ITAL 100B: Elementary Italian II (5) [GE] | Spring...

ITAL 100B: Elementary Italian II (5) [GE] | Spring 2015 | SDSU
Department Office: SH 224A
Telephone: 594-5111
LARC: SH 204-205
Hours: M-TH, 8-8 p.m.; F, 8-4:30 pm
Final Exam: Sat. May 9, 8-10 am
Please plan accordingly!
Instructor: Rosamaria Ruggeri
Class Location: AH 2112
Days and Times: M-W,12:00-12:50 T-TH,12:30-13:45
Office Location: SH 226B
Office Hours: W, 13:30-14:30 and by appointment
Phone: 594-8875
Goals and Outcomes
Italian 100B is a course with multiple goals:
You will continue to develop language proficiency skills in four areas:
a. Reading simple authentic materials such as ads, menus, cartoons
b. Writing in the form of brief notes, messages, letters and short compositions
c. Speaking – asking and answering questions
d. Listening and participating in discussions
You will gain a better understanding of the Italian culture and be able to make comparisons
between it and other cultures.
You will also better understand Italy’s national history, its regions and Italian-speaking
communities. You’ll be able to describe major geographic regions of Italy and discuss their
regional identities and to understand the cultural forces that foster regionalism in Italian
society. You will be able to discuss to some degree the formation of the Italian nation, to
explain Italy's relationship to the formation of the European Union and to identify an Italianspeaking community outside of Italy.
You will explore resources for Italian language and culture on the Internet.
The first semester of Italian (ITAL 100A) or two years of high school Italian are the prerequisites for this
course. If you have completed three years of high school Italian you will not receive credit for Italian
100B unless the third course was completed five or more years ago. If you already have credit for a
similar college-level Italian course or if you are currently enrolled in another Italian course, you will not
receive credit for Ital 100B. If you already speak Italian, you may not take Ital 100B.
Add/Drop: February 3, 2015 is the last day to add, drop, or change grading basis (11:59 p.m. deadline).
General Education
This course satisfies part of General Education Foundations C requirement.
C. Humanities and Fine Arts: Foundations of Learning courses introduce students to the basic concepts,
theories, and approaches offered by disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of study. They provide the
foundation to understand and approach problems in the academy, and in local and global real-world
environments. Consistent with class size and learning goals, they cultivate skills in reading, writing,
communication, computation, information-gathering, and use of technology.
Required texts
1. Cozzarelli, Julia M. Sentieri Boston: Vista Higher learning, 2011. (required)
2. Sentieri Supersite to include Vtext and WebSAM (Student Activity Manual):
3. Moodle for your course, online through the LARC website at:
This course requires online access: only buy books that include the online access code. If you buy a
used book, you will need to buy a code separately which costs as much as new packages. You can
purchase all of Sentieri’s components here:
Class will be conducted entirely in Italian. Our experience has shown that the more fully the learner is
immersed in the new language, the more quickly and effectively listening and speaking skills are
acquired. While this approach may appear daunting at first, there are a few things you should keep in
mind. You won’t be expected to understand everything your instructor says, certainly not at first.
Language learning is a process and as such it requires constant practice. As long as you do not give up
trying to understand as much as you possibly can during class and in the lab, you’ll find that you’re
rapidly absorbing more and more as time progresses. If you are willing to commit yourself to making
this effort, you should soon find yourself understanding almost everything your instructor says! You’ll
be guided through a variety of communicative activities in class. Gradually, this process will lead you
from structured practice to free expression. You’ll be given frequent opportunity to practice your newly
acquired vocabulary and grammatical structures in small group and pair work, which simulate real-life
situations in a relaxed atmosphere.
Suggestions for Success
Always ask! Ask questions before and after class. Your instructor will check frequently during class to
make you sure you understand. Try to use as much Italian as possible when asking your question; your
question doesn't need to be phrased perfectly to be understood and the effort of forming the questions
is part of the learning experience. Please understand that your instructor may sometimes put certain
questions off to a later time when the answer is more appropriate to the lesson. However, if you are still
curious about the answer, feel free to ask the question after class. Your instructor is also available to
help you during office hours, by telephone or by email. If the posted hours conflict with your schedule,
please feel free to schedule an appointment at a more convenient time.
It takes time to absorb a language. You should spend some time each day reviewing the material
covered in class and preparing homework assignments, even if the assignment is not due the next day.
Language acquisition research has shown that learning is enhanced by reinforcement within four or five
hours of initial exposure. Ideally, your preparation should be done in the afternoon after each class and
then reviewed briefly just before the next class meeting. By studying on a daily basis you'll be better
able to participate in class and reduce the stress associated with cramming for tests.
Course Requirements
Participation and preparation. Class participation and preparation are essential to learning a language. If
you come to class prepared and on time each day, and make an effort to participate, you’ll find that you
probably understand the material better and your grade will be affected positively. As part of your
preparation grade your instructor may ask you to complete Practice activities on the Sentieri Supersite
prior to coming to class that will help you jump-start on the lesson.
Attendance will be taken, and more than five (5) unexcused absences and/or repeated tardiness will
result in a lowered grade.
Absences are never a good reason for not completing assignments. Please contact a classmate or check
Blackboard and Moodle to find out what you missed and make arrangements to get your homework to
your instructor.
Oral preparation. Due to the emphasis on the development of listening and speaking skills in this course,
it will not be enough to study the assignments silently. Listening and speaking exercises on the Sentieri
Supersite Practice and WebSAM sections will be assigned regularly and some will be specifically tested
in the LARC lab where you will participate in several recording activities. To familiarize yourself with the
language acquisition resources offered at SDSU and to practice and test your oral skills you will visit
LARC (SH 204-205) with the class and on your own:
Other listening assignments will require that you access your course on Moodle:
Homework. The majority of assignments will consist of Practice and WebSAM that will be automatically
graded on the Sentieri Supersite.
Compositions. Written homework will primarily consist of compositions drawn from the Textbook, the
Supersite Practice or WebSAM. Compositions must be typed or written in a Bluebook and are due as
indicated by your instructor.
WebSAM (Student Activity Manual: Workbook/Lab Manual)
The Workbook and Lab Manual are online and managed by Vista on the Sentieri Supersite. Most
exercises are automatically corrected and graded by the computer program and you will have an instant
evaluation of your work and progress. It is very important that you do each exercise as they will aid you
in studying for all tests and exams.
Useful Tips: When assignments are returned to you, use them to study. Look at the instructor’s remarks
and/or corrections of your work. They are intended to help you learn. Ask your instructor if you don’t
understand something.
Cultural Activities
You are required to attend at least three cultural events and write a one paragraph review/response
following your instructor’s directions. The Italian Program collaborates with the Circolo Italiano, SDSU’s
Italian Students Club, and the San Diego Italian Film Festival to provide a variety of activities meant to
enhance your exposure to Italian language and culture. Please visit your Blackboard, the Italian Program
website at or SDIFF’s website for
further details. Participating in all or some of these activities will benefit your learning experience.
Daily preparedness, Sentieri Practice and participation
Oral Skills Assignments (presentations, interviews, role plays, and LARC activities)
Five compositions
Three tests
Final exam
Three Italian cultural events (i.e. Italian Program, Circolo Italiano, SDIFF)
Tests and exams measure your language proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. A total
of four (4) tests and two (2) exams (midterm and final) will be given.
NO MAKE-UP TESTS will be given without a valid written excuse. If you must miss a test, please notify
your instructor in advance.
The Final Examination is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, from 8-10 a.m.
Grades are defined at SDSU as:
A: Outstanding achievement; available for the highest accomplishment.
B: Praiseworthy performance; definitely above average.
C: Average; awarded for satisfactory performance; the most common undergraduate grade.
D: Minimally passing; less than the typical undergraduate achievement.
F: Failing.
C/NC: Some students may, subject to their major requirements and the conditions set out in the General
Catalog, choose to take the course credit/no credit. Work equivalent to C or above will result in a grade
of Credit; work equivalent to C- or below will result in No Credit.
WU: Indicates that an enrolled student did not withdraw from the course but did not fulfill the course
requirements. For purposes of grade point average computation, this grade is equivalent to an F.
Students who are failing when they stop attending class will receive an F, not a U.
A = 4.0 (93-100)
B = 3.0 (83-86)
C = 2.0 (73-76)
D = 1.0 (63-66)
CR = (73-100)
A- = 3.7 (90-92)
B- = 2.7 (80-82)
C- = 1.7 (70-72)
D- = 0.7 (60-62)
NC = (0-72)
B+ = 3.3 (87-89)
C+ = 2.3 (77-79)
D+ = 1.3 (67-69)
F = 0 (0-59)
WU = n/a
The learning environment should be accessible to all. SDSU provides reasonable accommodations in the
following situations:
 Disability: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for
this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To
avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability
Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that
accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your
instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is
Religion: By the end of the second week of classes, students should notify the instructors of
affected courses of planned absences for religious observances.
Official university activities (e.g., Athletics): Within the first two weeks of classes, a student who
expects to be part of an official university event or activity shall notify the instructors of affected
courses. At that time, the student shall request accommodation for any missed examinations or
other assignments. If scheduling changes occur, the student shall immediately notify the
Cheating and Plagiarism
The University adheres to a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism. These activities will not be
tolerated in this class. Become familiar with the policy (
Any cheating or plagiarism will result in failing this class and a disciplinary review by Student Affairs.
Examples of Plagiarism include but are not limited to:
 Using sources verbatim or paraphrasing without giving proper attribution (this can include
phrases, sentences, paragraphs and/or pages of work)
 Copying and pasting work from an online or offline source directly and calling it your own
 Using information you find from an online or offline source without giving the author credit
 Replacing words or phrases from another source and inserting your own words or phrases
 Submitting a piece of work you did for one class to another class
If you have questions on what is plagiarism, please consult the policy
( and this helpful guide from the Library:
Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses. You are plagiarizing or cheating if you:
 for written work, copy down or cut anything from a book, article or website and add or paste it
into your paper without using quotation marks and providing the full reference for the
quotation, including page number
 for written work, summarize / paraphrase in your own words ideas you got from a book, article,
or the web without providing the full reference for the source, including page number
 for an oral presentation, copy down or cut anything from a book, article, or website and present
it orally as if it were your own words. You must summarize and paraphrase in your own words,
and bring a list of references in case the professor asks to see it
 use visuals or graphs you got from a book, article, or website without providing the full
reference for the picture or table
 recycle a paper you wrote for another class
 turn in the same (or a very similar paper) for two classes
 purchase or otherwise obtain a paper and turn it in as your own work
 copy off of a classmate
 use technology or smuggle in documents to obtain or check information in an exam situation
In a research paper, it is always better to include too many references than not enough. When in doubt,
always err on the side of caution. If you have too many references it might make your professor smile; if
you don’t have enough you might be suspected of plagiarism.
In foreign language study, cheating also includes the following:
 Doing your written homework and then having a third party correct it, or having someone else
write your homework for you and turning that in for credit
 Doing assignments with another student and turning in the same or almost the same work.
(Unless you are specifically directed to work in pairs on in groups, college-level work is always
expected to be solely your own.)
 Using an automated translation engine to translate your homework
 Using an available translation of a text on which to base your own translation and turning that in
for credit.
What IS acceptable includes the following:
 Asking your professor for help.
 Brainstorming answers and/or ideas with another student; then, each student writes up the
homework separately and turns in his or her own work.
 Doing your written homework and/or translation and then having a third party circle your
mistakes; you then do the corrections on your own and turn in your own work.
If you have any question or uncertainty about what is or is not cheating, it is your responsibility to ask
your instructor.
Test your knowledge of what constitutes plagiarism through a tutorial offered by the SDSU Library. To
access the tutorial go to:
Consequences of cheating and plagiarism
SDSU instructors are mandated to report all instances of cheating and plagiarism to the Center for
Student Rights and Responsibility. Consequences are at the instructor’s and the Center for Student
Rights and Responsibility’s discretion. They may include any of the following:
 failing the assignment
 failing the class
 warning
 probation
 suspension
 expulsion
For more detailed information, read the chapter on plagiarism in the MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers (6th edition, 2003), visit the following website: and talk to your professors before turning in
your paper or doing your oral presentation.
The University of Indiana also has very helpful writing hints for students, including some on how to cite
sources. Please visit for more information.
mercoledì 21 gennaio
giovedì 22 gennaio
Unità 6
lunedì 26 gennaio
Unità 6
martedì 27 gennaio
Unità 6
mercoledì 28 gennaio
giovedì 29 gennaio
Unità 6
Composizione 1
lunedì 3 febbraio
Unità 6
martedì 3 febbraio
Last day to add classes
Unità 6
mercoledì 4 febbraio
Ripasso Unità 6
giovedì 5 febbraio
TEST 1 (Unità 6)
lunedì 9 febbraio
Unità 7
martedì 10 febbraio
Unità 7
Complete WebSAM Unità 6
mercoledì 11 febbraio
Unità 7
giovedì 12 febbraio
Unità 7
lunedì 16 febbraio
Unità 7
martedì 17 febbraio
Unità 7
mercoledì 18 febbraio
giovedì 19 febbraio
Unità 7
lunedì 23 febbraio
Ripasso Unità 7
martedì 24 febbraio
TEST 2 (Unità 7)
mercoledì 25 febbraio
Unità 8
giovedì 26 febbraio
Unità 8
lunedì 2 marzo
Unità 8
martedì 3 marzo
Unità 8
mercoledì 4 marzo
giovedì 5 marzo
Unità 8
lunedì 9 marzo
Unità 8
martedì 10 marzo
Unità 8
mercoledì 11 marzo
Unità 8
giovedì 12 marzo
Unità 8
Composizione 2
Complete WebSAM Unità 7
Composizione 3
lunedì 16 marzo
Ripasso Unità 6-8
martedì 17 marzo
MIDTERM EXAM (Unità 6-8)
mercoledì 18 marzo
Unità 9
giovedì 19 marzo
Unità 9
Complete WebSAM Unità 8
lunedì 23 marzo
Unità 9
martedì 24 marzo
Unità 9
mercoledì 25 marzo
Complete WebSAM Unità 9
giovedì 26 marzo
Unità 9
Composizione 4
lunedì 6 aprile
Unità 10
martedì 7 aprile
Unità 10
mercoledì 8 aprile
Unità 10
giovedì 9 aprile
Unità 10
lunedì 13 aprile
Unità 10
martedì 14 aprile
Unità 10
mercoledì 15 aprile
giovedì 16 aprile
TEST 3 (Unità 9-10)
Complete WebSAM Unità 10
lunedì 20 aprile
Unità 11
martedì 21 aprile
Unità 11
mercoledì 22 aprile
giovedì 23 aprile
Unità 11
lunedì 27 aprile
Unità 11
martedì 28 aprile
Ripasso Unità 11
mercoledì 29 aprile
Unità 12
giovedì 30 aprile
Unità 12
lunedì 4 maggio
Composizione 5
Complete WebSAM Unità 11
Unità 12
martedì 5 maggio
Unità 12
mercoledì 6 maggio
Unità 12
giovedì 7 maggio
Complete WebSAM Unità 12
FINAL EXAM: Saturday, May 9, from 8-10 a.m.