Music 250, 251, 450, 451, 651 Fall 2015 Dr. Bryan Bolzenthal :

Music 250, 251, 450, 451, 651
Fall 2015
Dr. Bryan Bolzenthal
Office: Music 203
Office Hours: MWF 10:00-11:00 AM
Course Objectives: A week-by-week exposure to healthy and physiologically-based vocal
techniques that will assist the student in developing a more resonant, flexible, and wellrounded vocal instrument. Performance techniques and interpretive skills will also be
addressed as technical improvements are gained. This course is designed to be collaborative,
and will highlight the student’s musical gifts as well as explore skills yet to be attained.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify aspects of healthy singing technique that are specific to each student’s
2. Explain and execute healthy habits for positive vocal growth, performance techniques,
and personal practicing skills.
3. Sing, from memory, all assigned literature for public performance (juries, divisionals,
and otherwise).
4. Acquire ever-increasing skills as they progress toward junior and senior recitals, junior
level juries, and other singing goals.
Course Requirements:
1. Folder/ Notebook for all music, notes, composer details, and practice log. All of these
will be kept in a three-ring binder.
2. The following will be brought to every lesson: Folder/notebook with assigned semester
music, a pencil (required!), water, and personal recording device if you wish to record
your lessons (recommended).
3. Each piece of music assigned will require a brief (two paragraph) biography of the
composer and poet, and will be checked for completion at the first lesson each piece is
worked on.
4. Music Performance students: 4-8 pieces of music, depending on level, will be
memorized and prepared for jury/divisional performance each semester.
5. Music education/Bachelor of Arts/Professional Studies/Music Entrepreneurship
students: 3-6 pieces of music, depending on level, will be memorized and performed for
jury/divisional performance every semester.
6. Recital Attendance: You are REQUIRED to attend all voice faculty and voice student
recitals, as well as all Noon Day concerts, choral concerts, and opera performances. This
is a department and Voice Area requirement.
7. Lesson Attendance: You are required to attend each scheduled lesson, unless you have a
serious conflict related to illness or personal/family emergency. You are required to give
me, and your pianist (!), 24 hours of notice, by e-mail, if you know you will be missing a
lesson. NEVER come to school, nor your lesson, if you are contagious with a virus, flu, or
common cold! Stay home, stay in bed, and get better! Lessons missed due to illness will
be made up with proper documentation.
Missing a lesson without notice, or for unacceptable reasons, will be considered an
unexcused cancellation and will not be made up, and can affect your final semester
grade. Any lessons that are cancelled by me WILL be made up, for sure! Extra lessons
will be made available at the end of the semester in preparation for juries, and can
replace a cancelled lesson upon my approval.
8. Pianist information: Daniel Durand is a wonderful musician, philosopher, and pianist
who will be playing for each of you this semester. He will be coming to your lesson every
other week beginning on the third week of the semester, and most likely for the last two
weeks of the semester in preparation for juries. Pianist treatment etiquette:
1. Please provide your pianist with clean copies of each of your songs at the
beginning of each semester.
2. Daniel’s fee is $24 per half hour, payable weekly or monthly. You will lose
your privilege of having Daniel in your lessons if he is not paid promptly and
on time.
3. Performance majors must schedule a 60 minute rehearsal, twice a month,
with their pianist. All other majors must schedule a 30 minute rehearsal with
their pianist twice per month.
4. It is your job to be in touch with Daniel via e-mail regarding repertoire,
missed lessons, payment, extra lessons, and anything else that requires his
services. Daniel’s e-mail address is:
5. Your pianist’s time is precious. Be prepared.
9. Practice time and preparation: Students should practice a minimum of one-hour per
day, 6 days per week, and more is expected for performance majors. This includes
warming up on vocal exercises, implementing techniques discussed in your lesson, and
working on specific and detailed portions of your assigned pieces in every practice
session. Practice skills are learned, not innate, and will become easier to achieve over
time. Evidence of practice time will be assessed by the following:
1. Breath marks and IPA translations (depending on courses taken) written into
your music.
2. Complete word-by-word translation of each foreign language song written
into your music.
3. Week-by-week advancement and improvement of technical skills as
witnessed by me.
4. Complete memorization and successful performance of all assigned music at
the end of the semester.
5. All pitches and rhythms, IPA, and translations must be prepared and
completed before lesson work will begin on any of your assigned pieces.
6. Memorization requirements:
Voice Performance:
Song one memorized by 4th week of class
Song two memorized by 6th week of class
Song three memorized by 7th week of class
Song four memorized by 9th week of class
Song five memorized by 11th week of class
Song six memorized by 12th week of class
*Junior level song 5 memorized by 12th week of class
**Recital repertoire memorized 3 weeks prior to Recital Hearing
Music Ed., Professional Studies, B.A., Performance Certificate:
Song one memorized by 5th week of class
Song two memorized by 8th week of class
Song three memorized by 12th week of class
*Junior level song 4 memorized by 12th week of class
Voice Studio Class:
Students should perform in at least two (2) Vocal Studio Classes to be held every Friday at 12:00
noon in Room 271. Participation and attendance is required. If your schedule prohibits
attendance, notify me of your conflict in advance and we will do what we can to come to an
agreeable compromise. I will assign students to sing for Studio Class as necessary. Your music
must be memorized in order to perform, unless authorized by me. If time is available during the
semester you are welcome to sing more than the required times.
Semester Grade Evaluation:
Lessons: A grade will be given each week after your lesson. The grade you receive is based on
the following:
Musical Preparation
Language Preparation
Technical advancement
Memorization (as the semester progresses)
Composer/poet biographies
Possession of your lesson binder/notebook
Participation in Studio Class
Your final semester grade is averaged from weekly lesson grades and participation in Studio
Class, and your final jury/Junior Level performance at the end of the semester. Your final letter
grade is based on the following numeric scale:
Numeric Grading Scale:
A =96-94
B =89-85
C =80-76
D =70-73
F =69 or below
**A grade of 74 or above is required as a passing grade in all music major classes. A grade of 73
or below is considered a failing grade and the class must be repeated.
DIVISIONAL RECITALS: All students in their third semester of study and thereafter are required
to sing from memory two pieces on one Divisional Recital per semester. If this is a requirement
for you, your divisional date will be assigned during the first few weeks of class. Divisional dates
this semester are as follows and will be in Smith Recital Hall:
1. Monday, October 19th, Noon Hour
2. Monday, October 26th, Noon Hour
3. Sunday, November 1st, 7:00 PM
JURIES/EXAMS/HEARINGS: The final exam for this course is a Jury or Junior Level, depending
on your semester degree requirements. Juries/Junior Levels will take place during Exam Week,
and more information will be available soon. Professional attire is required. Failure to perform a
jury will result in an incomplete of the course.
LATE WORK POLICY: Late work will not be accepted unless approved by the instructor.
COMMUNICATION: The course syllabus, class schedule, class announcements, will be made
available through Blackboard/e-mail. Students will receive periodic e-mails (announcements,
changes in schedule, etc.) from the instructor. All correspondence will be sent to the student’s
school e- mail address on file. Please check your e-mail regularly, and respond promptly when
information is asked of you.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is essential for this course and is therefore mandatory for all
students. Please note:
1. All absences are considered unexcused unless approved by the instructor/teacher. You are
allowed four (4) unexcused absences, after four absences you may be removed from the
program. It is a wise idea to save them in case of illness.
2. Each unexcused absence beyond the student’s second absence lowers his/her final grade for
the course by one letter grade, unless excused. (On the third absence, an “A” becomes a “B” for
the semester.)
3. Punctuality is also necessary. Three late arrivals are equivalent to one unexcused absence.
4. Excessive Absences due to medical reasons are considered unexcused unless accompanied by
written documentation showing the student’s name, date(s), and signed by a licensed medical
5. Kindly let me know by email as soon as possible, and no later than 24 hours in advance about
any absences.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Students enrolled in Applied Lessons agree to abide by the San
Diego State University Academic Integrity Policy as stated in the SDSU General Catalog. This
policy addresses basic obligations relating to honesty, truth, fairness, respect, and
responsibility. Your signature on all your work and your participation in this class indicate you
have read and abided by this policy.
disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to
contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your
accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please
note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability
cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter
from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Visit for updated locations, dates, and times.
Make sure you check this schedule often, as dates may change. All operas are ticketed events;
you may purchase tickets at any campus box office prior to the beginning of the show or at the
**The information contained in this syllabus is subject to change, and will inevitably do so by
the very nature of this course. Any changes will be communicated to the students as necessary.