DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 230 Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:45pm (HT140) Spring 2013 Instructor: Professor Judy Reilly COURSE SCHEDULE Week Date Topic Reading Assignment 1 1/17 Introduction & Issues Ch. 1 2 1/22 1/24 Methodology & Developmental Psychology Genetic Influences on Development Ch. 1 Ch. 2 3 1/29 1/31 Environmental Influences on Development Sign Language and Deaf Culture: Biology and Culture Ch. 2 4 2/5 2/7 Prenatal Development 1: Biological Foundations -> Birth Prenatal Development 2: Environmental Factors Ch. 3 5 2/12 2/14 Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3) Infancy: An Overview Ch. 4 6 2/19 2/21 Brain Development Cognition and Sensorimotor Development Ch 4 Ch. 5 7 2/26 2/28 Language and Language Development Attachment & Temperament: Developing the first relationship Ch. 5 Ch. 6 8 3/5 3/7 Early Childhood: Cognitive Development Social Development: Parenting and Parenting Styles Ch. 7 Ch. 8 9 3/12 3/14 Day Care: what are the choices? Exam 2 (Chapters 4-8) Ch.8 10 3/19 3/21 Physical and Cognitive Development: Going to school What is Intelligence? Ch. 9 Ch. 9 11 3/26 3/28 Social Factors: The Role and Impact of Television/video Growing up Different: Atypical Development Ch. 10 12 4/2 4/4 Spring Break: NO CLASS Spring Break: NO CLASS 13 4/9 4/11 Autism: A growing phenomenon? Adolescence and Puberty Ch. 11 4/16 4/18 Cognition and Social Features of Adolescence Is there development in Adulthood? Cognitive and Social Aspects Ch. 14 15 4/23 4/25 Cognitive Sex Differences Longevity: How long will you live? 16 4/30 5/2 Poster Presentations Poster Presentations 17 5/7 Exam 3 (Chapters 9-12 and 14 (skip 13) 14 Ch. 14 (All papers and reports Due Today on DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 230 Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30- 10:45am (HT140) Spring 2013 Instructor: Professor Judy Reilly Teaching Assistant: Michele Louden Office: 6330 Alvarado Ct, Suite 208 Office Hours: Phone: (619) 594-5556 Dr. Reilly: by appointment Course email: PSYCH230.REILLY@GMAIL.COM Michele: Wednesday 10am-12pm-LSN 118B Required Text: Development Through the Lifespan, 4th Edition, Laura Berk Optional Text: Grade Aid Workbook for Development Through the Lifespan, Laura Berk Course Organization: The goal of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of human development. The class format is lecture, and course material will be organized chronologically. Assigned readings should be completed before they are discussed in class. Attendance will not be taken. However, in order to be successful in this course, you must be present at the lectures as much is presented in class. Much of the material included on the exam will be covered in class and will not necessarily be covered in the text. Therefore, you will be responsible for all material that is presented in class (this includes films and in-class activities) as well as the text. Course Requirements The course includes three section exams (100 points each). An additional 75 points will come from class activities. Total points possible are 375. 100 points x 3 Exams: 300 points In class activities 75 points Poster (or Paper)___________________________________100 points_________________________ 475 total points possible In-Class Activities: During the semester, there will be several in-class activities to help you keep up with course material and to give you some experience with solving developmental problems. These will occur sporadically throughout the semester and are worth from 5-15 pts each. Poster Presentations (or Paper): Each student will be expected to either participate in: 1) a group project (2-4 members) to produce a Poster and 6 page written report to be presented at semester end (possible topics will be presented in class); or 2) write an individual 10 page paper discussing an issue on development or a neurodevelopmental disorder. All papers will be submitted through Exams: The exams will be a combination of multiple choice and essay questions. For all exams, the scantron will be #F-289-PAR-L (smaller red form). THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS!! Cheating: In the event an individual is caught cheating on an exam, the individual will receive 0 points for that particular exam. In addition, for all subsequent exams, the person will be proctored individually at a time and place determined by the instructor. Challenges to an Exam Grade or Question: All challenges to an exam grade or question to the correctness of an answer to a particular exam question must be submitted in writing. Empirical evidence supporting the challenge must be provided. For example, citing the paragraph and page number in the text for an alternative answer is acceptable; recalling from your experiences with your own child or other children is not acceptable. You are being tested on material provided in the lectures, films, and the text, not on your life experiences. Course Email: Send all emails to PSYCH230.REILLY@GMAIL.COM. Messages will be read once a day.