Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology Seventh Edition By Andrew Karmen Chapter Ten: Victims of Rapes and Other Sexual Assaults 1 Victims of Sexual Assault Pro-victim and anti-rape movement of 70s exposed ongoing injustice, abuse and systematic neglect – Women fail to report for many reasons – CJ system mainly men and more concerned with relationship prior to the rape than the violence caused by the rape – Advocates claim rape is about power and control—not love or passion 2 Definitions RAPE—Latin “rapere” taken by force Common Law Rape—unlawful carnal knowledge committed by man against woman—not his wife Forcible Rape—Victim fears harm if they do not comply. Lack of consent is key factor. Aggravated Rape—More than one assailant, presence of a weapon, or injuries. Statutory Rape—Consensual with underage partner. 3 Victims of Sexual Assault Real Rapes (Ideal Rapes) vs. Date Rapes – Real Rapes defined as without question or doubt. Elements consist of: Unsuspecting female, complete stranger, victim is virtuous, very young, fights back, struggles and suffers injuries, involved in wholesome activity when occurred, when escapes—reports directly to police. Forensic evidence found These cases treated with dignity and with sensitivity by the CJ system. 4 Victims of Sexual Assault Doubts arise if any of the above missing Some argue that if rape preceded by series of consensual sexual overtones, her “contributory behavior” makes the rape less serious Advocates claim that what counts is that she was stripped of control, denied right to make decision and compelled to submit to someone else’s sexual desire Legal definition hinges on coercion against nonconsenting person 5 Victims of Sexual Assault Contributory Behavior—forced intercourse preceded by series of consensual acts— less serious Acquaintance Rapes—existence of prior relationship questions seriousness of act Victim Precipitation—are some rapes involving certain circumstances less serious due to prior conduct of the victim? 6 Victims of Sexual Assault Victim-Blaming Views – Victim used alcohol or drugs – Put herself in temptation opportunity situation – Suggestive and seductive comments or dress – Hitchhiking – Date rape is “terrible misunderstanding” of what she said or meant – Certain lifestyles precipitate rape 7 Victims of Sexual Assault Two consequences from acceptance of Victim-blaming – Male less culpable if female shares responsibility – Girls and women must be better educated to prevent miscommunication of their desires Misleading seductiveness might be taken as “implied consent” 8 Victims of Sexual Assault Victim-Defending Perspective – Nothing erotic or suggestive could justify such a hostile act – Using force should not be confused with making love or engaging in sex – Rape is an act of “hate and anger,” not “love or lust” – Rape prevention efforts should not just be aimed at females 9 Incident Prevalence UCR vs. NCVS—See Figure 10.1, page 272 NCVS—In 2006, 41% reported their rape to the authorities—59% not reported Rape trends decreasing since 90s Portrait of victims – Female late teens-early twenties – Unmarried, low income – Highest risk: black, unemployed, resides in large city – 55% raped by acquaintances, 44% strangers 10 Victims of Sexual Assault Consequences of Sexual Assault – Rape Crisis Syndrome – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Some rapes are not completed, but still leave psychological scars—some victims commit suicide Best Prevention Strategy: “Dual Response” Calling out for help while simultaneously pleading with or threatening the attacker 11 Accuser vs. Accused 6th Amendment rights to wage a vigorous defense New Rape Victim Rights Legislation Several Defense Strategies – Eyewitness error – Deny it ever happened—attack victim credibility – It happened but consensual—she changed her mind after the event 12 Controversy Over Unfounded Accusations Rape is unique crime: credibility of victim is key – Safeguards must prevent honest mistakes and perjury/fraudulent allegations – In the past, corroborative evidence was required: rape kits, DNA, hospital tests, etc 13 Accuser vs. Accused Rape Shield Laws Force and Resistance – Reasonableness standard—degree of resistance that expresses non-consent can depend on circumstances 14 Accuser vs. Accused Corroboration—not required unless: – Victim is a minor – Previously intimate with offender – Did not promptly report crime – Provides a version of events that is inherently improbable and self-contradictory 15 Arrest, Prosecution and Adjudication 59% not reported Reported if weapon used or injuries 35% of those charged will have charges dropped 3% will be acquitted 61% convicted Negotiated plea often justified as it spares accuser having to recount the crime 16 Rape Crisis Centers 24-hour hotline Connect victims with advocates Accompany to hospital/police/prosecutor Arrange for counseling Trains CJ members Public education efforts Offers self-defense strategies 17 Rediscovery of More Rape Victims Wives raped by husbands – Wife has a right to say “no” – Forcible rape of a spouse—1st law passed in South Dakota, 1975 – 1990: every state provided no immunity if husband filed for divorced or separated – Occurrences not known—lack of reporting 18 Rediscovery of More Rape Victims Sexually Assaulted Males NCVS reported 125,000 male rape victims in 1973-1982 9% of reported rapes in one study: male on male Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2003 – 13% of inmates raped by males – Institutions put on notice they must detect, prevent and punish rape behind bars 19 Reducing the Threat of Rape: Three Approaches 1. Blame the victim (popular strategy of past—not today): Encourage females to not precipitate the crime through careless, reckless or provocative behavior 2. Blame the Offender: predators are source of problem—remove them from society 20 Reducing the Threat of Rape: Three Approaches 3. Sociological approach Rape outgrowth of social conditions, cultural themes about women as sex objects for sexual gratification – Real problem is patriarchal society – Deterrence through incarceration teaches men a lesson – Long term strategy is to deal with popular culture encouraging sexual behavior and must change attitudes about women 21 Key Terms Carnal Knowledge Statutory Rape Acquaintance Rapes Heiress stealing Ideal types Agency Implied consent Rape crisis syndrome Shield Laws Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Dual verbal defense Series victimizations Reasonableness Standard Corroboration Rape Kit 22