 Vc φ Re Im Vc φ Re Ic Part 10, EE1103 – p.12/21 Impedances Time domain Phasor domain v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + θv ) V V = Vm ejθv or Vm ∠θv V i(t) = Im cos(ωt + θi ) A I = Im ejθi or Im ∠θi A dv/dt R vdt V /sec jωV V ·rad/sec V · sec V/jω V ·sec/rad R Ω ZR = R Ω(resistance) C F ZC = 1/jωC Ω(reactance) L H ZL = jωL Ω(reactance) At dc, ω = 0, ZL = 0, ZC → ∞. At high frequency, ω → ∞, ZL → ∞, ZC → 0. Part 10, EE1103 – p.13/21 Kirchhoff’s Laws for Phasors KVL: v1 + v2 + · · · + vn = 0 → → → Vm1 cos(ωt + φ1 ) + Vm2 cos(ωt + φ2 ) + · · · + Vmn cos(ωt + φn ) = 0 <[Vm1 ejφ1 ejωt ] + <[Vm2 ejφ2 ejωt ] + · · · + <[Vmn ejφn ejωt ] = 0 <[(V1 + V2 + · · · + Vn )ejωt ] = 0 → V1 + V 2 + · · · + V n = 0 KCL: i1 + i2 + · · · + in = 0 . . . → replacements PSfrag replacements Z1 Z2 I 1 + I2 + · · · + I n = 0 Z3 Zpara Zser Zser = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + · · · Z1 1/Zpara Z2 Z3 = 1/Z1 + 1/Z2 + · · · Part 10, EE1103 – p.14/21 Example 1 100 Ω iC (t) PSfrag replacements 0.001 F vC (t) vs (t) vs (t) = 1000 cos(ωt + 30◦ ), ω = 10 rad/sec, Find the phasors Ic , Vc , and the time domain representation ic (t), vc (t). For ω = 100 rad/sec, find the above quantities. Part 10, EE1103 – p.15/21 Example 1 The phasor representation of vs is Vs = 1000∠(30◦ ) V. For ω = 10 rad/sec, the reactance of the capacitor is 1 1 = = −j100 Ω ZC = jωC j × 10 × 10−3 10∠(75◦ ) 1000∠(30◦ ) 1000∠(30◦ ) Vs √ √ = = = I= ◦ R + ZC 100 − j100 100 2∠(−45 ) 2 10∠(75◦ ) 1000∠(−15◦ 1 √ √ )= (−j100) = VC = I( jωC 2 2 The corresponding time-domain representation of i and vc : i(t) = 7.07 cos(10t + 75◦ ); vC (t) = 707 cos(10t − 15◦ ) Part 10, EE1103 – p.16/21 Example 1 The phasor representation of vs is Vs = 1000∠(30◦ ) V. For ω = 100 rad/sec, the reactance of the capacitor is 1 1 = = −j10 Ω ZC = jωC j × 100 × 10−3 1000∠(30◦ ) 1000∠(30◦ ) Vs ◦ = = 9.95∠(35.7 = ) I= ◦ R + ZC 100 − j10 100.5∠(−5.7 ) 1 ) = 9.95∠(35.7◦ )(−j10) = 99.5∠(−54.3◦ ) jωC The corresponding time-domain representation of i and vc : VC = I( i(t) = 9.95 cos(100t + 35.7◦ ); vC (t) = 99.5 cos(100t − 54.3◦ ) Part 10, EE1103 – p.17/21 Example 2 100 Ω iL (t) PSfrag replacements 10 H vL (t) vs (t) vs (t) = 1000 cos(ωt + 30◦ ), ω = 10 rad/sec, Find the phasors Ic , Vc , and the time domain representation ic (t), vc (t). For ω = 100 rad/sec, find the above quantities. Part 10, EE1103 – p.18/21 Example 2 The phasor representation of vs is Vs = 1000∠(30◦ ) V. For ω = 10 rad/sec, the reactance of the inductor is ZL = jωL = j × 10 × 10 = j100 Ω 1000∠(30◦ ) 1000∠(30◦ ) Vs √ = = = 7.07∠(−15◦ ) I= R + ZL 100 + j100 100 2∠(45◦ ) VC = I(jωL) = 7.07∠(−15◦ )(j100) = 707∠(75◦ ) The corresponding time-domain representation of i and vc : i(t) = 7.07 cos(10t − 15◦ ); vC (t) = 707 cos(10t + 75◦ ) Part 10, EE1103 – p.19/21 Root Mean Squre (RMS) The average power consumption of a resistor R can be calculated as: Z T 2 Z T 1 1 1 v (t) dt = v 2 (t)dt PAV = T 0 R RT 0 q R 1 T 2 Define VRM S = T 0 v (t)dt . The average power delivered by v(t) can be expressed as PAV = 2 VRM S/R . For a sinusoidal voltage v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + θv ), s s Z T Z T 2 1 V 1 + cos(2ωt + θv ) m 2 2 dt V cos (ωt + θv )dt = VRM S = T 0 m T 0 2 r Vm Vm2 T · = √ = T 2 2 Part 10, EE1103 – p.20/21 Conclusion Sinusoidal AC sources; Phasors: sinusoidal steady-state, periodic signal of a single frequency. R, L, and C in phasor domain calculation. KCL and KVL in the phasor domain. RMS values. Future Extension: Circuit Analysis (EE2220): DC circuit analysis; AC circuits analysis. Signal and Systems (EE3610): Continuous-time and Discrete-time system theories. Power Electronics (EE4815): Switch-mode power conversion circuits. Electric Machinery (EE4840): Transformers and various electric machines. Part 10, EE1103 – p.21/21