FALL 2011
Office location:
Office hours:
Hilary Nixon
WSQ 218A
408 924-5852
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9-11:30 or by appointment
Class days/time:
Mondays, 4:00-6:45 p.m.
Class website:
CL 127
Log in through Desire 2 Learn (D2L) (https://sjsu.desire2learn.com/). For
more information about D2L visit the student eCampus page at:
Course Catalog Description:
Overview of the historical development of urban and regional planning in the United States, as well
as prominent theories of urban planning practice. Emphasizing the connection between the
theoretical and historical material and current planning practice.
Course Description and Student Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the evolution of the social and spatial structure of urban agglomerations, and list
and explain the significance of the natural (e.g. climate, topography, available construction
materials) and man-made (e.g. political, religious, economic, defense) determinants of urban
2. Discuss and evaluate the important contributions to the field of planning made by influential
individuals such as Hippodamus of Miletus, Pierre L’Enfant, Baron Haussman, Daniel
Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted, Jacob Riis, Ebenezer Howard, Robert Moses, Jane
Jacobs, William Levitt, and Ian McHarg.
3. Describe the major historical antecedents during the late 19th and early 20th century that led
to the development of the field of urban planning in the U.S. These include, but are not
limited to: the Sanitary Reform movement, the City Beautiful/Municipal Arts Movement,
and Burnham’s Chicago Plan.
4. Explain the legal framework in the U.S. that supports the objectives and outcomes of urban
planning (e.g. key constitutional amendments such as the 5th and 14th Amendments, the
role of Euclid v. Ambler Realty, the difference between eminent domain and police power)
in terms of the historical significance and impact of these events in planning.
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5. Explain how issues of diversity (including, but not limited to income, race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation) have influenced and are influenced by the field of planning.
6. Identify the major theories (e.g. Rational Planning, Incremental Planning, Communicative
Action, and Advocacy Planning) that frame the field of urban planning and explain how
those theories relate to and are evident in current planning practice.
7. Describe how historical events of importance to the field of planning have shaped the
development of theories in planning (e.g. social concerns and civil rights and their
relationship to advocacy planning).
8. Describe the three main sections of the AICP Code of Ethics and apply the rules of conduct
(Section B) to examples of ethical dilemmas that professional planners are likely to face
during their career.
9. Prepare high-quality, grammatically correct written documents prepared using standard
conventions for professional written English.
10. Use library resources to find a range of professional and academic literature on a planningrelated topic and evaluate the appropriateness of reference material for a planning-related
research project.
11. Research and write a review of literature on a planning-related topic. The review should
analyze and synthesize existing research in the field of planning and relate the findings to a
contemporary research question in planning.
Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) Knowledge Components
This course partially covers the following PAB Knowledge Components: 4.2.1, 4.2.2 (a), 4.2.2 (b),
4.2.2. (c), 4.2.2 (g), 4.2.3 (c), and 4.2.4 (a-c). A complete list of the PAB Knowledge Components can
be found at http://www.sjsu.edu/urbanplanning/courses/pabknowledge.htm.
Required Course Readings:
Brooks, Michael P., ed. Planning Theory for Practicing Planners. Chicago: Planners Press, 2002. This book
is available at the Spartan Bookstore (approx. $40 used and $53 new. It is available new through
Amazon.com for $39. Members of the American Planning Association can buy the book directly
from APA for $36.) This book is very “user friendly” and is also a recommended reading for anyone
planning to take the AICP exam.
UrbanPlan Handbook, available from the instructor or Marisita Jarvis. Cost is approximately $15.
All other course readings will be digital files posted to the course D2L page or available to access
online (through, for example, Google Books or other websites).
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Course Assignments and Grading Policy:
Your grade for the course will be based primarily on the following assignments:
Assignment Title
Ethics Assignment
UrbanPlan Exercises, Participation,
and Presentation
Literature Review Assignment
Reading “quizzes,” discussions &
Percent of Total Grade
Ethics Assignment
For those of you who plan to take the AICP Exam and become certified planners, the AICP Code
of Ethics will be an essential guiding tool for you as you conduct your professional life. Even if you
decide not to become a certified planner, conducting yourself according to the ethical guidelines set
forth by the AICP is important. In this assignment, you will explore the AICP Code of Ethics in
detail and respond to an “ethical dilemma” in planning. Assignment due October 31.
UrbanPlan is a program designed by the Urban Land Institute. The mission is to “create a more
sophisticated level of discourse among local stakeholders involved in land use decisions through
education of tomorrow’s voters, neighbors, community leaders, public officials, and land use
professionals so, together, we can create better communities. Through UrbanPlan, students discover
how the forces of our market economy clash and collaborate with the nonmarket forces of our
representative democracy to create the built environment. This insight provides the essential
foundation for any sophisticated land use discussion.” In URBP 200, we use this program as a way
to engage students through a multi-faceted development problem. Students will be randomly
assigned to teams and will be randomly assigned dedicated role (site planner, city liaison,
neighborhood liaison, financial analyst, and director of marketing). Students will be required to
individually submit 5 short exercises, plus participate as a team member in the development of a
report and presentation to a “city council.” Attendance for every class where we are working on
UrbanPlan will be essential. If you know that you will be missing a class during this time period,
please contact the instructor as soon as possible. Exercises will be due Oct. 10 and 17. The final
report is due Nov. 13 (by email to Marisita Jarvis and the instructor), and the City Council
presentation is Nov. 14.
Literature Review Assignment
A requirement in all sections of URBP 200 is for students to research and write a literature review
on a planning-related topic. The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to explore the
existing research on a planning problem in depth and also to develop the skills to prepare a literature
review. This will be valuable as you continue in the program and take URBP 298, but also for other
classes where you need to prepare research papers, or in your careers as you need to analyze and
evaluate background information on a topic. The assignment will be divided into three parts and
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examples of past work will be provided for students to review. Related assignments due Oct. 10,
Nov. 21, Dec 12.
*Please note: This course satisfies the GWAR requirement for SJSU. In order to meet the GWAR
requirement, you must receive at least a “C” grade on the “Literature Review Assignment” portion
of this course. Students who receive a grade below “C” for this part of the course will not meet the
GWAR requirement, even if their overall grade for the course is higher. Please check with me if you
are unclear about these requirements.
Reading “Quizzes,” Discussions & Participation
Each week for which readings are assigned (except Aug. 29 and Sept. 12), students will be expected
to log in to D2L and take a brief quiz (located in the Quizzes section of our course D2L page) about
the readings. Each “quiz” consists of one question about each reading. These are not graded using
letter grades/points, but simply in terms of whether you did them thoughtfully or not. The intent is
to prepare you for in-class discussion of the readings each week. Responses to each question should
be approximately one paragraph in length. Quizzes will be available the entire week before the
scheduled class and must be taken before the start of the scheduled class. Active participation in
class discussions is essential for this course. Students should come to class prepared to discuss each
week’s assigned readings and also actively participate in class discussions. Students who complete all
quiz questions thoughtfully and actively participate in classroom discussions should expect to receive
a “A” for this grade component. Grades will be reduced for poorly written responses to the quiz
questions and for not actively participating in class discussion.
Other grading/assignment issues
Student participation in class discussions is a vital component of this course. Students should make
every attempt to attend all classes and actively participate in discussions. If a student misses a
significant number of lectures or does not actively participate (in a substantial and thoughtful
manner) in discussions related to the course readings or lecture topic, this will impact the final
course grade.
Late assignments (those turned in after 4:00 p.m. on the due date) will not be accepted for full
credit. A 10% grade reduction will be applied for assignments turned in up to 24 hours late. After
the first 24 hours, each 24-hour period that follows will result in an additional 10% grade reduction.
If life begins to overtake you such that you expect you will not be able to complete an assignment
on time and you let me know well before the due date, it may be possible for us to make alternative
arrangements that will reduce the grade penalty for lateness. SJSU’s Course Management System
(D2L) will be used to submit all assignments and will be used to track “on time” assignments.
Students who are unable to submit an assignment on time should contact the instructor directly to
coordinate late submission.
When possible, examples of course assignments will be posted online for students to review. In
addition, detailed assignment guidelines and grading criteria will be provided for all assignments.
Key Assignment Deadlines
Oct. 10: Annotated Bibliography, (Literature Review Part 1)
Oct. 10: UrbanPlan Exercises 1 & 2
Oct. 17: UrbanPlan Exercises 3, 4, 5
Oct. 31: Ethics Assignment
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Nov. 13 (Sunday): UrbanPlan Report
Nov. 14: UrbanPlan Presentation
Nov. 21: Draft Literature Review (Literature Review Part 2)
Dec. 12: Final Literature Review (Literature Review Part 3)
Academic integrity statement, plagiarism, and citing sources properly
SJSU’s Policy on Academic Integrity states: "Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by
your enrollment at San Jose State University, and the University's Academic Integrity Policy requires
you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all
infractions to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development" (Academic Senate Policy
S07-2). The policy on academic integrity can be found at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/S07-2.htm.
Plagiarism is the use of someone else's language, images, data, or ideas without proper attribution. It
is a very serious offense both in the university and in your professional work. In essence, plagiarism
is both theft and lying: you have stolen someone else's ideas, and then lied by implying that they are
your own.
Plagiarism will lead to grade penalties and a record filed with
the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. In
severe cases, students may also fail the course or even be
expelled from the university.
If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, it is your
responsibility to make sure you clarify the issues before you
hand in draft or final work.
Learning when to cite a source and when not to is an art, not a science. However, here are some
examples of plagiarism that you should be careful to avoid:
If you use a sentence (or even a part of a sentence) that someone else wrote and don’t
identify the language as a quote by putting the text in quote marks and referencing the
source, you have plagiarized.
If you paraphrase somebody else's theory or idea and don't reference the source, you have
committed plagiarism.
If you use a picture or table from a webpage or book and don't reference the source, you
have committed plagiarism.
If your work incorporates data someone else has collected and you don't reference the
source, you have committed plagiarism.
The University of Indiana has developed a very helpful website with concrete examples about
proper paraphrasing and quotation. See in particular the following pages:
Overview of plagiarism at http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/overview.html
Examples of plagiarism at http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/examples.html
Plagiarism quiz at http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/test.html
If you still have questions, feel free to talk to me personally. There is nothing wrong with asking for
help, whereas even unintentional plagiarism is a serious offense.
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Citation style
It is important to properly cite any references you use in your assignments. The Department of
Urban and Regional Planning uses Kate Turabian's "A Manual for Writers of Research Papers,
Theses, and Dissertations, 7th edition" (University of Chicago Press, 2007, ISBN-10: 0-226-823369). Copies are available in the SJSU King Library. Additionally, the book is relatively inexpensive,
and you may wish to purchase a copy. Please note that Turabian's book describes two systems for
referencing materials: (1) “notes” (footnotes or endnotes), plus a corresponding bibliography, and
(2) in-text parenthetical references, plus a corresponding reference list. Could you please note
whether you accept both systems, or if you require one or the other?
Accommodation for Disabilities
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make
special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me
as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students
with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRC (Disability Resource
Center) to establish a record of their disability.
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FALL 2011
Aug. 29
What is
Sept. 5
Labor Day –
no class
Library Session
with Toby
Early Planning
Evolution of
the City: Birth
of Modern City
Planning in the
Sept. 12
Sept. 19
Sept. 26
1. Brooks, Ch. 1, Planning Practice and Political
2. Brooks, Ch. 3, Running the Gauntlet of
Planning Critics
3. Brooks, Ch. 4, Rationales for Public Planning
4. Birch, Eugénie L, and Christopher Silver.
"One Hundred Years of City Planning's
Enduring and Evolving Connections." Journal
of the American Planning Association 75, no. 2
(2009): 113-122.
1. Turabian, Kate L. "Finding Useful Sources."
University of Chicago Press (2007): 1-6.
2. Turabian, Kate L. "Engaging Sources."
University of Chicago Press (2007): 1-6.
1. Catanese, Anthony, Evolution and Trends,
Urban Planning, (1988), pp. 3-17.
2. Mumford, Crystallization of the City
3. Reps, John, Towns, Time and Tradition: The
Legacy of Planning in Frontier America
4. Peterson, J. "The Impact of Sanitary Reform
Upon American Urban Planning, 1840-1890."
Journal of Social History 13, no. 1 (1979): 83-103.
5. Riis, Jacob A. "Genesis of the Tenement." In
How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the
Tenements of New York, 1890.
6. Peterson. The Origins of the City Beautiful,
1897-1902. The Birth of City Planning in the
United States (2003) pp. 98-122
7. Peterson, Civic Art, The Birth of organized
city planning in the United States, 1909-1910.
Evolution of
1. Hall, P. "The Turbulent Eighth Decade:
the City: Birth
Challenges to American City Planning."
of Modern City
Journal of the American Planning Association 55,
Planning in the
no. 3 (1989): 275-282.
2. Fischler, Raphael. "The Metropolitan
Dimension of Early Zoning: Revisiting the
Video: Make
1916 New York City Ordinance." Journal of the
No Little Plans
American Planning Association 64, no. 2 (1998):
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Oct. 3
Ethics and
Theory: Four
Guest Speaker:
Carol D.
Oct. 10
Theory: Four
UP – intro and
assign students
Oct. 17
Oct. 24
Oct. 31
3. Durchslag, M.R. "Village of Euclid V. Ambler
Realty Co., Seventy-Five Years Later: This Is
Not Your Father's Zoning Ordinance." Case
W. Res. L. Rev. 51 (2000): 645.
4. Wrigley, Robert. "The Plan of Chicago: Its
Fiftieth Anniversary." Journal of the American
Planning Association 26, no. 1 (1960): 31-38.
1. Brooks, Ch. 5, The Critical Role of Values and
2. AICP Code of Ethics and Professional
Conduct (Available online at
3. Brooks, Ch. 2, Planning Practice and Planning
4. Brooks, Ch. 6, Centralized Rationality
5. Brooks, Ch. 7, Centralized Non-Rationality
1. Brooks, Ch. 8, Decentralized Rationality
2. Brooks, Ch. 9, Decentralized Non-Rationality
3. Brooks, Part 4, Toward a More Practical
Strategy (Intro) – pp. 136-138
4. Brooks, Ch. 10, Setting the Stage
5. Brooks, Ch. 11, The Feedback Strategy of
Public Planning
1. UrbanPlan handbook
UP – financial
model (Guest:
Marisita Jarvis),
Urban Design: 1. Jacobs, Jane. "The Death and Life of Great
American Cities." In Readings in Planning
Theory, ed. Scott Campbell and Susan S.
Fainstein, 61-74. Malden: Blackwell
UP –
Publishing, 2003.
facilitation #1 2. Fishman, Robert. "Urban Utopias: Ebenezert
Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le
Corbusier." In Readings in Planning Theory, ed.
Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein, 21-60.
Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
Housing &
1. Gans, Herbert J. "Levittown and America." In
Urban Renewal
The City Reader, ed. Richard T. LeGates and
Frederic Stout, 63-68. London: Routledge,
San José State University
Urban and Regional Planning Department
(Part 1, Literature
Assignment) Due
UP Exercises 1 &
UP Exercises 3,
4, & 5
UP – have one
model (physical
and financial)
ready for
Assignment Due
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Nov. 7
Sprawl and
UP –
facilitation #2
Nov. 14
UP -Presentations
Nov. 21
Planning for
Diversity: Age,
Gender, and
Guest Speaker:
Don Weden
Nov. 28
Planning for
2. Von Hoffman, Alexander. "Housing and
Planning: A Century of Social Reform and
Local Power." Journal of the American Planning
Association 75, no. 2 (2009): 231-244.
3. Jackson, Kenneth T. "Federal Subsidy and the
Suburban Dream: How Washington Changed
the American Housing Market." In Crabgrass
Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States,
190-218. New York: Oxford University Press,
4. Gans, Herbert J. "The Failure of Urban
Renewal; a Critique and Some Proposal."
Commentary April (1965): 1-9.
1. Kotkin, Joel. "Suburbia: Homeland of the
American Future." Next American City, no. 11
(2006): 1-3.
2. Udley, M. Q. "Sprawl as Strategy: City
Planners Face the Bomb." Journal of Planning
Education and Research 21, no. 1 (2001): 52-63.
3. Gordon, P, and H.W Richardson. "Are
Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal."
Journal of the American Planning Association 63,
no. 1 (1997): 95-106.
1. Vitiello, Domenic. "The Migrant Metropolis
and American Planning." Journal of the
American Planning Association 75, no. 2 (2009):
2. Myers, Dowell, and Sungho Ryu. "Aging Baby
Boomers and the Generational Housing
Bubble: Foresight and Mitigation of an Epic
Transition." Journal of the American Planning
Association 74, no. 1 (2008): 17-33.
3. Saegert, S. "Masculine Cities and Feminine
Suburbs: Polarized Ideas, Contradictory
Realities." Signs 5, no. 3 (1980): 96-111.
4. Hayden, D. "What Would a Non-Sexist City
Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban
Design, and Human Work." Signs 5, no. 3
(1980): 170-187.
1. Mumford, Lewis. "The Highway and the
City." In The Highway and the City, 244-256.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964.
San José State University
Urban and Regional Planning Department
UP – have one
model (physical
and financial)
ready for
UP –
(send report to
Marisita Jarvis by
4 p.m., Nov. 13)
Draft Literature
Review (Part 2,
Literature Review
Assignment) Due
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Video: Divided
Dec. 5
Planning for
Dec. 12
for 5:157:30 p.m.,
2. Brown, Jeffrey, Eric Morris, and Brian Taylor.
"Planning for Cars in Cities: Planners,
Engineers, and Freeways in the 20th
Century." Journal of the American Planning
Association 75, no. 2 (2009): 161-177.
3. Wachs, Martin. "Autos, Transit, and the
Sprawl of Los Angeles: The 1920s." Journal of
the American Planning Association (1984): 297310.
1. Daniels, Thomas. "A Trail across Time:
American Environmental Planning from City
Beautiful to Sustainability." Journal of the
American Planning Association 75, no. 2 (2009):
2. Campbell, S. "Green Cities, Growing Cities,
Just Cities? Urban Planning and the
Contradictions of Sustainable." Journal of the
American Planning Association 62, no. 3 (1996):
3. McHarg, Ian. 1969. Nature in the metropolis.
In Design with Nature. Garden City, NJ:
4. Boarnet, Marlon. "Planning's Moment,"
Planning 75, no. 11 (December 2009): 48.
Final Literature
Review (Part 3,
Literature Review
Assignment) Due
* Every effort will be made to stick to the course schedule listed above. However, it is possible that
some things, such as specific reading assignments, may change (due dates for assignments are not
likely to change). Students will be informed in class or through D2L as far in advance as possible
regarding any changes to the schedule. Your understanding and flexibility is appreciated.
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