TE 960.61 Fall 2012 Basic Student Teaching Seminar, 1 Unit, Credit Cherokee Point Elementary School, SDSU Classroom Instructor SDSU Office Cherokee Point Office Mailing Address Carol Prime Phone (760) 822-1028 Campus EBA 203 E-mail prime@mail.sdsu.edu Office hours: Wednesdays: 2:00-4:00, SDSU Room Schedule Number 29929 School of Teacher Education 5400 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-1153 COURSE DESCRIPTION (FROM GRADUATE BULLETIN): TE 960. Basic Student Teaching Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Admission to multiple subject credential program and concurrent registration in Teacher Education 965. Discussion of immediate problems in student teaching with emphasis on children’s growth and development. GOAL: To prepare student teachers to become effective teachers, skilled at developing age-appropriate Common Core standards-based curricula to meet the diverse needs of the specific students in their specific learning environment, and to develop the high level of professionalism required for a career in teaching. POLICIES: Due Dates: Unless otherwise noted, homework is due by 10:00 pm the night before the next class session (following the one during which the homework was assigned). Late-Work policy: All work is due by the published deadlines. If any items are missing, the entire assignment is considered late. Each late assignment loses 33.3% of a letter grade for each day it is late (Blackboard tracks when work is turned in), if you do not bring a required item to class, you receive no credit for that work. Attendance policy: Attendance is expected for all in-class sessions. One excused absence permitted due to illness or family emergency (you must email Carol Prime prior to the session). Participation policy: Full participation is required for all in-class activities. No make-ups are allowed for in-class activities. Be on time to class; no make-ups allowed for activities missed due to lateness. Simply being present is not enough. Professional engagement, including coming to class prepared, asking and answering questions, and giving feedback to peers, is expected at all times during in-class activities in order for credit to be received. Backing-up-work policy: You are expected to scan or photocopy every assignment you turn in that is NOT an electronic document and to backup on a USB Flash drive all electronic documents. RESOURCES: Online Resources: Blackboard: https://blackboard.sdsu.edu eSupervision: Instructions to come. http://www.esupervision.net/moodle/ TaskStream Subscribe to TaskStream. Instructions to come. http://www.taskstream.com Required Texts to be Purchased from Aztec Shops Prior to First Day of Classes: 1. Teaching Credential Program Handbook. View online—you do not have to print this. You are responsible for all information in the Teaching Credential Program Handbook. 2. Prime, Carol Seminar Workbook. Purchase in Aztec Shops. Bring to every seminar. 3. Cooperating Teacher Handbook (Prime) Purchase in Aztec Shops. Page 2 of 10 Schedule of Topics for TE 960 Class Sessions: Class In-Class Topics and Expectations Sessions August 23, 2012 3:15 to 5:30 At SDSU 3:15 to 3:45 Stairs Northeast of main library entrance (near dome). 4:00 to 5:30 SDSU GMCS 333 Due/Homework Brief Introduction, obtain map to Cherokee Point and name tags. Attend the New Student Orientation. Discussion professionalism. Professionalism: Self control, respect for others, tolerance for everyone’s ideas, and coming to class prepared are required to pass this class. Assume that everyone at the school will help you get a job if you conduct yourself properly. Professional dress. Role call. Be on time. Park in lot south of the school. See the map. Homework: Purchase all books by the first day of classes, preferably today. Aztec Shops early semester hours. Thur Aug 23 - Fri Aug 24 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Sat Aug 25 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Wednesday August 29 9:30-3:00 pm Meet in the Library on the second floor in Building D. Sun Aug 26 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Bring this course syllabus to every TE 960 class session. Sign the last page and turn it in. Q and A: Carol Prime will answer questions about the program. Meet and Greet: You will be meeting the Primary Mentors with whom you will work with a team of three Teaching Residents on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. You will also meet the Upper Grade Mentors whom you will observe and assist on most Fridays for math and science. Be sure to note the times when the Upper Grade mentors teach math and science on Fridays. Some mentors will be teaching science on days other than Friday. If that happens to be on Tuesdays or Wednesdays AFTER guided reading in your primary classes, you may (with permission from both of your mentors) observe and assist in science in the upper-grade class. Discuss with your upper-grade mentor what time he or she wants you to come to the school for two hours for you to offer help and bond. WEDNESDAY ACTIVITY: Spend the rest of the day with your primary mentors. FRIDAY ACTIVITIES: Two hours in Upper by appointment. Do your homework. Homework: Keep a weekly plan book (hardcopy or electronic) to help you organize yourself and to maximize your time. Carol will do random checks to make sure residents are planning their time effectively. Page 3 of 10 Schedule of Topics for TE 960 Class Sessions: Class In-Class Topics and Expectations Sessions Wednesday August 29 4:00 to 5:00 pm Wednesday, September 5 1:00-4:00 Homework Assigned September 12 Due/Homework Procedures: Park in lot south of the school. See the map. Initial sign in list in office. If you leave early, make a note on the sign-in sheet. Sign in on the sheet near the door. Homework: % of credit based on meeting deadline. Participate fully in class. Performance-based assessments, as opposed to knowledge-based tests. Affective Domain: Professional and Friendly Disposition. Expectations of a Teaching Resident. Modified: Think-Pair-Share (Write-Team-Share) Quick Write: Write about one of the following: 1. Something unexpected that you noticed today. 2. Value that you can add to your team of teaching residents. 3. A strength of your cooperating teacher. Team: Talk about your writing or the experience with your team. Share out with the whole class something one of your team members talked about. Observations: 2 Formal, 1 Video Recorded on DVD Pre-Assessing Students Using assessment results to plan student learning DRA and Running Records Guest Instructor: Patty Wallach Resource Teacher, Cherokee Point Due: No work due. Bring a positive attitude. Q and A Homework: In Blackboard, under “Videos & Readings”: 1. Print a copy of DRA Book-Level Chart to keep in a Guided Reading section of your binder. 2. Peruse the Developmental Reading Assessment booklet. Print and study the Appendix B (Proficiency Level Descriptors) for your students’ grade level. Homework: Pick up from Aztec Shops: Prime, Carol. Basic Student Teaching Seminar Readings. Read (Do NOT fill out the forms at this time): Teaching Residency: Observation Reflection Commentary Video Recording Guided Reading Commentary 00 Due: No work due. Bring a your most polite manners for showing appreciation to a guest speaker. Apply the DRA\Running Records assessment with at least one child in your primary class (and up to Page 4 of 10 5 children, if possible). Page 5 of 10 Schedule of Topics for TE 960 Class Sessions: Class In-Class Topics and Expectations Sessions Wednesday, September 12 1:00-3:00 Guided Reading Using assessment results to plan student learning Guest Instructor: Patty Wallach Resource Teacher, Cherokee Point Q and A Wednesday, September 19 1:00-3:00 Reflecting on Your Guided Reading Lesson Guest Instructor: Patty Wallach Resource Teacher, Cherokee Point Q and A Wednesday, September 19 3:15-5:15 1. Context for Learning Getting to Know the Children’s Context for Learning o School Accountability Report Card (SARC) In-Class Interactive: Context for Learning Commentary o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team Q and A Wednesday, September 26 2:00-4:00 (Day 1 procedures and potluck and “Where I am From.” Day 2 (Task 1) 1st Friday Jan 24 This square Wednesday, October 10 2:00-4:00 Jan 31 10:00 common core 11:00 Nancy and Doug 1:00 Intro to Academic 2. Pre-Assessment of Student Learning Using student work to plan student learning Getting to Know Your Context for Teaching o Looking at Student Work In-Class Interactive: Reflection of Student Learning o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team In-Class Interactive: Using Feedback to Promote Student Learning--Assessment Commentary o Work Independently to prepare feedback to three students about their work. Q and A 3. Common Core State Standards Using standards to plan student learning In-Class Interactive: Structure of the Common Core State Standards o Matching standards and student work In-Class Interactive: Standards and Planning Commentary o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team Q and A Due/Homework Homework: In Blackboard, under “Videos & Readings,” view the five Guided Reading videos. Then participate in a discussion board in eSupervision with your Primary team, which may include your mentor teacher, at his or her discretion. Due: Be prepared to share and discuss your work with the children. Due: All five results of the DRA\Running Records. Due: Come prepared to talk about the Observation and Video Recording Commentaries. Homework: Context for Learning Form Due: Context for Learning Form Homework: Context for Learning Commentary (Primary) Pages 101 and 102 Due: Context for Learning Commentary (Primary) Page 101 Homework: Finish pages 103-106 Structure of the Common Core State Standards Identifying Page 6 of 10 Language standards to meet student needs Page 7 of 10 Schedule of Topics for TE 960 Class Sessions: Class Topic Sessions Wednesday, October 24 2:00-4:00 Feb. 14 Connecting Standards, Rubrics, and Assessments Blackboard¹ 4a. Depth of Knowledge, Cognitive Rigor, and FourPart Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels, and Cognitive Rigor Matrix In-Class Interactive: Depth of Knowledge Form o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team to Determine Bloom-DOK Levels In-Class Interactive: Writing Four-Part Cognitive Objectives using active verbs o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team 6. Assessment: Connecting Standards, Rubrics, and Assessments In-Class Interactive: Assessment Commentary o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team Q and A Content and Language Objectives Wednesday, November 7 2:00-4:00 Feb. 7 Academic Language 4b. Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Socratic Seminar (Fishbowl) Inner Circle: Discuss your assigned part with others assigned to the same DOK Level while the Outer Circle watches and shares what they saw and how their partners did, including their level of engagement. Level 1 observed by Level 2 Level 2 observed by Level 1 Level 3 observed by Level 4 Level 4 observed by Level 3 5a. Academic Language: Text Types (aka Genre) and Vocabulary Text Features In-Class Interactive: Text Features Treasure Hunt Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team Text Structure In-Class Interactive: Write Text Structure Examples o Work Collaboratively with Your Primary Team Due (Bring to Class) Due: Structure of the Common Core State Standards Homework: Socratic Seminar Preparation for DOK Guide Read your assigned parts of “Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide” View the Socratic Seminar videos in Blackboard (in Videos and Readings). Enter your Context for Learning into TaskStream prior to the due date of your Social Studies CAT (October 9) Due: Come prepared to participate in a Socratic Seminar on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. Homework: Textbook Feature Analysis Choose one of the following text types to read about in Blackboard (see Videos & Readings) o Argument o Explanation o Narrative Signal Words Wednesday, November 21 Q and A No class meeting Happy Thanksgiving. Rest as much as possible. Catch up on homework. Page 8 of 10 Schedule of Topics for TE 960 Class Sessions: Class Topic Sessions Wednesday, December 5 2:00-4:00 Wednesday, December 12 3:30-4:00 Blackboard¹ 5b. Text Structure: Scaffolding In-Class Interactive: Academic Language Commentary Work Collaboratively with Your Assigned Group (A, B, C, or D) to deconstruct and reconstruct the PACT Academic Language for Elementary Literacy, Appendix Q and A Plans for Spring Semester To be scheduled later in the semester To be scheduled Session with San Diego Unified attorney Legal responsibilities of being a teacher To be scheduled with second semester mentor teachers Meet and Greet for Spring Semester Placements K-5 mentor teachers at Cherokee Point and Joyner Elementary schools Second Semester one-on-one teaching residency placements Due (Bring to Class) Due: Textbook Feature Analysis Homework: No homework Have a safe, restful break. Take care of yourself and enjoy your family and friends. Page 9 of 10 Class Participation 50% of Grade Participating fully in all discussions and activities increases what you learn and your success as a novice teacher. You are expected to attend all scheduled classes, as well as to participate fully in all activities. Professional conduct is expected at all times. Respect for others is required. 200 Participated fully in all activities and discussions during every class session; always on time, stayed for entire session, and came prepared with all required materials. 150 Participated in all activities and discussions during most class sessions; always on time, stayed for entire session, and came prepared with all required materials. 100 Participated in most activities and discussions during many class sessions; a few minutes late once, always stayed for entire session, and prepared with most required materials. 50 Participated in some activities and discussions during some class sessions. Pattern of lateness, leaving early, or not being prepared. 0 Unprofessional conduct or lack of respect for anyone in the class (including guest speakers and the instructor), possible cause for immediate expulsion from class and no credit in the course. COURSE COMPETENCIES (STUDENT OUTCOMES): Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to meet the teaching performance expectations for TPE 1: Demonstrate the ability to teach the Common Core State Standards for students in EnglishLanguage Arts (K-5). . . . Strategically plan and schedule instruction to ensure that students meet or exceed the standards. . . . Teach students how to use visual structures such as graphic organizers or outlines. . . . Determine the skill level of students through the use of meaningful indicators of reading and language arts proficiency prior to instruction. TPE 2: Pace instruction and reteach content based on evidence gathered using assessment strategies such as . . . examining student work and products. TPE 3: Use a variety of informal and formal, as well as formative and summative assessments, to determine students’ progress and plan instruction. . . . Understand the purposes and uses of different types of diagnostic instruments, including entry level, progress-monitoring and summative assessments. . . . Use informal classroom assessments and analyze student work. . . . Know how to accurately interpret assessment results of individuals and groups in order to develop and modify instruction. . . . Give students specific, timely feedback on their learning, and maintain accurate records summarizing student achievement. TPE 4: incorporate specific strategies, teaching/instructional activities, procedures and experiences that address state-adopted academic content standards for students in order to provide a balanced and comprehensive curriculum. . . . Distinguish between conversational and academic language. . . . Balance instruction by adjusting lesson designs relative to students’ current level of achievement. Course Grading In order to receive credit in the class, you must satisfactorily complete every in-class and homework assignment and participate fully and respectfully in all discussions and interactive work. Be sure to read all feedback provided and improve your work, as required or suggested. Syllabus: TE 960.61 Carol Prime Basic Student Teaching Seminar Fall 2012 Schedule #29929 1 Unit I have read and understand the syllabus for TE 960.61 Basic Student Teaching Seminar, a 1-unit course for credit. I accept the terms and will endeavor to meet all deadlines, set high standards for my work, and conduct myself professionally. _______________________________ Print Name __________________________________________ Student Signature ___________ Date