Managing Innovation and Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship Chapter Twelve


Managing Innovation and Fostering Corporate


Chapter Twelve

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Managing Innovation

• Innovation

 using new knowledge to transform organizational processes or create commercially viable products and services

Latest technology, results of experiments, creative insights, competitive information


Example: Getting to ‘Aha’

• There are “five disciplines” for creating what customers want

Identify important customer needs

Create solutions that fill those needs

 Build innovation teams

 Empower "innovation champions" who keep the effort on track

 Align the entire enterprise around creating value for customers

Source: “Getting to ‘Aha!’,” Business Week . September 4, 2006.


Types of Innovation

• Product innovation

Efforts to create product designs

 Applications of technology to develop new products for end users

More radical and common during early stages of an industry’s life cycle

Associated with differentiation strategies


Types of Innovation

• Process innovations

Improving efficiency of an organizational process

Manufacturing systems and operations

More likely to occur in later stages of an industry’s life cycle

Associated with cost leader strategies


Types of Innovation

• Radical innovation

Fundamental changes and breakthroughs

 Evoke major departures from existing practices

Can be highly disruptive

Can transform or revolutionize a whole industry


Types of Innovation

• Incremental innovation

Enhance existing practices

 Small improvements in products and processes

Evolutionary applications within existing paradigms


Continuum of Radical and

Incremental Innovations


Types of Innovation

• Sustaining innovations

 extend sales in an existing market, usually by enabling new products or services to be sold at higher margins.

• Disruptive innovations

 overturn markets by providing an altogether new approach to meeting customer needs.


Challenges of Innovation

• Seeds versus Weeds

• Experience versus Initiative

• Internal versus External staffing

• Building capabilities versus Collaborating

• Incremental versus Preemptive launch


Seeds versus Weeds

• Deciding the merits of innovative ideas

Seeds – likely to bear fruit

 Weeds – should be cast aside

• Dilemma

 Some innovation projects require considerable level of investment before merit can be determined


Experience versus Initiative

• Deciding who will lead an innovation project

 Senior managers have experience and credibility and tend to be more risk averse

 Midlevel employees may be the innovators themselves and have more enthusiasm


Internal versus External Staffing

• People drawn from inside the firm

May have greater social capital

 Know the organization’s culture and routines

May not be able to think outside the box

• People drawn from outside the firm

Are costly to recruit, hire, train

May have difficulty building relationships


Building Capabilities versus


• Firms can seek help

Other departments

 Partner with other companies that bring resources and experience

• Partnerships

 Create dependencies and inhibit internal skills development

 Sharing benefits of innovation may create conflict


Incremental versus Preemptive Launch

• Incremental launch

Less risky

 Requires few resources

 Can undermine the project’s credibility if too tentative

• Large-scale launch

Requires more resources

 Can effectively preempt a competitive response


Defining the Scope of Innovation

• In defining the strategic envelope, a firm should answer several questions

 How much will the innovation cost?

How likely is it to actually become commercially viable?

How much value will it add; that is, what will it be worth if it works?

What will be learned if it does not pan out?


Managing the Pace of Innovation

• Incremental innovation

 May be six months to two years

 May use a milestone approach driven by goals and deadlines

• Radical innovation

Typically long term –

10 years or more

Often involves openended experimentation and time-consuming mistakes


Corporate Entrepreneurship

• Corporate entrepreneurship

 the creation of new value for a corporation, through investments that create either new sources of competitive advantage or renewal of the value proposition.


Factors affecting Entrepreneurial


• The use of teams in strategic decision making

• Whether the company is product or service oriented

• Whether its innovation efforts are aimed at product or process improvements

• The extent to which it is high-tech or low-tech


Focused Approaches to Corporate


• New venture group

 a group of individuals, or a division within a corporation, that identifies, evaluates, and cultivates venture opportunities.


New Venture Groups

• Involvement includes

Innovation and experimentation

 Coordinating with other corporate divisions

Identifying potential venture partners

 Gathering resources

Launching the venture


Focused Approaches to Corporate


• Business incubator

 supports and nurtures fledgling entrepreneurial ventures until they can thrive on their own as stand-alone businesses.


Business Incubators

• Incubators provide some or all of the following functions

 Funding

Physical space

 Business services


 Networking


Entrepreneurial Culture

• Culture of entrepreneurship

Search for venture opportunities permeates every part of the organization

Strategic leaders and the culture generate a strong impetus to innovate, take risks and seek out new venture opportunities


Product Champions

• Product (or project) champions

Bring entrepreneurial ideas forward

 Identify what kind of market exists for the product or service

Find resources to support the venture

Promote the venture concept to upper management


Measuring the Success of Corporate

Entrepreneurship Activities

Comparing strategic and financial CE goals


Are the products or services offered by the venture accepted in the marketplace?


Are the contributions of the venture to the corporation’s internal competencies and experience valuable?


Is the venture able to sustain its basis of competitive advantage?


Measuring the Success of Corporate

Entrepreneurship Activities

• Exit champions

 individual working within a corporation who is willing to question the viability of a venture project by demanding hard evidence of venture success and challenging the belief system that carries a venture forward.


Real Options Analysis

• Real options analysis

 for each investment step the investor has the option of (a) investing additional funds to grow or accelerate, (b) delaying, (c) shrinking the scale of, or (d) abandoning the activity.


Potential Pitfalls of Real Options


• Agency Theory and the Back-Solver


• Managerial Conceit: Overconfidence and the Illusion of Control

• Managerial Conceit: Irrational Escalation of Commitment
