L 12 ECTURE Announcements

1 down, 3 to go!
• Final1, and ~2/3 of your engines, are done!
• No playtesting today
• Engines should be totally done by next
• Games should be “playable” by then
• Meet and form Final 2 and 3 rubrics today or
No more regular hours
• Go to your mentor TA with
any final-related
• E-mail the TA list for any
non-final related problems
– Warmup / minecraft /
platformer related
– We’ll set up a meeting that
works time-wise
No Credit Assignments Reminder
• No credit assignments must
be turned in and graded
complete by Final 5
– May 17th
• Don’t wait until that week!
– What if you don’t get it
first try?
– We don’t want to give
anyone an NC 
Playtesting moving forward
• You *must* have a /contrib project
– Update it just before playtesting
– Or whenever else you like
• We will no longer publish demos
• This will help in your own public playtesting
• Link on how here
Contrib Install Script
echo 'Installing <project> to contrib - make sure
you are in the build directory!'
echo 'Copying <important file>...'
cp <important file> $contrib_dir
What are portals?
• Visual
– Look at one place, see
• Logical
– Teleport from one place to
• Physical
– Momentum transfers from
one place to another
Logical/Physical Problems
• Space discontinuities are tricky
– They don’t exist in the real world
• When has an entity “passed” through a portal?
– When it’s center passes through?
– When it first touches the portal?
– When it’s full collision shape is through the portal?
• Does the same entity exist in 2 place?
– Can be collided with from both sides?
• Can other things travel through portals?
– Raycasts? Pathfinding?
Portals – rendering overview
• The process for rendering portals is simple:
– Decide where on the screen to draw (stencil buffer)
– Figure out where & from what angle to draw the
portal’s perspective
– Draw the world on the other side of the portal
The Stencil Buffer
• Determines the drawable
areas on the screen
• After setting up, use
normal 3D draw calls
– ex. for a rectangular
portal, just draw the 3D
rectangle as though it
were a shape in the scene
Using the Stencil Buffer
• Steps in psuedocode:
Enable stencil testing
Change drawing masks (disable color, enable stencil drawing)
Draw your 3D portal shapes so they appear in the stencil
Revert your drawing masks to normal rendering
Tell OpenGL how to interpret your stencil buffer
Ready for drawing!
Setting up the proxy camera
• Calculate your camera’s offset from the portal you
• Account for rotations of
the two portals
• Subtract the result from
the paired portal’s
Clipping the scene
• In this example, the
proxy camera is behind
a wall
• A free-standing portal
might have objects
between it and the
proxy camera
Clipping the scene
• You’ll see objects in the
portal that seem closer
than the actual portal
• Great if your final
feature is IMAX (0 pts)
• Not so good for portals
Clipping the scene
• Good news – you’ve done this before with view
frustum culling
• You just need to add and test against another
clipping plane
– Your plane should only accept things in front of the
paired portal’s face
– Yes, you might need to review the math for planes
Clipping the scene
• You could also create the full
view frustum through the
portal from your eye
– This is actually a whole
rendering technique called
portal culling
– This part isn’t necessary but it is
a significant optimization
Yellow is the eye frustum
Red is the frustum of the first portal
Blue and Pink are the frustums two
portals deep
More uses for stencil buffers
• This technique allows you to render any part of
any scene in a region of your current screen
– Mirrors are just 2 portals to the same location, in the
opposite direction
– You could implement doors and windows between
indoor/outdoor worlds as portals
– You could make a CCTV (like a security camera) to
another part of your level
• Think “one-way” portal
Portal Tips
• Start simple – implement portals facing in the same direction,
or in axis-aligned directions, so you know your rendering code
works before you have to debug arbitrary rotations.
• Drawing the portal scene replaces the existing depth buffer
– If you draw your portals in the middle of your rendering, they and
everything drawn afterwards will not be occluded by anything drawn
before them.
• Great resource for portals & stencil buffer:
Skeletal Animation
• Consists of joints and/or bones to represent
parts of the object
• By itself, provides no shape deformation, only
translation & rotation
Skeletal Animation
• This works great in minecraft, where everything
is a rectangular prism anyways
• It can work with arbitrary mesh pieces too
– Just watch out for meshes intersecting
Example Joint System
• Create a root joint, then hierarchically add
joints with fixed offsets
– the space between root and child joints is the
‘bone’ area
– assign mesh(s) to render at each joint or bone
– keep track of the rotation(s) active at each joint
• You should only need three (x, y, z axes of rotation)
Hierarchical Joint Systems
• OpenGL can perform the rendering rotations
for you easily
• It’s not a ton of work to set up – expect to
spend a good amount of time on content
creation to make animations that look nice
Animating joints
• Think of some tools that you can use to specify an
– Keyframes (or timers)
• At time t0, joint j3 rotation x is x0
• At time t1, joint j3 rotation x is x1 (w/ linear interpolation)
• At time t2, joint j3 rotation x is x2 (w/ quadratic interp)
– Programs like Maya have these features and many
more – look for inspiration to make something complex
Animating joints
– Functions
• Set joint’s rotation y to A*sin(B*time) (rotate in a circle)
• Might be useful for a looping walk animation
– Combination of tools
• Ex. Joints animate with a function while character is moving, then
interpolate back to resting position
– Abstraction: build small animation pieces (ex. ‘swingArms’,
‘bounceTail’) and combine them for more complex behaviors
– Inverse Kinematics
• Just kidding
Skeletal Animation
Rigged Animation
• Consists of a skin (mesh) binding on top of a
skeletal/joint system
• Useful for any animation that deforms a mesh
Rigged Animation
• Given a set of vertices representing your mesh,
and a set of joints or bones:
– Determine which vertices correspond to which bones
– Determine how much weight each bone has on its vertices
– Calculate how the changing bone positions affect the
vertices they influence
• The first two are probably content creation, the
last is your engine feature
Rigged Animation
• Manipulating vertices with bones:
– Each vertex has a vector offset from each bone it is
attached to
– As the bone translates around, maintain that same
offset for each vertex
– As the bone rotates, apply that rotation to each vertex
with its offset
– This may be slow for a detailed model
• Look into using matrices to speed up the computations
• Use a program like Maya to optimize your models
Rigging (Skinning) a Mesh
• Skinning is the technical process of assigning
bone/joint ‘weights’ to each vertex
• Each vertex can have up to a set number (usually
around 3-4) bones that affect it
• Traditionally, this would be done by hand in a
program like Maya
– An algorithm assigns initial weights with some heuristic
– The animator then tweaks these weights to look right
Rigging (Skinning) a Mesh
• You should implement your own algorithm for assigning
bones, then try tweaking the weights
– Start with a basic distance heuristic (assign vertices to the
bone(s) closest to them)
– Add conditions, such as: multiple bones affecting a vertex
should be hierarchically connected
These vertices might choose the
wrong leg bone as the 3rd closest bone
Case Study – Unity Locomotion
Unity library for realistic movement
Sets pose of skeleton procedurally
Blends between animations: up vs down slopes
Places feet tangent to surface
Rigged Mesh Animation
An aside – ragdoll physics
• Blending of physics and animation
• Rigid bodies tied together by constraints
– Typically spring-damper constraints
• Many variations on standard approach:
– Verlet integration: Model each bone as a point
– Blended ragdoll: Use preset animation, but constrain
output based on a model of a physical system
• Used in Halo 2, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, etc.
Euphoria and Endorphin
• Euphoria – ragdoll physics engine used in GTA
IV, Red Dead Redemption, Star Wars: The
Force Unleash, etc…
• Endorphin – animation engine built on top of
Euphoria providing “intelligent” procedural
• Video!
C++ Tip of the Week
C++ tip of the week
• Multiple inheritance
– C++ classes can have multiple superclasses
– Can be used to emulate Java interfaces
// Declare interfaces using pure virtual functions
struct Reader { virtual char read() = 0; };
struct Writer { virtual void write(char) = 0; };
// File * can be dynamic_cast to Reader * and Writer *
struct File : Reader, Writer {
char read() { ... }
void write(char) { ... }
C++ tip of the week
• More powerful than Java interfaces
– All superclasses can have state
struct Timestamp {
const long creationTime;
Timestamp() : creationTime(time(NULL)) {}
struct UniqueID {
const int id; static int nextID;
UniqueID() : id(nextID++) {}
struct Entity : Timestamp, UniqueID {};
C++ tip of the week
• The diamond problem
Base { int num; };
Derived1 : Base {};
Derived2 : Base {};
Join : Derived1, Derived2 {};
<< join.num; // error, join has two copies of num
<< join.Derived1::num;
<< join.Derived2::num;
C++ tip of the week
• Can be mitigated with virtual inheritance
Base { int num; };
Derived1 : virtual Base {};
Derived2 : virtual Base {};
Join : Derived1, Derived2 {};
Join join;
cout << join.num; // works, only one copy of Base and num
C++ tip of the week
• Tricky case
– Multiple implementations of foo in Join (base1 != base2)
– Using virtual inheritance here would cause an error
Base { virtual void foo() = 0; };
Derived1 : Base { void foo() { cout << 1; } };
Derived2 : Base { void foo() { cout << 2; } };
Join : Derived1, Derived2 {};
*base = &join; // error, ambiguous conversion
*base1 = static_cast<Derived1 *>(&join);
*base2 = static_cast<Derived2 *>(&join);
C++ tip of the week
• Tricky case
– Fix: define the behavior we want by overriding foo() again in the class
with multiple inheritance
Base { virtual void foo() = 0; };
Derived1 : virtual Base { void foo() { /*...*/ } };
Derived2 : virtual Base { void foo() { /*...*/ } };
Join : Derived1, Derived2 {
foo() { Derived1::foo(); Derived2::foo(); }
Join join;
Base *base = &join; // works, only one foo() implementation
C++ Tip of the Week
Get good work done this
week so next week’s
playtesting is awesome!