1 San José State University Department of Health Science and Recreation RECL 170B Internship in Recreation Instructor: Office Location: Telephone: Email: Office Hours: Class Days/Time: Classroom: Prerequisites: Billie Jo Grosvenor MacQuarrie Hall 508 408-924-3003 billiejo.grosvenor@sjsu.edu By apt. None- student at internship site full-time (40 hours week) None Upper Division Standing, RECL 136, RECL160, RECL 170A COURSE DESCRIPTION: Supervised 40-hour per week internship (minimum of 12 weeks – 480 hours) in one of a variety of approved agencies (leisure services, park and recreation, or tourism/commercial recreation). COURSE FOCUS: This ten (10) unit course is designed complete a 400 hour internship (paid or volunteer) experience and to prepare recreation majors for their future career. Students are encouraged to critically explore their personal/professional values and career interests while working full-time at an agency under the guidance of a professional mentor. Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisites with a grade of "C" or higher. Scores below a “C” (70%) do not fulfill course requirement for graduation and will receive an NC (No Credit). Course Goals: Apply classroom knowledge; Test technical skills; Develop professional contacts; Demonstrate understanding of professional competencies that have been mastered and those that need further development; Demonstrate motivation, initiation and self-confidence through a series of agency activities, programs and special events. Student Learning Outcomes: During the conclusion of the internship, each intern will be responsible for demonstrating how they have met a minimum of four (4) learning outcomes through the development of a well-written reflective paper. Two (2) of the learning outcomes will be the same for all interns. The other two (or more) will be created by the intern and site supervisor and be measurable and specific to the individual intern. To be submitted with learning contract. All Interns (enrolled students) Learning Outcomes SLO 1 - Be able to identify and relate how your internship has directly related to the Recreation Student Learning Outcomes of Creative and Critical Thinking. SLO 2 - Be able to identify at least two (2) ways your internship experience has increased your career preparedness in the area of Professional Development. SLO 3 – (student developed) . . . . SLO 4 - (student developed) . . . . Example of Individual Intern Learning Outcomes that could be used for SLO 3 & 4 Individual learning outcomes may be developed in the areas of: Communication and/or Collaboration Ethics and Social Responsibility 2 Diversity, Internationalization and/or Multicultural Competence Engagement and/or Citizenship Sustainability and/or Healthy Living Disciplinary Expertise and/or Professional Development Creative and Critical Thinking Expectations: Complete all hours according to schedule arranged with internship supervisor Regular meetings and exit interview with internship supervisor End of project presentation to agency team May involve training or work in addition to main project Commitment to SJSU Recreation and Agency values and mission Internship Process: Below is the general process for the internship. Specific process and requirements will be determined by your internship supervisor. 1. View policies and procedures specific to the agency and unit assigned. Within the first week of internship finalize student’s goals, interests and areas to pursue - Review department expectations and requirements. - Discuss next steps (week; month; end of affiliation) with supervisor in order to finalize internship calendar of activities and experiences. - Finalize learning contract - Determine schedule/hours, expectations, goals and assign projects 2. Conduct internship – includes regular meetings with supervisor and projects. Sustain your energy and enthusiasm through your entire affiliation. 3. Prepare and deliver final presentation to agency team 4. Participate in exit interview – what did you learn; what are your recommendations for future interns. Learning Contract: Specific process and requirements will be determined by your university and internship supervisor and may include creation of a job description. REQUIRED TEXT: NONE – Student will be at internship entire term. CANVAS LEARNING MANAGEMENT TOOL: This course is supported by a website hosted on the SJSU e-campus CANVAS http://www.sjsu.edu/at/ec/canvas/ Students are responsible for consulting the website prior to each class meeting for course information and supporting materials. Once there it will direct you to the log-in site page https://idp01.sjsu.edu/idp/Authn/UserPassword 3 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: ASSIGNMENT 1 - submit a typed written description of the finalized learning objectives and anticipated learning activities as listed on page six (6) of this documents (syllabus). ASSIGNMENT 2 - submit an end of the term typed written report (hard copy or word file; no faxes) of their work experience to the Internship Coordinator by date listed in CANVAS. Content to include: a) Introduction: provide an accurate description of the company/agency where you interned. Also, provide a summary of the services/programs provided by your company/agency. b) Organizational structure: include the company’s/agency’s organizational chart and highlight your position within the organization. Provide a job description of your position and explain the skills you feel you have mastered during your internship and the areas of improvement needed to become successful. c) Describe the project(s) you directed and/or work experience in detail and provide examples of the valuable skills acquired learned during your internship and the connection between theoretical information and academic coursework to the work experience. d) For 170B, describe the major project you selected and work experience in detail and provide examples of the knowledge and skills acquired during your internship. e) Describe the leadership style of your organization and your direct supervisor. f) Provide recommendations and/or new ideas that you would implement to improve overall programs, service, operations, and resources. g) Based on your internship experience, what are your career goals in one and five years? h) Develop a plan to achieve your stated career goals. i) How could the Internship be improved for future students? Report format: Cover page, headings for each section. (Proof read prior to submission) ASSIGNMENT 3 - Competition of Student Internship Evaluation – finalized by agency supervisor. ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION: • All assignments, instructions and due dates, are posted on the CANVAS course site. • All assignments must be submitted via the CANVAS course site. GRADING: Grading will be for credit or no credit based upon total points (180) earned in term. A = 90% and above B = 80-89% C = 70-79 % Scores below a “C” (70%) do not fulfill course requirement for graduation and will receive an NC (No Credit). Assignments ASSIGNMENT 1 – LEARNING PLAN – OUTCOMES Point Value 40 points SLO 1-4 ASSIGNMENT 2 – NARRATIVE REPORT – END OF INTERNSHIP 40 points 1-4 20 1-4 ASSIGNMENT 3 – SUPERVISOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT TOTAL 100 points GRADING POLICY: Credit or No Credit (must achieve 70 percent of points) 4 Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semester’s Catalog Policies section at http://info.sjsu.edu/static/catalog/policies.html. Add/drop deadlines can be found on the current academic calendar web page at http://www.sjsu.edu/provost/Academic_Calendars/. The Late Drop Policy is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/aars/policies/latedrops/policy/. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes. Information about the latest changes and news is available at the Advising Hub at http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/. Class Policies: Assignments: Late assignments WILL NOT be accepted; early submission is fine. An assignment is late if it is not turned in on the due date. All assignments must be submitted electronically in the assignment drop-box. University Policies Academic Integrity Your commitment as a student to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The University’s Academic Integrity policy, located at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm, requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at http://www.sjsu.edu/studentconduct/. Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another person’s ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include your assignment or any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that SJSU’s Academic Integrity Policy S07-2 requires approval of instructors. Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 at http://www.sjsu.edu/president/docs/directives/PD_1997-03.pdf requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the Accessible Education Center (AEC) at http://www.sjsu.edu/aec to establish a record of their disability. Student Technology Resources Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center at http://www.at.sjsu.edu/asc/ located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and in the Associated Students Lab on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library. SJSU Writing Center The SJSU Writing Center is located in Suite 126 in Clark Hall. It is staffed by professional instructors and upperdivision or graduate-level writing specialists from each of the seven SJSU colleges. Our writing specialists have met a rigorous GPA requirement, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. The Writing Center staff can be found at http://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/about/staff/. 5 SJSU - RECL 170B: Internship In Recreation, Semester, Term SAMPLE Course Calendar USE THIS TOOL TO TRACK ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS. INFORMATION WILL NEED TO BE RECORDED IN FINAL CULMINATING INTERNSHIP REPORT. Date Wed 8-21 Mon 8-26 Mon 9-2 Mon 9-9 Mon 9-16 Mon 9-23 Mon 9-30 Mon 10-7 Mon 10-14 Mon 10-21 Mon 10-28 Mon 11-4 Mon 11-11 Mon 11-18 Mon 11-25 Mon 12-2 Mon 12-9 Wed 12-16 Projects/Tasks Assignments Topic First Day of Internship - Welcome NONE Getting familiar with operations and team members. Orientations attended Labor Day Holiday for SJSU – check with agency supervisor on rules at your site. DUE: Assignment 1 – finalized learning plan Veterans Day Holiday for SJSU TO DO: check with agency supervisor on rules at your site. Last day of regular classes – what is the interns ending date? DUE: Assignment 2 and 3 culminating reflective report Finals Week – Send evaluation and report before Grades are posted 6 SJSU - STUDENTS: COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR SITE SUPERVISOR Identify four (4) specify student learning outcomes expected: SLO 1 - Be able to identify and relate how your internship has directly related to the Recreation Student Learning Outcomes. (Creative and Critical Thinking) SLO 2 - Be able to identify at least two ways your internship experience has increased your career preparedness. (Professional Development) SLO 3 SLO 4 Listing of planned activities: (List up to 10) that will aid in your learning and/or could be a part of assisting in the successfully completing major project. List should include substantive duties or activities. 1. RECL 170B: Major Project: ____________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _____________________________________ Internship Site Supervisor’s Signature _______________________________ Print Name ____________________________________ Internship Site Supervisor’s Title __________________ Date RECL Internship Coordinator Approval: ___________________ Date: ________ Thank you for your interest and participation in our Recreation degree Intern program. Your support and feedback will complement their academic experiences and help prepare them to transition from school to their careers. Your time is greatly appreciated by all.