San Diego State University HTM 431 – Spring 2014 Convention & Meeting Management Instructor: Classroom: Erin Scholes, CMP, CSEP COM-105 Office Hours: Phone: Email: By appointment PSFA 444 858-220-6103 Please only use email for assignment clarification and to schedule an appointment ONLY. I will not respond to inquiries about grades over email. Grading questions will only be addressed during office visits. Course Description: Defines the scope and segmentation of the convention and group business market, describes marketing and sales strategies to attract markets with specific needs, and explains techniques to meet those needs as part of meeting and convention service. Student Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Describe the scope of the convention, meetings, and trade show industry in terms of types of meetings, who holds meetings, and emerging types of meeting facilities. 2. Explain the steps in developing a marketing plan. 3. Describe considerations in the organizational design of a sales department, and outline how a sales office interfaces with other departments. 4. Identify characteristics of association meetings that are important for selling to the association market. 5. Identify characteristics of corporate meetings that are important for selling to the corporate market. 6. Describe SMERF groups and explain how to approach selling meeting services and products to them. 7. List and describe the steps in making a personal sales call. 8. Summarize the process of planning an advertising strategy and describe how public relations and publicity can help a property reach meeting planners. 9. Describe the elements of a contract or letter of agreement. 10. Describe considerations in determining who should coordinate hotel service to groups, and describe the duties and organizational relationships associated with the position of convention service manager. 11. Summarize factors that hotel staff must take into consideration when assigning guestrooms to meeting attendees. 12. Describe the format and uses of the resume prepared by the convention service manager. 13. Describe typical function room furniture, meeting setups, and time and usage considerations for function rooms. 14. Identify different types of food functions and types of food service, and describe beverage service issues. 15. Summarize factors in the decision about which audiovisual requirements to service in-house and which to outsource, and describe types of audiovisual equipment and their uses. 16. Describe programs that hospitality properties offer the guests and children of meeting attendees and the role of such programs in a successful meeting. 17. Describe the functions of key trade show personnel and describe the elements of exhibit planning. Required Reading: Textbook: Convention Management and Service - Eighth edition (ISBN 0-86612-280-X) Author: Milton T. Astroff & James R. Abbey, Handouts: Literature will be provided that illustrates and supports topical areas to course discussions. Students are expected to be responsible for this material as additions to the text. Blackboard will be used to supplement lectures and for students to obtain additional materials. Instructional Format Classes will be a combination of lectures, guest speakers, student discussions, written assignments, site visits, presentations and exams. *Professional attire for both guest speakers and field excursions is required on such days Standards & Expectations It is common courtesy in professional settings for cell phones to be turned off or placed on vibrate/ mute. I ask the same courtesy. Additionally, I expect college level work and professionalism. Students will be challenged during this course and my standards are high, HOWEVER this course is intended to be fun, informative and enlightening about the hospitality and convention services industry. It goes without saying that I expect punctuality, attendance, participation, and respect. Failure to do so will result in evaluation deductions. Evaluations Testings: There will be 3 quizzes, a midterm and a final exam. I will drop the lowest score of the 3 quizzes. If you happen to miss taking the quiz on its scheduled day, this is the quiz you will drop. The midterm and final exams are cumulative material based on the quizzes and any new material introduced after the last quiz. Grades are not recorded until after we review the test results. The quizzes will be T/F and multiple choices. The exams will be a combination of T/F, multiple choice, and short answer, and will cover material from the book, handouts, lectures, guest speakers, and site visits. Any missed quizzes or exams will result in a 0. Group Projects: Students will participate in a two part group research projects. This is a time consuming project, requiring site inspections of hotel facilities, interviewing of hotel staff and accumulation of information and related topic documentation. Each group, and thus each student, will participate in an oral presentation of their research. The presentation must include PowerPoint. It is imperative that each student participate in the on-site research at the hotel. Therefore, I suggest that after each group is assembled, schedules are exchanged and the hotel is contacted for a meeting date. Each student will evaluate the other members of the group. This evaluation will be part of your grade for the project. More detailed information will be available on the project prospectus. Participation: There will be a number of opportunities for you to “step into” a leadership role; within the course and for the group presentations. Those students exemplifying leadership qualities and assuming leadership responsibilities will be given participation points towards their final grades. Those students who wish to be “followers” rather than “leaders” will not be penalized by me as long as participation is obvious. Remember, passive behavior may be viewed as less than favorable by your peers, and you may be negatively evaluated by them, which will affect your group project and final project grade. Evaluation Possible Points Intro Writing Assignment Group project Midterm Final Exam Quizzes (50 each) Participation & Attendance Site Visit Attendance 25 150 100 150 100 50 25 600 Total Course Points Grades will be earned as follows: A 545+ points B 485-544 points C 432- 484 points D 375- 432 points F Below 374 points (includes peer evaluation) HTM 431: CONVENTION MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES WEEKLY COURSE SCHEDULE – Spring 2014 As of 1/20/14 WEEK DATE 1 1/22 2 1/29 3 2/5 4 2/12 5 2/19 6 2/26 7 3/5 8 9 3/12 3/19 10 3/26 11 4/2 12 4/9 13 14 4/16 4/23 15 4/30 16 5/7 READING ASSIGNMENTS SCHEDULED FOR CLASS / ASSIGNMENTS DUE Welcome and Course Overview IN CLASS “Getting To Know You” Chapter 1: Introduction to the Convention, Meetings and Trade Show Industry Chapter 2: Developing a Marketing Plan Chapter 3: Organizing for Convention Sales DUE: “Getting to Know You” Writing Assignment (25 Points) Chapter 4: Selling the Association Market Quiz 1 -Chapter 1-3 (50 Points) INCLASS: Review Group Project Assignment Chapter 5: Selling the Corporate Meetings Market Chapter 6: Selling Other Markets Chapter 7: Selling to the Meetings Market Chapter 8: Advertising to the Meeting Planner Chapter 9: Negotiations and Contracts Chapter 10: The Service Function Chapter 11: Guestrooms Quiz 2 - Chapter 4-6 (50 Points) DUE: Project Section #1 Chapter 12: Preparing for the Event Chapter 13: Function Rooms and Meeting Setups Chapter 14: Food & Beverage Services SITE VISIT SCHEDULED MIDTERM EXAM: Chapter 1-11 (100 points) SPRING BREAK HAVE FUN!! Chapter 15: Audiovisual Requirements Chapter 17: Exhibits and Trade Shows QUIZ 3 (Site Visit & Chapter 12-14) IN CLASS: Guest Speakers GROUP PRESENTATIONS - Wave #1 (150 points) Meet Offsite Location TBD (25 points) GROUP PRESENTATIONS - Wave #2 Chapter 18: Convention Billing and Post-Convention Review DUE: Peer Evaluations Semester Review IN CLASS: FINAL EXAM (150 points) The instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule throughout the semester.