Benedictine University Informing Today --Transforming Tomorrow

Benedictine University
Informing Today --Transforming Tomorrow
Ed.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change
Site Internship Guide and Requirements
HEOC 885
Kindlon Hall, 5700 College Road, Lisle, Illinois, 60532-0900
2014 (rev. 8/14)
(630) 829-6394
Table of Contents
Ed.D. students register for six hours of internship credit in HEOC 885. Completion of
the course requires completion of the site internship, participation at two weekend
lecture seminars at Benedictine, attendance and participation at one Annual Meeting of
the American Council on Education, and completion of a course of competence offered
online by the Ed.D..
These guidelines detail only the site internship.
The site internship experience through the Ed.D. at Benedictine University offers the
student the opportunity to explore academic and professional interests in an applied
and practical setting.
Students may use the internship to explore a fresh area of interest, to expand on an
existing interest, or to investigate and test concepts and activities that might relate to
the dissertation.
The experience of the intern occurs within the context of an organization that is
conducting its daily business. The intern is a professional guest. Therefore, on the part
of the student, a spirit of collaboration is essential. The intern needs to conform to the
normal functions of the internship site. Ideally, under the guidance of the Mentor, the
intern will contribute to the functions of the site.
On the other hand, the intern is invited as a participant in the organization which has
offered a unique learning experience to the student. The site Mentor should therefore
provide every reasonable opportunity for such learning, the necessary support, and the
professional guidance that will enable the student to take full benefit of the learning
The site internship is also an academic experience. Therefore, the intern must develop
learning objectives and describe how they will be assessed. The academic aspect
occurs under the direction of a University Supervisor, a member of the Ed.D. faculty
invited to serve by the intern and responsible for reviewing and assessing the
academic component of the internship.
The University Supervisor, site Mentor, and the intern cooperate to ensure a valuable
experience for everyone.
A variety of internship experiences can be arranged with proper planning and effort by
both the student who is applying for the internship and the University Supervisor. This
planning is discussed more fully in Section IV of the Internship Handbook.
The internship is competency based.
All requirements must be completed prior to award of the degree.
Note: In the document that follows, the terms “site”, “organization” and “unit” appear. It
is understood that the student may serve an internship with an individual scholar or
expert in the field of the student’s research or professional interest, or may complete an
internship in an online or virtual environment. The generic requirements for a physical
site under II (1) and elsewhere still apply and should be addressed as far as possible.
Objectives: The Intern
Knows methods and procedures used by the site organization/unit
Identifies the mission of the site
Acquires information about the site from its literature, documents, and other
Lists the major functions of the organization/unit
Outlines methods by which the organization functions
Describes procedures used in dealing with the clients of the organization or
Explains the services provided by the organization
Offers examples of the policies of the site relevant to the reason for internship
Receives and responds well to suggestions and criticism.
Receives attentively instructions and suggestions offered by the Mentor
Makes no assumptions about expectations and seeks clarification
Completes assignments as agreed
Shows sensitivity to human needs and problems
Appreciates differences of background and culture
Participates in meetings and planning sessions.
Attends unit and inter-organization meetings, when appropriate and
acceptable to the site
Complies with organization/unit policies and procedures
Volunteers to participate in activities
Displays professional attitude and behavior in the organization.
Cooperates during group activities
Demonstrates self-reliance in working independently
Demonstrates correct procedures for dealing with the clients of the
Displays industry, punctuality, and self-discipline
Adapts to new demands and responsibilities
Uses an objective approach to problem solving
Maintains good work habits
Relates well with the Mentor and co-workers in the organization/unit
Applies material learned in Benedictine University Ed.D. courses to the
internship experience.
Under guidance and on individual initiative, prepares materials for use while
at the site
Applies academic experiences to analyze, explain, and critique the functions
of the internship site
Applies theories to practical situations
Evaluates data gathered
Discovers new approaches to problem solving
Constructs strategies for research and organizational development using the
knowledge gained through the internship
Demonstrates through deliverables the learning gained by the experience
NOTE: Items 1-3 fall under the primary guidance of the Site Mentor. Item 4 falls under
the primary guidance of the University Supervisor.
III. Registration for the Internship Experience
Students register for six hours of internship credit in HEOC 885. Completion of the
course requires completion of the site internship, participation at two weekend lecture
seminars at Benedictine, attendance and participation at one Annual Meeting of the
American Council on Education, and completion of a certificate of competence offered
by the Ed.D.
The entire internship must be concluded and a grade awarded prior to the award of the
Formal registration in the Internship course, HEOC 885, occurs during the student’s
final year in the Ed.D.
The student may begin and even complete the internship before that time. All grades
earned will be held in the Ed.D. office and posted in the Internship HEOC 885 D2L site
to be transferred to the student’s official record in the last year of the program.
These guidelines detail only the site internship. This portion carries three credits of
The expectation is for fifty hours of activity connected with the internship experience for
each hour of credit.
A three hour internship requires one hundred and fifty hours of experience. Some of
these hours may well be spent at the site; hours spent in completing assignments given
the intern by the site for duties such as research, program planning, and preparation of
material are all included in the work load and hours expected. Hours invested by the
student in planning the internship, communication with the Mentor and Supervisor, and
preparation and final submission of all elements are included in this total.
It is recommended that the prospective intern begin the process of identifying and
applying for an internship by the time of the course HEOC 803.
Included in Section X of the Internship Handbook is the Ed.D. Internship Placement
Application that needs to be completed by the student in advance of the internship and
submitted to the University Ed.D. program for approval.
The student and Mentor must also complete and send to the Ed.D. the Benedictine
University Internship Affiliation Agreement, also in Section X.
For an IRB approval that may be needed, see Section V below.
The student must be in good standing in the Ed.D. at the time of application.
The application for an internship must include a statement by the student on research or
career goals, must describe the internship and learning sought, and identify deliverables
consistent with the student’s area of research or professional interest. Electronic
submission is required.
IV. Planning for the Internship: Site, Mentor and Supervisor
The Site
The site, Mentor and Supervisor must all be approved by the Ed.D. program prior to the
start of the internship.
The student may begin exploring possible internship sites at any time.
Initial discussion may occur with Dr. Kolich or Dr. Chand.
The Ed.D. does not arrange internship sites. It can, however, assist with suggestions
and contacts.
The intern should consider sites that offer the best match for the intern's research and
professional interests.
Students may consider both site based and online or virtual opportunities for the
Under specific circumstances an internship may be completed within the
student's current place of employment. (See below under “Section V: Nature of
Internship Experience.”)
After the student has identified an internship site, Mentor and Supervisor, the student
must submit an Internship Plan, (see Section X of the Internship Guidebook).
A completed Student Internship Agreement (Section X) must also be submitted prior to
the start of the internship.
The entire application must be submitted at least two weeks before the start of the
When the University Supervisor and the Ed.D. Program approve the completed
agreement, the plan becomes part of the agreement between the intern, the University,
and the Mentor providing the internship experience. The University carries liability
insurance for the duration of the internship placement for Ed.D. interns.
The Mentor
The Mentor agrees to plan, guide and supervise the activities of the student at the site.
The intern should plan carefully with the Mentor to facilitate a smooth transition into the
operations of the organization. Regular communication between the intern and Mentor
is essential. The intern should be flexible, realizing that the Mentor is adding Mentor
responsibilities to an already busy work schedule.
At the end of the activity, the Mentor assesses the performance of the student, using
the assessment form provided in this guidebook, Section X.
The Supervisor
The Ed.D. program does not assign the University Supervisor. As with the site and
Mentor, that person should also be proposed by the student for approval by the Ed.D.
The Ed.D. Program can assist with suggestions for the Supervisor. The Supervisor
must be a member of the approved Benedictine University Ed.D. faculty. Faculty
teaching or serving on dissertation committees may be considered.
The Supervisor should be identified and approved early in the process. The primary role
of the Supervisor is to assist with development of and agree upon the learning
outcomes of the internship with the student. The student will be graded on the quality of
the work at the site (the activity), assessed by the Mentor, and on the quality of the
learning demonstrated by the routine reports and final submissions (learning
outcomes), assessed by the Supervisor.
Special Note on learning outcomes: The internship combines practice with enquiry.
Therefore, the application must include a list of the specific learning outcomes the
student intends to achieve and demonstrate. The internship must be designed to
demonstrate learning outcomes within the contexts of the proposed dissertation,
professional interests, or a combination thereof.
The activities of the internship, contributing to or the design and completion of
institutional or particular projects, are distinct from the learning outcomes and are not
acceptable as deliverables by themselves alone.
The results of these activities are artifacts of the internship.
However, the student must plan for and demonstrate the learning that occurs because
of the activity and show how the artifacts relate to that learning.
These learning outcomes should be developed with the Supervisor, stated in
measurable terms, included in the plan proposal for approval, and, with the Mentor
assessment, will form the basis of the deliverables presented at the end, along with any
artifacts, for a final grade.
The Supervisor will recommend the site portion of the total internship grade based on
these materials.
The Nature of the Internship Experience
In the initial phase of an internship, observation and exploration of the site will be
necessary, but it is desirable to begin fuller participation in the regular activities of the
site as soon as feasible.
If it is appropriate and acceptable to the internship site, the intern should attend
regularly scheduled staff meetings whenever possible to obtain a flavor of the
operations of the organization. Another desirable experience for the intern is meeting
and interacting with the clients served by the organization.
To the extent that it is possible and appropriate, the internship experience should
approach the duties of an employee or researcher of the site. Work may certainly be
accomplished away from the physical site as arranged with the Mentor.
Active involvement on-site is encouraged.
Under specific circumstances an internship may be completed within the
student's current place of employment. To qualify for such an internship the
following conditions must exist:
1. The intern will be engaged in activities that are not a part of the regular jobrelated work usually done by the employee.
2. The Mentor must guarantee that the required clock hours for the
internship will be beyond those for which the employee is paid for the
regular terms of employment.
3. There must be a qualified Mentor within the place of employment who
can oversee the internship experience.
The internship may also be planned and competed in an online or in a virtual
The intern should be open to suggestions from the Mentor and should accept and
adjust to constructive criticism. The intern should also maintain regular communication
with the University Supervisor.
Special Note regarding research activities
A student may propose research activities as part of the internship. If these activities
include human subjects then the student must receive IRB approvals from Benedictine
University and any other site(s) necessary. The proposal must include the commitment
to seek approval(s) and may be approved without actual IRB approval(s) received.
However, the research may not begin without these IRB approvals received and copied
to the Ed.D. office.
Student Responsibilities
The student has primary responsibility for searching for a suitable internship
experience and a Supervisor. The student may be assisted in this process by the
Ed.D. program.
The student must submit the following materials prior to the start of the internship:
1. Internship Application
2. Internship Plan, Resume, and Transcript
3. Internship Agreement
The student must submit the following materials at the conclusion of the internship:
1. Personal Journal
The intern must develop a journal describing all significant activities assigned and
completed during the internship experience.
The journal should include
a log of the approximate amounts of time spent on the various activities
the relationship of each assignment to the deliverables
analytical comments on and self- assessments of each major activity
detailed descriptions of and critical reflections on the learning gained, and
any recommendations for improving the learning outcome in relation to the
effort invested.
Questions addressed must include the following:
How did the internship enrich doctoral and/or career objectives?
What did the student learn?
What were the most valuable aspects of the internship?
Sections of the journal will be submitted to the University Supervisor at the
conclusion of each fifty hour block of activity.
The entire journal is due to the Supervisor with the Final Report demonstrating
achievement of learning outcomes at the conclusion of the internship.
2. Evaluation of Intern by Mentor
The intern must provide the Mentor with the evaluation form (see Section X)
which the Mentor fills out assessing the intern's performance and mails
separately to the Ed.D. Program. This evaluation is to be mailed to the Ed.D.
within a week of completion of the internship.
3. Self Evaluation.
The intern will submit a self evaluation assessing the intern’s own performance.
The self-assessment will include discussions of the adequacy of prior preparation
for the internship, quality of the relationship with the Mentor and University
Supervisor, extent and quality of the intern’s investment of time and effort, and
intended use of the outcomes.
4. Final Report
The final report is to include the following:
1. The Internship Agreement with all learning outcomes initially agreed upon, and
any later revisions.
2. The personal journal, including achievement of learning outcomes and log
3. The self-evaluation
4. Copies of any materials or artifacts from the site which were created during the
internship experience
The Final Report and all related documents are due no later than the date of the
candidate’s dissertation defense.
VII. University Responsibilities
Ed.D. Program
Dr. Eileen Kolich and Dr. Sunil Chand will review each complete application for
Dr. Kolich and Dr. Chand are available to assist as needed to discuss internship
ideas, suggest sites and discuss and recommend Supervisors.
University Supervisor
The University Supervisor may assist in the process of identifying a suitable
internship site.
2. With the intern, the Supervisor will develop, agree and approve the intern’s
learning outcomes.
3. The Supervisor may communicate with the Mentor and intern about the types of
experiences desired, the learning outcomes expected, the hours required, evaluations
to be done and any problems that develop during the internship experience.
4. The Supervisor will evaluate all material submitted by the intern and will recommend
a final grade for the academic portion of the internship.
5. The Supervisor may visit the site during the time the internship is progressing.
6. The University will provide liability coverage for the intern during the
VIII. Internship Mentor Responsibilities
1. The Mentor will assist in developing the internship plan describing the
experiences the intern will have at the site.
2. The Mentor will meet at mutually convenient times with the intern to provide
guidance during the internship experience.
3. The Mentor will communicate to the university Supervisor any problems that
develop during the internship.
4. The Mentor will complete and mail to the Ed.D Program the Evaluation
of Student Intern form.
IX. Summary of Important Dates and Responsibilities
1. The Internship Plan and Student Internship Agreement with all required
signatures are given to the University Supervisor at least two weeks before the
internship begins. The Supervisor approves, informs the student, and forwards
documents to the Ed.D. office.
2. The Mentor's evaluation of the intern is mailed to the Ed.D. program office
within a week of the completion of the internship experience. The Ed.D. office
forwards the report to the Supervisor.
The student's Final Report is due to the Supervisor no later than the date of the
candidate’s dissertation defense.
X. Documents for Use in the Internship Experience
Ed.D. Internship Placement Application
Internship Plan
Internship Agreement
Benedictine University Ed.D. Affiliation Agreement
Mentor's Evaluation of Student Intern
Benedictine University
Informing Today—Transforming Tomorrow
Ed.D. Internship Placement Application – HEOC 885
All materials must carry approval of the site Mentor and University Supervisor and be
submitted to the Ed.D. Program at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the internship.
Use this page as your cover page and checklist. Please check each item to ensure your
application is complete
Internship Plan
1. A narrative summary of the proposed setting in which you will complete your
internship, including proposed Mentor and Supervisor, opportunities for learning, and
proposed activities
2. Reasons why you consider this placement optimal in order to meet your objectives.
3. Specific learning outcomes you plan to achieve during your internship
Specific duties, in the detail known, designed to meet those outcomes
Specific deliverables that will demonstrate achievement of those outcomes
Specific relationship of the outcomes to your research or professional interests
The particular skills, knowledge and special interests you have to offer your site
A timeline for the project
Copy of your current University transcript.
Current resume.
Submit electronically to Mr. Vernon McCoy at
Name: ___________________________________________Date: ___________
Home Address: __________________________________
Preferred Phone: ________________ Email: ______________
1. On what dates do you propose to begin and complete your internship
Begin: _______________ End by: ________
__ Accepted subject to completion of all requirements
Date: _____________ Ed.D. Program (Dr Chand and Dr Kolich): ___________________
Benedictine University
Ed.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change
Name of Student Intern (Print or Type)
Name of Mentor or Organization/Unit
Benedictine University
The information included on this form and the attached Internship Plan is an agreement
concerning the types of experiences the student expects to attain from the Internship
and the expectations that the Mentor has for the student intern's performance.
Though not legally binding, this document will guide the Mentor and Intern while allowing
flexibility to alter the arrangements as needed. It is realized that no function is static or
predictable. Adaptations are expected but all such must be approved by the Mentor and
University Supervisor.
The Plan includes also the learning outcomes, a description of the deliverables, and a
timeline for completion.
Benedictine University
Ed.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change (630) 829-6394
The Student Intern agrees to carry out responsibilities outlined in the attached Internship Plan to
the best of her/his abilities as directed by the Internship Mentor and to complete all requirements of
this Benedictine University Ed.D. Internship. The Internship Mentor agrees to guide and direct the
work assignments of the Intern and to submit directly to the University’s Ed.D. Program a final
evaluation of the Intern's performance. The Benedictine University Supervisor agrees to maintain
communication with the student, Mentor and Ed.D. Program by mail, telephone and/or personal
contact, as necessary, and to review and assess the academic component of the internship. .
Acceptance of this Internship Plan and Agreement by the Intern, Internship Mentor, and University
Supervisor encourages consistent expectations and provides a basis for evaluation of the Intern's
The Internship Agreement described above and the attached Internship Plan on the preceding
page are accepted:
Internship Mentor (Type or Print)
Internship Mentor (Signature/Date)
Mentor Address, phone and email
Student Intern (Signature/Date)
University Supervisor (Type or Print)
University Supervisor (Signature/Date)
Ed.D. Program, (Name, signature/date)
María de la Cámara
Acting Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Benedictine University
Ed.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change (630) 829-6394
Student: ___________________________ Internship Site: ____________________
Internship Mentor: _____________________________
Date: _______________
Please use the following rubrics in your assessment:
A: amongst the best you have known
very satisfactory
acceptable but in need of improvement
NA: Not applicable
1. Please rate the Intern as a colleague in your work environment
____ a. Contributed to constructive and productive working relationships
____ b. Added value to the work environment
____ c. Accepted and acted upon assigned responsibility
____ d. Was reliable as a member of the work team
____ e. Was reliable as a resource for information
Please rate the preparation and adaptability of the intern
____ a. Was prepared for the nature and work requirements of the particular internship
____ b. Adapted to the culture and work expectations of your site
____ c. Grew to be accepted as a member of and resource for the new work
____ d. Demonstrated initiative
Please rate the Intern as a learner under your guidance. Was the intern able to:
____ a. Accept and act upon your guidance
____ b. Gather and analyze information from variety of sources
____ c. Consider contradictory opinions when appropriate
____ d. Deal with uncertainty and ambiguity as those arose during activities
____ e. Integrate prior learning and experiences with those of the internship
___ f. Synthesize information in order to develop and propose pertinent ideas and responses
relevant to the internship objectives
___ g. Exercise personal and professional judgment
___ h. Exhibit emotional intelligence
____ i. Demonstrate learning against the agreed objectives
____ j.
Demonstrate learning to your expectations
____ k. Offer independent suggestions and insights helpful to the site operation
Special strengths:
Areas needing particular attention:
Can this evaluation be shared with the Intern? Yes__ No__
Are you interested in having another Intern from the Ed.D. ? Yes__ No__
May the Ed.D. list you as a doctoral Mentor in its public materials, including the web? Yes __
Please return this evaluation(electronic preferred) to:
Dr. Sunil Chand
Kindlon 264
Benedictine University
5700 College Road
Lisle, IL 60532
Phone: (630)829-1930
Mentor Signature (electronic acceptable)
Date: ——————————————
Benedictine University
This Internship Affiliation Agreement is made this ___ day of _________(month),_______(year), by and
between ____________________________________(name of Internship Mentor and institution) located in
___________(city), _____(state), (the “Internship Site”), and Benedictine University, an Illinois not-for-profit
corporation located in Lisle, Illinois (the “University”).
WHEREAS, the University is currently conducting a program granting the degree of Doctor of Education in
Higher Education and Organizational Change, and the University desires to obtain the assistance of the
Internship Site in furthering its educational objectives and specifically in developing and implementing the
internship phase of the curriculum for such degrees; and
WHEREAS, the Internship Site provides capability for learning experiences and is interested in providing
assistance to the University in its curriculum, and the Internship Site further is interested in utilizing the services
of the University’s students in an internship phase of the curriculum for such degrees offered by the University;
WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that for the mutual benefit of each as independent contractors and not as
partners or joint venturers, a formal affiliation should be entered into, and to set forth in this Agreement the
terms and conditions governing their affiliation and the internship for the University’s above-referenced degree
at the Internship Site (the “Internship Program”).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the
sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows.
Purposes: The purposes of the Internship Program are:
to improve the student’s understanding of the application and practicality of the theory and
principles of the discipline in which they are seeking a degree;
to foster development and deeper understanding of such discipline by exposure to new topics and
experiences in a non-classroom atmosphere;
to expose the student to the realities of an employer-employee relationship within the discipline
and thus to prepare the student for a more effective transition to employment in the field; and
To give the student actual experience in the discipline.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Internship Site. The duties and responsibilities of the Internship Site
shall be as follows. The Internship Site:
Shall have sole authority and responsibility for its staff, students, resident and/or client care and
service, and adherence to quality standards at the Internship Site and in all programs and services
provided to staff, students, residents or clients at the Internship Site.
Agrees that the student participating in the Internship Program will have the status of student, that
the Internship Site shall not consider, utilize or assign such a student to be a replacement for the
Internship Site’s staff, and that such a student will not render care and/or service to the staff,
students, residents and/or clients of the Internship Site except as such care and service are
identified for educational value and delineated in the joint planned educational program of the
Internship Program. Any such direct contact between a student and the staff, students, residents or
clients of the Internship Site shall be under the proximate supervision of the Mentor of the
Internship Site, which shall at all times remain responsible for services at the Site. .
Shall serve as Mentor for the intern , and orient the student with respect to the rules, procedures,
policies and practices of the Internship Site, including but not limited to its policies prohibiting
harassment and the complaint procedures for reporting any such harassment. The student shall be
individually responsible for his/her compliance with all applicable rules, procedures, policies and
practices of the Internship Site in connection with his/her participation in the Internship Program,
including without limitation, while the student is in attendance at the Internship Site.
Shall provide the facilities, experiences and personnel necessary to meet the University’s standards
for the provision of internship education, and shall provide the students with appropriate
instructions and work assignments for the purpose of assisting in the proper development of the
student’s knowledge and skills.
Has sole authority to discontinue the Internship Program (with adequate advance notice to the
University), if the Internship Site determines that the Internship Program is interfering with the
delivery of staff, students, resident or client care and/or services, or that a problem exists involving
the students and/or University faculty member which cannot be resolved.
Shall submit to the University instructor or liaison an evaluation of the student’s progress based on
his or her performance in the Internship Program, and shall otherwise cooperate in the University’s
formal evaluation of the students consistent with the educational objectives and procedures
mutually discussed and agreed by the parties.
Shall ensure that all records relating to a student’s performance in the Internship Program shall be
made available to the parties hereto, and the student, and not to other persons, as required by the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the regulations promulgated thereunder (as
By entering into this Agreement, the parties hereto do not intend that any of the University’s staff
or any student participating in the Internship Program is to be an employee of the Internship Site for
any purpose, except that to the extent that the activities performed hereunder are subject to the
provisions of the Healthcare Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA”), the
student shall be deemed a member of the Internship Site’s workforce at all times while performing
the Internship Program duties and activities. The University’s staff and students shall not act as the
Internship Site’s agents or representatives in any capacity, and shall not make any commitments on
behalf of the Internship Site. The parties to this Agreement are not partners, agents nor principals
of one another.
Emergency treatment of students. Emergency outpatient treatment will be available to students
while in attendance at the Internship Site in case of accident of illness. In case of emergency at a
location other than the Internship Site, standard procedure will be followed. It is the student’s
responsibility to bear the cost of the emergency treatment.
Duties and Responsibilities of the University. The duties and responsibilities of the University shall be as
follows. The University shall:
Assign a student to participate in the Internship Program. The student assigned and the dates of the
assignment shall be mutually agreed upon by the Internship Site and the University, in writing.
Approve for the Internship Site for participation in the Internship Program only such students as the
University believes are able to undertake the physical requirements of Internship Program.
Furnish any needed data and information about the internship candidate which the University is
authorized to release.
Designate and provide an instructor or liaison (the Internship Supervisor) to assume overall
responsibility for the students’ learning experience and who will be responsible for assignment of
Notify the Internship Site of any change in student status.
Withdraw from the Internship Program, upon recommendation, any student who fails to meet the
standards for participation in the Internship Program that the parties have mutually agreed upon.
Provide to the Internship Site student evaluation information, including a format for evaluating
students during the Internship Program.
Award academic credit for completion of the Internship Program (or any designated component
thereof that is eligible for award of academic credit) as set forth in the applicable University catalog
and in accordance with applicable University rules, policies and procedures.
Pay for any equipment damaged or destroyed by the student intern, other than through normal use,
according to an established procedure for verification.
Inform participating students that they are required to carry their own personal health insurance.
Maintain (for the University) comprehensive general liability insurance (for students and faculty) at
levels required by law, but not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Three
Million Dollars ($3,000,000) in the aggregate, and student professional liability insurance with limits
of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars
($3,000,000.00) aggregate. A copy of a certificate of insurance for such student professional liability
insurance will be made available to the Internship Site upon request. The University will deliver to
the Internship Site thirty (30) calendar days’ prior written notice of any expiration or cancellation of
such coverage. In the event of insufficient coverage the Internship Site reserves the right to
terminate this Agreement.
Evidence of student certifications, vaccinations, etc. Where applicable, the University shall provide
evidence that student has met all requirements with respect to hepatitis B vaccination, and OSHA
compliance for prevention of transmission of blood borne pathogens and TB.
University notices to students. The University shall notify each student prior to his/her arrival at the
Internship Site that he or she is required to:
(1) Follow the administrative policies, standards, and practices of the Internship Site.
(2) Obtain medical care at his or her own expense for any injuries or illnesses sustained as a
direct or indirect results of his/her affiliation with the Internship site.
(3) Provide his or her own transportation.
(4) Report to the Internship Site on time and follow all established regulations during the
regularly scheduled operating hours of the Internship Site.
(5) Conform to the standards and practices established by the University while functioning at
the Internship Site.
(6) Obtain prior written approval of the Internship Site and the University before publishing
any material relating to experience.
(7) Meet the personal, ethical, and professional standards required of employees of the
Internship Site and consistent with the applicable professional Code of Ethics and the
applicable standards of JCAHO and/or other relevant accrediting or regulatory bodies.
Mutual Duties and Responsibilities. During the term of this Agreement, and with respect to the
Internship Program or Programs under this Agreement, the Internship Site and the University mutually
agree as follows:
That at no time shall they discriminate on the basis of any legally protected group, status or
characteristic, including but not limited to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex,
disability or handicap, veteran or military service status, sexual orientation or gender identity, or
marital status, as to employees, students, or service population.
That neither shall be compensated by the other as a result of this affiliation.
That the University’s representative and the Internship Site counterpart representative shall
cooperate in good faith in working out the details of the implementation of this Agreement, and
such representatives shall meet and confer (or communicate by other mutually agreeable means)
each year prior to the expiration of the term thereof, for the purpose of planning and evaluation
with respect to the Internship Program.
Other Provisions.
The term of this Agreement shall be one year commencing with the day and year above written as
the effective date. The terms hereof shall be continued for additional terms of one year each unless
either party to this Agreement shall notify the other in writing of its intention not to renew this
Agreement, provided that such notice shall be given at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
anniversary of the Agreement (or of any renewal term thereof).
Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by providing thirty (30) calendar days’
written notice to the other party of its intention to terminate, provided that students shall be
permitted to complete internships that began prior to the termination notice.
Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois,
without regard to its conflicts of laws principles.
Site Preceptor
Print Name
XI Notes
The work of the internship assignment shall reflect and relate to the interests and issues
of the Ed.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change.
Proposals shall demonstrate that relationship through the identification of relevant
learning objectives. Learning objectives addressing issues pertinent to the study of
higher education, or organizational change, or a combination, will be considered. A
wide field of possible topics is therefore available. Students should be particularly
careful about describing the relationship of the internship to that field and must avoid
generalizing the relationship or forcing a fit.
Proposals shall reflect the research or professional interests, or a combination thereof,
of the student. These interests will be identified in the application of the proposal.
The duties and deliverables proposed shall be commensurate with the credit value.
Internships may be completed on-site, off-site, online or in a virtual environment, or a
combination thereof.
The internship is designed to further the research and professional learning of the
The internship must, therefore, be designed to demonstrate learning within either of
those two contexts, or a combination thereof. As such, contributions to or the design
and completion of institutional or particular projects are not acceptable as deliverables
by themselves alone. Any such deliverables are considered artifacts of the internship.
The student must plan to and demonstrate how such artifacts address issues and
concerns in higher education and organizational change. The preferred method of
doing so is to emulate in the application the form of the dissertation with a literature
review, statement of the problem, expectations of the artifact (research or needs
analysis), description of the artifact, methods for assessment of the artifact against
expectations, and suggestions for future projections and replication.
Initial exploration of internships may be pursued with Dr. Chand or Dr. Kolich. The
complete application should be submitted to them through Mr. Vernon McCoy, by email
at by the deadline.