Fall 2013 MIS695, System Analysis and Design, Syllabus Course Information

Fall 2013 MIS695, System Analysis and Design, Syllabus
Course Information
Room: GMCS329
Time: Monday 1900 – 2140
Professor: Murray E. Jennex, Ph.D., P.E., CISSP, CSSLP, PMP
Office: SS3206
Phone: 594-3734
Email: murphjen@aol.com OR mjennex@mail.sdsu.edu
Instant Message Office Hours: whenever online (be sure to identify yourself immediately so I
don’t ignore you)
Office Hours: Monday 1500 – 1600, Tuesday 1600-1800, or by appointment
Book: Systems Analysis and Design Methods, 7th edition, Whitten and Bentley, McGraw-Hill,
Course Approach
MIS695 is a combination seminar and lecture based course. Students are expected to be
prepared for class and to contribute to class discussions. Class nights will focus on a topic and
will not specifically cover the assigned reading chapter. Students are expected to be prepared to
ask questions and fully participate in class discussions:
Course Goals
The objective of this course is to prepare you to analyze process problems and design systems to
solve them. To do this we will cover in detail the System Development Life Cycle, SDLC and its
variations. Course topics include life cycle methodologies, analysis requirements using structured
methodology, automated tools, and process and data modeling, feasibility studies, development
strategies, needs management, and prototyping. Students completing the course will be able to
model processes and data, design interfaces, forms, reports, and work flows, and generate
system development project documentation. Specific objectives (with enabling activities) are:
Understand the principles of system development project management
Discuss the roles of project manager and system analyst
Discuss the definition of software engineering
Discuss software quality
Understand the lifecycle approach to systems analysis
Discuss the need for a lifecycle approach to systems analysis
State the goals of the lifecycle approach
List and describe the steps in the structured lifecycle
List and describe the steps in the RAD lifecycle
List and describe the steps in the Evolutionary lifecycle
Discuss when to use each lifecycle
Understand the project selection process
Describe and list the different types of feasibility
Describe methods for estimating project size and cost
Describe the portfolio management process
Describe the processes for procuring/generating selected projects
Understand the various system analysis graphical methods
Describe and create the use case for a specified system use
Describe and create the Entity Relation Diagram for a specified system
Describe and create the Data Flow Diagram for a specified process
Describe and create Logic Models for a specified process
Describe and create the Security Model for a specified system
Describe and create the Network Model for a specified system
Understand documentation associated with system analysis and design
Describe the purpose and contents of the statement of work document
Describe the purpose and contents of the system requirement specification
Describe the purpose and contents of the software development plan
Describe the purpose and contents of the System Design Specification
Describe the purpose and contents of the system test plan
Describe the purpose and contents of the system implementation plan
Understand the system design process
Describe the use of prototypes in designing systems
Describe the process of creating the physical database design
Describe the process of designing system interfaces and input/output
Discuss the make versus buy issue
Discuss system implementation strategies including when to apply each strategy
Discuss the different types of system testing including when to apply each test
Discuss maintaining system design during the maintenance process
Discuss how quality is designed into a system
Understand the various tools and techniques for designing systems
Describe the usability test process
Describe the use of human factors
Describe defense in depth when applied to application security
Describe the use of prototypes for designing systems
Describe the use of programming standards in the designing of systems
Grading - Assignments
The course grade will be determined from the following:
Class participation is worth 10%. Participation is not just showing up to class. Participation is
active interaction in discussions, asking questions, answering questions, providing context and
opinion. Additionally, class participation includes team project participation. Team project
participation will be assessed using a team participation evaluation survey.
A team project covering all aspects of system analysis and development worth 50%. The project
is documented through a project notebook. The statement of work will be presented by the team
on 9/23 for project approval and is limited to 10-15 minutes; the completed project will be
presented on 12/9 and is limited to 30-40 minutes. The project notebook is due on finals night,
12/16 and includes the following documents:
1. Statement of Work document, 10%
2. System Requirements Specification, 15%
3. System Development Plan, 10%
4. System Design Specification, 15%
Four take home Exercises worth 40% (10% each) (date is the date the exercise is posted with the
due date being one week later):
User Case Exercise, 10/7
DFD Exercise, 10/14
ERD Exercise, 10/21
Security Model Exercise, 10/28
Description of Assignments
The Statement of Work, SOW, is the initiating project document and will be used to set the scope
of the project. The team will present the initial project scope on 9/24 for approval. An example
with format is available on blackboard and includes:
1. Statement of project scope through listing of major project features
2. Identification of users
3. Initial estimate of effort
4. Initial risk assessment
5. Success criteria
The System Requirement Specification is a statement of user needs. An example with format is
available on blackboard and includes:
1. Modeling Diagrams
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
Entity Relation Diagrams (ERD)
Decision Trees/Tables
Security Diagram
Use Cases
2. Set of user requirements
3. Description of system features
The System Development Plan is the overall plan for accomplishing the project and is similar to
PMI’s Project Management Plan. A sample format is available on blackboard and includes:
1. Resources needed for the project
2. Work Breakdown Structure
3. Tentative schedule of activities with resource loading
4. Budget Estimate
5. Risk analysis with mitigation plans
6. System Design Statement
The System Design Statement is an evaluation of make versus buy versus buy and tailor and an
outline of system architecture. It is a feasibility study for each approach and determines the
priority of requirements for development. It also lays out the expected technical constraints and
general architecture.
The System Design Specification layouts how the system is to be built. A sample format is
available on blackboard and includes:
1.· Set of design requirements
2. Normalized database table structure with data dictionary
3. System reports and forms (may be done as a prototype, include screen shots in spec)
4. User interface (may be done as a prototype, include screen shots in spec)
5.· System work flow (or dialogue)
Reading Assignments
8/26------None--------Introduction, SDLC
9/2--------None--------Labor Day, no class
9/9-----Ch 1-3------SDLC, System Analyst, Alternative Methods (RAD, Agile, Extreme)
9/16-----Ch 4, 11----Managing/Identifying/Selecting/Initiating/Planning Projects
9/23-----Ch 5, 6------Process modeling, SOW Presentations
9/30-----Ch 7, 9------Process modeling, Use Cases and DFDs
10/7-----Ch 8----------Conceptual Data Modeling, use case exercise posted
10/14---BB-------------Security Modeling, secure software development, DFD exercise posted
10/21---Ch 12, 13----Network Modeling, System design statement, ERD exercise posted
10/28---Ch 14--------Database design, security modeling exercise posted
11/4-----Ch 15, 16—Input/output design/prototyping
11/11---None----------Veterans Day
11/18---Ch 17---------Interface, dialogue, and work flow design
11/25---Ch 19---------Coding and testing
12/2-----Ch 20--------Implementation and maintenance
12/9----None----------Project Presentation
12/16---None---------Project Write-up due
Course Polices
Students are expected to be prepared to discuss the assigned readings and to attend class. It is
understood that there may be occasions when you will have to miss class, on these occasions I
request you send me an email letting me know prior to class. Should it be necessary that you
miss class on the night an assignment is due or the exam or presentation is scheduled I request
notification prior to the absence so that exams/presentations can be rescheduled. I will accept
assignments via email on the due date as long as a hard copy is submitted at the next class the
student is at.
Excessive absences, more than 4, or a lack of participation, or excessive unrelated conversation,
or excessive use of computers for non class work will result in a 5% grade deduction. Excessive
will be in my opinion but students will be warned and given an opportunity to improve before the
deduction will be assessed.
Cheating is defined as the effort to give or receive help on any graded work in this class without
permission from the instructor, or to submit alterations to graded work for re-grading. Any student
who is caught cheating receives an F for the class, will be reported to Judicial Procedures, and be
recommended for removal from the College of Business.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and rampant or repeated plagiarism will be treated as cheating.
Plagiarism is claiming other’s work for your own. This can be done by not properly citing or
referencing other’s work in your papers, copying other’s work into your own (even if cited and
referenced), and/or copying other’s work into your own without citing or referencing the source.
Citation and referencing errors will result in grade deductions for the first offense, repeated
offenses will result in reduction by a full grade on the assignment, an F for the assignment, or an
F for the class depending upon the severity and intent of the offense.
A 10% penalty will be assigned for late assignments. No assignment will be accepted if over 2
weeks late.
All turn in work needs to be typed, have a cover page, and be single-spaced with appropriate
spacing. Be sure to include your name, the class, and what the turn in work is on the cover sheet.