The Political Economy of International Trade Chapter 6

Chapter 6
The Political Economy of
International Trade
with elements from Ch. 8 –
Regional Economic
Last sessions: Trade theory,
Political economy
• Political systems: differ radically from one country to the next
- The ease of doing business varies with the system
- You have to understand the rules where you are
• Level and nature of economic development also differs
radically from one place to the next
- Gross National Income (GNI) and Purchasing Power Parity GNI
measure the differences
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Review of basic trade theory
• Mercantilism called for protectionism
• Economists showed we could produce more through
free trade (no barriers)
- Comparative advantage theory shows trade improves
productivity even when one nation is more efficient in
• Over time, competition can increase benefits further
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Objectives for this hour
• Understand how government policies impact trade
• Review methods of trade restriction and regulation
• Examine effects of pressure groups
• Understand how government action can hurt
- And how it can possibly help
• Understand the emergence of today’s
world trade system
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• WARNING: Many students assume that
because we discuss these many ways of
restricting trade, trade restrictions must be
good tools for countries to use.
• Most economists believe countries should not
restrict trade
- If you advocate trade restriction in an essay, be sure you have a
good reason why you believe in it.
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
• Tariffs are the oldest form of trade policy; they are
taxes on imports
• They fall into two categories
- Specific tariffs are levied as a fixed charge for each unit
- Ad valorem tariffs are levied as a proportion of the value
of the imported good
• Tariffs protect domestic producers
• Tariffs are good for government because they
generate revenue
• Tariffs are bad for consumers because they increase the
cost of goods
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Tariffs reduce efficiency
• A crucial effect of a tariff or any other trade restriction is
to reduce efficiency by encouraging consumers to buy
from producers who do not have comparative
• Tariffs are usually not needed to support industries that
have comparative advantage because such industries can
sell at competitive prices under free trade and earn profits.
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
• Government payment to a domestic producer
Cash grants
Low-interest loans
Tax breaks
Government equity participation in the company
• Subsidy revenues are generated from taxes
• Generally, subsidies encourage over-production,
inefficiency and reduced trade
- Japanese subsidy on wheat
- U.S. subsidies on cotton, sugar
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
• Import quota
- Restriction on the quantity of some good imported into
a country
• Clothing import quotas till 2004
• Cheese, cotton today
• “Voluntary” export restraint (VER)
- Quota on trade imposed by exporting country, typically
at the request of the importing country
• In 2005, China was asked to “voluntarily” limit clothing
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Tariffs, subsidies, and quotas are
the most direct interventions
• In recent years, World Trade Organization rules have
made them less common
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
Local Content
• Requires some specific fraction of a good to be
produced domestically
- Percent of component parts
- Percent of the value of the good
• Initially used by developing countries to help shift
from assembly to production of goods.
• Developed countries such as US use in government
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
Administrative Policies
• Bureaucratic rules designed to make it difficult for
imports to enter a country
- France – required all video recorders to enter through
one remote, understaffed location
• Japanese administrative rules
- Tulip bulbs – have to “inspect” by cutting the bulbs
- Federal Express – have to open many packages to
check for pornography
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Instruments of Trade Policy:
Antidumping Policies
• “Dumping” is defined as either
- Selling goods in a foreign market below production
- Selling goods in a foreign market below “fair market
• Result of
- Predatory behavior
- Unloading excess production
• Remedy: seek imposition of tariffs
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Political Reasons
for Intervention
• Protecting jobs and industries
- Common Agricultural Policy in Europe
• Tariffs, quotas, administrative policies keep farm prices
high, keep European farmers in business
• National security
- Defense industries - semiconductors
• Retaliation
- Punitive sanctions – US sought to punish Saddam Hussein
for plotting against neighbors
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Political Reasons
for Intervention
• Protecting consumers
- Genetically engineered seeds and crops
- Hormone treated beef
• Furthering foreign policy objectives
- Helms-Burton Act – Americans
can sue firms that use property
confiscated in Cuba
• Protecting human rights
- Restrictive trade rules toward China after Tiananmen
confrontation in 1989
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Economic Arguments - When
Intervention May Help
• Infant industry
Oldest argument - Alexander Hamilton, 1792
Protected under the WTO
Only good if it makes the industry efficient
Japanese automakers – were protected with ‘infant
industry’ tariffs for 20+ years, became world leaders
- Brazil automakers - 10th largest - wilted when
protection eliminated
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Economic Arguments - When
Intervention May Help
• Strategic trade policy (often based on ‘New Trade Theory,’ [Chapter 5])
- Government should use subsidies to protect promising
firms in newly emerging industries with substantial
scale economies
- Governments may benefit if they support domestic
firms to overcome barriers to entry created by
existing foreign firms
• Airbus in Europe
• Didn’t work for U.S. in flat panel displays
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Development of the
World Trading System
• Intellectual arguments for free trade
- Adam Smith and David Ricardo
• Free trade emerged gradually as government policy
in Britain, the leading nation in the 19th century
- Repeal of the Corn Laws (1846) allowed free trade
in food
- Leading European nations maintained free trade
through late 19th Century to WW I
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Development of the
World Trading System
• Great Depression
- US stock market collapse (1929)
• Partial recovery
- Congress adopted the Smoot-Hawley tariff (1930)
• Almost every industry had its “made to order tariff”
• Foreign response was to impose own barriers
• Everyone’s exports tumbled
- Depression continued almost till World War II
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Development of the
World Trading System
• No one wanted to repeat the mistakes of the 1930s
• General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) multilateral agreement established in 1948 under US
- Big conference at Bretton Woods, NH, during WW II
- Objective was to liberalize trade by eliminating tariffs,
subsidies, and import quotas
- 19 original members grew to 120
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Development of the
World Trading System
• GATT used ‘rounds of talks’ to gradually reduce
trade barriers
- Mutual tariff reductions negotiated
- Dispute resolution only if complaints were received
• Uruguay Round GATT 1986-93
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Disturbing Trends in the
World Trading System
• Pressure for greater protectionism in 1980s due to
- Increase in the power of Japan and closed
Japanese markets
- US trade deficit
- GATT circumvented by many countries
• through use of “voluntary” export restraints
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The World Trade Organization
• The WTO was created (1995) during the Uruguay Round
of GATT to police and enforce GATT rules
• Most comprehensive trade agreement in history
• Formation of WTO had an impact on
- Agriculture subsidies (stumbling block: US/EU)
- Applying GATT rules to services and intellectual property
- Strengthening of monitoring and enforcement
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• 156 members in 2012
• Represents at least 95% of world trade
• 9 of 10 disputes satisfactorily settled
• Under GATT and WTO
- Tariff reduction from average 40% to average 5%
- Trade volume of manufactured goods has increased
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WTO at Work
• 196 disputes handled by GATT in its 50 year history
• 280 disputes brought to WTO between 1995 and 2003
• US is biggest WTO user
- Big wins: beef, bananas
- Big loss: Kodak vs. Fuji Film
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The WTO - Achievements
• Telecommunications (1997)
- 68 countries - 90% of world telecommunications revenues
- Pledged to open their market to fair competition
• Financial Services (1997)
- 95% of financial services market
- 102 countries open their markets to varying degrees
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WTO in Seattle (1999)
• “Millennium round” was aimed at further reduction of
trade barriers in agriculture and services
• WTO meeting disrupted by
Human rights groups
Trade unions
Anti globalization groups
• No agreement was reached
- WTO still struggling for liberalization today
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China joined the World Trade
Organization in 2001
•It seems to have contributed to a
liberalization in China’s economy
- Many disputes between China, others, but China
mostly follows the rules in settling them
•9 of 10 WTO disputes satisfactorily settled
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- Russia joined Aug. 22, 2012
- This means it agreed to ‘liberalize’ a lot of its
• Must effectively enforce contracts agreed by
• Has to allow Hollywood movies, etc.
- Will it fulfill promises?
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Regional Integration
• While trade was growing freer globally, some regions
focused on reducing barriers within themselves
- “Regional economic integration” refers to agreements
in a geographic region to reduce, and ultimately
remove, tariff and non-tariff barriers for
• goods,
• services, and
• factors of production (people, investment capital)
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Why Regional Integration?
• Despite the trend toward freer trade, it is hard to get
the whole world to agree on changes
• Neighbors can often make more comprehensive
- Europe has open borders
• Rest of world hasn’t been able to develop that
- People change jobs, capital can move freely
around Europe, too
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Levels of Economic Integration
• In a Free Trade Area all barriers to the trade of goods
and services among member countries are removed
• A Customs Union eliminates trade barriers between
member countries and adopts a common external trade
• A Common Market has no barriers to trade between
member countries, includes a common external trade
policy, and allows factors of production to move
freely between members
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Levels of Economic Integration
• An Economic Union involves the free flow of
products and factors of production between member
countries and the adoption of a common external trade
policy, but it also requires a common currency,
harmonization of members’ tax rates, and a common
monetary and fiscal policy
• A Political Union occurs when centralized political
institutions coordinates the economic, social, and
foreign policy of the member states
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Regional Economic Integration In Europe
Member States of the European Union in 2010
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The North American Free
Trade Agreement
• The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was
ratified by the governments of the United States, Canada,
and Mexico in 1993; it became law January 1, 1994
• NAFTA includes
- reduced tariffs (99% of goods traded)
- removal of most barriers on cross border flow of services
- Removal of restrictions on FDI except in certain sectors
• Mexican railway and energy
• US airline and radio communications
• Canadian culture
• A customs union, not full economic union
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How Comparative Advantage works
Ghana has absolute advantage in both cocoa and
rice, but its comparative advantage is in cocoa.
Cocoa Korea has comparative advantage in rice .
20 tons
5 tons
Let Korea specialize
in rice – Ghana expands
cocoa production to replace
all Korean cocoa production
Then Ghana can replace all Korean
cocoa production and the countries
have more of both goods.
10 tons
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• Your country has comparative advantage in the
product or service where the ratio
Resources required in your country .
Resources required in the other country
is lowest
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Our goal: Everyone gets
a good grade for good work
• Plan for written assignments
- Be sure you understand the question
• Essays for the midterms will be distributed in advance
• If you don’t understand something …
ask in class
ask a friend
visit the instructor
call the instructor
- Be sure you’re answering the question asked
• No credit for saying interesting things that aren’t relevant to
what was asked
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Critical thinking
• Show you understand the concepts
- In this case –
• Free trade
• Comparative advantage
• Possibly ideas like infant industries, etc.
• Your argument (whether you agree with what’s in the text or
not) is based on and follows logically from facts and plausible
existing theories.
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Hypothetical Tariff
Rate Quota
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Evolution of the
European Union
• Product of two political factors:
- Devastation of WWI and WWII and desire for peace
- Desire for European nations to hold their own, politically
and economically, on the world stage
• 1951 - European Coal and Steel Community.
• 1957- Treaty of Rome establishes the European
• 1994 - Treaty of Maastricht changes name to the
European Union
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