The Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace presents:
Shades of Grey:
Law and Aging in the Contemporary Workplace Conference
Date held:
Time held:
Friday, April 27 th & Saturday, April 28 th , 2012
Welcome Reception Keynote & Full Day Conference
Hyatt Regency Toronto
DVD cost: $195 (including 13% HST)
Address USB to be sent to E-mail Address
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Yes, I would like to purchase the Shades of Grey Conference USB with a total cost of $ ________.
Payment Information
Type of credit card VISA / Mastercard / AMEX
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Expiry MM/YY
Security Number
I have enclosed a cheque or money order made payable to Queen’s University
Please send this slip along with your cheque or credit card information to:
Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace c/o Natalie Moniz-Henne
128 Union St., Macdonald Hall, Room C521
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6