Graduate Writing Workshop Syllabus Fall 2015 Instructor: Shogofa Abassi Email: Office: Arts and Letters (AL) 330 Office Hours: Course Description This course is designed to provide graduate students with the academic writing skills that will help them be more successful in their future careers. Writing workshop to include styles, norms, and argument in academic writing. Class discussion focuses on the central role of rhetorical positioning in the development of a clear, interesting, and rigorous research paper. We talk about the including reader -oriented writing, genre, precision, tone, and strategies useful for redrafting and editing. Some of the sub-genres we analyze and practice include introductions, commentaries, results/discussion, conclusions, and abstracts. An important course goal is the refinement of students’ skills as critical readers so that they are able to offer explicit and useful feedback to colleagues and co-writers. Students receive detailed feedback on their writing through class activities as well as individual conferencing throughout the course. During all editing and redrafting activities, attention is given to the structure and logic of the author's argument, the use of detail and visuals, the placement of transitions, word choice, and flow. Course Objectives Learn the basics of academic writing style. Organize ideas. Practice a variety of rhetorical modes. Learn to cite information from sources. Learn how to revise their writing. Learn critical thinking skills Grading Attendance and Participation Short Writing assignments and exercises Final Research Paper 25% 25% 50% Attendance You are expected to attend every class and participate actively. In-class activities are essential for your success in improving your writing skills. If you are ill or unable to attend class, please contact the instructor. Finally, it is important that you arrive at class on time so as not to interrupt the instructor or other students. Instructor’s Expectations of Students: Attend every class session Arrive on time Have cell phones turned off Prepare thoroughly for each class Turn in assignments on time. Ask questions. Paraphrase and cite all ideas not your own. Respect everyone in class. Class Schedule (Subject to change at instructor’s discretion) Date Topic Assignments Due Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Introductions, Course Plans Using Sources Effectively Finding sources and taking notes Making an outline Literature Review Descriptive Writing Comparison and Contrast Revising drafts Preliminary Thesis Statement Research notes & Outline Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Cause and Effect Revising drafts Writing conclusions Part 1 Draft 1 Part 1 Draft 2 Part 2 Draft 1 Part 2 Draft 2 Part 2 Draft 3 Intro & Conclusion Draft 1 Intro & Conclusion Draft 2 Paper (Final Draft) Useful websites: