PROGRAM INFORMATION German, B.A. Program Assessment Report

German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
Degree Program(s):
Department Chair:
German, B.A.
Dominique Van Hooff
Report Prepared by:
Next Self-Study due :
Foreign Languages
Spring 2011
Note: Schedule is posted at:
CL 433
Person to Contact:
Does the information (e.g., Mission, Goals, and/or Learning Outcomes) posted on the web (see, ) for this program need to be updated?
If yes, please submit changes to
Please complete the schedule of assessment activities below by listing all program Student Learning
Outcomes (SLOs) by number down the left column and indicating when data were/will be collected (C)
and when they were/will be discussed (D) by your faculty. You can also schedule/track program
changes resulting from your assessment activities by indicating an “I” (implemented changes) where
relevant. This schedule is meant to be fluid; providing a proposed schedule for future assessment while
at the same time, providing a record of your efforts as the program planning cycle progresses.
C = Collect data
D = Discuss results
I = Implement changes (if any)
2012 2012
101B D
*Note: This template is based on a five-year program planning cycle. If your program planning follows another cycle
(e.g., based on accreditation), please feel free to add (or subtract) columns as necessary.
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
#1: Language & Communication. Written Expression. Develop
advanced (ACTFL) skills in writing German.
1.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
(f07) Data analysis shows half of students are poor at constructing arguments in a paper. The faculty will
hold an assessment meeting in February to decide program changes to improve written arguments.
Program changes will be implemented in fall 2008
1.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
1.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
N.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 2: Language & Communication. Reading Comprehension.
Develop advanced (ACTFL) skills in reading German.
2.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
(f07) Poor performance data on SLO 2 in spring 2007 was discussed at the fall 2007 assessment retreat.
The department decided to institute the use of Excel to solve problems in course XX. The problems will
be piloted in all sections in fall 2008
2.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
2.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
2.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 3: Language & Communication. Oral Expression. Develop
advanced (ACTFL) skills in speaking German.
3.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
(f07) All sections of course XX will embed the same question in the final exam and use a common rubric
for grading.
3.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
3.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
3.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 4: Language & Communication. Listening Comprehension.
Develop advanced (ACTFL) skills in understanding spoken German.
4.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
#4,5,6, (f07) The department decided to initiate a project in the culminating course that will assess these
three SLOs using a grading rubric for the project. The class project will be piloted in all sections of XX in
spring 2008.
4.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
4.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
4.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 5: Literacy: Develop the students' ability to use appropriate
terminology in linguistic, cultural, or literary analysis.
5.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
#4,5,6, (f07) The department decided to initiate a project in the culminating course that will assess these
three SLOs using a grading rubric for the project. The class project will be piloted in all sections of XX in
spring 2008.
5&8 F07: The course on German literature in which assessment data was supposed to be
collected and discussed in accordance with the previous assessment plan could not be offered
due to budget constraints. Hence, no assessment data was collected in spring 07 and no changes
could be implemented in fall 007.
5.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
5.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
5.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 6: Linguistics: Develop the students' ability to recognize the
various components that make up the German language, to
understand complex syntactical features, and to analyze and
reflect on grammar.
6.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
#4,5,6, (f07) The department decided to initiate a project in the culminating course that will assess these
three SLOs using a grading rubric for the project. The class project will be piloted in all sections of XX in
spring 2008.
Germ 110: Roslyn Raney
The instructor will design a diagnostic survey to be completed by the students at the beginning of the
semester. The same survey will also be administered at the end of the semester to gauge students
A variety of quizzes, midterms, and a final will serve as formative and summative assessment tools.
6.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
6.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
This course has not been offered in recent years, hence no prior assessment data was collected
or discussed. Therefore, no changes will be implemented this semester. Furthermore, the
instructor will teach this class for the first time,
6.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
SLO 7: Cultural Knowledge: Develop the students' ability to
understand the cultural and intellectual development of Germanspeaking civilizations and societies within their socio-political
7.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
F07 Germ 102A:
At the beginning of the semester, students filled out a diagnostic survey, inquiring about their
knowledge of aspects of German culture and history to be covered in class. The very same
survey was given to the students at the end of the semester. The results should indicate the level
of progress.
Two formative midterms and one summative final covered topics introduced in class such as
history, religion, philosophy, art, music, architecture, etc.
#7(f07) implementing changes was scheduled for this semester, data show 100% of students completing
the assignment and 97% of students performing at an acceptable level. No programmatic changes were
deemed necessary.
7.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
7.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
#7 & 9
Assessment data collected in
This course (Germ 102A) will not
Germ 102A during fall 007 will
be offered again until fall 10,
be analyzed and reflected.
when appropriate changes
based on current assessment
data will be implemented.
7.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
#8 Literary Analysis and Traditions: Develop the students'
knowledge of major periods, genres, authors, and
movements of German-language literature within their
cultural, intellectual and socio-political contexts.
8.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
5&8 F07: The course on German literature in which assessment data was supposed to be
collected and discussed in accordance with the previous assessment plan could not be offered
due to budget constraints. Hence, no assessment data was collected in spring 07 and no changes
could be implemented in fall 007.
8.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
8.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
8.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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German, B.A.
Program Assessment Report
#9 Global Perspective and Comparisons: Develop the
students' ability to relate the German-speaking civilizations
and societies to events in other countries around the world,
with a special focus on Europe and the United States since
the 20th century.
9.1 Data Collection:
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the
F07: Germ 102A: Romey Sabalius
Class reports by students were designed to provide the presenting student as well as
everybody in class with a greater insight on the global connectivity of the German history and
culture. Topics such as “Charlemagne”, “Vikings”, “Crusades”, “Hanseatic League” were chosen
to show the international component of these aspects of Germanic civilization. Through
comparisons and contrasts with the United States or countries of origin of the multicultural
student body, students should have also gained a better understanding of their own culture and
appreciate its relation and interaction with the German-speaking world throughout the ages.
The student reports consisted of three parts: oral presentation in class, preparation of a
handout with key information to all students, and a written report of researched findings.
9.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome?
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this
outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO?
9.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary):
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to
improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources
requests, etc?
F07 #7 & #9
Assessment data collected in
Germ 102A during fall 007 will
be analyzed and reflected.
This course (Germ 102A) will not
be offered again until fall 10,
when appropriate changes
based on current assessment
data will be implemented.
9.4 Results of Action Items
[SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after
implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next?
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