Analogies Worksheet: Word Relationships Practice

Analogies 101 Plus
Set G
The examples below will introduce you to analogies. Each analogy consists of two pairs of words. Your job is to
make the second pair express a relationship between its two words that is as similar as possible to the relationship
between the words in the first pair. For instance, in the analogy HUNTER : TRAP :: FISHERMAN : ______________________ the best word to place in the blank would be NET, because "net" names a tool fisherman might use to catch and
hold a fish, while “trap” names a tool a hunter might use to catch and hold an animal. Now fill the blanks in the analogies below with the most suitable word or pair of words from those that are listed as choices. 1. FLOWER : BUD :: BUTTERFLY : ____________________ a. moth b. wing c. leaf d. cocoon e. caterpillar 2. HABIT : BREAK :: JOB : ___________________________ a. work b. quit c. fail d. finish e. succeed 3. DRIZZLE : POUR :: SPRINKLE : _____________________ a. scatter b. dampen c. dump d. tumble e. decorate 4. BUILDING : HALLWAY :: NEIGHBORHOOD : __________ a. house b. alley c. room d. corner e. door 5. PARTY : PLAN :: CRIME : __________________________ a. steal b. capture c. solve d. plot e. arrest 6. WEED : PULL :: ERROR : a. erase b. correct c. forget d. make e. ignore 7. CARPENTER : NAIL :: TAILOR : ___________________ a. scissors b. sewing machine c. thread d. jacket e. cloth 8. CHECKERS : BOARD :: TENNIS : __________________ a. ball b. racquet c. net d. court e. score 9. MOUSE : ANIMAL :: LETTUCE : ____________________ a. rabbit b. carrot c. vegetable d. garden e. salad 10. ROOF : BEAMS :: CHEST : ________________________ a. lungs b. ribs c. muscles d. hairs e. shirts 11. COMPUTER : LOG ON :: HOUSE : __________________ a. build b. lock c. heat d. enter e. clear 12. POEM : VERSE :: STORY : _________________________ a. paragraph b. subject c. author d. title e. page 13. SNOW : FLAKE :: SAND : _____________________ a. beach b. dune c. grain d. bucket e. summer 14. SEE : SHADOW :: HEAR : ____________________ a. whisper b. song c. voice d. scream e. echo 15. CHILL : FREEZE :: WARM : ___________________ a. heat b. cool c. melt d. boil e. serve 16. CARPENTER : SAW :: CHEF : _________________ a. bowl b. knife c. frying pan d. spice e. spoon 17. CLOTH : SEW :: PAPER : _____________________ a. scribble b. decorate c. glue d. paint e. cut 18. THINK : DECIDE :: CHEW : ____________________ a. eat b. swallow c. taste d. spit e. drink 19. CLOTHES : CLOSET :: ________________________ a. sand : beach b. tea : bag c. diamond : mine d. raft : river e. money : bank 20. BAND : INSTRUMENT :: _______________________ a. teacher : student b. flock : bird c. color : red d. month : year e. sound : music 21. LEAVES : RAKE :: ___________________________ a. lawn : water b. flowers : plant c. crumbs : sweep d. table : polish e. rain : splash SET G
22. BUTTERFLY : CATERPILLAR :: __________________ a. rooster : hen b. frog : tadpole c. cow : bull d. lizard : dinosaur e. beef : hamburger 23. FACTORY : SMOKESTACK :: ____________________ a. car : sunroof b. cabin : fireplace c. gas station : tank d. house : chimney e. train : engine 24. THUNDER : RUMBLE :: _________________________ a. stomach : growl b. horn : blow c. nose : sneeze d. throat : hiccup e. lightning : strike 25. POEM : WRITE :: ______________________________ a. window : break b. drum : beat c. scarf : knit d. book : read e. library : visit 26. SCOUT : TROOP :: ____________________________ a. bird : nest b. musician : band c. actor : movie d. hive : bee e. class : teacher 27. JEANS : BAGGY :: ____________________________ a. coat : warm b. boots : tight c. socks : short d. belt : loose e. shirt : unbuttoned 28. PADDLE : PINGPONG :: _______________________ a. pool : table b. court : basketball c. touchdown : football d. puck : hockey e. racquet : tennis 29. SALAD : LEAFY :: ____________________________ a. carrot : healthy b. stew : meaty c. onion : sliced d. tomato : ripe e. celery : chopped 30. SEW : PATTERN :: ___________________________ a. cut : scissors b. clean : detergent c. cook : apron d. bake : recipe e. shop : money ANALOGY FORMATS Here are some of the kinds of relationships which analogies may express. Make up a second pair to match the first pair given in each example. 1. ANTONYMS rise : plunge :: 2. SYNONYMS icy : frosty :: 3. PART : WHOLE arm : chair :: 4. WHOLE : PART sentence : word :: 5. TOOL : ITS ACTION razor : shave :: 6. TOOL USER : TOOL fisherman : net :: 7. TOOL : OBJECT IT’S USED WITH scissors : paper :: 8. CATEGORY : EXAMPLE mineral : iron :: 9. EFFECT : CAUSE sneeze : allergy :: 10. CAUSE : EFFECT accident : injury :: 11. INCREASING INTENSITY cheerful : beaming :: 12. DECREASING INTENSITY filthy : soiled :: 13. ACTION : THING ACTED UPON climb : mountain :: 14. SYMBOL : THING SYMBOLIZED skirt : woman :: 15. OBJECT OR PLACE : ITS USER nest : bird :: 16. NOUN : CLOSELY RELATED ADJECTIVE sword : sharp :: Here are three important things to remember when you think about analogies: PARTS OF SPEECH. If the words in the first pair express a “noun : adjective” or “verb : noun” or “adjective : adjective” relationship (for instance), the second pair should show the same relationship between parts of speech. WORD ORDER. If the first pair expresses a “tool user : tool” relationship (for instance), the second pair must express the same relationship in the same order (tool user first, tool second). EXACTNESS. Sometimes two or more of the given choices would make fairly good sense in the blank. When this happens, you should choose the word or pair of words that most exactly suits the relationship you’re expressing. ANSWERS TO ANALOGIES 101 – SET G: 1. 2. cocoon quit 3. dump 4. alley 5. plot 6. erase 7. thread 8. court 9. vegetable 10. ribs 11. enter 12. paragraph 13. grain 14. echo 15. boil 16. knife 17. glue 18. swallow 19. money : bank 20. flock : bird 21. crumbs : sweep 22. frog : tadpole 23. house : chimney 24. stomach : growl 25. scarf : knit 26. musician : band 27. belt : loose 28. racquet : tennis 29. stew : meaty 30. bake : recipe Analogies 101 Plus
Detailed Answer Key
Set G
A BUD surrounds a developing FLOWER. In a similar way, a COCOON surrounds a developing BUTTERFLY.
MOTH is not the best answer because it is not something that surrounds a developing BUTTERFLY.
WING is not the best answer because it is not something that surrounds a developing BUTTERFLY.
LEAF is not the best answer because it is not something that surrounds a developing BUTTERFLY.
CATERPILLAR is not the best answer because it is not something that surrounds a developing BUTTERFLY.
When you BREAK a HABIT, you stop doing the HABIT. Similarly, when you QUIT a JOB, you stop doing the JOB. Also, both
BREAK and QUIT have negative connotations.
WORK is not the best answer because when you WORK a JOB, you do not stop doing the JOB.
FAIL is not the best answer because when you FAIL a JOB, it does not mean that you stop doing the JOB.
FINISH is not the best answer because when you FINISH a JOB, you may stop doing the JOB, but there is no
negative connotation.
SUCCEED is not the best answer because when you SUCCEED at a JOB, you do not stop doing the JOB.
This is an analogy based on increasing intensity. To DRIZZLE is to release a small amount of liquid, whereas to POUR is to
release a large amount of liquid. In a similar way, to SPRINKLE is to release a small amount of something solid, whereas to
DUMP is to release a large amount of something solid.
SCATTER is not the best answer because it does not imply releasing a large amount of something solid.
DAMPEN is not the best answer because it does not imply releasing a large amount of something solid.
TUMBLE is not the best answer because it does not imply releasing a large amount of something solid.
DECORATE is not the best answer because it does not imply releasing a large amount of something solid.
A HALLWAY provides a path between rooms in a BUILDING, while an ALLEY provides a path between streets in a
HOUSE is not the best answer because it does not provide a path between anything in a NEIGHBORHOOD.
ROOM is not the best answer because it does not provide a path between anything in a NEIGHBORHOOD.
CORNER is not the best answer because it does not provide a path between anything in a NEIGHBORHOOD.
DOOR is not the best answer because it does not provide a path between anything in a NEIGHBORHOOD.
PLAN is what you do to prepare in advance for a PARTY. In the same way, PLOT is what you do to prepare in advance for a
STEAL is not the best answer because to STEAL is a CRIME, not a way to prepare in advance for a CRIME.
CAPTURE is not the best answer because it is not something you do to prepare in advance for a CRIME.
SOLVE is not the best answer because it is not something you do to prepare in advance for a CRIME.
ARREST is not the best answer because it is not something you do to prepare in advance for a CRIME..
To remove a WEED, you PULL it. Similarly, to remove an ERROR, you ERASE it.
CORRECT is not the best answer because you must first remove an ERROR before you CORRECT it.
FORGET is not the best answer because it does not entail removing an ERROR.
MAKE is not the best answer because it does not entail removing an ERROR.
IGNORE is not the best answer because it does not entail removing an ERROR.
A NAIL is a material a CARPENTER uses to join items together. In a similar way, THREAD is a material a TAILOR uses to join
items together.
SCISSORS is not the best answer because is it not a material a TAILOR uses to join items together.
SEWING MACHINE is not the best answer because it is a machine that a TAILOR uses to join items together, not a
JACKET is not the best answer because it is not a material a TAILOR uses to join items together.
CLOTH is not the best answer because it is not a material a TAILOR uses to join items together.
CHECKERS is played on a BOARD. In the same way, TENNIS is played on a COURT.
BALL is not the best answer because TENNIS is not played on a BALL.
RACQUET is not the best answer because TENNIS is not played on a RACQUET.
NET is not the best answer because TENNIS is not played on a NET.
SCORE is not the best answer because TENNIS is not played on a SCORE.
This is a type : category analogy. MOUSE is a type of ANIMAL, as LETTUCE is a type of VEGETABLE.
RABBIT is not the best answer because LETTUCE is not a type of RABBIT.
CARROT is not the best answer because LETTUCE is not a type of CARROT.
GARDEN is not the best answer because LETTUCE is not a type of GARDEN.
SALAD is not the best answer because LETTUCE is not a type of SALAD.
BEAMS span across a ROOF and give it support. In a similar way, RIBS span across the CHEST and give it support.
LUNGS is not the best answer because LUNGS do not span across the CHEST and give it support.
MUSCLES is not the best answer because MUSCLES do not span across the CHEST. MUSCLES connect bones in
the CHEST.
HAIRS is not the best answer because HAIRS do not span across the CHEST and give it support.
SHIRTS is not the best answer because shirts do not span across the CHEST and give it support.
To get into a COMPUTER, you have to LOG ON. Similarly, to get into a HOUSE, you ENTER it.
BUILD is not the best answer because to BUILD a HOUSE is not to get into it.
LOCK is not the best answer because to LOCK a HOUSE is not to get into it.
HEAT is not the best answer because to HEAT a HOUSE is not to get into it.
CLEAR is not the best answer because to CLEAR a HOUSE is not to get into it.
A POEM is comprised of VERSES. In the same way, a STORY is comprised of PARAGRAPHS.
SUBJECT is not the best answer because a STORY is not comprised of SUBJECTS.
AUTHOR is not the best answer because a STORY is not comprised of AUTHORS.
TITLE is not the best answer because a STORY is not comprised of TITLES.
PAGE is not the best answer because although a STORY may be comprised of several PAGES, a VERSE is a short
section of a POEM similar to the way a PARAGRAPH is a short section of a STORY.
The smallest unit of SNOW is a FLAKE, as the smallest unit of SAND is a GRAIN.
BEACH is not the best answer because it is not the smallest unit of SAND.
DUNE is not the best answer because it is not the smallest unit of SAND.
BUCKET is not the best answer because it is not the smallest unit of SAND.
SUMMER is not the best answer because it is not the smallest unit of SAND.
A SHADOW is a duplicate version of something you can SEE. An ECHO is a duplicate version of something you can HEAR.
WHISPER is not the best answer because it does not connote a duplicate version of something you can HEAR.
SONG is not the best answer because it does not connote a duplicate version of something you can HEAR.
VOICE is not the best answer because it does not connote a duplicate version of something you can HEAR.
SCREAM is not the best answer because it does not connote a duplicate version of something you can HEAR.
This is an analogy based on increasing intensity. To CHILL is to make cold, while to FREEZE is to make extremely cold.
the same way, to WARM is to make hot, and to BOIL is to make extremely hot.
HEAT is not the best answer because HEAT does not mean to make extremely hot.
WARM is not the best answer because WARM does not mean to make extremely hot.
COOL is not the best answer because COOL does not mean to make extremely hot.
MELT is not the best answer because MELT does not mean to make extremely hot.
A SAW is a tool a CARPENTER uses to cut things. In the same way, a KNIFE is a tool a CHEF uses to cut things.
BOWL is not the best answer because it is not something a CHEF uses to cut things.
FRYING PAN is not the best answer because it is not something a CHEF uses to cut things.
SPICE is not the best answer because it is not something a CHEF uses to cut things.
SPOON is not the best answer because it is not something a CHEF uses to cut things.
To attach together two pieces of CLOTH, you would SEW them. In a similar way, to attach together two pieces of PAPER, you
would GLUE them (Note: GLUE is used as a verb in this analogy).
SCRIBBLE is not the best answer because to attach together two pieces of PAPER, you would not SCRIBBLE them.
DECORATE is not the best answer because to attach together two pieces of PAPER, you would not DECORATE
PAINT is not the best answer because to attach together two pieces of PAPER, you would not PAINT them.
CUT is not the best answer because to attach together two pieces of PAPER, you would not CUT them.
You DECIDE something after you THINK about it. Similarly, you SWALLOW something after you CHEW it.
EAT is not the best answer because it is not what you do after you CHEW something. CHEWING is part of EATING.
TASTE is not the best answer because it is not what you usually do after you CHEW something. You usually TASTE
something while you CHEW it.
SPIT is not the best answer because it is not what you usually do after you CHEW something.
DRINK is not the best answer because it is not what you usually do after you CHEW something.
You store CLOTHES in a CLOSET. In a similar way, you store MONEY in a BANK.
SAND : BEACH is not the best answer because you do not store SAND in a BEACH.
TEA : BAG is not the best answer because you do not store TEA in a BAG.
DIAMOND : MINE is not the best answer because you do not store DIAMONDS in a MINE.
RAFT : RIVER is not the best answer because you do not store RAFTS in a RIVER.
There are many INSTRUMENTS in a BAND. Similarly, there are many BIRDS in a FLOCK.
TEACHER : STUDENT is not the best answer because there are not many STUDENTS in a TEACHER.
COLOR : RED is not the best answer because there are not many REDS in a COLOR.
MONTH : YEAR is not the best answer because there are not many YEARS in a MONTH. (YEAR : MONTH would fit
the analogy.)
SOUND : MUSIC is not the best answer because there are not many MUSICS in a SOUND.
To clean up LEAVES, you RAKE (used as a verb). In the same way, to clean up CRUMBS, you SWEEP.
LAWN : WATER is not the best answer because you do not WATER a LAWN to clean it up.
FLOWERS : PLANT is not the best answer because you do not PLANT FLOWERS to clean them up.
TABLE : POLISH is not the best answer because you POLISH a TABLE to make it shine or gleam, not to clean it up.
Also, you dispose of LEAVES after you RAKE them, and you dispose of CRUMBS when you SWEEP them. You
would not dispose of a TABLE after you POLISHED it.
RAIN : SPLASH is not the best answer because you do not SPLASH RAIN to clean it up.
A BUTTERFLY develops from a CATERPILLAR, as a FROG develops from a TADPOLE.
ROOSTER : HEN is not the best answer because a ROOSTER does not develop from a HEN.
COW : BULL is not the best answer because a COW does not develop from a BULL.
LIZARD : DINOSAUR is not the best answer because a LIZARD does not develop from a DINOSAUR.
BEEF : HAMBURGER is not the best answer because BEEF does not develop from a HAMBURGER.
Fumes are released from a FACTORY through a SMOKESTACK. In the same way, fumes are released from a HOUSE
through a CHIMNEY.
CAR : SUNROOF is not the best answer because fumes are not released from a CAR through a SUNROOF.
CABIN : FIREPLACE is not the best answer because fumes are not released from a CABIN through a FIREPLACE.
You would need a chimney or exhaust vent to release the fumes.
GAS STATION : TANK is not the best answer because fumes are not released from a GAS STATION through a
TRAIN : ENGINE is not the best answer because fumes are not released from a TRAIN through an ENGINE.
THUNDER can made a low, rolling sound called a RUMBLE. In a similar way, a STOMACH can make a low, rolling sound
called a GROWL.
HORN : BLOW is not the best answer because BLOW is not a low, rolling sound a HORN makes.
NOSE : SNEEZE is not the best answer because SNEEZE is not a low, rolling sound a NOSE makes.
THROAT : HICCUP is not the best answer because HICCUP is not a low, rolling sound a THROAT makes.
LIGHTNING : STRIKE is not the best answer because STRIKE is not a low, rolling sound LIGHTNING makes.
To create a POEM, you WRITE it. In the same way, to create a SCARF, you KNIT it.
WINDOW : BREAK is not the best answer because a to create a WINDOW, you do not BREAK it.
DRUM : BEAT is not the best answer because to create a DRUM, you do not BEAT it.
BOOK : READ is not the best answer because to create a BOOK, you do not READ it.
LIBRARY : VISIT is not the best answer because to create a LIBRARY, you do not VISIT it .
A SCOUT is a member of a TROOP. In the same way, a MUSICIAN is a member of a BAND.
BIRD : NEST is not the best answer because a BIRD is not a member of a NEST.
ACTOR : MOVIE is not the best answer because an ACTOR is not a member of a MOVIE.
BEE : HIVE is not the best answer because a BEE is not a member of a HIVE.
CLASS : TEACHER is not the best answer because a CLASS is not a member of a TEACHER. (STUDENT : CLASS
would fit the analogy.)
If JEANS do not fit tightly, they are BAGGY. In the same way, a BELT that does not fit tightly is LOOSE.
COAT : WARM is not the best answer because a COAT that does not fit tightly is not necessarily WARM.
BOOTS : TIGHT is not the best answer because BOOTS that do not fit tightly are not TIGHT.
SOCKS : SHORT is not the best answer because SOCKS that do not fit tightly are not SHORT.
SHIRT : UNBUTTONED is not the best answer because a SHIRT that does not fit tightly is not necessarily
You use a PADDLE in PINGPONG to hit a ball. In the same way, you use a RACQUET in TENNIS to hit a ball.
POOL : TABLE is not the best answer because you do not use a POOL in TABLE to hit a ball. (CUE : POOL would
fit the analogy.)
COURT : BASKETBALL is not the best answer because you do not use a COURT in BASKETBALL to hit a ball.
TOUCHDOWN : FOOTBALL is not the best answer because you do not use a TOUCHDOWN in FOOTBALL to hit
a ball.
PUCK : HOCKEY is not the best answer because you do not use a PUCK in HOCKEY to hit a ball. (STICK :
HOCKEY might fit the analogy, but RAQUET : TENNIS is better because a puck is not a ball.)
A SALAD is a food dish usually made with several ingredients, and can be described as LEAFY. In a similar way, STEW is a
food dish usually made with several ingredients, and can be described as MEATY.
CARROT : HEALTHY is not the best answer because CARROT is a single food item.
ONION : SLICED is not the best answer because ONION is a single food item and SLICED is a method of
TOMATO : RIPE is not the best answer because TOMATO is a single food item.
CELERY : CHOPPED is not the best answer because CELERY is a single food item and CHOPPED is a method of
When you SEW something, the PATTERN provides directions. In a similar way, when you BAKE something, a RECIPE
provides directions.
CUT : SCISSORS is not the best answer because SCISSORS do not provide directions on how to CUT.
CLEAN : DETERGENT is not the best answer because DETERGENT does not provide directions on how to CLEAN.
COOK : APRON is not the best answer because an APRON does not provide directions on how to COOK.
SHOP : MONEY is not the best answer because MONEY does not provide directions on how to SHOP.