Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report PROGRAM INFORMATION Degree Program(s): Department Chair: Report Prepared by: Next Self-Study: Department: M.S.W. Social Work Alice Hines Phone: Peter Allen Lee Phone: 408-924-5850 Spring 2013 E-mail: Note: Schedule is posted at: ARCHIVAL INFORMATION Location: Person to Contact: (Bldg/Room #) (Name) (Phone) Does the information (e.g., Mission, Goals, and/or Learning Outcomes) posted on the web (see, ) for this program need to be updated? Yes No If yes, please submit changes to SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES* Please complete the schedule of assessment activities below by listing all program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) by number down the left column and indicating when data were/will be collected (C) and when they were/will be discussed (D) by your faculty. You can also schedule/track program changes resulting from your assessment activities by indicating an “I” (implemented changes) where relevant. This schedule is meant to be fluid; providing a proposed schedule for future assessment while at the same time, providing a record of your efforts as the program planning cycle progresses. ↓Semester after self-study SLOs 1 2 3 4 … Sp08 F08 Semester before next self-study↓ Sp09 F09 Sp10 F10 Sp11 F11 Sp12 F12 *Note: This template is based on a five-year program planning cycle. If your program planning follows another cycle (e.g., based on accreditation), please feel free to add (or subtract) columns as necessary. Page 1 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report 1.1 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of diversity and competence in applying a transcultural perspective. 1.1 Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? M1.1, M1.2 In Spring 2008 we continued to implement program changes in relation to teaching our transcultural perspective. Our motivation was to improve the curriculum and pedagogy around the transcultural perspective since it is the cornerstone of our School’s mission. These particular outcomes were addressed previously by holding several faculty retreats to better define the transcultural model and infuse it throughout curriculum. Faculty successfully applied for LPP grant to further this work in AY 200708, including the development of new teaching modules for piloting in three core classes (HBSE, Policy, Practice) in both the BASW and MSW programs. In addition to scheduled implementation of changes, additional data was collected in Spring 2008 on 133 MSW students and 74 BASW students. Analysis, discussion, and implementation of future changes are pending. 1.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 1.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? 1.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 2 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report 1.2 Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with diverse populations, particularly populations that are disenfranchised, oppressed or marginalized. 1.2.1 Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? 1.2.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 1.2.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? 1.2.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 3 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report 3.2 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skill in analyzing and influencing social policy. 3.2.1 Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? M 3.2 In Spring 2008 we collected direct assessment data of student learning through embedded test questions in our foundation policy courses. We will discuss and implement improvements in curriculum design and teaching methods to address how students demonstrate knowledge and skill in analyzing and influencing social policy. 3.2.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 3.2.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? 3.2.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 4 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report 3.5 Students will be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of policies and programs in a specific field of practice (e.g., aging; children youth and families; school social work; or health and mental health) as well as skills for analyzing and influencing policies and programs. 3.5.1 Data Collection: M 3.5 In Spring 2008 we proposed to discuss this outcome focusing on advanced-year policy analysis. We discussed and assessed this program outcome, including data collection, via parallel assignments in each of the four advanced concentration year policy courses (ScWk 250, 260, 270 and 280). Students develop mastery of advanced policy skills in the context of one of four fields of practice: aging; children, youth, and families; school social work; or health/mental health. The scores on the advanced policy analysis assignment in each of the courses were collected (N = 136). Final student scores were aggregated for analysis using a benchmark of 80% or more students scoring the equivalent of 83% or higher on the assignment. 92.6% of students (71 out of 81) earned 83% or above on the assignment. This exceeds the benchmark of at least 80 students earning 83% or above. Although only 60% of students rated their ability to analyze policy as “very good” or better in the previous year’s assessment via our program exit survey, direct measures of student achievement in both courses and the field suggest that students are generally successful in learning expectations related to advanced policy program outcomes. Further discussion and implementation of additional improvements are pending. 3.5.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 3.5.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? 3.5.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 5 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report 4.2 Students will be able to critically review empirical evidence and understand strategies for investigating social work issues and problems, particularly as they impact disenfranchised, oppressed, or marginalized populations. N.1 Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? In Spring 2008 we proposed to discuss student achievement of research outcomes. In additional to our discussion, we collected and assessed data utilizing a matrix based on the final research proposal assignment to measure student achievement of foundation outcomes related to basic research knowledge and skills. We collected data from multiple sections of our foundation research class (N = 109). Final student scores were aggregated for analysis using a benchmark of 80% or more students scoring the equivalent of 83% or higher on the assignment. Aggregate scores for the assignment exceeded the 80% benchmark. Specifically, 84.4% of students (n=92) scored 83% or above and 15.6% (n=17) of scores were below the benchmark. Additional discussion and implementation of improvements are pending. N.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? N.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? N.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 6 of 7 Social Work, M.S.W. Program Assessment Report #N [Please add a page for each Student Learning Outcome in program] N.1 Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? M4.3, *M1.4, *M2.5, *M2.8 In Spring 2008 we were to assess our advanced research objectives (M4.3). Although not all originally proposed, these four concentration-year outcomes were discussed and measured by data collected in the Spring 2008. Students complete an independent research project in the concentration year (ScWk 298 in Fall and Spring) which is considered their Capstone experience for the Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. We created a 3-level scale (below, meets, or exceeds) for each outcome related to the four program outcomes, resulting in ratings for a total of 8 domains. Scores for students were evaluated against a benchmark of 80% of students achieving “meets” or “exceeds” in each of the eight domains described above. Aggregate scores indicated that we met or exceeded our benchmark of 80% in 2 of 8 of our domains, were close in the 70% range for 3 of our 8 domains, and below 60% in the remaining 3 domains. There was a positive indication that our students are following ethical procedures, specifically because they are trained in values and required to submit an IRB protocol. Also, since ScWk 298 involves applied research in conjunction with an agency or organization related to the field, students are working effectively with officials in their investigation of social work issues and practices. The belowbenchmark scores indicate areas needing improvement. However, this was the first pilot test (N = 17) of the capstone project as a tool for assessing these four MSW program outcomes. Additional discussion and improvements are pending. N.2 What have you learned about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? N.3 Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? N.4 Results of Action Items [SEMESTER/YEAR] – What does assessment of student learning show after implementation of any action items? What, if anything, is planned next? Page 7 of 7