Session 2015-1 SPRING

Session 2015-1 SPRING
Classroom: D221
Class Time: Monday 6:00 to 10:00pm
January 12- March 8, 2015
Heather Winkler, MSMOB, RODP
Phone: 217-827-4833
Office Hours: By Appointment
Pre-Assignment: Be sure to read the following chapters, taking notes as you read (you’ll
understand why this is important in chapter 3). There will be a short quiz over the readings each
week to ensure not only that the material is read, but that it is read thoroughly and thoughtfully.
 “Intro to Public Speaking” (chapter 1)
 “Controlling Nervousness” (chapter 2)
 “Listening” (chapter 3)
As we move forward in our college courses and subsequent careers, communication becomes one
of our most valuable tools. In an age where so much communication occurs through emails,
instant messaging, memos, and telephones, connecting one-on-one with another individual or
group of people is still at the heart of being informative, being persuasive, and simply being
heard. We will work together to improve your public speaking skills as you take steps throughout
your college career toward your future. I cannot emphasize “work together” enough. You must
do your part by coming to class prepared to participate in class and in group work, having read all
assigned materials. Not only is it imperative that you are fully prepared on days when you are to
give a speech, but it is also necessary for you to be prepared to be a good audience for others.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to public speaking, communication theory
and small-group and interpersonal communication. The course includes researched
extemporaneous speeches and several in-class exercises.
 Gregory, Hamilton. Public Speaking for College and Career. 10th edition. Boston:
McGraw Hill, 2012. ISBN 978-0-07-803682-8 or 0-07-803682-8
 An active BenU email address
You are expected to have your book the day class begins (i.e. today). The student is accountable
for any delays in having the text, which will not delay the progress of the class. I will not loan
nor copy my text.
MISSION STATEMENT: Benedictine University is dedicated to the education of
undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. As an
academic community committed to liberal arts and professional education distinguished and
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and Benedictine heritage, we prepare our students for a
lifetime as active, informed and responsible citizens and leaders in the world community.
A. Benedictine Core Goals
Benedictine University's core mission is to prepare students for active participation in an
increasingly interconnected world. Its Core Curriculum advances this mission by enabling
students to attain a broad range of learning goals, listed below:
1. Demonstrate an effective level of cognitive, communicative, and research skills;
2. Achieve a college level of computational skills and an ability to understand and interpret
numerical data;
3. Acquire a knowledge of the history and heritage of western civilization, to include
 the contributions of religious faith and philosophical thought to understanding the
person in community,
 the relationship of the individual to society: membership and participation in
groups and institutions,
 scientific literacy through a knowledge of the history, the methods, and the impact
of science on the individual, society, and the environment,
 artistic and literary heritage;
4. Develop an understanding of global society: cultural diversity, mutual relationships,
interdependence of peoples and nations;
5. Apply liberal learning in problem-solving contexts as preparation for active participation
in society;
6. Make informed ethical decisions that promote personal integrity, the legitimate rights
and aspirations of individuals and groups, and the common good.
Course Goals:
1. To understand the conventions and methods of public speaking
2. To design and present a variety of speeches
3. To develop listening, comprehension, and research skills.
B. Course Objectives/Outcomes
As a course within the Core Curriculum, SPCH 110 was designed with the above Core goals in
mind. Thus, upon successful completion of SPCH 110, the student will be able to demonstrate
their mastery of the following objectives and student learning outcomes:
1. Understand and apply key elements of informative and persuasive speech making
2. Prepare and deliver a well-organized speech presentation using language effectively
3. Employ research strategies for speech development and analysis
4. Employ ethical standards to the speech making process
5. Utilize effective strategies for audience analysis
Note on Fear: If you are nervous about public speaking, you are perfectly normal. Surveys
show that most people fear public speaking more than snakes, spiders, and even their own deaths
(At that person’s own funeral, they’d rather be in the coffin than at the podium—Jerry Seinfeld).
In time, delivery of speeches will improve naturally and you will find yourselves more
comfortable in front of the group. I cannot promise that your fear will disappear, or that you will
never “um” your way through, but you will learn to assert your voice and speak with more
confidence. A hero is not one who is fearless, but one who knows how to confront and manage
fear. Your fear will help you be a better speaker.
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
TEACHING METHODS: The classroom is a public speaking community in which the
instructor and students work together in a learning process. This course is a combination of
lecture, discussion, exercises, quizzes, and speeches. Students should come to class prepared to
discuss the reading assignments and to do the in-class work. Free class discussions are
encouraged; however, students are expected to be respectful toward fellow students and the
instructor—disruptions will not be tolerated. It is your responsibility to check and understand this
syllabus on a daily basis.
ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED: You are allowed one absence; any absences after that
will result in a failing grade for the class.
 Presence is more than just a physical state. It is a state of being on many levels
and will be noted as such (e.g. sleeping in class is not presence and will be noted
as an absence).
 Students can make up speeches/exams/quizzes only if they contact me BEFORE
the speech/exam/quiz. Exams must be made up within the first week after the
student returns to class. All rescheduled speeches will be penalized 20% from
the final grade.
This course is highly accelerated, and students will need to take a great deal of responsibility
for their own learning outcomes. Attendance is required in each class meeting for the full
period of time. Any absence must be due to extraordinary circumstances and will require
documentation for it to be considered excused. Documentation must be provided immediately
in order to determine what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or possible. Class
attendance will directly impact your final grade, and each undocumented absence will be
considered unexcused and will result in a 20% reduction in the final grade for the course.
Due to the accelerated nature of the course, should you experience a medical condition which
prevents you from attending any class(es), appropriate medical documentation must be
provided immediately in order to determine what, if any, accommodations are reasonable or
PROMPTNESS: BE ON TIME! If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will be
marked absent for the day (see above policy on absences to understand how this may
affect your final grade).
PARTICIPATION: Be prepared with all written assignments ready when they are due
and speeches ready to go on days when you are assigned to deliver them. Late work will
not receive full credit, and I reserve the right to determine such penalty on an individual
basis. Be prepared to deliver your speech when it is scheduled. Assignments will not be
accepted through email or by fax. If you foresee scheduling conflicts, contact me
immediately. The speech, however, must be delivered at the beginning of the next
attended class and will be penalized.
CELL PHONES: TURN THEM OFF! No texting allowed during class time—
seriously! If you are caught texting, you will be warned or you will be told to leave and
will be marked absent for the day. If you need to be accessible for emergency reasons
only, then please let me know at the beginning of the class period.
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
READING ASSIGNMENTS: See section VIII: Topical Course Outline for daily reading
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: See section VII for assignment requirements
Benedictine University at Springfield Student Academic Honesty Policy
The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university.
Benedictine University at Springfield pursues these missions in an environment guided by our
Roman Catholic tradition and our Benedictine heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore
expected of all University students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication,
forgery, falsification, destruction, multiple submission, solicitation, and misrepresentation are
violations of these expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University
Student’s Responsibility
Though there is no formal honor code at Benedictine University at Springfield, students are
expected to exhibit academic honesty at all times. Violations against academic honesty are
always serious and may result in sanctions that could have profound long-term effects. The final
responsibility for understanding the Academic Honesty Policy of the institution, as well as the
specific policies for individual courses normally found in syllabi, rests with students. If any
doubt exists about what constitutes academic dishonesty, students have the responsibility to talk
to the faculty member. Students should expect the members of their class to be academically
honest. If students believe one or more members of the class have been deceitful to gain
academic advantage in the class, students should feel comfortable to approach the faculty member
of the course without prejudice.
Violations of the Academic Honesty Policy will be reported to the Office of the Dean of
Academic Affairs. Along with a verbal warning, the following are consequences a student may
face for academic dishonesty:
 a failing grade or “zero” for the assignment;
 dismissal from and a failing grade for the course; or
 dismissal from the Institution.
Special note: I reserve the right to pursue disciplinary action toward any disruptive behavior in
the classroom or computer lab, which may include temporary removal for the day (counted as an
absent) up to permanent removal from the course.
EVALUATION OF ASSIGNMENTS: Speeches will be graded according to the
guidelines outlined in each specific rubric. Assignments have to provide effective content (what
it says) and use standard English (how it says it).
A = 100 to 90% B=89 to 80% C=79 to 70% D=69 to 60% F=59% or below
You will produce original work for this course (i.e. not re-present an essay from another class
without discussing it with me first)—see above Plagiarism policy. Note that a grade of "C" is
average, adequate—"satisfactory”—while a "B" is "good." That means that a "B" is better than
average, better than satisfactory, better than adequate. The average grade is a "C"; a grade of "B"
requires effort and accomplishment. Your semester grade will be based on the following
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
Introduction Speech
Process Speech
Informative Speech
Persuasion Speech
50 points
100 points
150 points
150 points
2-4 minutes
4-6 minutes
5-7 minutes
7-10 minutes
Total points may vary due to in-class exercises, quizzes, and assignments that arise.
Speech of Introduction: 2-4 minutes
o Introduce yourself creatively
Process Speech: 4-6 minutes
o Show the steps on how to do something
o Outline Required
Informative Speech: 5-7 minutes
o Use at least two outside sources
o PowerPoint, Outline, and Bibliography required
Persuasion Speech: 7-10 minutes
o Use at least three outside sources
o Outline, and Bibliography required
Outline and Bibliography: A complete and detailed outline and works cited/reference
page will be turned in before you deliver your speech. No outline/bibliography will be a
reduction of one letter grade.
REQUIREMENTS for ASSIGNMENTS: There are many non-graded requirements in SPCH
110. These assignments are designed to help ensure your success in completing the graded
assignments. Other non-graded assignments help BenU at Springfield assess the learning
outcomes required for the continued accreditation of the College. You are expected to complete
all course assignments whether they are graded or not.
* Speeches are to be given on the day and in the order they are designated.
* Do all writing assignments by their due dates. If a graded out-of-class assignment is late,
10% will be deducted from the grade it earns for each day the assignments is late.
* I will not accept any writing assignments one week after it is due.
* Students must attend all scheduled conferences with instructor.
If a student believes that an error has been made in reporting a grade, an appeal must be made in
writing to the instructor and must be initiated within 60 calendar days after the end of the term for
which the grade in question was reported. The appeal should contain specific information about
why it is believed the grade reported is inaccurate. See the Student Handbook for additional
Add/Drop Dates
Please refer to the current Academic Calendar for add/drop dates.
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
Incomplete Request
To qualify for an “I” grade, a minimum of 75% of the course work must be completed with a
“C” or better, and a student must submit a completed “Request for an Incomplete” form to the
Registrar’s Office. The form must be completed by both student and instructor, but it is the
student’s responsibility (not the instructor’s) to initiate this process and obtain the necessary
Student Withdrawal Procedure
It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course by completing the
appropriate form, with appropriate signatures, and returning the completed form to the Advising
Office. Please refer to the Student Handbook for important financial information related to
WEEK 1 – January 12
 Overview of syllabus and course requirements
 Assessment Exercises
 “Intro to Public Speaking” (chapter 1)
 “Controlling Nervousness” (chapter 2)
 “Listening” (chapter 3)
 Sample Speeches
WEEK 2 – January 19
 Speech of Introduction
 “Reaching the Audience” (chapter 4)
 “Introductions and Conclusions” (chapter 11)
 “The Body of the Speech” (chapter 10)
 Assign Process Speech
WEEK 3 – January 26
 “Outlining the Speech” (chapter 12)
 “Wording the Speech” (chapter 13)
 “Delivering the Speech” (chapter 14)
WEEK 4 - February 2
 Process Speech
 “Speaking to Inform” (chapter 15)
 “Finding Information” (chapter 6)
 “Using Information Wisely and Ethically” (chapter 7)
WEEK 5 – February 9
 “Supporting Your Ideas” (chapter 8)
 “Visual Aids” (chapter 9)
SPCH 110-70 / Spring 2015
WEEK 6 – February 16
 Informative Speech
 Assign Persuasive Speech
WEEK 7 – February 23
 “Speaking to Persuade” (chapter 16)
 “Persuasive Strategies” (chapter 17)
 Video: “Ballot or Bullet” / Robert Kennedy
 Workshop
WEEK 8 – March 2
 Persuasive Speech
 Complete Class Evaluations and Assessments
Benedictine University at Springfield provides individuals with disabilities reasonable
accommodations to participate in educational programs, activities, and services. Students with
disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in campus-sponsored programs, activities,
and services, or to meet course requirements, should contact the Resource Center as early as
possible: or (217) 717-9253.
Goals, objectives, and learning outcomes that will be assessed in the class are stated in this
syllabus in Sections IV and VI. Instructor will use background knowledge probes, one-minute
papers, reflective essays and/or other Classroom Assessment Techniques as deemed necessary in
order to provide continuous improvement of instruction.
This syllabus is not written in stone for a reason. As the class progresses, changes might need to
be made to the syllabus to allow for the fluidity of the class. Should such changes be necessary, I
will make sure we are all aware of them with respectable notice. But, your attendance is
necessary to that awareness as well.