NAVS 310 ... USD Classroom IPJ-223A

NAVS 310
USD Classroom IPJ-223A
T/Th 0730 - 0850
Maj Michael Nelson
Phone: USD – (619) 260-6834
Phone: SDSU – (619) 594-3730
(3 Units)
Office Hours: After class and by appointment
S. H. 122 (USD)
Comm 130 (SDSU)
Course Description
The purpose of the Evolution of Warfare course is to provide the student with a basic
understanding of the art, science, and concepts of warfare. The overall flow is in line with
threads presented in the article titled "Fundamental Concepts: History of the Military Art" which
is a product of the United States Military Academy. An excerpt of this article is provided in this
document. The flow of the course starts with USMC warfare theory foundations (MCDP 1
Warfighting) to ensure students are introduced to concepts that are integral to being a USMC
officer. Next, the guide uses topical periods with notable progressions in warfare. These periods
illuminate the effects of both innovative and stale leadership and the resulting major
transformations in warfare. Varying teaching points can be related to doctrine (tactics,
techniques, and procedures - TTPs), organization, training, material (equipment), leadership, and
personnel; this is a succinct version of the modern day Marine Corps. The curriculum can be
applied in many ways but the focus is to view warfare not through the lens of a historian but as a
military professional. Furthermore, the curriculum laces modern day shifts in warfare with
sections for irregular and cyber warfare. The course ends by relating the teachings to today's
USMC doctrine, thus coming full circle.
The course will take place in four phases:
Phase I: Warfighting (28 Jan – 13 Feb): This phase will provide a foundation for the remainder
of the course. Students will learn current Marine Corps warfighting doctrine and the
fundamentals of Marine Corps operations.
Phase II: Culture and Military Theory (20 Feb – 27 Feb): Students will be introduced to different
cultural concepts regarding the conduct and nature of warfare and be introduced to military
Phase III: Evolution of Warfare (06 Mar – 03 Apr): Phase III will move the student through
subsequent technological and doctrinal innovations that fundamentally altered the conduct of
warfare from the 16th Century to present. Furthermore, students will be introduced to different
facets of the U.S. military that have had an impact on Marine Corps operations.
Phase IV: Current Operations (8 Apr – 24 Apr): Students will discuss operations in the past
decade and relate those lessons to the current conduct of American warfare abroad.
Course Objectives/Candidate Outcomes
1. To introduce the student to a warfighting culture.
2. Comprehend baseline Marine Corps doctrine.
3. To develop the student’s critical thinking skills as they pertain to warfare.
4. Comprehend the major cultural, technological, and doctrinal transformations in warfare.
5. To develop the fundamental naval officer skills of writing, analytic thinking, professional
writing, and public speaking.
6. To impart to the student the lessons learned with the development of warfare with an
emphasis on leadership remaining forward thinking and not stagnate.
7. To give the student a baseline of understanding of today's conventional and irregular
warfare and the historical context as to how warfare has evolved throughout history.
8. Comprehend the importance of leaders remaining vigilant with development of warfare
as it is related to doctrine, training, organization, material (equipment), and leadership.
Textbook Readings
War Made New, Max Boot (WMN)
MCDP-1, Warfighting (WAR)
Supplemental readings posted on Blackboard, as directed by the instructor
Course Requirements/Activities
1. Reading Assignments: Students are to read all assigned material prior to each class session.
Proper preparation will be reflected in performance on quizzes, exams, and class
2. Quizzes/Discussion Questions: Students must be prepared to participate in each class by
completing assigned reading and assignments. Each class begins by either turning in answers to
discussion questions or completing a quiz.
3. Group Presentation: All students will participate in a group presentation. Working as a
team and learning to capitalize on each other’s strength is the foundation for teamwork. Students
will be assigned groups and provide a 20 minute presentation on the assigned topic. Students are
encouraged to utilize multiple multimedia methods (Power Point, Sand Table, and White Board)
but are required to provide the instructor with a printed outline or copy of the power point, one
week prior to their presentation. Students will be graded based on content, presentation quality,
and knowledge of the topic. Students will cite sources utilized in the presentation.
4. Term Paper: Each presentation group will complete a term paper on the topic assigned for
their presentation.
a. The paper will be 750 – 1000 words. The paper will include a Cover Sheet, Abstract, and
Bibliography with at least three credible sources. These items are not included in the total 750 –
1000 word count.
b. Groups will be evaluated on their ability to insightfully apply course concepts to your selected
real-world issue. This is an opportunity for students to identify, investigate and prepare
themselves for challenging issues that await them upon commissioning.
(1) Papers will be submitted using Times New Roman, 12 font. Use MLA Style
including parenthetical reference citations and works cited page. See the MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers.
(2) Note: You must to take your term paper to your university writing center and
attach the assessment report to the marked-up draft copy upon submission. This does not
relieve you of the responsibility to proofread and make corrections to your paper.
5. Exams: A midterm and final exam will be given. These exams will focus more on the
students understanding of theories and concepts rather than memorization of facts and details.
Of course, the student will have to support their understanding of the theories and concepts using
specifics, examples and details learned throughout the course. Exam formats will be discussed in
6. Preparation and Participation: Students will be graded on a 1 to 5 point scale each class
period regarding their preparation and participation in the class discussion. Furthermore, students
will be evaluated on their ability to interact during student presentations, lectures, and other
classroom activities. Because of the compact format of this course, it is important that students
are prepared and participate in all class sessions. When you are unprepared for class sessions,
you miss the opportunity to practice skills and receive feedback necessary for your own selfdevelopment. When you are unprepared, you also deprive your classmates of your feedback on
their comments, which diminishes their learning potential.
Assessment Plan/Grading Criteria/Rubric
Grading Scale:
93% - 100% = A
90% - 92.9% = A87% - 89.9% = B+
83% - 86.9% = B
= B= C+
= C-
60%-69.9% = D
0% - 59.9% = F
Grading Criteria:
Quizzes and Assignments
Group Presentation
Term Paper
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Class Participation
100 pts
50 pts
50 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
500 pts
Course Outline
The class schedule is provided below as a guide for the topics and timeframes in which we will
cover them.
Class Session – Date
Lesson 1 – 28 Jan
Introductions and Syllabus
The Nature of War
The Theory of War
Preparing for War
Conduct of War
30 Jan
4 Feb
6 Feb
11 Feb
Lesson 6 – 13 Feb
18 Feb
WAR Chapter 1, BB: Immutable Nature of
WAR Chapter 2
WAR Chapter 3
WAR Chapter 4, BB: Attritionist Letter
MCDP 1-0 pp. 1-2 to 1-10, 2-2 to 2-3, 310 to 3-16, 4-21 to 4-22, 6-2, 6-11 to 613, 6-24, 7-7 to 7-23, 8-3 to 8-8 App A
and B
Basics of Marine Corps
Lesson 7 – 20 Feb
Admin Day – NO CLASS
Western and Easter Way of
Lesson 8 – 25 Feb
Non-State Actors
Lesson 9 – 27 Feb
4 Mar
Lesson 10 – 6 Mar
11 Mar
13 Mar
Lesson 11 – 18 Mar
Lesson 12 – 20 Mar
Introduction to Military
Historical Analysis and
Gunpowder Revolution
1st Industrial Revolution
2nd Industrial Revolution
Lesson 13 – 25 Mar
Lesson 14 – 27 Mar
Lesson 15 – 1 Apr
Lesson 16 – 3 Apr
Lesson 17 – 8 Apr
Lesson 18 – 10 Apr
Assigned Reading
Indirect Fire
Evolution of Airpower
U.S. Navy and Sea Power
4th Generation Warfare
Counterinsurgency: The
Russian Experience
BB: Clausewitz and His Works; Sun Tzu;
Watch: Art of War, Chpt 1
BB: Good Anthropology, Bad History: The
Cultural Turn in Studying War
WMN pp. 7-11 and 13-16, BB: The
Changing Face of War: Into 4th Gen
Warfare, The Problem with 4th Gen
WMN pp. 1-6, 19-25 & 50-76
WMN pp. 109-145
WMN pp. 205-240
WMN pp. 84-85, 103, 129-130, 143, 296297, BB: Evolution of Artillery
BB: MCWP 3-2, pp. 1-2 to 2-6
BB: US Navy in Distress
BB: Scouts Out, pp. 1-5 (intro), 145-177
and 197-205 (conclusions)
BB: Fourth Generation Warfare Primer
BB: Russia in Afghanistan and Chechnya
Lesson 19 – 15 Apr
17 Apr
Lesson 20 – 22 Apr
Lesson 21 – 24 Apr
29 Apr
Lesson 22 – 1 May
Lesson 23 – 6 May
Lesson 24 – 8 May
Lesson 25 – 13 May
Information Operations
Counter Insurgency:
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Student Presentations
Student Presentations
Student Presentations
Student Presentations
BB: MCDP 1-0 4-22 to 4-23, JP 3-13 Info
Ops, ix-xvi (executive summary)
BB: “Twenty-eight Articles”
PLNU/SDSU Students
USD/UCSD Students
Requests for Accommodation
Reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be
made for course participants with disabilities who require specific instructional and testing
modifications. Students with such requirements must identify themselves to the San Diego State
University Student Disability Services (619) 594-6473 (USD Students should contact University
of San Diego Disability Services Office (619) 260-4655) before the beginning of the course.
Every effort will be made to accommodate students’ needs, however, performance standards for
the course will not be modified in considering specific accommodations.
Appendices to NAVS 310
Class Leader: One student will be selected as the class leader to ensure the room and
audiovisual equipment are ready for instruction. He or she will also take roll and document
those arriving late.
Attendance: Attendance is MANDATORY. Tardiness will not be tolerated. On the second
tardy, your final grade will be reduced by 2% (10 pts). Each subsequent tardy will reduce your
grade by an additional 2% (10 pts). Two or more unauthorized absences will result in a failing
grade. Permission for absence must be requested in advance (via phone/email to the
Instructor). Excused absence will be granted at the sole discretion of the instructor.
Responsibility: Students are expected to perform at a substantially higher level of maturity and
responsibility than that of most other students. In general, it is the student’s responsibility to
initiate action to resolve all personal issues and ensure that administrative matters are handled in
a timely manner.
Students shall attend all classes and submit assignments on the due dates. Late assignments will
incur a 10% grade deduction per day late. You will turn in all work, regardless if it is late or
not. Should an emergency develop that warrants relief from this stated attendance and
performance policy, prior approval must be obtained directly from the instructor. Unless
otherwise arranged, assignments falling due on the day of an excused absence remain due on or
before that day.
Military Protocol: Since this is a course primarily designed for and required for NROTC
students, Naval protocol is emphasized and is a teaching point. As a matter of courtesy and
custom, the first individual to recognize entry into the classroom by the Instructor or by the
Commanding Officer of the NROTC Unit will call for “Attention on Deck.” Non-NROTC
students are also asked as a matter of courtesy to follow this custom. NROTC students must
adhere to the NROTC and Navy regulations for dress (no open toed shoes for men) and
grooming (e.g., men are to be clean shaven, and men and women are to maintain haircuts within
standards) in and out of uniform.
Academic Dishonesty: Honesty and moral integrity are fundamental to the character of a Navy
and Marine Corps Officer. The Midshipman Honor Code states “A midshipman will not lie,
cheat, or steal.” This applies to all students in this course. Students must work alone to
complete all homework, quizzes, assignments and exams. Substantiated charges will result in a
failing grade and possible disenrollment from the NROTC Program with an unfavorable
recommendation regarding commissioned service. The student will also be referred to the
appropriate University officials for disciplinary proceedings.
Grade of Incomplete: The grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be recorded to indicate (1) that the
requirements of a course have been substantially completed but, for a legitimate reason, a small
fraction of the work remains to be completed, and (2) that the record of the student in the course
justifies the expectation that he or she will complete the work and obtain the passing grade by the
deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to explain to the instructor the reasons for noncompletion of work and to request an incomplete grade prior to the posting of final grades.
Students who receive a grade of incomplete must submit all missing work no later than end of
tenth week of the next regular semester, otherwise the “I” grade will become a permanent “F.”
Changes: I have made every attempt to make this syllabus an accurate reflection of how I intend
to teach this course over the semester. However, this syllabus should not be construed as a legal
contract and it may be subject to change over the semester, particularly with respect to the
schedule. I reserve the right to make modifications as necessary. I will discuss any proposed or
effected changes to the syllabus in class. Updated versions of the syllabus will also be posted to
Blackboard--they will not be distributed in class.