Liberal Studies 300 Fall 2013 Monday 4:00PM Instructor: Charlie Littrell email: Office: EBA 214 Office hours by appt. Prerequisite is Education 200 Course Description and Introduction You are on the road towards becoming a teacher! This course is a prerequisite for entering the 5th year Multiple Subject Program at San Diego State University. In this class, we read and discuss ways of thinking or “the habits of mind” in the disciplines that are typically taught in Grades K-8. The goal of our efforts is to enhance understanding of the nature of these disciplines. You will explore issues of diversity in contemporary society through directed field experiences, selected readings, and participation in class discussions. We will explore the concept of a liberally educated person and the significance of broad based knowledge in the teaching profession. Additionally, we will address the importance of clear academic writing, including recognizing and using basic writing conventions. You should arrive in class on time ready to participate in the class. All cell phones need to be turned off and miscellaneous items, such as newspapers, magazines, etc. are to put away. Student Learning Objectives The purpose of this class is to provide an educational experience that prepares you to: 1. Think critically 2. Write clearly and effectively using correct academic language and grammar 3. Appreciate the similarities and differences between the academic disciplines 4. Recognize the attributes and importance of a liberal education 5. Reflect on a variety of educational field experiences through a culturally responsive lens Required Materials “Liberal Studies Course Reader” – Littrell in SDSU Bookstore LS 300 EFE guide: Download from the Liberal Studies website: - Click on Coursework, Information for specific classes, LS 300 Field Experience (optional – also in the “Liberal Studies Course Reader”) Keys for Writers, Raimes, Ann. fifth edition or Pearson Business Reference and Writer’s Reference, Moore, Seraydarian, Fruehling. My Writing Lab – Pearson Publishing Guidelines for Assignments For each submitted assignment: 1. Put your name, class #, course title and meeting time, my name, page #’s and name of the assignment, and date in the upper right hand corner of the paper. 2. Staple multiple pages 3. Type all assignments completed outside of class. Papers should be double spaced in a clear size 12 font. Please proofread all papers before submitting them. Grammar and spelling are important. College caliber writing is expected at all times. I recommend you save a copy of all written work on your computer or on a disk. 4. All work is to be submitted on or before the due date. See the weekly assignment handout for due dates. Late papers may not be accepted and need to be discussed individually with me prior to the due date. You may not submit assignments via email. 5. Academic honesty is of utmost importance. All work submitted must be original and created specifically for this class. References to the work of others must be appropriately cited in any paper submitted. Academic dishonesty will be treated within the guidelines established by San Diego State University. Course Assignments In-class and out-of-class activities will be required during the semester. The activities selected for this course are designed to enhance course content, readings in the text, and class discussions. It is expected that the student will benefit from each activity in direct relation to the seriousness and effort applied. Activities will be introduced and discussed in class. There may, on occasion, be independent time during class to work on group projects. Other activities will be completed on the student’s own time. It is believed that shared experiences are beneficial to each individual and the class as a whole. The following list is a brief description of assignments for the semester. This is merely an overview. There will be very specific instructions given during class time regarding each of these assignments. Individual Oral Presentations on chosen topics Plagiarism Quiz Go to: Copy and paste this link to take the tutorial and the quiz. After completing the quiz, print the final page with your score and turn it in to me. Reflections/Responses on selected readings Essay #1 - “A Liberally Educated Person”-must be submitted to MWL Essay#2 “The Habits of Mind” - must be submitted to MWL Subject Area Group Presentations My Writing Lab Early Field Experience: Each student is required to complete 30 hours of classroom observations. Exact instructions and requirements are in the EFE guide and will be discussed in class. The EFE with 30 hours of observations must be completed to receive a passing grade in LS 300. Professional/Participation Conduct LS 300 is a participatory class. Your experiences, background, and ideas are critical elements in class discussions. Your feedback following group presentations is important. There will be no tests or quizzes; however, your attendance is required. Please note being absent is not an excuse for missing important information given in class. It would benefit you to have the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of several of your classmates. Name________________email____________________cell phone______________ Name________________email____________________cell phone______________ Work started and completed during class time cannot be made-up. Each student is expected to display professionalism, which is defined and evaluated using the following criteria: attendance, preparedness/timeliness, attitude, responsibility, initiative, positive participation, and collaboration/collegiality. Another way to look at LS 300, is you are beginning your work as a teacher—a professional in the community. Being a professional comes with many responsibilities. Two responsibilities that are related to this course are to thoughtfully participate in our classroom community and to critically examine your and others’ ideas and assumptions about teaching and learning. To thoughtfully participate in this class, you should: attend all classes, arrive on time and remain for the entire period, be prepared for each class by having thoughtfully completed all readings and assignments, share your ideas and listen respectfully in class sessions remain on-task during class sessions, respect others' opinions in the class, be curious about ideas different than your own, and keep me informed of any extenuating circumstances in your life that may hinder your ability to succeed in this course. Attendance is mandatory. While certain circumstances may warrant an "excused" absence, students are required to inform the course instructor in advance if unable to attend any given class; designation of absence as a legitimate excuse is up to the discretion of the instructor. Doctor’s notes are appreciated and will assist the instructor in not deduct class participation points. Cell phones may not be used for any purpose during class. If an emergency situation exists, the student must alert the instructor before class and should keep his/her phone on silent mode. Laptops or other non-class-related distractions are not to be used in class. If accommodations are needed for class note taking, confer with the instructor beforehand. Failure to participate in class activities and discussions will result in the deduction of points from the overall grade or assignments. Tardiness will result in a deduction from student’s participation points. Emails should be professionally written with correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The emails should be appropriate and respectful along with your email address. Due Dates: Assignments are due on the assigned day. Difficulties with this policy should be discussed and negotiated well in advance of the due date. Late assignments will only be accepted if such arrangements are possible and made on or before the due date. Please find someone in the class who would be willing to print out your assignments and bring them to class, if you are able to do so yourself. Assignment Individual Oral Presentation Points Possible 50 Plagiarism Quiz Dinner Party 2 Reflections/Responses (25 each) Essay #1 – Liberally Educated Person Essay #2 – Process Essay Subject Group Presentation EFE My Writing Lab Participation/Professional Conduct 10 50 50 60 100 50 140 100 90 Total Points Possible 700 A reminder – regardless of point totals you cannot receive a passing grade in LS 300 without completing the EFE-