Earning Your B.A. in Communication Studies Core Courses (10 units) F • I • P Courses (24 units ) sjsu.edu/comm Additional Courses (8 units) Total (42 units) Core Courses (10 units) all of the following: COMM 101C Junior Seminar: Theorizing Communication (4 units) *Usually taken first semester of junior year COMM 198 Applied Activity (2 units) *Usually taken last two semesters. OPTIONS: Comm Center tutoring, internship, forensics project, facultysponsored project, COMM 157SL COMM 199C Senior Seminar: Synthesis and Application (4 units) *Usually taken last semester at SJSU *Keep work from your other courses for your major e-Portfolio F • I • P Courses (24 units) two from each category of the following: Foundations (any 2; 4 units each) Inquiry (any 2; 4 units each) Practice (any 2; 4 units each) COMM 110F Interpersonal Comm COMM 117F Understanding Play and Games COMM 122F Performance Studies COMM 130F Social Movements Comm COMM 132F Dis/Ability Comm COMM 133F Ethical Problems in Comm COMM 144F Organizational Comm COMM 146F Comm and the Environment COMM 149F Rhetoric and Public Life COMM 160F Language, Meaning and Culture COMM 161F Comm and Culture COMM 164F Comm and Global Orgs COMM 170F Persuasion COMM 171F Visual Comm COMM 172F Multicultural Comm COMM 173F Intercultural Comm and Global Understanding COMM 175F Nonverbal Comm COMM 181F New Media/New World *Prerequisite: 60 units completed COMM 119I Researching Games COMM 123I Performance of Ethnodrama COMM 145I Rhetorical and Cultural Criticism COMM 150I Inquiry in Organizational Comm COMM 151I New Media/New Methods COMM 152I Comm in World Cultures COMM 155I Quantitative Comm Inquiry COMM 156I Qualitative Comm Inquiry COMM 169I The Media: Response and Criticism *Prerequisite: 60 units completed *Recommended: take only one Inquiry course per semester *Recommended: take COMM 101C prior to or concurrently with first Inquiry course COMM 105P Comm, Self and Society COMM 111P Interviewing COMM 113P Games in Everyday Life COMM 114P Business and Professional Speaking COMM 115P Comm and Conflict COMM 116P Mediation: Theory and Practice COMM 120P Persuasive and Presentation Skills COMM 121P Performance as Practice COMM 124P Training and Dev. COMM 125P Ensemble Performance COMM 131P New Media/You Media COMM 140P Arg and Debate COMM 141P Small Group Comm COMM 147P Argumentation and Persuasion in Courts of Law COMM 165P Comm and Org Philanthropy COMM 176P Gender and Comm COMM 182P Comm in the Classroom *Prerequisite: completion of GE Area A1 Additional Courses (8 units) any combination of the following: Additional FIP (up to 8 units) Any Foundations (F), Inquiry (I), or Practice (P) Course(s) not counted above SJSU Studies (up to 6 units) COMM 100W Writing Workshop (Area Z) COMM 157SL Community Action/ Community Service (Area S) COMM 168A/B Global Climate Change (Areas R, S, V) COMM 174 Intercultural Comm and Structural Inequality (Area S) COMM 179 Global Media and Resistance (Area V) *may “double count” for SJSU Studies and major San José State University Dept of Communication Studies sjsu.edu/comm Lower Division (up to 8 units) COMM 10 Comm and Human Relationships COMM 20/20N Public Speaking COMM 21 Performing Culture and Society COMM 40 Argumentation and Advocacy COMM 41 Critical Decision Making COMM 45 Media and Culture COMM 74 Fund. of Intercultural Comm COMM 96PS Public Speaking *may not “double count” for Core GE and major; may be from community college Variable Unit (up to 4 units) COMM 80 Comm Workshop COMM 91J Judge Training *only 1 unit 80 or 91J COMM 180 Individual Studies COMM 184 Directed Reading COMM 190 Activity Projects in Speech (Internship) COMM 191A B, C, J, M Activity Projects in Forensics (up to 3 units) COMM 196SA Activity in International/Intercultural Communication Hugh Gillis Hall (HGH) 108 408-924-5360 Listen • Speak • Engage 11/30/15 My Major Plan Course Core Courses (10 units) Title Instructor Date Grade Units COMM 101C Junior Seminar: Theorizing Communication 4 COMM 198 Applied Activity (may substitute COMM 157/157SL) 2 COMM 199C Senior Seminar: Synthesis and Application 4 Foundations (F) Courses (8 units) 4 4 Inquiry (I) Courses (8 units) 4 4 Practice (P) Courses (8 units) 4 4 Additional Courses (8 units) Additional COMM FIP courses and/or COMM SJSU Studies Courses (up to 6 units; may “double count” for SJSU Studies and major) and/or COMM Lower Division Courses from SJSU or community college (not used for Core GE) and/or COMM Variable Unit Courses (up to 4 units; no more than 1 unit of COMM 80 or COMM 91J) 42 TOTAL Notes o o o o o o o Download and fill out your COMM Academic Planner and bring it (in electronic form) to all advising meetings Register for the WST and take 100W as soon as possible Meet with an advisor once per semester Monitor your progress towards graduation on MySJSU GE and SJSU Studies Advisor: Valerie Chapman, Valerie.Chapman@sjsu.edu, ACCESS, Clark Hall 240 Internship Coordinator: Dr. Tabitha Hart, Tabitha.Hart@sjsu.edu COMM Center Info: commcenter.sjsu.edu San José State University Dept of Communication Studies sjsu.edu/comm o o o o o SJSU Forensics: Director, Tina Lim, Tina.Lim@sjsu.edu, sjsu.edu/forensics Consider one of the department’s study abroad opportunities (Finland and Berlin) You must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the major, overall, and at SJSU to graduate Minor is not required but is recommended To apply for graduation, meet with a COMM advisor and bring your completed COMM Academic Planner and completed Application for Graduation form (sjsu.edu/registrar) Hugh Gillis Hall (HGH) 108 408-924-5360 Listen • Speak • Engage