Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview Date Course Section Reading/Film/Online Learning Resource (OLR) Specific Student Learning Outcome Section 1: Introduction to the Course and Overview of the Tribal Gaming Industry Week of 8/26 Week of 8/26 Introduction/Overview Week of 9/2 Tribal Government Gaming Industry Week of 9/2 Self-Assessment #2 Due by 9/6 9/6-8 Test #1 Read: Course Syllabus and Schedule Self-Assessment # 1 Due by 9/1 Section 2: Introduction to the Commercial Gaming Read: Hashimoto Chapter Watch Film: Ancestral Languages Heard Again Demonstrate familiarity with the Course Process, Assignments, Timelines and Requirements Define the concept of Nation Building as it pertains to American Indians in the United States Describe how gambling activity evolved from a cultural activity into an economic development strategy Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview Industry Week of 9/9 History/Commercial Gaming Industry OLR: Slideshow lecture on Global Gaming Industry Week of 9/9 Scope of the Gambling Industry Read: AGA State of the States 2013 Week of 9/9 Self-Assessment #3 Due by 9/15 Week of 9/16 Images of the Gambling Industry 9/2022 Test #2 Film: Owning Mahowney Define the public policy perspective for interpreting gambling behavior and addiction Describe how gambling activity involved into a business strategy Demonstrate familiarity with basic public policy issues in the legal gambling industry: Economic impacts Demonstrate familiarity with basic public policy issues in the legal gambling industry: Social impacts Section 3: Can Gambling Behavior Be an Addiction? Week Introduction to Gambling Behavior Read: Ladouceur Article. (“Understanding Gambling Identify human Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview of 9/23 and Problem Gambling”) Week of 9/23 Behavior as an Addiction Week of 9/23 Week of 9/30 Self-Assessment #4 Due by 9/29 Week of 9/30 Self-Assessment #5 Due by 10/4 Are Certain Casino Games Dangerous? Read: Holden, Lambert Articles Read: AGA White Paper, “Demystifying Slot Machines” behavioral patterns across space and time and discuss their interrelatedness and distinctiveness Apply basic concepts of cross-cultural self-reflexively to one’s own culture Enhance your understanding of the social world through the application of conceptual frameworks from the social and behavioral sciences to firsthand engagement with contemporary issues Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview Week of 9/30 Is Slot Machine Technology Designed to Addict? OLR: Video Clip from 60 Minutes Demonstrate familiarity with basic public policy issues in the legal gambling industry Define and identify assumptions inherent in interpretations of gambling behavior and addiction Apply selected theoretical perspectives to various crosscultural interpretations of gambling behavior and addiction 10/4-6 Test #3 Section 4: Old and New Views of Addiction: Is Addiction a Disease? Week of 10/7 Old View of Addiction Read: Shaffer, “Syndrome Model” Week of 10/7 Disease Model of Addiction Film: Pleasure Unwoven Week of 10/7 Week of 10/14 Self-Assessment #6 Due by 10/13 New View of Addiction Odegaard, “Addiction as Syndrome” Identify assumptions inherent in Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview Week of 10/14 Diagnosing Addiction Film: Rounders interpretations of gambling behavior and addiction Apply selected diagnostic criteria to gambling behavior Week Self-Assessment #7 Due by 10/18 of 10/14 10/18- Test #4 (Section Report # 1 Due) 20 Section 5: Are Some Populations More Vulnerable to Addiction than Others? Week of 10/21 Vulnerable Populations Read: Shaffer, “Employees” Week of 10/21 Casino Employees Film: Croupier OLR: Sycuan Employee Film Define, identify assumptions inherent in, and apply selected theoretical perspectives to various crosscultural interpretations of gambling behavior and addiction Describe how gambling activity evolved from a cultural and social activity Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview into a business 10/21 Week of 10/28 Self-Assessment #8 Due by 10/27 Native American/First Nations People Read: Haggerson Article Week of 11/4 The Role of Colonization in Addiction Film: Honour of All Week of 11/4 11/810 Self-Assessment #9 Due by 11/8 Differentiate between Western and non-Western perspectives of addiction Explain and apply the comparative approach to various crosscultural phenomena Test #5 (Section Report #2 Due) Section 6: The Role of Gambling in Society Week of 11/11 Gambling as Public Health Read: Shaffer, “Four Principles” Demonstrate Western and non-Western perspectives of disordered gambling behavior can be used to enhance our understanding of cultural variation Week of Scope of Problem Gambling in US Reilly, “Prevalence in US” (pp. 3-11 in posted reading) Demonstrate familiarity with Course Schedule for PSFA 381: Section-by-Section Overview 11/18 Week of 11/25 Is Gambling a Vice? Film: Thank you for Smoking Week of 12/2 Responsible Gaming Contreras and Siegel,” CSR” Week Self-Assessment # 10 Due by 12/6 of 12/2 12/6-8 Test # 6 Cumulative basic public policy issues in the legal gambling industry; compare and contrast different expressions of these issues across cultures Describe how gambling activity evolved from a cultural and social activity into a business and economic development strategy Define responsible gaming and explain the role of science in the development and evolution of responsible gaming practices