Careers in Education Minnesota Department of Education Academics Standards Course Frameworks Careers in Education A career in Education provides the foundation for employment in education and related careers and prepares students for study in higher education. An active learning approach that utilizes higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes is recommended in order to integrate suggested topics into the study of education and related careers. The course of study includes, but is not limited to: the teaching profession, the learner and the learning process, planning instruction, learning environment, and instructional and assessment strategies. This class will explore cross curricular areas such as reading and social studies, including the use of technology in implementing Learning Management Systems used for training and education. Core values and character education; respect, leadership, cooperation, responsibility, self-control, and etiquette will be examined. Essential 21st Century themes will be considered at Exploratory field experiences in one or more classroom settings and career portfolios are required components. There will be extensive focus place on the following 21st century themes and concepts to include: Themes: Global Awareness, Financial, Health & Wellness Literacy, Environmental Literacy Concepts: Learning & Innovation Skills (Creativity & Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication & Collaboration) Information, Media & Technology Skills (Information Literacy, Media Literacy, ICT [Information, Communications & Technology Literacy] Life and Career Skills (Flexibility & Adaptability, Initiative & Self Direction, Social & Cross-Cultural, Productivity & Adaptability, Leadership & Responsibility) A standards-based plan guides the students’ field experiences. Students are monitored in their field experiences by teacher. Articulation with postsecondary programs may be explored. Recommended Grade Level: 11 & 12 Recommended Prerequisites: Child Development, Nutrition and Wellness, Interpersonal Relationships Dual Credit This course provides the opportunity for dual credit for students who meet postsecondary requirements for earning dual credit and successfully complete the dual credit requirements of this course. Application of Content and Multiple Hour Offerings Intensive laboratory applications are a component of this course and may be either school based or work based or a combination of the two. Work-based learning experiences should be in a closely related industry setting. Instructors shall have a standards-based training plan for students participating in work- based learning experiences. When a course is offered for multiple hours per semester, the amount of laboratory application or work-based learning needs to be increased proportionally. Careers in Education Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) Career and Technical Student Organizations are considered a powerful instructional tool when integrated into Career and Technical Education programs. They enhance the knowledge and skills students learn in a course by allowing a student to participate in a unique program of career and leadership development. Students should be encouraged to participate in FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), the CTSO for this area. FCCLA STAR STAR STAR STAR Student Leadership Opportunities Event Early Childhood Event- Teach and Train Event- Illustrated Talk Event Focus on Children Minnesota FCCLA Skill Event Toys that Teach 21st Century Skills should be an integral part of all courses being taught. These soft skills are the foundation for all Career and Technical Education. Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Thinking Deeply, Thinking Differently Information Literacy: Untangling the Web Invention Collaboration: Working Together, Learning Together Self-Direction: Own Your Learning Invention: Creating Solutions Possible Course Titles Careers in Education STEM/STEAM Career Pathways Career Field: Human Services > Career Cluster: >Human Services> Career Pathways: Early Childhood Development and Services Career Field: Human Services>Career Cluster: Human Services>Career Pathways: Family and Community Services Career Field: Human Services>Career Cluster: Education and Training>Career Pathways: Teaching and Training Career Field: Health Science Technology>Career Cluster: Health Science>Career Pathway: Support Services Key FACS=Family and Consumer Sciences MCE=Minnesota Careers in Education STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math FCCLA=Family, Community, & Career Leaders of America Topic: The Teaching Profession Minnesota Frameworks: 1.0 Students analyze factors related to preparing for a career in education and related careers. National Standard Correlation: 4.1 Students analyze factors related to preparing for a career in education and related careers. STEM/STEAM Standard: National Standard Correlation Minnesota Framework/ Standard Benchmarks/Competencies 4.1.1 MCE 1.1 Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in early childhood, education, and Careers in Education services. 4.1.2 MCE 1.2 Analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. 4.1.3 MCE 1.3 Summarize education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in early childhood, education, and services. MCE 1.4 Explain personal characteristics, abilities, knowledge, skills, and requirements needed to work as a competent educator in education and related careers. MCE 1.5 Understand ethical and legal standards and principles that impact education and related careers, including liability and confidentiality in family/school relationships. MCE 1.6 Recognize the symptoms of child abuse and neglect and the appropriate reporting protocol. 4.1.4 MCE 1.7 Analyze the effects of early childhood, education, and services occupations on local, state, national, and global economies. 4.1.5 MCE 1.8 Create an employment portfolio for use with applying for internships and work-based learning opportunities in education, early childhood and industry. MCE 1.9 Determine requirements of a Highly Qualified Professional Topic: The Learner and the Learning Process Minnesota Frameworks: 2.0 Relate curriculum and instruction to student’s developmental needs National Standard Correlation: 4.2 Analyze developmentally appropriate practices to plan for early childhood, education, and services. STEM/STEAM Standard: National Standard Correlation Minnesota Framework/ Standard Benchmarks/Competencies 4.2.1 MCE 2.1 Analyze child development theories and their implications for educational and childcare practices. 4.2.3 MCE 2.2 Analyze cultural and environmental influences when assessing children's development. MCE 2.3 Examine physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children and adolescents. Careers in Education 4.2.4 MCE 2.4 Analyze abilities and needs of children and their effects on children's growth and development. 4.2.5 MCE 2.5 Analyze strategies that promote children's growth and development. MCE 2.6 Examine how effective teaching practices accommodate learning styles, learning differences, and special needs. MCE 2.7 Explain how language, culture, prior knowledge, environment, and families affect instruction and learning. MCE 2.8 Explain how schedules, activities, routines, and transitions promote learning. Topic: Planning Instruction Minnesota Frameworks: 3. 0 Differentiate curriculum, instruction, and assessment to meet educational goals National Standard Correlation: 4.2 Analyze developmentally appropriate practices to plan for early childhood, education, and services 4.3 Demonstrate integration of curriculum and instruction to meet children's developmental needs and interests STEM/STEAM Standard: National Standard Correlation Minnesota Framework/ Standard Benchmarks/Competencies 4.2.2 4.2.5 MCE 3.1 Apply a variety of assessment methods and strategies that promote growth and development. 4.3.1 MCE 3.2 Analyze a variety of curriculum and instructional models. 4.3.2 MCE 3.3 Apply principles and elements of effective instruction and assessment. 4.3.3 MCE 3.4 Describe curriculum and instructional models. 4.3.4 MCE 3.5 Establish instructional goals that are developmentally appropriate that align with curriculum and assessment. 4.3.5 MCE 3.6 Develop organizational and managerial skills that enhance performance. Topic: Learning Environment Careers in Education Minnesota Frameworks: 4.0 Demonstrate a safe, healthy, and collaborative learning environment. National Standard Correlation: 4.4 Demonstrate a safe and healthy learning environment for children. 4.5 Demonstrate techniques for positive collaborative relationships with children. STEM/STEAM Standard: National Minnesota Standard Framework/ Correlation Standard Benchmarks/Competencies 4.4.1 MCE 4.1 Manage and maintain a learning environment that is safe and healthy and supports physical and mental health. 4.4.2 MCE 4.2 Apply safe and healthy practices that comply with state regulations. 4.4.3 MCE 4.3 Implement strategies to teach health, safety, and sanitation habits. 4.4.5 MCE 4.4 Understand the roles and responsibilities of a mandated reporter. 4.4.7 MCE 4.5 Demonstrate security and emergency procedures. 4.5 MCE 4.6 Describe management strategies that promote positive student behavior while engaging students in learning. 4.5.1 MCE 4.7 Apply developmentally appropriate guidelines for behavior. 4.5.2 MCE 4.8 Demonstrate problem-solving skills. 4.5.3 MCE 4.9 Demonstrate interpersonal skills that promote positive and productive relationships. 4.5.4 MCE 4.10 Implement strategies for constructive and supportive interactions between students, schools, and families. Topic: Implementing Strategies and Assessments Minnesota Frameworks: 5. 0 Employ a variety of instructional and assessment strategies to ensure optimal learning. National Standard Correlation: STEM/STEAM Standard: National Standard Correlation Minnesota Framework/ Standard Benchmarks/Competencies Careers in Education MCE 5.1 Examine ways learning is influenced by teaching strategies. MCE 5.2 Apply a variety of teaching strategies to impact learning. MCE 5.3 Describe purposes of and techniques for assessing learning. MCE 5.4 4.5.5 Analyze developmental progress and summarize developmental issues and concerns. MCE 5.5 Summarize how assessment is integrated into teaching and learning. MCE 5.6 Understand how learner feedback guides instruction. MCE 5.7 Demonstrate discussion and questioning techniques that promote critical thinking and problem solving. MCE 5.8 Integrate effective use of technology as a tool for instruction, evaluation, and management. Topic: Professional Knowledge and Skills Minnesota Frameworks: 6.0 Demonstrate professional practices and standards in education National Standard Correlation: 4.6 Demonstrate professional practices and standards related to working with children. STEM/STEAM Standard: National Minnesota Standard Framework/ Correlation Standard Benchmarks/Competencies 4.6.1 MCE 6.1 Utilize opportunities for continuing training and education. 4.6.2 MCE 6.2 Apply professional ethical standards as accepted by the recognized professional organizations. 4.6.3 MCE 6.3 Implement federal, state, and local standards, policies, regulations, and laws that affect, students, families, programs and communities. 4.6.4 MCE 6.4 Demonstrate enthusiasm, initiative, and commitment to program goals and improvements. 4.6.5 MCE 6.5 Apply business management skills to planning businesses in education, services and industry. MCE 6.6 Examine work issues related to an industry/organization. Additional resource: