MULTILINGUISMO E MULTICULTURALISMO Prof. JOHN VALERY WHITE – Prof. BARBARA POZZO WEDNESDAYS, 10.30-13.00 Il corso di Multilinguismo e Multiculturalismo (IUS/02) verrà tenuto dal prof. John Valery White (in inglese) e dalla Prof. Barbara Pozzo (in italiano) e verrà presentato il giorno del suo inizio (7 marzo). Quest’anno la Summer School (Como, 16-20 luglio) verrà organizzata sui temi del corso e vedrà l’intervento di ospiti italiani e stranieri, esperti della materia. 7 MARCH – INTRODUCTION JOHN V. WHITE – B. POZZO 14 MARCH: B.POZZO 1. Legal families and legal languages a. Relationship between law and language 2. Latin as lingua franca in Europe a. The heritage of Roman Law b. Latin as the language of law c. Roman law as reinterpreted by medieval lawyer d. Jus commune europeaeum 21 MARCH: B.POZZO 1. The situation in France a. Langue d’oc and Langue d’oeil: two different languages and two different legal systems b. The French Revolution: One national language and one national law c. The language of the Code civil 2. The situation in Germany a. The political fragmentation in Germany and the importance of Roman law b. German as the national language c. The Historische Schule and the Germanistiche Schule d. The German Civil Code: the BGB 3. The situation in Italy a. The language of the Law before the codification of 1865 b. The influence of the German School on Legal Italian c. The new codification of 1942 28 MARCH: B.POZZO 1. The language of the Common Law 1.1. The use of Latin in the Curia Regis 1.2. The Law French 1.3. Remedies precede Rights: the creation of legal classifications on the ground of remedies 4 APRIL: B.POZZO Peculiarities of the English Legal System and (the impossibility of) Translation : 1. Trust 2. Real Property/Personal Property 3. Torts English as a global language 11 APRIL: B.POZZO 1.Multilingualism as a value in Europe 2. The role of Official languages in the EU 3. Interpreting legal texts in a multilingual context English as a working language in Europe 18 APRIL: B.POZZO 1. The protection of minority languages in Europe 2. Diversity and languages 2 MAY: J.V.WHITE The Idea of Multiculturalism 1. The Cultural Studies Movement in American Universities 2. The British Race Law as a Multicultural Legal Regime 3. Multiculturalism and Europe 4. Challenges to Multiculturalism: Islam in Europe after September 11 and the London and Madrid Bombings 9 MAY: J.V.W.HITE Before Multiculturalism 1. Pre-modern “Multiculturalism” a. The Roman Empire and Geographic Multiculturalism b. Islamic Seville 2. Modernism: Conquest, Colonialism, and Nationalism a. Jurispathic Nationalism: Defining the static nation of the Nation-State (Example of France) b. Exclusion and Domination: Imperialism and Colonialism c. Assimilation: Industrialism and the Incorporation of Workers 16 MAY: J.V.WHITE 3. Delegitimizing Racism: Post-World War II Anti-Racism a. Anti-Nazism and the Rise of the UN Human Rights Regime b. Anti-Colonialism c. Anti-Segregation in the United States d. Immigrant Labour and the rise of the British Race Law 23 MAY: J.V.WHITE Enfranchisement and Citizenship 1. Expanding the Right to Vote in the United States 2. Citizenship, Guest Workers and Belonging in England and Germany 3. The Post World War II Rise of Women’s Rights 30 MAY: J.V.WHITE Employment and Expression 1. Employment Rights and Identity in the Post-Industrial United States 2. Expression of Identity in the Workplace of European Welfare States 6 JUNE: J.V.WHITE The End of Multiculturalism: On Religion and Identity 1. The “Yoder Problem” in the United States 2. The European Assault on the Hijab 3. Gay Identity and Religious Fundamentalism SUMMER SCHOOL: dal 16 al 20 luglio