Planning Sub Meet and Confer


Planning Sub Meet and Confer

Co-Chairs Jim Grabowska and Mark Johnson


December 6, 2004

Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests

New member – Rose Marie Ley

HLC accreditation Update – Don Larsson

Meeting with many constituent groups. In information gathering stage. Don handed out a criteria sheet for the visit and reviewed the new criteria and how we would be responding. We discussed resources and how we may be able to meet the criteria with our limited means. The need to highlight positive and negative aspects of our institution was discussed.

A question was raised about the possibility of a HLC requirement that we would not be aware of and how would we deal with these issues?

Don asked what this committee has been doing this year and how it could help with the process.

NCATE and online may be good examples for the institution

Visit is scheduled for Feb 2006 and will have about 10 members for 3 days to see if we meeting the requirements.

Review of the Beta Draft of the Strategic Plan

We discussed the history of this document and the request by the administration for the Planning Sub Meet to provide input to this document.

Continue discussion about the questions for campus vision forums

An assignment of creating a list of 5 categories and 5 questions

Schedule to Jan West. Get first meeting set up. January 12 th professional development day could include the beginning

Other conversation with the campus.


John Frey, Carol Stallkamp, Chris Connolly, Jeff Iseminger, Jim Grabowska, Paul

Schwinghammer, Glen Peterson, Maureen Prenn, Gregg Marg, Gael Mericle, Mark

Johnson, Rose Marie Ley, Lynne Weber, Michael Fagin, Cindy Janney, Perry Wood,

Scott Johnson, Sean McGoldrick
