DLE 686: Sched #25490 Location: EBA 256 Mondays 4:00-6:40, Fall ‘14 Instructor: Tamara Collins-Parks, PhD. E-mail: biliterate@gmail.com Mail: c/o DLE Office + call Phone: (760)758-1324, (619) 594-3330 Office: EBA 214, M 3-4 or by appointment. DLE 686: Seminar in Multicultural Education Prerequisite: Enrollment in the DLE MA program or Consent of instructor. Meets DLE/PLC MA Standard #2: Sociocultural Awareness & Multicultural Education. Topics for 2015: the pedagogy of multicultural education; exploring the impact of multicultural education on the delivery of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and other standards current in our fields. Focus Activity: Curriculum Development. Introduction Welcome to class! I hope you find it informative and reach a deeper understanding of what multicultural education is and how to integrate it into every curriculum (multicultural pedagogy). According to Etta Hollins (1996), multicultural education is based on the core values of democracy, equity, human rights, and social justice. Consequently, we will be exploring those issues along with issues of culture across a variety of groups and attributes. On the practical side, we’ll investigate how multiple perspectives can be integrated into the curriculum and where they intersect with the Common Core State Standards. Our focus this semester is on developing multicultural curriculum. To learn more about Curriculum Development & Social Justice, follow up with DLE 650 Critical Analysis of Curriculum Development for School Communities and DLE 600 Foundations of Democratic Schooling. Remember, we occupy the point of transformation between the current state of education and what it could be . . . Course Objectives: DLE 686 students can . . . 1. Define multicultural education and illustrate it along multiple dimensions (gender, ethnicity, class, etc.). 2. Evaluate existing materials, curriculum and practices in terms of multicultural principles and strategies. 3. Develop multicultural curriculum aligned with the California Common Core State Standards or other appropriate national or local standards. Textbook will be cooperatively selected on first day of class. DLE 686 2pp Syllabus 2014. Version 08/25/2014 p. 1 Contacting Me Office Hours: Office: Home Phone: Mailbox: E-mail: Mondays, 3-4 (call 1st), or after class. EBA 214, (619) 594-3330. Used only during office hours. (760) 758-1324 Use any time between 7 am and 10 pm Mail, etc. can be left at the DLE Office (ED 152) or sent through campus mail. Please call so I know to check for it. biliterate@gmail.com. Course assignments may be sent through e-mail either embedded in the message or as a Word attachment Assignments & Grade Weights (A) Participation, discussions, reflections and in-class activities: 20% (B) 5 minute Multicultural Strategy Presentation (individual or pair). Due 10/27 20% (C) 15 minute Sample Multicultural Activity (in pairs). 20% (D) Multicultural Curriculum Project (individual, pair or group). Due 11/17 40% * Handouts with detailed descriptions of assignments will be available on BlackBoard. How the class is organized Although there will be some variability, particularly in the first three weeks (when we meet at 4:00), a typical class schedule, starting at week 4, will look about like this 4:30 -- 20 minute problem solving. 4:50 – Debrief and Open floor for questions 5:00 -- Workshops where students explore concepts or work on projects. 6:00 -- Discussion/Lecture. 6:30 -- 15 minute Sample activity 6:45 – Closure, exit slip. On-line classes: Once a month we will hold class on-line: 9/22, 10/20, 11/24 & 12/8. These dates were mainly chosen to accommodate district trainings and holidays. Dates for on-line classes can only be changed if each individual in the class consents and the whole class agrees – such consent is generally difficult to get except if it is done early or involves an event that affect everyone. Students with Disabilities (or Differing Needs) If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. 2 DLE 686 Course Calendar DATE TOPICS 1 Workshop: Friendship Fruit Salad 8/25 MA Orientation revisited + Q & A Exploring our differences & similarities (group formation). Text selection process. 2 9/1 3 9/8 ASSIGNMENTS Read the syllabus and explore BB. Syllabus Quiz due 9/8 NO CLASS: Labor Day Get textbook. *Meet at 4:00 today in Love Library classroom #LA 76 (in basement past media center). Post results of textbook analysis on BlackBoard wiki. Workshop: Textbook analysis Sign up for 15 minute Sample Multicultural Activity (in pairs). 4 9/15 As of 9/15, class starts at 4:30. Kim Ta shares the multicultural curriculum development process she went through and the resulting project. Reading TBD Workshop: Brainstorming curriculum projects. 5 9/22 On-line session Guidelines for developing a curriculum project proposal. Discussion: Math and Common Core in Japan and USA. Submit curriculum project proposal under assignments on BlackBoard (BB) Looking Deeper into Particular Cultures and Perspectives 6 9/29 Introduce Multicultural Strategy Marathon Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about gender. (Tip: take notes on any multicultural strategies you come across during workshops this month – use to present.) Reading TBD Break down the tasks & create a timeline for your curriculum project. Adjust as needed. Submit timeline for curriculum project assignments on BlackBoard (BB). 7 10/6 Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about ethnicity (pick a particular ethnicity or area of focus). Reading TBD 8 10/13 Decide on presentation mode for 5min Multicultural Strategy Sign up for Multicultural Curriculum Project Conferences Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about social class (within a particular ethnicity or area of focus). 9 10/20 Choose a multicultural strategy to share & outline your multimedia presentation. On-line Session Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about _____________________________ (student selected group). 3 Reading TBD Project Conferences Progress Update on Curriculum Project Project Conferences Share: Ideas & Progress Update on Curriculum Project (via google hangout) Looking Deeper into Multicultural Teaching 10 10/27 Multicultural Strategy Marathon – 5 min presentations 11 11/3 Workshop: Given strategies and lesson ideas, brainstorm how you would use them and link them with Common Core or other standards in your area & level. Workshop: Multicultural theory Connecting multicultural theory to curriculum development Share ideas & seek peer feedback on curriculum projects. Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about discipline and classroom management as they intersect with issues of color, culture, class and gender. 12 11/10 13 11/17 Discuss guidelines for writing up and posting curriculum project. Q & A. Due: multimedia 5 minute strategy presentations Project Conferences Reading TBD Project Conferences Reading TBD Project Conferences Write-up of Curriculum Project due 11/17 (will return 12/4). 14 11/24 On-line session: Thanksgiving Week Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about schools & programs. (e.g. afro-centric curriculum, CVLCC, MAAC Community Charter) wk 15 Workshop: Develop and research critical questions about Revise Curriculum 12/4 _____________________________ (student selected topic). Project wk 16 On-line session. 12/8 Sharing & Reviewing Multicultural Curriculum Projects. 12/18 No Final Exam Post project Review 3 others See also the MA on-line calendar at https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k11n8hbnampqko99nfiecr1c78%4 0group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles Key Dates & Info: Note date for your 15 minute Sample Multicultural Activity: ______________________ Note your snack date: _____________________________________________________ Note contact information for collaborators (partner for Activity, group members, etc.): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4