CSCI 1320 Creating Modern Web Applications Lecture 7: JavaScript/DOM LAB Lab Assignment Create a triangle information system Input 3 numbers representing the lengths of the sides Geared at middle-high school students Error checking as appropriate Display: The corresponding 3 angles Area and perimeter of the triangle Whether the triangle is Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene, or Not a Triangle Acute, Right, or Obtuse 2 Do this all on the client side CS132 Lecture 7: Javascript lab 7/27/2016 Mechanics Work in teams of 1 to ~4 Make sure each person’s name is in meta tag on page Try to get it working in class Display on the screen if possible Check off (when working) in class Or mail to Do this by the end of the day tomorrow 3 CS132 Lecture 7: Javascript lab 7/27/2016 Next Time Requirements and Specifications 4 CS132 Lecture 7: Javascript lab 7/27/2016 LAB Assignment Create a calculator on a web page. Web page should include buttons and display field (0…9, clear, .,+, -, *, /) Can do other equivalents as well JavaScript to handle the buttons and update display Work in teams We are looking for Functionality Something that looks good and is usable 5 CS132 Lecture 7: Javascript lab 7/27/2016