Helwan University From the SelectedWorks of Omar H. Abdalla Winter February 15, 2009 Steady State Analysis of Unified Power Flow Controllers Omar H. Abdalla Mohamed A. E. Ghazy Lotfy M. Lotfy Nermeen A. M. Hassan Available at: http://works.bepress.com/omar/9/ 1 Steady State Analysis of Unified Power Flow Controllers O. H. Abdalla(1), Senior Member, IEEE, M. A. E. Ghazi(2), L. M. Lotfy(2), and N. A. M. Hasan(2) (1) Oman Electricity Transmission Company, ohabdalla@ieee.org (2) University of Helwan, Egypt. Abstract—The paper presents a tutorial review of the basic operation, control functions and steady state performance of a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). A typical circuit arrangement of a UPFC is given and principles of controlling active and reactive powers are described. The main functions of UPFC are analyzed; including voltage regulation, series reactive compensation, phase compensation, and combined actions. A simplified two-bus power system is considered to demonstrate the main effects of the UPFC. Studies and results are presented to show the wide range capabilities of the UPFC in controlling transition active and reactive powers simultaneously and/or independently. higher the harmonic order present which is not required here, Therefore, the UPFC with GTO is preferable than UPFC with IGBT. The shunt converter and series converters are connected to the transmission line through step down transformers. They are operated from a common DC link provided by a DC storage capacitor which has a capacitance value specified for better dynamic performance but with cost consideration. These back to back converters can independently generate (or absorb) reactive power at its own AC output terminal [1-3]. VS Index Terms—Unified Power Flow Controller, Transmission Systems, Control of Active and Reactive Powers. IS T IS I. INTRODUCTION HE Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) concept was proposed by Gyugyi in 1991 [1]. The UPFC is used for the real time control and dynamic compensation for AC transmission systems, providing more flexibility in power system today [2-4]. Moreover, the UPFC has the unique capability to control simultaneously and/or independently, all the parameters affecting power flow in the transmission line which are voltage, impedance, and phase angle [5, 6]. Also it can independently control both the real and reactive power flows in the line under transmission system constraints [7-9]. This paper demonstrates the UPFC main configuration with the detailed operation for its series and shunt branches. Also each branch control functions and the effect of the injected voltage in the active and reactive power control are discussed in more details. II. CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENT The UPFC circuit as illustrated in Fig. 1 consists of a shunt and a series branches. Each branch is considered as a voltage source converter using semiconductor devices of fully controlled type, such as the Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) and the Gate Turn-Off (GTO) thyristors. The GTO is a more advanced version of the conventional thyristor, where the GTO unlike Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR), can be turned off by applying negative gate signal. Also it has fast turn off, lower cost, weight, volume and noise. The IGBT is a faster switching device than the GTO which is limited to the order of 1 kHz. But the higher the switching frequency the Shunt Series Fig. 1. UPFC circuit arrangement. III. OPERATION OF UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLERS The shunt converter basic function is to provide the real power demanded by the series converter from the AC power system. It can also, if desired, generate or absorb reactive power at the UPFC connected bus, which is independent of the active power transfer to (or from) the DC terminal. Therefore it can provide reactive power compensation for the transmission line and thus provide indirect voltage regulation at the input terminal of the UPFC [3]. The main function of the UPFC is provided by the series converter by injected an AC voltage in series with the line with controllable magnitude VSE (0 ≤ VSE ≤ VSEmax) and phase angle α (0 ≤ α ≤ 360o), at the power frequency, through a series connected transformer. The converter output voltage injected in series with the line can be used for direct voltage control, series compensation, phase shifter and their combinations which will be discussed in details in the next section. The real power exchanged at AC terminal of the insertion transformer is converted by the series converter into DC power which appears at the DC link as positive real power 2 demanded by the shunt converter. The reactive power exchange at the AC terminal is generated internally by the inverter. IV. UPFC FUNCTIONS Fig. 4 (a). With no series compensation, the function of the shunt branch is to regulate the line voltage by injecting a shunt reactive current into the transmission line. The compensation type inductive or capacitive is depending on whether the shunt voltage source VSH is higher or lower than the sending end voltage VS as shown in Fig. 4 (b). The operation of the UPFC from the standpoint of conventional power transmission is based on reactive shunt compensation, series compensation, and phase shifting [1-3]. The UPFC can fulfill these functions and thereby meet multiple control objectives by adding the injected voltage VSE, with appropriate amplitude and phase angle. The basic UPFC XL I ISH XSH VR VSH XSE I VSE XL ISH VSH ISH XSH VS VS VR VS ISH VSH VSH UPFC VSH < VS Inductive compensation Fig. 4. Shunt compensation. Fig. 2. UPFC schematic diagram. power flow controller functions are illustrated in Fig. 2. A. Uncompensated simple power system A simple two machine system connected through a transmission line whose reactance is xL with its voltages phasors shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). The equation of power transfer is given as follows: PS = V SV R sin δ XL C. Series converter operation The series branch provides the main function of the UPFC by controlling the three parameters affect the power flow in a transmission line simultaneously and independently. It is represented by a series AC variable voltage source with controllable magnitude VSE and phase angle α measured from the reference voltage VR and connected to the sending end by a reactance XSE as illustrated in Fig. 5. (1) I XSE VSE∟α XL V V VS I δ (a) VSH > VS Capacitive compensation VS1 VS VR ( Fig. 3. Uncompensated system. (a) Circuit (b) Voltage phasors B. Shunt converter operation The shunt branch is represented as a variable voltage source VSH with variable magnitude and phase angle and connected to the sending end by a reactance XSH as shown in Fig. 5. Series branch schematic diagram. V S ∠ δ = − V SE ∠ (α )+ jI ( X SE + X L ) + V R ∠ 0 (2) 3 I= V S ∠ δ + V SE ∠ (α jX ) − VR∠0 Therefore, VS1(Inductive) V . VR V . V SE P= S Sin (δ ) + R Sin (α ) X X Where, (3) VS1 VSE2 X = XL+XSE The series converter has the following four operation modes: VS1 I (Capacitive) • Voltage regulation (a) It is considered as a terminal voltage regulator similar to that obtainable with a transformer tap-changer having infinitely small steps [1, 2] and [9]. The phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 6 (a) and (b). When the series voltage VSE is injected in-phase or out-of-phase (substituting angle α = ± δ in Equation (3)), the voltage VS1 at bus S1 in Fig. 5 is increased (or decreased). Fig. 6 (c) illustrates the effect of the injected series voltage on the transmitted power. • Series reactive compensation It is used to control the current or power flow by regulating the transmission line’s effective reactance by connecting the series voltage VSE in quadrature with the line current as shown in Fig. 7 (b), where the series voltage VSE may be replaced by a reactance XCSE (0 ≤ XCSE ≤ X). Therefore, Equation (1) can be written as follow: V S .V R P= sin δ ( X ± X CSE ) VSE1 (a) VS1 VS1 Fig. 7. Series reactive compensation (a) Phasor diagram (b) P- δ curves (4) Note: the equivalent reactance (X + XCSE) means inductive compensation and the equivalent reactance (X – XCSE) means capacitive compensation. VS (b) (b) • Phase angle compensation VS This is used for regulating the phase angle of the line voltage by a series connected compensating voltage VSE, in quadrature with respect to the voltage, keeping the voltage amplitude of the sending-end nearly constant as shown in Figure 8. VSE1 P= V S .V R . sin (δ ± θ ) X (5) Where, θ is the resultant phase shifting angle. • Combined compensation: It can be achieved by simultaneous voltage regulation, series compensation, and phase shifting, as shown at Fig. 9. Where, VT = VSE1 + VSE2 + VSE3 (c) Fig. 6. Voltage regulation (a) VS1= VS+ VSE (b) VS1= VS- VSE (c) P- δ curves when VSE varied 4 and the reactive powers Qs and QR against the transmitted power P for (0 ≤ δ ≤ 90o), respectively. Where; VS+ +θ V S .V R (6) . sin δ X V 2 V .V (7) Q S = S − S R . cos δ X X ⎛ V .V V2 ⎞ (8) Q R = − ⎜⎜ S R . cos δ − R ⎟⎟ X X ⎝ ⎠ Where, the negative sign for the opposite direction shown in Fig. 8 (a), assuming that VS = VR= 1 pu and X = 1 pu. P = VS -θ VSE3 VS(a) I + VX QS p QR VS VR (a) VS VX (b) δ Fig. 8. Phase angle compensation. (a) Phasor diagram (b) P- δ curves (b) VR Fig. 10. (a) Simple two machine system VS VSE1 VT I VST VSE2 Qs,QR P VSE3 Fig. 9. Combined compensation phasor diagram. V. PRINCIPLES OF REAL AND REACTIVE POWER CONTROL A. Basic two-bus system The basic power system of Fig. 10 with the well known transmission characteristics is introduced to provide a guideline to establish the capability of the UPFC to control the transmitted real power P and the reactive power demands, Qs and Qr at the sending end and receiving end of the line, respectively. (a) A simple two bus system with sending end voltage VS, receiving-end voltage VR, line impedance X (assumed, for simplicity inductive) and the phasor diagram with power angle δ are shown in Fig. 10 (a) and (b). Fig. 11 (a) and (b) show the relation of the transmitted power P, and the reactive power QS and QR against angle δ, (b) (b) Voltage phasors 5 Fig. 11. (a) Angle δ versus P, QS and Qr (d) P versus QS and Qr B. Two-bus system with UPFC The above system is expanded to include the UPFC, which is represented by a controllable voltage source in series with the line as shown in Fig. 12. The series branch provides the main function of the UPFC. The phasor VSE has a magnitude VSE (0 ≤ VSE ≤ VSEmax) and phase angle α measured from the reference voltage VR (where α = δ - ρ). The phase angle ρ (0≤ρ≤ 360o) is measured from the given position of phasor VS, as illustrated in Fig.12 (a) and (b). VSE∟α I + VX - VS Fig. 12 shows that the transmission line VS + VSE as the effective sending end voltage. Thus it is clear that the UPFC affects the voltage magnitude and phase angle across the transmission line. Therefore, by varying the magnitude and angle of VSE, the transmitted real power as well as the reactive power demand of the line can be controlled at any given transmission angle between the sending-end and receiving-end voltages. VI. EFFECT OF INJECTED VOLTAGE ON P AND Q CONTROL QR QS The UPFC shunt inverter is assumed to be operated at unity power factor, as its reactive compensation capability of the UPFC not utilized. Its main function is to transfer the real power demand of the series inverter to the sending-end generator. With these assumptions, the series voltage source, together with the real power coupling to the sending end generator is an accurate representation of the basic UPFC. VR To illustrate the effect of the series injected voltage of the UPFC, the reactive power at sending and receiving ends QS, and Qr are plotted separately against the transmitted power P as a function of the power angle δ (0 ≤δ≤90o). The magnitude of VSE = 0.5 pu and phase angle ρ which provides the maximum transmitted power at: dPR/dρ = 0, (ρ = ρP=Pmax., ρ= -tan-1 (cot δ)) (a) The results are shown in Fig. 13. Also, the P-Q curve without UPFC is included in the figure as a reference. Equations (6) to (8) can be modified to include the UPFC as follow: ρ VSE VS P = VS . VR V . V SE Sin ( δ ) + R Sin ( δ − ρ ) X X QS = V S2 V V V V + S SE cos( ρ ) − S R cos (δ X X X VX δ (b) VR Fig. 12. Two bus system with UPFC. (a) Schematic diagram (b) Phasor diagram In order to represent the UPFC properly, the series voltage source is stipulated to generate only the reactive power QSE it exchanges with the line. Thus the real power PSE exchanged with the transmission line is assumed to be transferred to the sending-end generators if a perfect coupling for real power flow between it and the sending-end generator excited. The dc link between the two converters establishes a bi-directional coupling for real power flow between the injected series voltage source and the sending-end bus. ) (9) (10) ⎛V V V V V2 ⎞ QR = − ⎜⎜ S R Cos (δ ) + R SE Cos (δ − ρ ) − R ⎟⎟ (11) X X ⎠ ⎝ X It can be observed from Fig. 13 that when the power angle is zero (δ=0). With VSE = 0 (without UPFC), P, QS, and QR are all zero. But when the UPFC is operated with VSE = 0.5, pu it is possible to provide 0.5 pu power flow, without any reactive power demand on either the sending-end or the receiving-end. Also, at the same real power flow, the sending and receiving end reactive power is lower. For illustrating the wide boundaries of P and Q due to the effect of the injected voltage magnitude VSE= 0.5 pu and the variations in the angle ρ with full revolution (0≤ρ≤360°), the 6 same plots in Fig. 13 is repeated but with definite values of δ (δ=0, 30°, 60º), as shown in Fig. 14. In contrast, the control region boundary for P and QR in the {QR, P} plane remains a circle at all transmission angles. 1.5 VII. CONCLUSIONS s e n d in g re a c tiv e p o w e r (Q s ) Vpq=0 Vpq=0.5,Pmax. The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) can provide simultaneous, real-time control of all or any combination of the basic power system parameters (voltage, line impedance and phase angle) which affect the power flow in transmission networks. 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Transmitted Real Power (P) 1.5 R e c ie v in g re a c tiv e p o w e r (Q r) Vpq=0 Vpq=0.5, P=max. 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Transmitted Real power (P) The series converter provides the main operation of the UPFC, thus the UPFC is represented by a controllable voltage source in series with the line. The shunt converter is assumed to be operated at unity power factor, when its reactive compensation capability of the UPFC not utilized. In this case the main function of the shunt converter is to provide the real power demand of the series converter to the sending-end generator. The UPFC provides flexibility for ac power transmission control that has been illustrated by representing the steadystate operation functions of the UPFC. The shunt converter can regulate the bus voltage in which the UPFC is inserted, and the series converter has the ability to provide voltage regulation, series reactive compensation, phase angle compensation and also combination of them. Therefore by controlling the magnitude and phase angle of the series voltage VSE, the power flows in the transmission line and hence the magnitude of loading can be controlled. The UPFC can be viewed as a generalized real and reactive power flow controller that is able to maintain a prescribed P and Q at a given point on the transmission line. Moreover, a wide range of P and Q control is achievable with the UPFC. Fig. 13. Reactive power at sending and receiving ends versus transmitted real power with and without UPFC. VIII. REFERENCES [1] In Fig. 14 (a), the circles in the {QS, P} and {QR, P} planes define all P and QS and, respectively, P and QR values achievable with the UPFC of a given rating. These circles illustrate the wide range operational capability of the UPFC. The UPFC with voltage rating of 0.5 pu is able to establish 0.5 pu power flow, in either direction, without demanding any reactive power generator at either the sending-end or the receiving-end. The UPFC can force the generator at one end to supply reactive power for the generator at the other end. In general at any given transmission angle δ, the transmitted real power P, and the reactive power demands at the transmission line ends, QS and QR, can be controlled freely by the UPFC within the boundaries obtained in the {QS, P} and {QR, P} planes by rotating the injected voltage phasor VSE with its maximum magnitude a full revolution (0≤ ρ ≤ 360°). Wherever the transmission angle δ is increased, the control region in the {QS, P} plane in Fig. 14 (b) at δ=30° becomes an ellipse. It becomes narrower at δ = 60° until it degenerates into a straight line at δ = 90° as shown in Fig. 14 (c) and (d), respectively. 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