SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Instructor: Office: Art Building 115

Instructor: J.D. Movassat, Ph.D.
Office: Art Building 115
Office Hours: MW 1200-1330; TR by appointment
Phone: 408-924-4336
Campus Emergency Number: 911; Escort: 42222
CA 100W: Writing for the Arts
This is an advanced writing course for majors in the study of the arts. It is a career-oriented course designed to
aid students in the development of a self-confident, effective and appropriate English writing style. The course will
emphasize practical writing tasks that might be encountered by a professional in fields related to the arts.
As a professional in the arts, you will find that writing is an essential form of self-presentation. The goal of
this class, therefore, is to increase your written effectiveness and to enhance your self-presentation as a writer. Good
writing requires that you understand whatever it is you need to write about, and that you present your ideas clearly and
persuasively through appropriate language that is well aimed to its audience. We will work on correct usage and
grammar paying particular attention to writing for an audience and using some of the most important techniques of
Pre-requisites for the course are the successful completion of English 1A, 1B, upper division status (56 units),
completion of CORE GE courses and a passing grade on the Writing Skills Test (WST).
Course Content, Objectives and Expectations
One learns to be a good writer primarily by example - by reading the works of good writers - and through
attentive practice. We will read and analyze writings by a variety of authors, and we will practice writing as much as
possible. We will work on analyzing arguments and discussing issues related to the professional practice of art and to
the place of art in our society.
In general, this course is designed to help you refine skills established in your 1A and 1B courses. We will
work on close-reading skills, pre-writing and brainstorming, rough drafts, editing and peer-editing, paragraph structure,
organization of ideas, research methods, and we will hone skills of description, argumentation, and persuasion. We
will also work on the development of a university-level vocabulary and sentence structure, and on problems of English
usage and grammar as needed. Language mistakes will be treated as learning opportunities. For some activities, the
class will work cooperatively. Class participation in these activities is crucial; each member of a group will be
expected to contribute to the work of the group as a whole.
Students will be expected to be on time, to attend class regularly, to be prepared to participate in class
discussion/activities, and to turn all assignments in on time. NO late papers will be accepted without prior permission
AND a valid written excuse from a doctor or other such authoritative body as to the reason why your assignment is
being submitted late. If you miss class, you cannot make make-up the class assignment.
Course Requirements
Texts: William Strunk, Jr., and E.B. White, The Elements of Style, 3rd Edition; Andrea Lunsford, John Ruszkiewicz,
Everything’s an Argument, 4th Edition. Optional: Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art. I will give you
handouts of model articles such as those from Carole Gold Calo, Writings About Art, 1994. You must also purchase a
"good" dictionary (I'll explain) and bring it to class for the first three weeks. You should also have a Thesaurus which
you can keep at home. You will find it very useful as your writing improves.
CA 100W, p. 2
Materials: You will need to keep everything you write for the course together. I would suggest that you use a looseleaf binder and also buy a small and lightweight paper folder or portfolio for holding handouts in your papers. Bring a
number of loose-leaf sheets to class to have ready for class assignments that have to be turned in. Bring your favorite
pen to class as well - it often helps you to write better.
Class/Homework Assignments: By the end of the semester you will have written 32 pages of writing assignments, or
approximately 8000 words. Each class time you will have an assignment which will help you develop some aspect of
writing. We will also be reading examples of model writing about which you will be required to write essays.
Each week you will have one to two take-home writing and/or in-class writing assignments. I will also give
you essay quizzes without notice.
In accordance with the GE Course Certification Process, students will be given a diagnostic exam early in the
semester and a summative assessment at or near the end of the course.
After each assignment has been submitted and corrected, that assignment must be REWRITTEN and
submitted for final credit. Always label your assignments with the title and the date it is due. Also make sure you
label “rewrites” as such, and unless told to do otherwise, always submit take-home assignments, "rewrites" and
projects typed, double-spaced, stapled, and labeled appropriately.
Keep all assignments and projects (see below) in your binder or folder. I may ask to see them at least twice
during the semester and, as part of your class participation grade, I will grade you on its completion, effort, and
improvement in writing skills. Make sure everything is labeled appropriately (see above and below).
Writing Journal: Each week, starting with the first week of class, I will expect you to make two journal entries each entry should fill at least one-side of an 8½ x 11 sheet of loose-leaf paper (single space), which you can keep in
your binder or your folder. These entries can include comments on your writing experiences in class and the
homework. But you can also include some personal thoughts, ideas, plans, etc. I will check these journals throughout
the semester, but I will NOT notify you beforehand. At times I will collect the folder, or one or two entries, and at
times I will give you a number grade (see attached) regarding your entry. ALWAYS bring the journal to class with
you. You'll never know when I will ask to see it. Your journal will be 10% of your final grade, so take this journal
very seriously.
Projects: You will have 5 major writing projects to submit this semester. They will include some or all of the
following: description, argument, periodical analysis, visual analysis, resume, event reviews, artist interview, and a
research paper (requiring library research, work with a librarian, and the use of source citations APA, MLA, or CMS
format/style are acceptable). Each project will have a peer review and a “rewrite”. Several times during the semester,
you will be required to read your project to the class, either before the peer-edit and/or after a rewrite.
Quizzes/Exams: Throughout the semester you will have a few short quizzes/exams on vocabulary, grammar, editing
passages, short answer questions in essay forms, and various styles of argumentation. Plan for a quiz at least every
two weeks. They will be at the beginning of class and require your attendance – you cannot make them up if you are
Oral Presentations: The last two weeks of class will consist of oral presentations by students on works of art. You
will evaluate your own presentation as well as the presentations of your peers. Further information will be provided on
this important part of your grade.
Class Participation: Each student will be expected to contribute to the discussions in class. There will be group work
and students will be expected to take an active part in group discussions. Attendance in this class is ESSENTIAL.
This is an active class and your absence will be missed. Remember you cannot make up any activity you missed if you
are absent.
CA 100W, p. 3
Due Dates: Each assignment will have a specific due date. NO late papers will be accepted without prior permission
and AND a valid written excuse from a doctor or other such authoritative body as to the reason why your assignment is
being submitted late. Remember if you are absent for a class that contains a specific writing or group activity, you
cannot make that class up.
Student Learning Outcomes (per GE Guidelines): In CA 100W, you will
1. build upon the competencies you developed in English 1A and 1B;
In addition, upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to do the following with college-level
2. express (explain, analyze, develop, and criticize) ideas effectively, including ideas encountered in multiple readings
and various forms of discourse, and
3. organize and develop essays and documents for both professional and general audiences, including appropriate
editorial standards for citing primary and secondary sources.
Assessment Criteria: Written work will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:
 Effective aim to audience.
 Clear and logical presentation of ideas with well-supported arguments.
 Well-structured sentences and paragraphs.
 Effective introduction and conclusion.
 Standard English usage, grammar and spelling.
 Clear recognition of and response to the aims and tasks of the assignment.
Attached to the syllabus is a page from the Advanced GE Course Guidelines that sets out the rubric for grading
written assignments. We will go over this in class, but keep this handy in your binder or folder so that you can refer to
it when writing and after receiving grades on your assignments. This will help you keep in mind what you need to
correct as you submit your rewrites.
Revision Policy ("Rewrites"): Each formal project will be peer-edited in class before the final draft is to be
submitted. The final draft is due the NEXT class after the peer-edit. I will then take your final draft, read, review and
grade it before handing it back to you for further revision. You will need to revise the paper based on my comments
and hand it in again, WITH the final draft, ONE WEEK after you receive it. I will NOT accept it later than one week
AFTER I returned your final revision. I will read it again and if you have made substantial improvements, you might
receive a higher grade. Perfunctory revisions will result in the same grade. If I see that you have made no revisions,
you will receive a lower grade. If, however, you fail to turn in any revision, you will receive a "0" for the assignment.
This also concerns in-class assignments for which I have requested you to do a "rewrite." The same time
schedule and the same grading system apply.
Remember to label all your assignments, especially the "rewrites" with your name, title, date due, and number
of rewrite (i.e. Rewrite #2, Due: --------).
Grading: Your final grade will be based on the essay assignments (20%), the five projects and the final exam (50%),
oral presentations (10%), group work, quizzes/exams, class participation (10%), and the journal (10%). Successful
completion of the above will insure a good grade. Remember: If you miss a class, you cannot make up the assignment
or the quiz. Grade Scale: 96-100 A, 90-95 A-, 87-89 B+, 83-86 B, 80-82 B-, 77-79 C+, 73-76 C, 70-72 C-, 67-69 D+,
63-66 D, 60-62 D-, 59 and below is F.
Website: All the material from this class, including readings, assignments, grades, etc., is on See attached sheet for
information as to how you sign up to access this information. I will also post announcements and there is a Forum for your
CA 100W, p. 4
Calendar: The following is a general schedule to which changes may be made as need and furloughs arise.
Weeks 1-3:
Diagnostic exam
Description, Word Games (objectives 1, 2)
“Self as an Argument” (objectives 1, 2)
Project 1 due (objectives 1, 3)
Weeks 4-6:
“Film Review” (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Analysis: Evaluation Criteria Essay (objectives 1, 2)
Project 2 (objectives 1, 2)
Weeks 7-9:
Research Process (argumentation, library skills, citations, plagiarism)
Resume/Artist’s Statement (objectives 1, 3)
Project 3 (objectives 1, 2, 3)
“Why the Arts Matter…” (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Weeks 11-13:
“A Proposal” (objectives 1, 2, 3)
“An Interview” (objectives 1, 2)
Project 4: Periodical Analysis (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Weeks 14-17:
“Humorous Argument”
Research (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Oral Presentations (objectives 1, 2)
Summative Assessment (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Project 5: Research Report (objectives 1, 2, 3)
Journals Due
Week 18:
Final Exam
Tentative Schedule of Assignments
See Website ( for Specific Information
(May change due to budget cuts and resulting furloughs)
Sept. 1
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 20
Oct. 27
Nov. 5
Nov. 12
Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Dec. 1
Dec. 8
Self as an Argument Essay
Project 1: My Goals
Film Review
Project 2:
Evaluation Criteria Essay
Project 3: Cover Letter/Artist’s Statement and Resume
Why the Arts Matter… (Essay)
A Proposal or An Interview
“Humorous” Argument
Project 4; Periodical Analysis
Oral Presentations Begin
Journals Due
Project 5: Research Report
CA 100W, p. 5
University Policies
Academic integrity
Students should know that the University’s Academic Integrity Policy is available at Your own commitment to
learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the University’s integrity policy, require
you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office
of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The website for Student Conduct and Ethical Development is available
Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work
of another as your own, or the use of another person’s ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade
and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless
otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to
submit for another class, please note that SJSU’s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors.
Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements
in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during
office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must
register with the DRC (Disability Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability.
Student Technology Resources
Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and
on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college.
Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library.
A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IRC 112.
These items include digital and VHS camcorders, VHS and Beta video players, 16 mm, slide, overhead, DVD, CD,
and audiotape players, sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors.
Learning Assistance Resource Center
The Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) is located in Room 600 in the Student Services Center. It is
designed to assist students in the development of their full academic potential and to motivate them to become selfdirected learners. The center provides support services, such as skills assessment, individual or group tutorials, subject
advising, learning assistance, summer academic preparation and basic skills development. The LARC website is
located at http:/
Peer Mentor Center
The Peer Mentor Center is located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall in the Academic Success Center. The Peer Mentor
Center is staffed with Peer Mentors who excel in helping students manage university life, tackling problems that range
from academic challenges to interpersonal struggles. On the road to graduation, Peer Mentors are navigators, offering
“roadside assistance” to peers who feel a bit lost or simply need help mapping out the locations of campus resources.
Peer Mentor services are free and available on a drop –in basis, no reservation required. The Peer Mentor Center
website is located at
SJSU Writing Center
The SJSU Writing Center is located in Room 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upper-division or
graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven SJSU colleges. Our writing specialists have met a rigorous GPA
requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The Writing
Center website is located at
CA 100W, p. 6
Sample Model Readings*
From Carole Gold Calo, Writings About Art
Albert Elsen, “Images of Gods”
Harold Kahn, “A Matter of Taste: The Monumental and Exotic in the Qianlong Reign”
Fred S. Licht, “The Disasters of War”
Linda Nochlin, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”
Spiro Kostoff, “The Public Realm”
David Freeberg, “The Senses and Censorship”
From Robert Scholes, et al, The Practice of Writing
Russell Baker, from Growing Up
Brent Staples, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to
Alter Public Space”
Jonathan Kozol, “An Interview with Gizelle Luke and Children of the South
Grace Paley, “A Conversation with My Father”
Patricia Cohen, “A Woman’s Worth: 1857 Letter Echoes Still”
From Robert Di Yanni and Pat Hoy, Frames of Mind
E.B. White, “Once More to the Lake”
Thomas Friedman, “The Best of Enemies?”
Andy Rooney, “How to Put Off Doing a Job”
Kenneth Burke, “All Living Things are Critics”
George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”
Annie Dillard, “Seeing”
Maya Lin, “Between Art and Architecture”
Henry David Thoreau, “Why I Went to the Woods”
*not limited to the ones below
All final papers will be available after the end of the school year. However, I cannot guarantee the security of your
paper or your grade, therefore, if you would like me to mail your final project and any other papers/essays, please
leave with me a 9x12 self-addressed stamped envelope (3 stamps).
Writing Rubrics
Five Point Scoring Rubric for Writing (as suggested by GE Assessment)
5 – Outstanding response with superior supporting examples or evidence; unusual insights, creative and original analysis,
reasoning, and explanation; superior mastery of content; goes well beyond minimum required for the assignments. Excellent use of
sources and citations.
4 – Interesting throughout, flows smoothly, good transitions. Well-organized for topic. Good use of mechanics and sentence
structure. Good use of sources and citations.
3 – Interesting most of the time; flows smoothly but some poor transitions. Organized but some weaknesses and minor mechanical
errors. Weak use of sources and some lack of proper citation.
2 – Interest lowered by lapses in focus. Flow is interrupted by many poor transitions. Organization weak, strays from topic. Some
serious mechanical errors. Lack of use of sources.
1 – No clear focus; jerky and rambling. Poorly organized. Many mechanical errors and weak sentence structure. No sources.
0 – Plagiarized papers will result in a “O”.
Class Discussion Rubric
5-point rubric; applies to each group member.
5 – Critical contribution: Presents provocative questions or discussion points that extend beyond the question/topic posed and/or
makes insightful, critical (evaluative) comments. Contributes new information and/or insights. Refers to specific
readings/sources/lectures in discussion. Does not repeat what other members say.
4 - Exhibits good insights into and/or understanding of the question/topic posed. Refers to readings/sources/lectures in general in
discussion. May repeat what other members say but adds. Comments extend beyond 3 but less than 5.
3 - Informational: Refers to points of information, issues of clarification related to the question/topic posed. Mentions
readings/sources/lectures in discussion. Repeats what other members say.
2 - Speaks, but comment or discussion points do not expand understanding of the issues.
1 - Attends, but does not speak.
0 - Did not attend discussion.
Oral Presentation Rubric – to be handed out in class
Course Access Instructions for Students –
SETUP YOUR ACCOUNT (one time): Follow the instructions below to set up free access to this web site and our course.
1. Type into your internet address browser bar to be taken to the site.
2. Click the New Student or TA button (located at the middle of the page).
3. Fill in the fields: first name, last name, educational level, current school, email (will be your login),
and password. Your student ID number is only used within the network.
4. Check the ‘I have read and agree’ box if you agree with the Terms of Use.
5. Click the Sign Up button.
HOW TO LOGIN (every time): Follow the instructions below to log into
1. Type into your internet address browser bar to be taken to the site.
2. Type your Email Address and Password into the top left boxes.
3. Click the Login button.
HOW TO ADD COURSE (one time): Follow the instructions below to add this course to your list of courses:
1. After you have successfully logged into, click the Find & Join My Course button.
2. You will be taken to a list of courses on the network at our school. Click the Add button next to [my
last name & this course title]. You will be added to the course and taken to its Home Page.
3. Click My Courses from the top menu to view a list of your current courses.
HOW TO ACCESS COURSE (every time): Follow the instructions below to access the course:
1. After you have successfully logged into, you will see a list of courses you are
currently enrolled in under My Overview (mid-way down the page).
2. To access the course, click on the course title and you will be taken to its Home Page.
3. If you are enrolled in a section, you must join that section by clicking the “Section” link on the
course page (found in the column of tools) and then clicking Add next to the appropriate section
4. From the Course Home page you can access all the parts of the course (Forums, Assignments,
Announcements, Grades, etc).