Division of Education TE 362: Early Field Experience Spring 2015

Division of Education
TE 362: Early Field Experience
Spring 2015
Instructor Contact Information
Instructor: Barbara Layaye
Office: West Faculty Office #184 – SDSU-IVC
Office hours: Tuesdays 11:30AM. -12:30PM.; other times/days available by appointment
Voice-mail: 760-768-5578
Email: blayaye@mail.sdsu.edu
Best method of contact is through email. When using email as method of contact, use email
subject line “TE 362”.
Schedule and Meeting Information
Class meeting: Tuesday 8:30a.m. – 11:10a.m.
Class location: Room C10
Course Description
Directed field experience with a 60 hours placement designed to help education major students
learn about instructional methodologies and practices in a classroom setting, functions and
activities of California schools, agencies, programs and institutions. 3 Units
Student Learning Outcomes
1. To define and apply on-site educational experiences to effective teaching practices in
working with a diverse population of students, including English language learners, at-risk
students, and exceptional students. TPE 1-13
2. To apply the dynamics of teaching in an educational setting to the Teacher Performance
Expectations. TPE 1-13
3. To participate as a potential teacher in the classroom and in activities of benefit to the
school/community. TPE 1-13
Course Materials
The required Early Field Experience Handbook is available electronically on TaskStream and
Course Requirements
60 Hours of Classroom Observations will cover the following six (6) categorical areas: 1)
Curriculum and Instruction, 2) Effective Learning Environment, 3) Multicultural and Diverse
Classrooms, 4) School-Community-Parent Support, 5) Support of Student Learning, and 6)
You will be assigned a classroom under the direction of the school site principal and certificated
classroom teacher to complete 60 hours of classroom observation, verify these observation through
Classroom Observation Reports, Reflective Impression Assignment, and an Observation Reflective
Log. An evaluation of your classroom observation performance will also be completed by your
assigned classroom teacher.
Course Assignments
Course Assignments
Classroom Observation Reports: You will complete two (2)
Classroom Observation Reports (25 points each) which will be
submitted on TASKSTREAM. Required structure and content for
these reports are explained in the EFE Handbook under Classroom
Observation Reports. No late assignments will be accepted and late
or missed assignments will result in 0 points.
Points Possible
50 points
1st report due by 12 Noon on March 10, 2015
2nd report due by 12 Noon on April 7, 2015
Classroom Logs: Observation logs are to document your 60 hours
of classroom observation and must be signed by your assigned
classroom teacher. See required form in the EFE Handbook. Logs
must have a total of 60 hours to receive credit in TE 362. Logs that
have less than the required 60 hours of classroom observations will
receive zero(0) points for this assignment.
100 points
DUE DATE: Turn in a printed copy with original signatures of this
assignment on or before 12 Noon on Monday, May 12, 2015.
Course Assignments
Points Possible
Reflective Impressions (questions 1-6): Analyze your 60 hours of
classroom observations in each of the six (6) areas in relation to the
13 TPEs.
90 points
DUE DATE: Turn in a printed copy of this assignment on or before
12 Noon on Monday, May 12, 2015.
Total Points
240 points
Final Grading Standards
240-216 points = A, A-
215-192 points = B+, B, B-
167-144 points = D+, D, D-
143--0 points = F
192-168 points = C+, C, C-
Assessment and Grading Policies
TE 362 is a letter grade course for Traditional teacher education students who must
complete the assignments prescribed in the EFE Handbook and attend the four
mandatory lectures. TE 362 is a CR/NCR course for Pre-Intern/Intern teacher
education students who must submit the Comparability Waiver Form signed by their
PRINCIPAL to receive CR. Pre-Interns/Interns and Traditional teacher education
students must go to the WEB PORTAL at registration and click their evaluation
appropriately: CR/NCR for Pre/Interns and letter grade for Traditional students.
Students are responsible for doing this by the schedule adjustment deadline for Spring
Late assignments will not be accepted and there is no extra credit in this course.
The instructor will grade Early Field Experience assignments with completed
paperwork and original signatures only.
Students are advised that all assignments MUST BE TYPED; this excludes the Teacher
evaluations forms ONLY.
Missing an assignment due date can result in an Incomplete, lose of points, and/or an F
grade, and/or late or no admission to the Teacher Education Program until the EFE
requirement is met.
TASKSTREAM Assignment Submissions: Early Field Experience Classroom
Observation Reports must be submitted via TASK STREAM. TaskStream assignments
that the instructor’s computer time reports being submitted after 12:00 noon will be
considered late and will result loss of points. Please make sure that you use
MICROSOFT WORD that is compatible software with TaskStream. MICROSOFT WORKS
as well as some other software programs are NOT compatible. The student is
responsible for submitting assignments that 1) can be opened and 2) viewed in full
format without any further technological steps.
Course Activities and Schedule
Assignments / Activities
Jan 27
Course Orientation
Approval/Placement Letter, Clearance
Documents. Course overview
Submit practice TaskStream assignment
Feb. 3
Location: Field Experience School Site
for approval of field experience
placement and assignment of host
Appointment with Principal to secure
school site placement, approval/placement
letter signed by school administrator,
assignment of host teacher
Feb. 10
Lecture #1: Making Content Accessible
to Students
Approval/Placement letter due
Feb. 17
Lecture #2: Academic Language
Academic language discussions/activities
Feb. 24
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Observation Activities
March 3
Lecture #3: Teaching in Diverse
Discussion/group activities
March 10
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Observation Report #1 Due on TaskStream
March 17
Lecture #4: Differentiated Instruction
Discussions/group activities
March 24
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Observation Activities
March 31
SDSU Holiday – Spring Recess
SDSU Holiday – Spring Recess
April 7
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Observation Report #2 Due on TaskStream
April 14
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Field Experience Activities
April 21
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Field Experience Activities
Assignments / Activities
April 28
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Field Experience Activities
May 5
Location: Field Experience Classroom
Conduct EFE Field Experience Activities
May 12
Final Exam
EFE Observation Log DUE – Printed Copy
Reflective Impressions DUE – Printed Copy
Course Policies and Procedures
Students are responsible to read EFE Handbook available on Blackboard and
ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. Students late to class within the first 10 minutes will
be considered tardy and ten (10) points will be deducted for each class tardy. Twentyfive points (25) will be deducted for each absence from class without a valid excuse.
The first class session is an orientation session Monday, Jan. 27, 2015 from 8:30a.m –
8:30a.m – 11:10a.m. AS SCHEDULED ON Feb. 10, Feb. 17, March 3, and March 17.
Students must submit 2 typed-computerized copies of the following current documents
prior to placement at a school: Fingerprint clearance, Student Information Sheet,
University Student ID Card, Letter/Card of Proof of Coverage of Professional Liability
Insurance, and TB Test Card with Negative Diagnosis/3 years currency.
Students must obtain an Approval Letter from the course instructor, arrange an
interview with the school Principal, and return the Approval Letter to the course
instructor PRIOR to beginning any EFE hours at the school. EFE hours must be
scheduled outside mandated course hours.
Student Learning Plans: Learning Plans must be typed and presented to the principals
and/or certificated teacher at your assigned school. The direct supervisor approves
and signs the Learning Plan before you begin your observation hours. Return the
signed Learning Plan to the course instructor.
Students are to present themselves as a university teacher education student at school
sites for EFE work ONLY during the Approval Letter contract dates as signed by the
course instructor and the school Principal.
This course requires students to participate in field experience activties, research, or
studies that include course work that will be performed off campus. Participation in
such activities may result in accidents or personal injury. Student participating in the
event are aware of these risks, and agree to hold harmless SDSU, the State of California,
the Trustees of the CSU and Colleges and its officers, employees, and agents against all
claims, demands, suits, judgments, expenses, and costs of any kind on account of their
participation in the activities. Students using their own vehicles to transport other
students to such activities should have current automobile insurance.
Students are advised that for all field visitation they will be required to wear the
university photo identification badge on their front torso, and show, upon request, both
a copy of their Certificate of Clearance, TB clearance, university registration,
professional liability insurance proof and any other requested documents to site
administration. Students will not be able to participate in field visitations without their
photo ID and documents. Students are subject to dismissal from school site by the
PRINC or Instructor for lack of any required document or photo ID.
University students are expected to adhere to appropriate dress expected of
professional adult visitors to the school campuses; please refrain from wearing shorts,
short tops, floppy sandals, t-shirts or other apparel with alcohol, tobacco, drug use
messages; or gang-related symbols or insignia, clothes that reveal body parts , and
denims or blue jeans. Students are subject to dismissal from the school site by the
PRINCIPAL or Instructor for inappropriate dress.
Students must observe all confidentiality policies when visiting field sites. Written
work should not include student or teacher names, evaluative comments of a personal
nature about any district employee, or details which violate confidentiality policies.
Work violating confidentiality will be returned ungraded, with no points.
As you are aware, all of us need to be involved in the responsibility and accountability
for safety during a time of drill for a catastrophic event or an actual catastrophic event.
Therefore, the following policies and procedures are mandatory and effective
immediately relevant to A) university class attendance and evacuation; and B) external
field site attendance:
University Class Attendance and Evacuation.
A.l All students must sign in, writing their name, to the right of their printed
name on the university generated roster and will be placed on a designated
desk near the entry door. Sign-in must be done immediately upon entering
A.2 All students must evacuate immediately during a drill or actual event to
their designated safety zone, and must report immediately to their
instructor, and sign-in writing their initials to the left of their printed name
on the original sign-in roster which will be brought to the designated safety
zone by the course instructor. The instructor will, in turn, immediately
disclose this document and/or data to the appropriate university
External Field Site Attendance.
B.l When field experiences are conducted on an individual basis by the
student, you must report immediately to the field site administrative office or
designated area for your assigned classroom, observe all policies and
procedures for being on campus, especially those related to safety and
evacuation, and possess all required university documents and identification
as prescribed in the course syllabus.
Plagiarism: Students should note that all course assignments for TE 362 are to be the
individual work of each student and are subject to the University policies stated above.
Assignments which evidence plagiarism, copying, or other academic misconduct will
not receive any credit and will result in automatic referral of the student to Student
Affairs for action.
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this
class, it is your responsibility to contacted Barbara Romero (768-5509) or Miguel Rahiotis
(768-5507) before making an appointment to see me. Students must be registered with
Student Disability Services at 619-594-6473 before making an appointment to see me. To
avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student
Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have
received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services.