491001SYLL.S12 SYLLABUS MGT 491: MANAGEMENT SEMINAR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: OFFICE: PHONE: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: MEETING TIMES: PLACE: Dr. Michael B. Marker Room 223 Merrill Building` 256-782-5789 mmarker@jsu.edu Posted Room 223, Merrill Building 18:15-21:30 Tuesday Room 218, Merrill Building I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: MGT 491: Management Seminar (3) Prerequisite: Senior Standing: A topical seminar which includes selected readings in current management literature combined with classroom lectures and discussions. Includes supervised and independent student research. Fall and Spring. B. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Management Seminar (MGT491) is a three credit-hour, senior level course, taught in a seminar format that is a required management course for students that are Management Majors. As an upper-level, senior management course, the students should have completed all of the CBA Business Core courses (with the possible exception of CBA 469: Business Policy and Strategy) and a majority of the Management Major required courses, thus having already developed a basic foundation of management knowledge, (especially in the areas of basic management concepts, functions, terms and theories). Therefore, and broadly speaking, MGT 491 will be taught primarily as a course to help prepare students for transition to graduate school and/or expose them to important approaches, concepts, contributors, events, factors, forces, functions, influences, issues, philosophies, principles, policies, problems, roles and theories related to “real world” business management. MGT 491 will utilize multiple approaches to accomplish these broad objectives, including: lectures, guided discussions, exercises, articles and readings (from journals, magazines, newspapers, and internet sources), films, videos, cases, etc. II. TEXTBOOK: A. No formal textbook is required for this course. Appropriate and relevant learning resources (Academic journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, papers, reports, films, videos, internet web sites, etc.) will be identified or provided by the instructor during the semester. III. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: A. BROAD, LONG-TERM GOAL(S): MGT 491 is a senior level course presented to students to help them learn by utilizing various levels of the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The desired general goals are to: 1. Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course 2. Developing skill in expressing myself orally or in writing 3. Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems 4. Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view B. SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Identify, analyze, comprehend, compare, contrast, discuss, critically evaluate, summarize and report various management approaches, concepts, events, issues, problems, theories etc., and research current articles, papers, readings etc. concerning various management related events, issues, policies, problems, theories, etc. 2. Identify, analyze, comprehend, compare, contrast, discuss and critically evaluate various management approaches, concepts, events, functions, influences, issues, philosophies, problems, roles, theories, etc. by viewing films, movies (or selected scenes) and videos. 3. Apply various management approaches, concepts, events, issues, policies, problems, theories, etc. by participating in class activities, discussions and exercises. IV. METHODOLOGY: A. Learning objectives will be accomplished through a variety of methods, techniques and sources, including: lectures, class discussions, participation in-class activities and exercises, readings from academic journal articles, papers, magazines, newspapers and internet sources, along with the viewing of films/movies/videos, and doing homework assignments. V. CLASSROOM INFORMATION: A. Jacksonville State University, the College of Commerce and Business Administration and the Department of Management policies, procedures, and regulations will be followed in MGT 420 with regard to Attendance, Conduct, Drop and Add Procedures, Grading Procedures, Make-Up Examinations, Reasonable Accommodations and Academic Honesty and Course Policies. 1. ATTENDANCE: Since classroom information, homework assignments, exercises, and research into topics concerning management related concepts, contributors, events, functions, issues, principles, problems, theories etc. are primarily going to be analyzed, compared, contrasted, critically evaluated, discussed, presented or provided by, reported and/or summarized and, by the students, it is imperative that each student attend each and every class in order for the student to receive an outstanding grade in the course. Each of these activities, along with quizzes and exams, will be worth a combination of participation and/or performance points leading to the total points which will determine the student’s grade. 2. CONDUCT: Students are expected to show respect to others in the class through courteous, gentlemanly/ladylike behavior. In particular, please do not be disruptive, be prompt to class and do not leave early or outside provided break time unless it is absolutely necessary. Additionally, Learning Aids such as dictionaries, palm pads, calculators, etc. may be used only with instructor permission. Please keep cell phones off and put away during class. 3. DROP AND ADD PROCEDURES: See the current semester Class Schedule Booklet for the University Calendar regarding the Drop and Add Deadlines. 4. MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS: Make-up work will generally NOT be allowed for homework assignments, research articles/papers submitted, in-class activities and exercises, quizzes and exams. For any assignments, research articles/papers submitted, quizzes and exams that are allowed to be made-up, the student must have prior instructor approval. 5. GRADING PROCEDURES: MGT. 491 is primarily a discussion oriented, readings and research articles/papers and films/videos based class requiring identifying, finding, analyzing, comparing, contrasting, discussing, critically evaluating, and presenting/summarizing/reporting management related information. Therefore, homework assignments, management writings, current events articles, in-class discussions, exercises (some individual and some group), quizzes and exams related to selected management topics will be worth participation and or performance points. Individual letter grades will be awarded based upon an accumulation of these points. Student directions and summary forms will be provided at appropriate times for evaluation of research article summaries and for individual/group evaluation of class and/or group discussions and inclass exercises. The weight or value of each evaluation on the performance of the assignment, homework, exercise, article summary, and any other activity will depend on the number of activities and the number of students in the class. Intermittent feedback will be provided on the in-class performance on participation activities, assignment, exercises and problems. Additional information regarding point values and grade calculations will be provided. 6. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: *Any individual who qualifies for reasonable accommodations under The Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should contact the instructor immediately. 7. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to do their own work and are expected to follow JSU’s Academic Honesty Policy as identified in the current Student Handbook. Academic dishonesty in all forms will be dealt with. That includes all forms of cheating, plagiarism, and collaboration on individual papers. All students are required to do their own work on exams and individual projects. For group projects, all members are expected to contribute and their contributions should be of quality. Plagiarism & Code of Ethics: All students are expected to abide by the rules regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty found in the JSU Student Handbook. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or the definition of plagiarism, please speak with me. Each student agrees to the following statements of student behavior: 1. I agree that I, and only I, will be the one completing class materials (homework, exercises, exams, written projects, etc.) in my name. 2. I agree that I will not directly copy or plagiarize material from articles, books, publications, the Internet, other students’ work, or any other source. I am familiar with, and I agree not to violate copyright laws. If small amounts of material from other sources are used as part of any class assignment, I agree to clearly indicate such and properly cite the source. 3. I agree that I will not (prior to submission) share answers to homework assignments, quizzes, exams, or any other course material with fellow classmates. 4. I acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above statements may result in failure of an assignment, removal from the course, failure in the course, and discipline action deemed appropriate by the instructor in his sole discretion and/or policies and procedures set forth by the JSU’s Academic Honor Policy found in the Student Handbook under the University Policies link: http://www.jsu.edu/depart/handbook/page17.html#honesty. If I believe an exam has been compromised, I reserve the right to retest the whole class or any individual in the class. Violations of the University's academic code include, but are not limited to: possession or use of unauthorized materials during exams; providing information to another student, sharing information on in-class exercises. Violations of this code may result in academic penalties, including receiving an "F" in this course. (Academic Honesty Policy Online: http://www.jsu.edu/depart/handbook/ page17.html# honesty ) Students are also expected to adhere to the CCBA Student Code of Conduct which is posted in various locations around Merrill Building as well as on the CCBA web site. Each student agrees to the following statements of student behavior: 1. I agree that I, and only I, will be the one completing class materials (homework, exercises, exams, written projects, etc.) in my name. 2. I agree that I will not directly copy or plagiarize material from articles, books, publications, the Internet, other students’ work, or any other source. I am familiar with, and I agree not to violate copyright laws. If small amounts of material from other sources are used as part of any class assignment, I agree to clearly indicate such and properly cite the source. 3. I agree that I will not (prior to submission) share answers to homework assignments, quizzes, exams, or any other course material with fellow classmates. 4. I acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above statements may result in failure of an assignment, removal from the course, failure in the course, and discipline action deemed appropriate by the instructor in his sole discretion and/or policies and procedures set forth by the JSU’s Academic Honor Policy found in the Student Handbook under the University Policies link: http://www.jsu.edu/depart/handbook/page17.html#honesty. If I believe an exam has been compromised, I reserve the right to retest the whole class or any individual in the class. Violations of the University's academic code include, but are not limited to: possession or use of unauthorized materials during exams; providing information to another student, sharing information on in-class exercises. Violations of this code may result in academic penalties, including receiving an "F" in this course. (Academic Honesty Policy Online: http://www.jsu.edu/depart/handbook/ page17.html# honesty ) Students are also expected to adhere to the CCBA Student Code of Conduct which is posted in various locations around Merrill Building as well as on the CCBA web site. STUDENT:______________________________ Date:___________________________________ Student Number: ______________________