Constitution Day September 16 - 17, 2005 The United States Constitution

Constitution Day
September 16 - 17, 2005
The United States Constitution
The Constitution of the United
States of America
at the Constitutional Convention
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
by 39 of the 55 founding fathers
on September 17, 1787
The United States Constitution
The United States Constitution
We the People
of the United States,
The United States Constitution
in order to form
a more perfect union,
The United States Constitution
establish justice
The United States Constitution
domestic tranquility,
The United States Constitution
for the common defense,
The United States Constitution
the general welfare,
The United States Constitution
and secure
the blessings of liberty
The United States Constitution
to ourselves
and our posterity,
The United States Constitution
do ordain
and establish
The United States Constitution
this Constitution
for the United States
of America.
The United States Constitution
Article 1
establishes the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
of government, Congress, which includes
the House of Representatives and the
The United States Constitution
Article 2:
creates the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of
the government, comprising the
President and other executive officers.
The United States Constitution
Article 3:
establishes the JUDICIAL BRANCH of
the federal (national) government.
The United States Constitution
Article 4:
provides for the responsibilities states
have to each other, and the
responsibilities the federal government
has to the states.
The United States Constitution
Article 5:
describes the amendment process whereby
the Constitution may be altered.
The United States Constitution
Article 6:
establishes the United States
Constitution and the laws and treaties of
the United States made in accordance
with it as the supreme law of the land,
and fulfills other purposes.
The United States Constitution
Article 7:
describes the process by which the entire
document is to be ratified and take effect.
The United States Constitution
Source: The National Archives Experience