– : OCEANS 100

– OCEAN PLANET: The Holistic Study of Our Oceans
Dept of Geological Sciences – SDSU – FALL 2013
Required Textbook: “Essentials of Oceanography”, Trujillo and Thurman, 10th edition or any other
Required instructional device: Classroom Response System  i>Clicker2
Instructor: Isabelle SacramentoGrilo, Dept. Geological Sciences
Office hours: GMCS-228-G, MTWTHF 10.00 – 10.50; or by appointment and availability
Office Phone: (619) 594 5607
Email: isacramentogrilo@mail.sdsu.edu (when using email, please give name, class and class time)
Website: http://blackboard.sdsu.edu
Textbook animations at http://www.miracosta.edu/home/kmeldahl/TTanimations.htm
Lecture: T, Th 11-12:15 Hardy Tower (HT)-140
Laboratory: in GMCS-128 (see times for your section in schedule below)
Knowing the contents of this syllabus is a class requirement.
This syllabus serves as a binding contract between student and instructor. By enrolling in this course you are
agreeing to all terms of this syllabus. The instructor shall retain the right to adjust the course design.
The Oceans are big! They cover over 70% of our planet’s surface and affect a great deal of our planet’s
lands and life. Oceanography, or Marine Science, explores the major aspects of the world’s oceans, and
investigates the fundamental physical, chemical, geological, and biological processes that govern local to global
patterns in the
ocean system. There is also an emphasis on science as a process and its role in environmental issues, from global
climate change to local pollution. Such a holistic view helps us to see how ocean and Earth work together. It is
important, thus, to understand the interdisciplinary nature of this course and interconnectedness of its concepts,
not just the terminology. Exam questions will reinforce this.
I will strive to make the course as relevant and student-centered as possible to equip you to make
scientifically informed decisions as members of our local to global society. The laboratory section will enable
learning practical problem-solving skills utilizing the oceanographic concepts from lecture.
Overarching Course Goals
Major Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are summarized below and represent the “big ideas”
explored in the course. These major SLOs are overviewed in lecture at the start of their respective course sections
and are also outlined in lecture handouts and laboratory readings. The course content has been carefully
structured to facilitate your mastery of these SLOs.
 Apply the scientific method to comprehend, interpret, analyze and evaluate oceanographic concepts.
 Conceptualize the ocean as a complex global system of physical, biological, chemical, and geological
 Conceptualize Earth’s structure based on Earth’s formation in the Solar System, and the influence of its
geothermal energy on tectonic systems.
 Articulate the major geographic features of the ocean basins and their origin. Particular emphasis is placed
on plate tectonic concepts and processes. Relate the distribution and origin of sea floor features and to
plate tectonic theory.
 Predict predominant ocean sediment in a region given distance from shore, latitude, water depth, and
 Relate the structure of the water molecule to the chemical and physical properties of the ocean. Interpret
graphical representations of, among others, bathymetry, waves, tides, salinity, temperature or pressure.
 Examine the processes that produce atmospheric circulation, weather (including severe storms), and
oceanic circulation, including studying the role of the oceans in regulating climate and climate change.
Demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between oceanic and atmospheric circulation by
expressing these patterns as the result of the uneven distribution of incoming solar energy.
 Interpret wind waves, tides, and tsunami as the transfer of energy and describe their effect on coastal
environments, processes, and ecology, as well as analyze their effects on coastal residents.
 Conceptualize coastal oceanographic patterns and types as the result of various processes operating on
different time scales.
 Generalize basic biological principles to understand variations in ocean productivity and ecosystem
structure. Articulate the ecology and adaptations of various types of marine life, including plankton,
benthos, nekton, deep-sea organisms, and marine mammals.
 Explore the use of the oceans as a resource for people, and examining the impact of people on ocean
environments. Understand the types, sources, and effects of major pollutants in the oceans.
Learning Outcomes:
The following learning outcomes, albeit not exhaustive, summarize some important skills and knowledge that
you expect to achieve in this course.
 You will be able to use plate tectonic concepts to describe the formation of all major sea floor features
and the geologic history of the ocean basins.
 You will be able to reconstruct the circulation patterns of the atmosphere and oceans, and explain their
causes & interrelationships.
 You will be able to articulate the formation and behavior of waves and tides, and evaluate their effects on
coastline processes.
 You will be able to conceptualize key principles of marine ecology, identify major types and features of
marine life forms, and analyze the relationships between marine life and physical ocean processes.
General Education Requirement - Foundations courses cultivate skills in reading, writing, research,
communication, computation, information literacy, and the use of technology. Specifically, OCEAN100 fulfills
the physical science and laboratory requirements of the Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning component
of General Education Foundations.
3 Exams (at 100 points each), 2 out of 3 count....…………………....200 points
Final exam……………………………………………………………..100
Laboratory grade……………………………………………………..140
13 Quizzes through Blackboard (at 5 points each)..................……....65
In-class Clicker Questions/Participation……………………………...65
Total Points: 570
If total points = 570, then 513 and above = A; 456 and above = B; 399 and above = C; 342 and above = D;
below 342 = F
Grades are earned on a straight scale: A=90-100%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; D=60-69%; F=below 60%.
[For ex, let’s say that your total= 442 points out of 570; then multiply 442 by 100% and divide by 570 = 77.5%, or a C]
Grades within 2% of a boundary will receive + or –
Note: No extra credit given to anyone at all. No exceptions! This is work not specified on a course syllabus.
Incomplete: The “Incomplete” grade is only for unforeseeable, emergency, tragic, and justifiable reasons at the end of the
term, and only upon a contract stating conditions for completing coursework. It’s not given to students who aren’t doing
well and/or may be failing the course.
You are the person responsible for your grade, not me, so be aware of and adhere to the course requirements and
 A. CLICKERS: You must bring your clicker to every class, starting 2 weeks after class begins. Register
your clicker through Blackboard with this class by following the instructions posted in the Announcements for
this class (also in Blackboard at http://clicker.sdsu.edu/). Do NOT register through the i>Clicker website.
Clicker Total – 65 points. You could receive a maximum of 65 points for being present and answering the
clicker questions. These will range in value from 1 to 5 points each.
I will use Clicker questions to review lecture content and record participation. Specifically, I will build
in conceptual and application questions into lectures. These questions and your answers to them will permit you
and me to know if you are learning what I am teaching. You will also engage in peer-instruction, whereby you
discuss the questions with your classmates in lecture. Please be in class in order to get full clicker points. If you
arrive late, after the clicker questions have been posed, you will lose those points.
NOTE: - There is no make-up of clicker points, despite the type of student absence or lateness to class, or
clicker malfunctioning (which is rare). Please read the following:
- No points are given to students who don’t bring the clicker to class. No exceptions!
- You must have only 1 clicker pad with you when you’re in the classroom. Anyone caught with more
than 1 clicker during class will fail the course and further disciplinary action will be pursued.
- You must check the batteries every so often. Points are not made up for non-working pads.
- Your clicker frequency will be the same as mine, AA. This is the default.
- Discussing clicker total scores with me at the end of the semester is not an option. Points are not made
up long after the class sessions took place.
For i>Clicker Technical Support, please call 1-866-209-5698.
B. EXAMS: You will have a total of 4 exams this semester: 3 semester exams and a mandatory final. You are
required to take all exams. I will take the best 2 scores out of your first 3 exams. The lowest or missed exam
score will be dropped for your convenience. The final exam is not dropped. It will be cumulative, but will
emphasize extensively the last section of the semester, which is the biological oceans.
Material on exams:
Exam questions will consist mostly of multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions. They are drawn
very heavily from the lectures and class discussions, but any material covered by online quizzes and
exercises, documentary films, textbook readings, or laboratory investigations may be included. You’ll see a
series of .pdf files posted in Bb, with text and images, for each of the modules covered in lectures. Even
though exams will test your knowledge and comprehension of lecture concepts, you’re welcome to look at
these files in more detail. They’re like a textbook.
- You will not be allowed to leave the classroom for any reason during exams.
- You will not be accepted into the classroom during an exam if you arrive after the first student finished.
- Grading errors, if any, must be brought to my attention within 1 week of receiving an exam/assignment
- I do not give you “tricky” questions; I give you “do you understand” questions. I ask questions that test
your comprehension of concepts, not just the regurgitation of facts. It’s important, therefore, to apply yourself
every day and early on. Cramming for a test does not work!
- Please note: Exams will not be re-scheduled for your personal convenience. Exams may be re-scheduled
by me as the progression of the course determines. Exams CANNOT be made up. If you plan to miss an
exam, then that is the exam that you will drop. I don’t make any exceptions to this at all. Plan straightaway
on taking ALL exams.
- Please note again: Missing an exam with excuses like but not exhaustive of “forgetting about the exam” or
“work schedules, airline conflicts, traffic accidents, sick parents, sick roommates, sick pets, dead uncles or
dead grandmothers”, or “aunts who committed suicide but whose bodies haven’t been found yet”, etc, will
not be tolerated. This is the exam that you drop.
Office Hours: I also strongly encourage you to come to my office hours to get clarification on anything at all.
You may also see your exams and understand your scores. This will prepare you for the exams as well as allow
you to better understand the concepts.
SCANTRONS: You must bring the large red scantron form Parscore F-288 (enrollment form) for the first
exam only. Thereafter, you will need the smaller red scantron form Parscore F-289. You must bring a #2 pencil
for exams.
Note: You must erase your scantron answers completely, when appropriate. You must also fill in the Test
Form box. Failure to do any of this will result in lower scores because the scanning computer is not able to
make out your answers or match them to my key.
C. BLACKBOARD QUIZZES: You will have 13 online quizzes as homework. This translates into 1 quiz
due roughly every week.
- To this extent, be sure to pay attention to the Announcements section in Blackboard or my announcements
in class or both, and make sure that you meet the due dates for all quizzes. There are NO exceptions
made for late submittals.
- Please read and follow the instructions stated on the quizzes. Each is worth 5 points for a cumulative amount
of 65 points. They will be open for up to 1 week.
- All quizzes will be made available in the Quizzes folder and will be based on the lecture discussions and
chapter readings. It’s your responsibility to check this folder regularly (every week) for homework, not mine
to remind you of it!
- Quizzes will be timed and you must complete them the first time you open them. Note: Leaving a quiz
unattended will cancel out all your work.
NOTE: You cannot complete or turn in ANY quiz after the due date, or after you lock it up (it will not be
available to you online). No late assignments will be accepted at all. There will be no make-ups, no matter what
your reasons are. No special arrangements will be made (even if you add the course late or miss the first class
meetings). No quiz score will be dropped.
Please also note: Personal computer or printer problems are not valid excuses for missing quiz deadlines.
Please do NOT take quizzes on your phone as it may not go through and you’ll lose those points.
- If you wait till the last minute (meaning: 1 day before it’s due) to submit a quiz and run into
problems, there will be nothing that I will do to help you.
- A “Paper&pencil” symbol on quizzes means that you haven’t correctly completed and submitted them. This
will result in a score of 0.
In ‘View Grades”, the row called “Total” under “Points Possible” you’ll see something other than 570
points. Just ignore it. Bb does not compute your grade, I do. Bb just adds all the points earned.
Laboratory Investigations:
You are required to attend your registered laboratory section in GMCS-128, and your investigation worksheet is
due at the end of the laboratory, unless otherwise stated by your TA. Missed lab investigations cannot be made
up, but the lowest or missed investigation grade will be dropped. Short 5-minute quizzes based on the laboratory
reading will be given at the start of each lab section and will account for 10% of that week’s lab grade.
Lecture/Laboratory Readings:
Lecture readings include the textbook readings for the week, as well as the lecture pdf files posted on Blackboard.
Much of the course reading material is also contained in the Laboratory Investigation, which must be read before
the lab section at the minimum.
PRIOR to your laboratory section, you must read the material in the beginning of the laboratory investigation pdf
file. You must print out the laboratory investigation file and bring to your lab section for completion of the lab
exercises. You will be submitting the completed investigation at the end of the lab.
For the most part, each lab module occurs the week after the lecture module and concept quiz. The purpose of the
lab is to reinforce concepts learnt previously.
There will be 2 laboratory practicals, which will test you on the laboratory material (see the schedule for dates).
The format of these practicals will be discussed further in your laboratory section.
Note: Missed practicals cannot be made up.
Holiday make-up: If your lab falls on a Monday holiday (1 this semester for us), then you need to make up that
lab in any other laboratory section on that same week. Note, this is on that same week only. Please email one of
the TAs in the schedule (last page) to set this up.
Although we want you to plan straightway on taking all labs as scheduled, if you know ahead of time that you
will be missing a lab, then you can take that lab in another section, as long as you received both TAs approval.
For both of these situations, make sure you write your name and lab section on your worksheet for that lab.
Switching lab sections:
If you switch sections in the first 2 weeks of the semester, you will be blocked from my combined lecture section
in Bb (the one that reads OCEAN100-CX-01-11-Fall2013 OCEAN PLANET_Combined_sections_FALL2013).
You need to let me know immediately so that the Bb help-desk can fix this.
Summary of Lab requirement:
10 Lab investigations (with quizzes), each worth 10 points
(One lab dropped)
2 Lab Practicals, each worth 25 points
90 points
50 points
Total: 140 points
This is about 25% of your overall grade in this class.
Questions? Any questions you have about your lab should be directed to your TA, whose email and office hours
are posted in the last page on this syllabus.
Note that no food or drink of any kind is allowed in the laboratory at any time.
 ATTENDANCE is mandatory and is expected. You must be present and on time for all class sessions.
Attendance is found to be directly proportional with overall grade quality. Please do not miss class! Missing
class may also affect your lab grade.
- If you miss classes, it is your responsibility to get notes from a fellow student and not to fall behind. I will not
provide notes personally or electronically to you outside of class time.
- If you think that you are not doing well in class, please ensure that you contact me early on in the semester. I
will do my best to help you succeed in this class. It is my goal that you learn the concepts and earn the grade that
you’d like. Discussing your grade as late as when the semester ends is not really an option.
- Note-taking: be ready to start class with your notebook and pen ready to take notes. Diligently taking notes
and being attentive during class shows that you are serious about your education. Notes are critical. They provide
the foundation of what is discussed and the basis for all exams.
- Slides Posted: Under “Course Documents” in Bb you’ll also find most image slides in .pdf format posted for
every lecture session throughout the term. This will complement your note-taking. You’ll also find large .pdf files
of lectures previously given for this class, which may serve as a textbook for you.
- Discussion Board: here you can also interact with your classmates, ask and answer questions about anything
pertaining to the course. This can be discussion of any quizzes, homework, exams, labs, or anything else. Take
advantage of it as it may help you get answers to your questions and be a better student.
The Discussion Board will be open for the entire semester. Find it on the left panel in Blackboard.
- Questions about anything discussed in class should be asked in class or the Discussion Board (preferred), or
during office hours. Participation is strongly encouraged. I welcome all your questions.
- Do not engage in side conversations in lecture or lab. This is disruptive and distracting to other students.
- Lateness to class: This is disruptive to lecture and is never appreciated by me or by the students. Don’t do it!
Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct: Plagiarizing, cheating, unauthorized collaboration on course work,
stealing examination materials, falsifying records or data, and obstruction or disruption of the educational or
administrative process, physical abuse or threat of such an abuse, theft, sexual, religious, or racial harassment,
possession of controlled substances or weapons constitute violations relative to Title 5, California Code of
Regulations. Violations will be documented in writing with the upper division supervisor, and University
disciplinary action will be pursued.
Note on Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Always make sure your work is original. An instructor must be able to gauge
what the student has learned. Therefore, copying the work of another person on any assessment whatever that
might be, online or offline, whether an essay, test, take-home quiz, or online quiz, is considered cheating.
Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to:
Cheating: Copying from another student or using unauthorized aids during any type of assessment.
Plagiarizing: Copying someone else’s work or ideas and misrepresenting them as one’s own (without
acknowledgement or permission).
Falsification: Making up fictitious information and presenting it as real, or altering records for the purpose of
Facilitation: Helping another student to cheat, plagiarize, or falsify.
mobile phone for ANY purpose at all (this includes texting), using cameras, ipods, ipads, headphones,
reading newspapers/magazines/books, studying for other classes, or sleeping and snoring.
You are also NOT allowed your laptop during lecture. You may, however, use an audio recorder.
NOTE: Handling a mobile phone or pad, as well as ANY other type of electronic devices, including
electronic dictionaries and calculators, is expressly prohibited during exams. No exceptions!
Anyone caught will fail a test or the course and further disciplinary action will be pursued.
9 Sept – last day to add.
9 Sept – last day to drop without a “W”. If you stop attending and don’t drop, your grade will be an “F”.
If you are taking the course CR/NC, and want to pass the class, you must obtain a C (72%) or higher.
VI. HOW TO AVOID ONLINE QUIZ PROBLEMS (or, how to avoid getting a 0 for your quiz!...). This is
modified from the SDSU ITS Blackboard support website:
Use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, not Explorer, as your browser. DO NOT use your phone to submit a quiz.
DO NOT wait till last minute: Blackboard may not take your quiz.
- Browser Windows Should NOT Be Resized or Refreshed During a Quiz
If you resize the window, the quiz will stop and no score will be recorded. You will receive an "Incomplete Attempt"
message. Do not resize or refresh the browser.
-The “paper&pencil” Symbol
If you have this symbol on your grade sheet for a particular assignment, this means you did not complete it correctly.
This type of error will NOT be corrected!
- You May NOT Preview a Quiz
You should not take or "preview" the quiz until you are actually ready to take it. If you "preview" the quiz or begin
taking the quiz and then log out, Blackboard will not let you back in. You will receive a "Sorry… you already
took this assessment on (date) and (time)" message.
-You may NOT Print a Quiz
If you print a quiz then leave Blackboard without actually answering any questions, the system will consider the quiz
taken. Blackboard considers that a quiz has been attempted every time it is entered, regardless if any questions
have been answered. You will not be able to re-take the quiz. You can, however, print your scores afterwards.
Finally, I strongly suggest that you use the computer labs in the university, rather than your personal computer. Loss
of a grade due to personal computer problems is not fixed or cleared by the instructor.
Persons with Disabilities:
The department will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Instructors must receive a
verification letter within the first week of class. Please check with SDS (Student Disability Services).
Note that the following lecture and exam schedule is subject to change depending upon the progression of the course.
You will be notified online and in class. You are responsible for noting all changes and adhering to them.
LECTURES Hardy Tower-140:
Week of:
Textbook chapter
(Module in Bb
Chap.2 (M2)
Chap.2 (M2)
Chap.3 (M3)
Chap.3 (M3)
TH, 26 Sept
Introduction to the Oceans
Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics
Provinces, Bathymetry
Provinces, Bathymetry
EXAM 1 (Scantron F288)
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Chap.5 (M4)
Chap.6, 16
Chap.7 (M5, 6)
Chap.8 (M10)
Chap.9 (M11)
TH, 31 Oct
Currents – Surface /Deep
EXAM 2 (Scantron F289)
Quiz 5
Quiz 6
Quiz 7
Quiz 8
4 Nov
11 Nov
18 Nov
Chap.10, 11 (M9)
Chap.13 (M7)
TH, 21 Nov
Coasts, Pollution
Marine Life
Primary Productivity
EXAM 3 (Scantron F289)
Quiz 9
Quiz 10
Quiz 11
Chap. 10-12
25 Nov
Chap,14 (M13)
Pelagic Environment
Quiz 12
28-29 Nov
Thanksgiving Recess
Chap,14 (M13)
Pelagic Environment
Quiz 13
Benthos Environment
Wed, 11 Dec
Last day of classes
Tuesday, 17 Dec - Cumulative Final Exam, 10:30-12:30 in HT140
Chap. 13, 14, 15 more emphasized than others
2 Sept
9 Sept
16 Sept
23 Sept
30 Sept
7 Oct
14 Oct
21 Oct
28 Oct
2 Dec
9 Dec
16 Dec
Topics Covered
Investigation Labs
No Lab
No Lab
Lab 1 – Lat/Long, Location
Lab 2 – Plate Tectonics
Lab 3 – Isostasy, Bathymetry
Chap. 1-3
Lab 4 – Seawater
Lab 5 – Surface Circulation
Lab Practical - I
Lab 6 – Thermohaline Circulation
Lab 7 – Waves
Chap. 5-9
Lab 8 – Tides
Lab 9 – Primary Productivity
Lab 10 – Ecosystem, Pollution
No Lab (week of Thanksgiving)
Lab Practical - II
No Lab
(Scantron F289)
The final is cumulative but a large portion of it will be the last section of the semester, that is, chapters 13, 14, 15.
NOTE: The final exam schedule is set by the University. The final cannot be re-scheduled! The final cannot be made up!
The final cannot be dropped! If you have travel plans, see to it that they take place after your final.
LABS (8 sections) GMCS-128:
Day, Time
M, 11:00am-1:40pm
M, 2:00pm-4:40pm
T, 2:00pm-4:40pm
T, 6:00pm-8:40pm
W, 8:00am-10:40am
W, 11:00am-1:40pm
W, 2:00pm-4:40pm
TH, 2:00pm-4:40pm
Teaching Assistant
Ryan Danielson
Ryan Danielson
Mike Verrier
Brian Rockwell
Trevor Swindell
Trevor Swindel
Brian Rockwell
Mike Verrier
TA e-mail
TA Office hours
TH 8-9AM, T 2-3PM
TH 8-9AM, T 2-3PM
M 11-1PM
M 11-1PM
T 11-1PM
T 11-1PM
M 11-1PM
M 11-1PM