SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2013-2014 Department: Biomedical, Chemical and Materials Engineering Program: Chemical Engineering College: Engineering Website: _ Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. <If so, please provide the link.> Program Accreditation (if any): ABET through 2016 Contact Person and Email: Claire Komives, Date of Report: March 1, 2014 Part A List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) The student outcomes for the Chemical Engineering Program are the following: 1.) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering 2.) Ability to design/conduct experiments and analyze/interpret data 3.) Ability to design system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability 4.) Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams 5.) Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems 6.) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 7.) Ability to communicate effectively 8.) Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context 9.) Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning 10.) Knowledge of emerging and new technologies and contemporary social issues 11.) Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice 1. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses MATH 30 Calculus I CHEM 1A General Chemistry GE (Area A1) Oral Communications ENGL 1A Composition ENGR 10 Kinesiology X MATH 31 Calculus II CHEM 1B General Chemistry PHYS 70 General Physics ENGL 1B Composition MATH 32 Calculus III PHYS 71 General Physics AMS 1A American Civilization CE 99: Statics Kinesiology X 1.0 (a) 2.0 (b) X X X 3.0 © 4.0 (d) 5.0 (e) 6.0 (f) 7.0 (g) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8.0 (h) 9.0 (i) 10.0 (j) 11.0 (k) EE 98 Introduction to Circuits MATH 133A Differential Equations MATE 25 Introduction to Materials AMS 1B American Civilization GE (E) Human Understanding and Development CHEM 112A Organic Chemistry CHE 190 Transport Phenomena CHEM 161A Physical Chemistry CHE 162 Statistics and Analysis CHE 115 Industrial Chemical Calculations ENGR 100W Engineering Reports X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CHE 151 Process Engineering Thermodynamics X ADV GE Area S (Self, Society & Equality in the US) Chem 112B Organic Chemistry X CHEM 113A Organic Chemistry Laboratory CHE 160A Unit Operations I X X XXX 100+ Upper Division Tech/Math Elective ** X CHE 161L Unit Operations Laboratory X X X X CHEM 162L Physical Chemistry Laboratory CHE 158 Reactor Design & Kinetics CHE 160B Unit Operations II CHE 161 Process Safety & Ethics X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Chem 100+ Upper Division Chemistry Elective ** X CHE 185 Process Dynamics & Control* X X Area V (Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding) CHE 165 Plant Design X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CHE 162L Unit Operations Laboratory X XXX 100+ Upper Division Tech/Math Elective ** X X X X X X X X X 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 Analyze systems through material and energy balances models Specify operating conditions for a heat exchanger to meet performance requirements 2 3 Evaluate the design of a non-isothermal reactor for a chemical process. 3 Analyze and interpret data for chemical reaction kinetics 3 Design an experiment for a unit operation experiment 3 Analyze and interpret data for a unit operation experiment 3 Design an isothermal reactor for a chemical process. Complete process operating risk analyses for a plant and develop inherently safe system to minimize risk 3 3 100W 185 165 162L 161L 161 160B 158 162 160A 151 190 Performance Criteria 115 2. Planning – Assessment Schedule Once a year, we carry out the assessment according to this schedule. Note the student (program) outcomes are numbered one to eleven as listed in Part A above, with the number after the decimal point identifying a performance indicator to define exactly what the students must do to achieve the outcome. The course numbers listed across the top of the table can be found in the above table. The courses to the left of the table are the junior courses and those on the right are the senior courses. The assessment of each outcome can be found below in part C of this report. Our annual assessment schedule includes the assessment of each outcome each year. 3.3 4.1 5.1 5.2 Analyze, design and evaluate mass transfer processes for specific applications 3 Function effectively on multi-disciplinary teams Analyze a thermal system for appropriate heat transfer prediction Compare alternative reactor designs and select the most effective choice for a given process 3 2 2 Students demonstrate knowledge of code of engineering ethics 1 6.2 Identify the ethical issues in a case study 1 6.3 Students can design a strategy to manage a situation where an employee/subordinate commits a violation of engineering ethics 3 6.1 7.1 Write effectively 7.2 Give an effective oral presentation 8.1 Appraise the inherent safety strategies applied in an experiment or process 8.2 9.1 10. 1 3 3 2 Estimate the societal impact of a project on the surrounding community Evaluate a technical process based on a journal review article. Evaluate relative technical and economic merit for alternate process 3 3 3 configurations Use simulation software to design a unit operation to meet specified performance criteria. 11. 1 2 Use non-linear regression to evaluate kinetic mechanisms. 11. 2 3 1,2 and 3 refer to levels of learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Level 1 is up to level 2 in Blooms, Level 2 on this table refers to levels 3-4 in Blooms and Level 3 on this table refers to Blooms levels 5-6. 3. Student Experience On the first day of CHE 115, which is the first required core course taken before the other courses, a presentation is given to the students to explain the accreditation process and where the various outcomes are assessed throughout the required curriculum. As the courses progress, the faculty who are responsible for the individual outcomes may alert the students (especially if the assessment instrument is not assigned for a grade) what the purpose of the assignment is. Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree) Academic Programs Chemical Engineering First-time Freshmen: 6 Year Graduation Rates New UG Transfers: 3 Year Graduation Rates Grads : 3 Year Graduation Rates Fall 2007 Cohort Fall 2010 Cohort Fall 2010 Cohort Entering % Grad Entering % Grad Entering % Grad Total 10 20.0% 17 41.2% 16 37.5% URM 4 0.0% 6 16.7% 1 100.0% Non-URM 5 20.0% 8 50.0% 11 27.3% Other 1 100.0% 3 66.7% 4 50.0% 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Fall 2013 New Students Chemical Engineering Cont. Students 1st Fr. UG Transf New Creds 1st Grads UGs Creds Total 32 47 0 18 113 0 BS 32 47 0 0 113 0 MS 0 0 0 18 0 0 Degree 8. SFR and average section size (per program) Fall 2013 Student to Faculty Ratio (SFR) 18.6 Average Headcount per Section Upper Division 20.2 30.4 Graduate Division 13.1 7.2 Course Prefix Course Level CHE - Chemical Engineering Total 21.1 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) Fall 2013 % Tenured/Prob Tenured Probationary Temp Lecturer 45.5% 3.692 5.8 1.149 Chemical and Materials Engineering Part C 1. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions Changes based on evaluation of student outcomes. ChE 2013 Assessment Data on Student Outcomes 1-11 Outcome: 1.0 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering General Performance Criterion: Analyze systems through material and energy balances models Performance criteria (level 2) 1.1 Solve a material balance on a process with a chemical reaction Data collected in CHE 115, Industrial Chemical Calculations, Instructor Claire Komives Grading strategy: Each calculation that is correctly done is given full credit. The solution is divided into individual calculations. If an error is made early in the calculation but the remainder is correctly done, they get credit for the correctly done calculations even though the numbers don't match the actual solution. Students who fail to meet the criteria most often either don't know where to start or get stuck early on, and so 60% represents a solution that has a lot correct in it and may be almost complete but with some calculation errors. Fall ’13 1.1a Solve a material balance with a chemical reaction: Problem 1 on final exam 26 of 36 got 60% or higher correct, or 72% 1.1b Solve a material balance without a chemical reaction: Problem 3a on final exam evaporation of water from a caustic solution. 21 of 36 met the criterion, or 58% 1.1c Solve an energy balance with a chemical reaction: Problem 2b on the final exam. 18 of 36 students met the criterion, or 50%. Recommendation: Members of the ChE Industrial Advisory Board met in Spring 2014 and agreed that although the numbers were low for the students who achieved these outcomes, this was expected in the Material and Energy Balance Course. The instructor will not modify the curriculum but will ensure that the students performance continues to be acceptable for the necessary rigor of chemical engineering. Outcome: 1.0 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering Program Evaluation Component (1.2): Specify operating conditions for a heat exchanger to meet performance requirements (1.2 in CHE 160A) Assignment(s): Series of short answer calculation and qualitative questions on Final Examination Grading rubric- 55% or greater on total score from questions Analysis Spring '13 30 of 33 ChE students met the criteria. Most of the mistakes were made related to determining the correct length with analyzing a multiple pass exchanger. Students in general understood how to determine the length. They had difficulty with the complexity of envisioning a multiple pass system. Recommendation Have students work more closely with hands on models that are passed around class and reinforce the concepts of multiple pass exchangers with an in-class activity or online quiz. Data for Student Performance in Heat Exchanger Analysis # of Student 15 10 5 0 Score Outcome: 2.0 Ability to design/conduct experiments and analyze/interpret data Performance Criterion 2.2: Analyze and interpret data for chemical reaction kinetics Performance criteria (level 3): The student can derive rate expressions from kinetics mechanisms for homogeneous and/or heterogeneous systems. Assignment 1: Derive the rate expression from a mechanism. Grading rubric- Criteria 50% of total points which ranged from 16 to 65 points total on a midterm exam or final exam problem Fall ’13 29 of 33 ChE students, out of 33 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 27 points possible was 27, the lowest was 9.5 and the average was 20.4 (average was 75.6%). Performance Criterion 2.3: Design an experiment for a unit operation experiment The student can develop a strategy to gather information and obtain data necessary in order to meet their experimental objective(s). Assignment 1: Design an experimental plan, including key equations with assumptions, and detailed experimental matrix that will allow the student to achieve their experimental objectives using the given experimental apparatus. Grading rubric- Criteria 75% of total points on three experimental plans (100 points each) required prior to the start of each experiment. The experimental plan grading rubric is included at the end of this analysis. Spring ’13 13 of 13 ChE students, out of 13 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 300 points possible was 260, the lowest was 250 and the average was 254.2 (average was 84.7%). Recommendation In general, it did not seem like the students used the grading rubric to improve their scores. For instance, they did not seem to check their individual rubric scores and determine which area(s) needed improvement, nor which areas were assigned the most possible points. The rubric was handed out for the student to analyze on their own. I propose going over the rubric with each team in person and see if this helps them make more effective improvements. No other changes are recommended at this time. Performance Criterion 2.4: Analyze and interpret data for a unit operation experiment Performance criteria (level 2) The student can analyze experimental data and reach conclusions substantiated by statistical analysis. Assignment 1: Carry out a basic statistical analysis of the data collected. a) Calculate the mean, variance, standard deviation, median, mode, and range from the data given. b) Formulate appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for this data. c) Test these hypotheses using a = 0.01 and the one sample t-test. What you can conclude from the test? d) Find the P-value for the test. Explain what significance of the P-value e) Construct a 99% confidence interval on the mean weight. What is your conclusion? Make sure to use appropriate units and significant figures for your results Grading rubric- Criteria 75% of the possible points for this problem. Fall ’13 12 of 12 ChE students, out of 12 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 20 points possible was 19, the lowest was 16 and the average was 17.5 (average was 87.5%) Recommendation: In previous analyses it was found to be hard to assess this PEC adequately because different labs required different analyses and some students did not perform the analysis adequately. So it became an in class assignment in the lecture portion. In Fall 2012, the lecture was moved to ChE 161L so the students would have more chance to work on statistical analysis of data both semesters. This move was a result of previous assessment discussion to improve the curriculum. So this PEC is now analyzed in ChE 161L starting Fall 2012. Outcome: 3.0 Ability to design system, component or process to meet desired needs Performance Criterion 3.1 (CHE 158): Design an isothermal reactor for a chemical process. Performance criteria (level 3) 3.1: The student can solve simple single answer problems using the ideal reactor design equations mentioned, including variable volume systems. Assignment 1: Find volume of ideal plug flow reactor and/or continuous stirred tank reactor to achieve desired conversion on midterm exam 1. Grading rubric/criteria 60% of total points which ranged from 40 to 50 points total on a midterm exam problem Fall ’13 33 of 33 ChE students, out of 33 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 18 points possible was 18, the lowest was 5 and the average was 11 (average was 84.4%). Recommendation In general the students are meeting this criteria in a satisfactory manner. Course: CHE 160B; Instructor Claire Komives Performance criteria (level 3) 3.3 Analyze, design and evaluate mass transfer processes for specific applications (CHE 160B) Assignment(s): Exam test question requiring design of unit operation process. Grading rubric/criteria – Criterion is to get at least 60% correct (this is a C in the course). Calculation errors – if the numbers are all correct but the value obtained is wrong (means punched it into the calculator incorrectly) loss of 1 point The problem is broken down to parts worth 3 or 5 points each. What is correctly calculated gets the full 3 or 5 points. If it is incorrect no credit is given. Conceptual errors lose 5 points, an error in looking up a number or other “mistake” that is not a sign of misunderstanding a concept generally loses 3 points. Analysis (How many students met the criteria) Fall ‘13 Problem on the 2nd midterm to determine the height of an absorption column. 100% of the students met the criteria (27 students). Problem on final to analyse the permeate rate of an ultrafiltration system. 85% of the students met the criteria (27 students). Outcome: 4.0 Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams Performance criteria (level 2) (CHE 160B) Assignment(s): Student teams are assembled based on their learning styles by the instructor at the beginning of the course. Four team assignments are completed, involving the design of a scaled-up separation process based on a published paper of small- or pilot-scale data. Teams of 3 (a few 4) are assembled and for each project the three roles are as follows: 1) Fundamental equations; analytical solution where feasible 2) Simulation of process using Simsci ProII, Excel or matlab (mathcad, mathematica OK) 3) Take lead in preparing the report and present the design solution to the class. Grading rubric/criteria – Criterion is to get at least a 3 for the overall average score. Students complete the following rubric regarding each of their teammates due on the last day of the semester in-class session. They are encouraged to be honest as the evaluation will have no impact on the students’ grades, only if they turn in the rubric completed they will receive 2 extra credit points toward their homework grades. Numbers are assigned to the four levels: Beginning=1; Developing=2; Accomplished=3; Exemplary=4. Acceptable level of performance is an average score of “Accomplished,” (or 3) determined by taking averages of the input of each student on their performance on the team. The seven averaged scores are then averaged to obtain an overall average performance. An overall average of 3.0 or higher meets the criteria. Contribute Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Research and Gather Information Does not collect any information that relates to the topic Collects very little information -some relates to the topic Collects some basic information - most relates to the topic Collects a great deal of information -- all relates to the topic Share Information Does not relay any information to teammates Relays very little information -some relates to the topic Relays some basic information -most relates to the topic Relays a great deal information - all relates to topic Take Responsibility Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Fulfill Team Role's and duties Does not perform any duties of assigned team role performs very little duties Performs nearly all duties Performs all duties of assigned team role Share Equally Always relies on others to do the work Rarely does the assigned work -often needs reminding Usually does the assigned work -rarely needs reminding Always does the assigned work without having to be reminded Value Other's Viewpoints Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Listen to Other Teammates Is always talking - never allows anyone else to speak Usually doing most of the talking -- rarely allows others to speak Listens, but sometimes talks too much Listens and speaks a fair amount Cooperate with Teammates Usually argues with teammates Sometimes argues Rarely argues Never argues with teammates Make fair decisions Usually wants to have things their own way Often sides with friends instead of considering all views Usually considers all views Always helps team to reach a fair decision Analysis (How many students met the criteria) Fall ’13 80% of the 27 undergraduates completed the survey; 76% of the students met the criteria. Recommendation (Is there something you can modify so that more of the students meet the criteria?) In Fall ’14 I will add a brief presentation on teamwork on the first day of class to explain to the students the importance of cooperation on the team assignments. Outcome: 5.0 Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems Outcome: 5.0 Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems Program Evaluation Component: Analyze a thermal system for appropriate heat transfer prediction (5.1 in ChE 190) Assignment(s): Thermal Network In-Class Dry lab assignment i. Analyze a multiple layer cylinder for heat flux and rate of heat transfer. Draw and analyze the proper thermal network ii. Analyze a multiple layer wall. Design wall to meet thermal requirements based on material selection and thickness. Grading rubric- Criteria is 70% Analysis for Quiz Assignment Fall '13 36 of 37 ChE students met the criteria and demonstrated the ability to analyze a thermal circuit (Figure 1) The one person that did not meet the criteria was an unexcused absence. All students that did participate in the lab understood how to analyze a thermal network. # Of Students Thermal Network Lab 20 0 Scores Recommendation Overall the students meet PEC. Next year I will put more emphasis on design to challenge the students. Performance Criterion 5.2 (CHE 158): Compare alternative reactor designs and select the most effective choice for a given process Performance criteria (level 2) The student can evaluate different types of ideal reactor configurations, including multiple reactors, and determine which is optimal for a given reaction. Assignment 1: Analyze which type of reactor and which configuration (series or parallel) would be best for a given situation. Grading rubric- Criteria 50% of total points which ranged from 15 to 30 points total on a midterm exam problem or final exam problem Analysis (How many students met the criteria) Fall ’13 32 of 33 ChE students, out of 33 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 15 points possible was 15, the lowest was 5 and the average was 12.5 (average was 83.3%). Recommendation In general most students, especially if they attempted this problem, demonstrated satisfactory competence. Some students seemed to have difficulty with time management. I propose giving a homework assignment that students attend a time management and test taking skills workshop in their earliest ChE or MatE courses, e.g. ChE 115 and MatE 25. In this way they would have exposure to those skills twice. No other changes are recommended at this time. Outcome: 6.0 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Performance Criterion 6.1 (CHE 161) Apply engineering ethics and professionalism in conducting projects Performance criteria (level 1) 6.1 Students demonstrate knowledge of code of engineering ethics Assignment: memorize the 6 Fundamental Canons of the NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers for the midterm exam 20 points on their ethics midterm were tied to identifying a correct cannon and applying that cannon to the situation presented (required an analysis starting with the appropriate NSPE cannon). If the cannon is incorrect, the rest of the analysis becomes illogical. Fall ’13: 40 out of 40 ChE students scored at least over 15 out of 20; lowest one score was 15.5 points. So 100% met the criteria Performance criteria (level 1) 6.2 Students can identify the ethical issues in an ethics case study. Assignment 1: Identify from a fact pattern ethical issues for the midterm exam Grading rubric – Criteria is to get at least 15 points. TOTAL out of 20 pts Question 1 (10 pts) Answer the Question – 1pt Basis for your Decision – 2 pts (discuss NSPE cannons and appropriate cannon) How do you handle the situation? – 1pts – (best answer to be professional as possible) What are the possible legal issues? – 1pts What are the possible ethical issues? -1 pts What are the possible professional issues? – 1pts What are the possible consequences of your choice? 1pt Are you prepared for these consequences? – 1 pt Clarity, Conciseness, writing - 1 pts 90% - 9 pts 80% - 8 pts 70%- 7 pts Question 3 (3 pts) Appropriate Ethical issue - 1 pts Analysis – 1 pt Writing – 1 pt Question 4 (3 pts) Appropriate professional issue - 1 pts Analysis and NSPE – 1 pt Writing – 1 pt Fall ’13 40 out of 40 ChE students met the criteria. Assignment 2: Choose a current engineering ethical topic in a newspaper and prepare a 250-500 word typed double spaced 12 point font Times New Roman paper discussing the issue from the point of view of the NSPE Engineering Code of Ethics. Grading will be based on: Article Choice: 2 pts Introduction: 2 pts Analysis w.r.t NSPE Code of Ethics: 3 pts Format: 2 pts Style: 1 pts The Assignment was out of 10 pts. 39 out of 40 students received at least a 7 or higher One student received 4 because the assignment was handed in a late. Performance criteria (level 3) 6.3 Students can design a strategy to manage a situation where an employee/subordinate commits a violation of engineering ethics Assignment: Question 2 on the midterm exam required identification, analysis and how to manage a situation where the manager commits a violation of engineering ethics which is more difficult of a situatio Question 2 (3 pts) Appropriate Legal issue - 1 pts Analysis and conclusion – 1 pts Writing – 1 pts Fall ’13 40 of 40 ChE students met the criteria Outcome: 7.0 Ability to communicate effectively Performance Criterion 7.1 Write effectively This outcomes is assessed in Engr 100W. The performance criterion is to achieve a 7 on the Writing Skills Test. The students must obtain a score of 7 in order to pass the course, so 100% of the students meet the criterion. Performance Criterion 7.2 (CHE 160B) Give an effective oral presentation Assignment: Give the oral presentation for the team project. Four projects are assigned in the semester so each student gets a turn at giving the presentation. They can vote whoever can get a second try in the groups that only have 3 students. Grading criteria: Obtain at least a 4 average on the following rubric: The introduction section was effective 4 4 The objectives of this aspect of the project were clearly presented 4 4 The presentation had an effective communication structure and the logic of the project activity was clear 4 4 The presentation was effectively targeted to this audience 4 4 The conclusion section was effective 4 4 PRESENTATION STYLE The presenter had a professional appearance The presenter exhibited confident enthusiasm about the subject material 3 The pace of the presentation was appropriate 4 4 The presenter enunciated clearly and spoke at an appropriate volume 4 4 The presenter seemed relaxed in front of the audience gestures by the presenter seemed natural. 4 4 The presenter interacted effectively and made good visual contact with the audience 4 VISUAL AIDS Slides were easy to read and designed with an interesting format 4 8 Slides were relevant and communicated content effectively 4 8 Presenter clearly understood the questions before responding 4 4 Responses were concise and accurate 4 4 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 0 86 The numbers mean: 5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Slightly Agree 2 = Slightly Disagree 1 = Disagree 0 = Strongly Disagree Boxes that are blacked out are scored (except for subject headings) but do not impact the grade. The target is 86 which is to AGREE (on average) with all of the statements. Fall ’13 21 of 27 students met the criteria. 78% met the criterion Outcome 8.0 Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context Performance Criteria 8.1-8.3 Assess safety aspect(s) of a chemical process Performance criteria (level 2) 8.1 (Identify and) Summarize the hazards in a chemical process Assignment: Determine how to sort various industrial and lab chemicals 10 points are to identify and describe the hazards in the process described in a group assignment Your lab contains the following chemicals. Assume wt% Phosphine Sulfuric acid 50% Calcium hydroxide Acetone Cobalt sulfide crystals AZ P4903 photoresist Acetic Acid Hydrofluoric acid 10% Ammonium perchlorate glycerine Arsine Hydrochloric acid 28-30% Calcium carbonate pellets Toluene Sodium hydroxide pellets NMP (N-Methyl-2pyrrolidone) Hydrocyanic Acid Compressed Argon Potassium permanganate Benzene Boron Trifluoride Nitric acid 65% Ammonium hydroxide 2830% Hydrogen peroxide 30% Nickel sulfide crystals Liquid Nitrogen Chromic Acid Sodium chloride Perchloric acid 60-65% Methanol Sulfuric acid 96% Sodium hydroxide 50% Liquid CO2 Methylene Chloride Copper sulfate crystals Silane Gas Hydrofluoric acid 50% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) 25% Ethanol Shipley S1813 Photo Resist Deadly gas Strong acid Strong base Organic Solvent Powder chemical Weak acid Weak base/strong acid oxidizer flammable 1. Please determine how you would sort them (i.e. by itself; fridge, oxidizer cabinet, acid cabinet etc…) 2. Please note how to dispose of them as well (i.e. mention what waste container to place them in when completed – organic waste, acidic waste, by itself, immediate pick-up etc…) 3. Please note what PPE you should have on hand in the lab (total for all chemicals). Fall ’13 38 of 40 ChE students met the criteria. Performance criteria (level 3) 8.2 Students can appraise the inherent safety strategies of a chemical process. Assignment: Determine how to sort various industrial and lab chemicals and how to store them properly and safely and what PPE to use when working with it Fall ’13 39 of 40 ChE students met the criteria. Performance criteria (level 1) 8.3 Students know (can restate) the essential principles of chemical process safety Assignment: Final exam - safety Grading criteria 60% on final Fall '13 40 of 40 ChE students achieved above 60% on the final exam Assignment: Prepare a 250 to 500 max. word typed double spaced 12 point font Times New Roman paper on a safety scenario, event or issue that is in the news discussing it using principles discussed in class (these being the hazard/risk identification, administrative controls, the engineering controls and and other controls.) Grading will be based on: Article Choice (please include): 2pts Introduction: 2 pts Analysis w.r.t to the hazard/risk identification, administrative controls, the engineering controls and other controls.: 3pts This means that you may either identify the hazard/risks presented in the article or you may present an article and point out the hazards/risks. You may also discuss the controls presented in the article, or you may suggest controls. Format: 1pt Style (e.g. if it is poorly written I will deduct points for it): 2pt Fall '13 38 of 40 ChE students achieved above 8 pts. One student handed the assignment in late and received a 4. The other student did not hand in the assignment. Outcome 9.0: Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning Performance Criterion 9.1 (CHE 158): Evaluate a technical process based on a journal review article Performance criteria (level 2) The student will be able to locate and critique kinetics and reactor design articles published in the current literature. Assignment 1: Write a two-page critique of a reactor design journal article. Grading rubric- Criteria 50% of total points on a either two or three 20 point homework problems through the course of the semester Analysis (How many students met the criteria) Fall ’13 25 of 33 ChE students, out of 33 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 60 points possible was 58, the lowest was 4.0 and the average was 41.3 (average was 69%). Recommendation (Is there something you can modify so that more of the students meet the criteria?) In general most students if they attempted this assignment, demonstrated satisfactory competence. Some students did not turn in all the critiques because they were homework and not exam problems. I am going to try giving them a higher point value to see if that encourages everyone to turn in the assignment. In addition, I will give a make up for this particular assignment since the biggest problem seems to be students turning in the critiques. Program Outcome: 11.0 Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice Outcome: 11.0 Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice Program Evaluation Component: Use simulation software to design a unit operation to meet specified performance criteria. (11.1 in CHE 160A) Assignment(s): Use PRO II Designer (SimSci) to design a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger to meet specified performance criteria. Grading rubric- 80% or greater on laboratory assignment Analysis Spring '14 All students scored 100% on this assignment. Students were not allowed to turn in an assignment that did not meet all design criteria stated. The instructor worked with each student individually to ensure completion of the assignment Recommendation All students met this performance criterion. No changes needed Performance Criterion 11.2 (CHE 158): Use non-linear regression to evaluate kinetic mechanisms Performance criteria (level 3) The student can use statistical methods to fit kinetic data to rate expressions and to analyze the goodness of fit. Assignment 1: Analyze if rate expressions fit the given rate data well and determine if the data are good enough to come to a conclusion regarding goodness of fit. Grading rubric- Criteria 50% of total points from a midterm exam problem that ranged from 25 to 35 points Analysis (How many students met the criteria) Fall ’13 25 of 33 ChE students, out of 33 students enrolled, met the criteria. The highest score out of 26 points possible was 25, the lowest was 6.5 and the average was 17.9 (average was 69%). Recommendation (Is there something you can modify so that more of the students meet the criteria?) In general the students are meeting this criteria in a satisfactory manner. They are proficient at using the non-linear equation solver as well as analyzing the statistics to determine if any of the models show a good fit. In Fall 2013, about six of the students went to the AIChE meeting in San Francisco as part of the ChE Car Team and others helped volunteer. The exam was the week immediately following the AIChE meeting and they weren’t quite prepared at exam time but did demonstrate proficiency on subsequent homework problems that used this material. No changes are recommended at this time. 12. 1.1 Analyze systems through material and energy balances models 60% 100W 185 165 162L 161L 161 160B 158 162 160A 151 190 Performance Criteria 115 The table here shows the extent to which the students met the assessed outcomes for 2013. 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 Specify operating conditions for a heat exchanger to meet performance requirements 91% Evaluate the design of a nonisothermal reactor for a chemical process. 94% Analyze and interpret data for chemical reaction kinetics 89% Design an experiment for a unit operation experiment 100% Analyze and interpret data for a unit operation experiment 100% Design an isothermal reactor for a chemical process. 100% Complete process operating risk analyses for a plant and develop inherently safe system to minimize risk 3 Analyze, design and evaluate mass transfer processes for specific applications 92% Function effectively on multi-disciplinary teams 76% 3 5.1 5.2 Analyze a thermal system for appropriate heat transfer prediction Compare alternative reactor designs and select the most effective choice for a given process 6.1 Students demonstrate knowledge of code of engineering ethics 6.2 Identify the ethical issues in a case study 6.3 Write effectively 7.2 Give an effective oral presentation 8.1 Appraise the inherent safety strategies applied in an experiment or process 9.1 97% 100% 98% Students can design a strategy to manage a situation where an employee/subord inate commits a violation of engineering ethics 7.1 8.2 97% 100% 100% 78% 95% Estimate the societal impact of a project on the surrounding community Evaluate a technical process based on a 3 3 76% journal review article. 10.1 11.1 11.2 Evaluate relative technical and economic merit for alternate process configurations Use simulation software to design a unit operation to meet specified performance criteria. Use non-linear regression to evaluate kinetic mechanisms. 3 100% 76% 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any) 1) In ChE 160B, give the students the team evaluation rubric at the beginning of the course and discuss it with them to introduce them to appropriate team function/behaviors. 2) In ChE 115, provide a set of notes for the students that is complete and has solved problems in it. The set of notes given in Fall ’13 was on the first iteration. Improvements can be made to the content to improve student learning. 3) The upper division labs, MATE 129 and CHE 194 will become (take one of them) as a required elective option based on the assessment evaluation from the 2011 ABET review. This will come into effect starting in 2015. It is anticipated that some of the outcomes will show higher performance due to more rigorous lab skills. 4) The increased enrollment that has resulted in the past two years may show an effect on the student outcomes performance which will require careful attention, especially in the senior courses. 5) The various curricular changes due to begin in fall of 2014 for the 120 unit requirement may also result in deleterious impacts on the student outcomes. Courses particularly affected will be CHE 151 and the unit operations lab courses, CHE 161L and 162L courses, all of which will no longer have Chem 161A as a required prerequisite, or Chem 162L as a prerequisite. We will keep a close watch on the program outcomes from these courses.