t\ 5-- <r-- Physics48 (FaII2011) Chapter 25: Capacitance "Theanswers you receivedependuponthequestions yozlask ,,- ThomasKuhn "Life is a mirror and will reflect backto the thinker what he thinrrsinto jt ', - ErnestHormes " Wat we seedependsmainly on what we lookfor.,' _ John Lubbock Reading: pages656-674 Outline: = capacitors introduction definitionof capacitance + calculatingcapacitance parallel-plate capacitor sphericalcapacitor(readon your own) cyiindrical capacitor(readon your own) = combinations of capacitors series parallel => energystoredin an electric field + dielectrics capacitors with dielectrics atomicview of dielectrics(powerpoint) Gauss'Law (readon your own) ProblemSolvingTechniques To solvemanyproblemsof this chaptel you shouldknow the basicrelafionship betweenthe magnitudeq ofthe chargeon eitherplate of a capacitorandthe potential V difference acrossttre piates:q = cv' You shouldalsoknow how to cilculatethe capacitance ofa parallel-plate capacitor, a cylindrical capacitor,and a sphericalcapacitor,all in termsofttr" g"orrr"t v"u f shbuldalsoknow thatthe capacitance ofa capacitorthat is filled *iih u ai"tlct"itrr" i" or"lf""t"r. a-i-.r""ti" constantk is c: rc6, wherec6 is the capacitance ofthe capacitorwithoutthe dietectrrc. some problems {eal with capacitorsin seriesor paralel. Ia eachcase,you shouldknow how to com.pute tle equivalentcapacitance,the chargeon eachcapacitor,andihe potential differenceacross eachcapacitor,given the potentialdifference-across the combination. v You shor:ldknow how to computethe enerry storedin a capacitot,given eitherits chargeor potential difference.You shouldalsoknow how to computethe energydensityat pointsbetweenthe platesor, in general,at any point within a given electricfield. Questionsand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter 25 QuestionI For eachcircuit in the figure belory,arethe capacitorsconnectedin series,in parallel,or in neither mode? -t" "I (n) -A-uv'a4 Question2 The figure below showsthreecircuits, eachconsistingof a switch andtwo capacitors,initially chargedasindicated.After the switcheshavebeenclosed,in which circuit (if any) will the chargeon the left-handcapacitor(a) increase,(b) decrease,and (c) remainthe same? 0,,{lou 2n-L r,{lou "-l-il (tl lc7\ !i., -A'amu ( --= t cV (^) ( b\ 3 t.) O^r,-;} L r,-.flloo !(;"1* _:] !(; (3) .8" apns +^ **4) V = X/. ^''^,*aJl-'{ Question3 Figurea showsa sircuit with tlree capacitors,and Fig. b showsthe circuit with their equivalent capacitor,of capacitance c=, yl.ri9hhgsachargeof 60 pc. without a calculator(and,#possible, witlout written calculation),find (a) the chargeon and the voltageacror, ib; 3Ld th"n (c) the chargeon and (d) the voltageacrosscapacitor1. "upu"it- = [o'^rC $ 'a $a l0tF (") %:_-kes.c ( b) vu-%ul.= H, f-=r c,a:* f L:f Problem I (d) V,* = %,^k,^=Gouc = 3V=V,=\A A,o.tF I = E ^::-' acrlF 30,,rF (') S '= c'V' = ( ro^^ f-)(3v) - 3gz g A parallel-plate capacitorhascircularplatesof 8.20cm radiusand 1.30mm separation. (a) Calculate the capacitance.(b) Find the chargefor a potentialdifferenceof 120V. '= '"cli..,o"i ') (?,ri,.ro "r,,, a - (t.t5.,' , f [ , t l r . i D - l , ot\; r..: r. a-- I c l"'/3.io-u Problen 2 Supposethat the two sphericalshellsofa sphericalcapacitorhaveapproximatelyequalradii. Under theseconditions,the deviceapproximatesa parallel-platecapacitorwith b - a = i. siow that Eq.25-17(C = 4nx0ab(b - a) doesindeedreduceto Eq. 25-9(C: e6Nd)in this case. 2. jt;*. l;,-'t :-!:t ...1.r.\r.,,!-i.,:..1,!il,e4 :!,.,..,1* .._i..i: t = I ", - - ,f q ;, -: \--" -': i > o'ta. 4 eD9,q 4J** l I .,Arq -(!- -u-*^)fu*t A-! fit arq b= A b-q - ld v -t,/ a = t"k./ 1 /11 riTqb Problem 3 In the figure below,the batteryhasa potentialdifferenceof 10.0V andthe five capacitorseachhave a capacitanceof 10.0FF. What is the chargeon (a) capacitor1 and (b) capacitor2? V' = toy' (") L9 = (lo.oLP)(lo'ov) Qr= C,V, e,: loo.ue :==-- (b) C, *Co'^^an'ia +. /"^-/".=G-e"*. ' \-? Ce> r---J_^ J_ f I - ---> Ca.+ C,'. rr ga.,"".N{e"Q : -)-r -T'n a\ La:q I Ls NY\A!^'t Ia -) Carrs $..rs . \,rlts =-..-+l t- l= C".r. -- (e-F | / ?.{r lO.u l- = C".,'V..r" = (6-t=Xtov) = fuouL ---l = ffi v...,=%^',/r^"r V".={ - 4v' (aar =%u=foul (%r=crvr= '6uc) =1V 4a= ts \-r = tor^g :-- lov C. Ca C,{ cs 5.r^F t l0r,F _l* _J-cs Cr., I Cae.rs Ill S,trtr Cr.., -- C.g *C.. Ca:\ = / Br^F \- a3'l I -- $0uL 6V i Problem 4 t-90Oa is chargedto a potentialdifferenceof 50-V, and the charging ,t :"t":itor batreryis clrscorurected. Thecapacitoris thencorurected in parallelwith a secondri"itiiriu"n#geal capacitor'If the potential differenceacrossthe first capacitor dropsto 35 v, what is the capacitance of this secondcapacitor? /' v - -r \ - - ' = t^.i. Yt Vo- i ScV =) c+)h lr ),n-,frurL'6, L t - -|p . , . - :/-* c :i - t - - - . : , .: : , _ . . _ :"r = C J, 4 ) (Yv-,-',.;r. ..-.'.1't iutt t te$n-y,,)r,t1,t" l^ -! ,.tr,r,"r',crl) ">,.'t1-q,'.1 f.:"r;L.",^,:G-.t ts* _.,j,.:,,- :.. ,:,<--_i1,t:.r,J7i ,.rr__,;i _p.,,,r,.u., C"o.,"s,1 :i,,"- t,-'i.,: _ j > t' J*J.,:: -t l,'..,,-C, / = .-':,",,-r; ,., *^**$,*:;.,re ?, .,,"'i-r i .1,-.3.i::.: ,-?! ,4 probtem5 j, j ,r,... ;i.,* ,..r'-.,-Ji, = 19a:-lrii':'i C a = %^/,,,. r-, ( \J,-t,//'r' " =Wlf, I t : 3.0 pF andboth *. chargedto a potentialdifferenceofv = 100v bui with opp-ositepolarity "-uiuino., asshown. switches sl and 52arenow closed.(a) What is now thepotential OifferenceUetweenpoints a andb? What arenow the chargeson capacitors(b) I and (c) 2.? =) asblil"-art^fi1 tt rla+"A, Xg\,c,a?^i,t1r a/ll r^1 trDl di-0r{ ..}a #v /vcy}Aq a7,.+.t' ssq ,^" \9rt -&e.r1e I \ v: % =V* = %"/c,.%"'W* gta C,v, = (t"our)(roov) {,' , Let = lD o,r.rC c[a = CaV* * %r* = ( 3 . o , , r p - ) ( 1 6 o v ;- - 3 o o l q = Aoor,rc -.,",J.l,ri floo.tL Cr +Ce. .cr^{vn po.^-"dta!> ,tlrn4zce...-tg )a c+Wu.*o Cr^= Cr +Ca"= l.o,,.rF+3.o,uF= 4.o.qtr V^=%'/",^= t:# =@ 0> S, = C,V, - (l.orF)q5ov)= eI = = =l_t:9^! Ca.V" (z"our)( s,u) Qa V,=V*- 5ov l Problem6 In the figurebelow,V: 10V, Cr: 10 Y.F,andCz: C: = 20 FF' SwitchS is fust tlrown to the left sideuntil capacitor1 reachesequilibrium.Thenttre switch is thrown to the right. Whenequilibrium . is againreached,how much chargeis on capacitor1.. -ugi: arrd+A -=--- ;-6,^a {lr [--f_^ il_:r'' rc.lrn.7.t o-t C, = %= C,% (lo,"r)(tov) = loor,^.L ?- C a. { C, * ^ 4 O'b^d-A"AA -^ C1s = C^*C, Ao^^tri AO.r^F C.3 = {or^F ry4 ft-g,a^a*-lo raazt^r.A .\ \'rr---_]* t-l L---T v"= C'Vr * I .v : % = $, t $ra C*"Vts V,=V*.=V C,V= C,V* Cr.V = (c,+c.=)V ( to,*F) ( tov) /^ /\ \ (Lt r L-lr/ ( l o , " l = *f o r F ) V,-' }-"oV V6= X.oV = ( to,,F) ( r.ov) Qer=C'V' 4tt )O,taC = C", V^u= (+o-r) (1.ov) = 8 o , ^ , r c - Problem 7 Theparallel-.plaes in a capacitor,with a plate areaof 8.50 cnt' andan air-filled separationof 3.00 mm, ae chargedby a 6.00V battery.Theyarethen disconnectedfrom the batteryandpulled apart(without discharge)to a separationof 8.00mrn. Neglectingfringing, find (a) the potential differencebetweenthe plates(b) the initial storedenergy,(c) the final storedenergyand (d) the work requiredto separatethe piates. \/ C= €.Vl A- ?,5ocmt- !,gdxl4fqrr fu e*"ry ^a/-4* fuA,'v,ry +,nt\.V\tlt fu^A, = !.@orlt'311 C[ = ?.oon.\ V = 6.oov ,o"n" ca+-r-b't;a &).caw^h) ori?"*Ifu -- (3'oo A.St"lo-'"F nqQr,,O&a^.oy ^4i'in;^^ V=b.oov A,a/,\a ) C= Ct,sS^rt''t7u.')(Y %=cV "to-' ''') = (a,st'1ooF)(r,.oov)= /,5)"\o-tt -=' (^) v: yc= l' 51,.lo-'t ,ld'?F ' Q, ? o V=tGV Cc) U=/r.C'vi 1.AO,161'" (U) u -- l( C;V;\ = )/r(l.sr'to-'*F)(a-oov)a 7-'J'------'---1 (d) W= DD=l7.SA^to-"7 = lq.S Problen rruurerrl o 8 5J |t l - 7 c ) lx l x lo-" lu Il , IG ' tt' )aDacrtof nas a caDacllar of 50 pF. (a) If eachof its plateshasan areaof ' A parallel-plateair-filled capftibTfficapacildnce 0.35m", what is the sepmation?(b) lf the regionbetweenthe platesis now filled with material havingr : 5.6, what is the capacitance? c= sDPF A = o"35r-,1 K= 5.G (q) C=e"Vd* J= €"yc ( 5o* \o-'' i=; 3c', d = 6.1* lO (Ul ,\.L,^J* o da.q!-o'Db,^Xx-hrl€&\*As [i"e,ofu, 't&r' rnur-o ca+a]:rj6oo,v.e ,tt ry;vut* !:4 C^,^-=((€.)ftA-K (n'Ya) C^,,r*. (s.{e)(sopp) = ATo eF K C,,A Problem9 The spacebgtweentwo concentricconductingsphericalshellsof radiiQ: 1.70cm andb = 1.20cm isfilledwithasubstanceofdielecficconstantK=23.5.ApotentialdifferenceV=73.0Visapplied acrossthe imrer andouter shells.Determine(a) the capacitanceof the dwice, (b) the free chargeq on the inner shell, and(c) the chargeq' inducedalongthe surfaceofthe inner shell. -2 ro^ q=r"/o*lo " cq) /-*\ C"= l rT'r-(;:t r, ,/. f abl. c.)(Co = ?rr118" ( a-uj )n 6 = l . A o " 1 o 'no; l<= a3"s V= ?3.ov (U) {ry looTxio-?F - o.tc?nF C' coot',,art -- cV- c) $-$'=%/Kn = ( i"o?. 1s-?F) (l;-ev) %'=%-%/g = S(l n'=(t't1"')(t-*") = | ,/,-\ /r_J 1"% Problem 10 Two parallelplatesof area100 cm2aregiven chargesof equalmagnitudes8.9 x l0-? C but opposite signs.The elechic field within the dielectricmaterialfilling the spacebetweenthe platesis 1.4 x 10oV/m. (a) Calculatethe dieleckic constantof the material.(b) Determinethe magritude of the chargeinducedon eachdielectricsurface. H l-l nil" ll l-l l+l lt J+l Ll H f1 fl fl fl tl ll fl d=8'9n{o-?c e--i"l"lobv/n') : ^,4m \, A -- lDo.*"( #.* ) = io'r" .In q Au!r'rh"-,A' E,/X = ,ur,wr ftj (a)' K==+;r\ --+(' = ?>E ( 8,i 5 iC'' " ( b) %'%' = %k ( to %^') ( r,t*tobufrn) ?{ lK= r-------- ^^A'^a Xt = t"a*oJ'h*"# %= t,0*n€<mP2& aur=T.?,.iD-?c '"u)