New Zealand Applied Business Journal Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 A FLOW CHART APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING INTEREST RATE SWAPS Edwin D. Maberly Professor of Finance Department of Accountancy, Finance and Information Systems University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand Abstract: Over the last 20 years, financial engineers have created many value enhancing financial products. Today the curriculum for intermediate finance papers includes a discussion of both interest rate and currency swaps, but due to their complexity, many students fail to grasp these concepts. This paper is pedagogical in nature as its purpose is to enhance the understanding of interest rate swaps. The methodology employs a flow chart approach incorporating both visual and verbal teaching aids. A logical extension applies to currency swaps. Key words: Finance, pedagogy, education. INTRODUCTION A swap is a transaction in which two counterparties exchange payment streams of different character based on an underlying notional principal amount. For example: One party desires a fixed rate loan, while the other desires a variable rate loan. In this case, the potential exists for an interest rate swap between counterparties. One party desires to exchange Australian dollars for New Zealand dollars at some time in the future, while the other desires to exchange New Zealand dollars for Australian dollars. In this case, the potential exists for a currency swap between counterparties. STANDARD LOAN AGREEMENT Jill and Tom are two businesspersons with operations based in Auckland, New Zealand (NZ), and both are undertaking a business expansion to be financed by a 5-year $1,000 bank loan. However, given the characteristics of each operation, Jill prefers a 5-year fixed rate loan, while Tom prefers a 5-year variable rate loan. In other words, Jill’s preferred habitat is a fixed rate loan, while Tom’s preferred habitat is a variable rate loan. The loan size is known as the loan’s notional principle, which at $1,000 is identical for both counterparties. Jill and Tom are currently negotiating with the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ), and the BNZ is willing to make the 5-year $1,000 loan on terms depicted in Table 1—Jill and Tom’s preferred habitat being in bold type. Henceforth, the NZ bank rate is abbreviated as NZBR. 1 Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Jill Tom Fixed 10.00% 9.00% Variable 4.05% + NZBR 3.25% + NZBR Difference 1.00% 0.80% Table 1 Both Jill and Tom accept the terms offered by BNZ. Internal BNZ documents indicate that Tom is considered the better credit risk. For pedagogical reasons assume that the NZBR does not fluctuate over the 5-year period, with the rate currently at 3.75%. However, in reality the NZBR, which is a variable rate, could rise or fall considerably. Given these assumptions, Table 2 outlines the interest payments paid by both counterparties. Jill Tom Total Total Amount Borrowed 1 $100 70 $170 2 $100 70 $170 3 $100 70 $170 4 $100 70 $170 5 $100 70 $170 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fixed interest Variable interest Table 2 Annual interest payments: NZBR constant at 3.75% over the 5-year period Ex post Tom appears smart by borrowing at a variable rate for 5-years. However, the situation changes if the NZBR increases say by 3% each year over the 5-year period of the loan. In this fluctuating interest rate environment, the NZBR at the end of the 1st year increases to 6.75% and so forth for other years. The revised annual interest payments are depicted in Table 3. From Table 2, Tom’s variable rate is initially lower and therefore looks attractive. But remember there is “no free lunch in financial markets.” Under the revised scenario depicted in Table 3, ex post Jill’s fixed rate loan is the more attractive loan scheme. Jill Tom Total Total Amount Borrowed 1 $100 70 $170 2 $100 100 $200 3 $100 130 $230 4 $100 160 $260 5 $100 190 $290 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fixed interest Variable interest Table 3 Annual interest payments: NZBR increases annually by 3% COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE From Table 1,Tom’s variable rate is lower than Jill’s variable rate and similarly for Tom’s fixed rate. Thus, Tom is said to have an absolute advantage over Jill of borrowing at both a fixed and variable rate. However, bothTom and Jill are forced to “specalized,” that is each 2 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 borrows $1,000 at either a variable or fixed rate, but not both. For the interest rate swap problem, absolute advantage is superseded by comparative advantage. The concept of comparative advantage is defined by solving Problem 1. Problem 1: Tom borrows $1,000 for 5 years and similarly for Jill. From Table 1, what type of loan (e.g., fixed or variable) should Tom and Jill individually select to minimize total interest paid to the BNZ? Note that the total amount of money borrowed equals $2,000. Answer: From Table 1, to minimize the total interest paid Jill borrows at a variable rate and Tom borrows at a fixed rate. Thus, we say that Jill has a comparative advantage of borrowing variable and Tom a comparative advantage of borrowing fixed. SOLUTION: Case 1: Assume that Jill borrows at the variable rate and Tom at the fixed rate as depicted in Table 1. Therefore, Jill pays 4.05% plus NZBR and Tom 9.00%. Sum of the two loans = 13.05% plus NZBR. Case 2: Assume that Jill borrows at the fixed rate and Tom at the variable rate as depicted in Table 1. Therefore, Jill pays 10.00% and Tom 3.25% plus NZBR. Sum of the two loans = 13.25% plus NZBR. Since 13.05% plus NZBR < 13.25% plus NZBR, Case 1 minimizes the interest expense of the two combined loans. INTEREST RATE SWAP The total amount borrowed by both counterparties equals $2,000. From Table 2, if Tom and Jill borrow basis their preferred habit, annually interest payments total $170. Relaxing the assumption of a constant NZBR over the 5-year period, then annual interest payments total $132.50 plus $1,000 times the NZBR for a particular year. Consider the following scenario where Tom borrows $1,000 at a fixed rate and Jill borrows $1,000 at a variable rate basis the terms depicted in Table 1, which by the way is not Jill and Tom’s preferred habitat. Table 4 outlines the interest payments paid by both counterparties over the 5-year loan period. 3 Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Jill Tom Total Total Amount Borrowed 1 $78 90 $168 2 $78 90 $168 3 $78 90 $168 4 $78 90 $168 5 $78 90 $168 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fixed interest Variable interest Table 4 As before, the total amount borrowed is $2,000, but the annual interest payments are reduced from $170 to $168, which represents a potential savings of $2 on the $2,000 notional principal. Although conceptually $2 is not a large sum of money, if both counterparties borrow $100,000,000 instead of $1,000, the potential savings amounts to $200,000 on the $200,000,000 notional principal. A. Swap agreement It turns out that Jill and Tom are old college friends and meet together at least once a week to lawn bowl, weather permitting. After discussing their business plans and terms of the 5-year $1,000 loan offered by BNZ, Jill and Tom enter into the following contractual agreement. Tom borrows $1,000 from BNZ for 5 years at a fixed rate of 9%, while Jill borrows $1,000 from BNZ for 5 years at a variable rate of 4.05% plus the NZBR (for pedagogical reasons, the NZBR is held constant at 3.75%). However, since Tom has a preferred habitat of a variable rate and Jill a fixed rate, they agree to swap annual interest payments as follows: Jill agrees to pay Tom an annual fixed payment of $99, which equates to a 9.90% fixed rate on the notional principal of $1,000. Tom agrees to pay Jill an annual variable payment of 3.15% plus the NZBR on the notional principal of $1,000, which equates to $69 assuming that the NZBR remains constant at 3.75% over the 5-year loan. Observe that both parties are better off under the swap agreement versus borrowing $1,000 from BNZ basis their preferred habitat. For both parties, annual interest payments are reduced by $1. In particular, Jill is able to borrow $1,000 at a fixed rate of 9.9% instead of 10%, and Tom is able to borrow $1,000 at a variable rate of 3.15% plus the NZBR instead of 3.25% plus the NZBR. B. Issues of interest A swap agreement is not risk free as it contains counterparty risk. BNZ ultimately looks to Jill for an annual variable interest payment of 4.05% plus the NZBR on the notional principal and conversely to Tom for an annual fixed payment of 9% on the notional principal. In addition, both parties are responsible for repayment of their loan’s notional principal at maturity. Jill incurs the counterparty risk that Tom will default on the terms outlined in the swap agreement and conversely for Tom. In the previous example, Jill and Tom shared equally the potential gains from an interest rate swap, but the profit-split ratio net of any commission paid to a middleman could be 0.60:0.40 or any other ratio whose component parts sum to 1.00. The profit-split ratio, which is 4 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 indeterminate, is based on bargaining power, credit risk of the two counterparties and other related factors. In the previous example, a middleman is not used to facilitate the transaction. However, assume that Jill and Tom do not know each other and/or have no knowledge of interest rate swaps. In this case, a portion of the potential savings must be paid to a middleman whenever such services are utilized, and there is nothing to preclude BNZ from acting as the middleman and thus deriving a commission for their services in this capacity. In many interest-rate swap agreements, the variable portion of the loan is stated for example as 3.25% plus LIBOR. LIBOR stands for the London Interbank Offered Rate (the deposit rate applicable to interbank loans in London). LIBOR is used as the reference rate for many international interest rate transactions. This paper’s methodolgy to understanding interest rate swaps is converted to a flow chart approach containing the following learning objectives: The potential for an interest rate swap exists only if both counterparties are better off under the swap arrangement ignoring counterparty risk. Why preferred habitat and comparative advantage must be different for an interest rate swap to occur. How to construct the swap payments given the potential savings and the profit-split ratio net of commissions. How the introduction of a middleman alters the swap payments via commissions paid for their services. FLOW CHART APPROACH Statement of problem: Firm 1 prefers a fixed rate loan while Firm 2 prefers a variable rate loan. In each case, the loan is for $1,000 over a period of 10 years. Firm 1 Firm 2 Fixed 12.00% 9.00% Difference 3.00% Variable 6.25% + LIBOR 4.05% + LIBOR 2.20% Example 1 SEE APPENDIX 1 Circle preferred habitat of each firm, which for Firm 1 is the fixed rate loan and Firm 2 the variable rate loan. 5 Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 New Zealand Applied Business Journal 1. Insert the interest rate corresponding to the preferred habitat loan. Based on the information from Example 1, Firm 1: x = 12.00%. Firm 2: y = 4.05% + LIBOR%. 2. Calculate the interest paid on preferred habitat loan. Firm 1: $X = x* notional principle = [0.12]*[$1,000]. Firm 2: $Y = y* notional principle = [0.0405 + LIBOR]*[$1,000]. 3. Determine the total interest paid on preferred habitat loans. $X + $Y = Total interest paid on preferred habitat loans. $X + $Y = [0.1605 + LIBOR]*[$1,000]. SEE APPENDIX 2 1. Determine the comparative advantage loan for each firm and circle appropriate loan where indicated. Basis the solution to Problem 1, Firm 1 has a comparative advantage of borrowing variable while Firm 2 has a comparative advantage of borrowing fixed. 2. Insert interest rate on comparative advantage loan. Based on the information from Example 1, Firm 1: v = 6.25% + LIBOR%. Firm 2: w = 9.00%. 3. Calculate interest paid on comparative advantage loan. Firm 1: $V = v* notional principle = [0.0625 + LIBOR]*[$1,000]. Firm 2: $W = w* notional principle = [0.09]*[$1,000]. 4. Determine the total interest paid on comparative advantage loans. $V + $W = Total interest paid on comparative advantage loans of the two firms. $V + $W = [0.1525 + LIBOR]*[$1,000]. 5. Calculate $Z. Based on the information from Example 1, $Z = [$X + $Y] – [$V + $W] $Z = [0.1605 + LIBOR]*1,000 – [0.1525 + LIBOR]*1,000 $Z = [0.80]*$1,000 = $8.00 > 0. SEE APPENDIX 3 Appendix 3 introduces the roll of a middleman and presents an overview of the interest rate swap agreement. The profit-split ratio (a:b) must be specified where a and b denote the percentage of the saving accruing to Firm 1 and Firm 2, respectively net of commissions. Given the risk profile of the two firms as indicated in Example 1, assume that a = 0.40 and b = 0.60. For pedagogical purposes, assume that the middleman’s commission is expressed as a percentage of the savings ($Z), and the symbol c represents this percentage. Also assume 6 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 that both counterparties contribute equally to the middleman’s commission where c = 0.10 in Example 1. Another way of expressing the middleman’s commission is in basis points relative to the notional principle where 1% represents 100 basis points. For example, assume that the middleman’s commission equals 8 basis points. Therefore, based on a notional principle of $1,000, the middleman’s commission equals $0.80. Calculate the middleman’s commission. c*[$Z] = [0.10]*[$8] = $0.80 Calculate the dollar interest rebate to Firm 1 and Firm 2. Interest rebate Firm 1: $A = a*[$Z - $0.80] = [0.40]*[$7.20] = $2.88 Interest rebate Firm 2: $B = b*[$Z – 0.80] = [0.60]*[$7.20] = $4.32 Calculate the net cost of the loan to both counterparties. Net cost of loan to Firm 1: $X - $A = $120.00- $2.88 = $117.12 or 11.712%. Net cost of loan to Firm 2: $Y - $B = [$40.50 + LIBOR*$1.000] - $4.32 $36.18 + LIBOR*$1,000 or 3.618% + LIBOR. DEFINITION $Z = [$X + $Y] – [$V + $W], which is the potential $ savings from entering into an interest rate swap. A necessary and sufficient condition for an interest rate swap between two counterparties is $Z > 0. Whenever $Z > 0 the preferred habitat loan comparative advantage loan. CONCLUSION Confirm from Example 1 that both counterparties have reduced their interest payments via the interest rate swap agreement and that each loan has the desired characteristics—fixed versus variable terms. 7 Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 New Zealand Applied Business Journal APPENDIX ONE Preferred Habitat Loan Bank Firm 2 borrows $1000 from Bank Firm 1 borrows $1000 from Bank Firm 2 pays $Y to Bank Firm 1 pays $X to Bank Bank Firm 1 Firm 2 Firm 1 Firm 2 1. Circle preferred habitat loan: fixed/variable 2. Interest rate on preferred habitat loan = x percent 1. Circle preferred habitat loan: fixed/variable 2. Interest rate on preferred habitat loan = y percent 3. $X = [x percent]*[notional principle of loan] 3. $Y = [y percent]*[notional principle of loan] 4. $X + $Y= Total interest paid on preferred habitat loans. 8 New Zealand Applied Business Journal Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 APPENDIX TWO Comparative Advantage Loan Bank Firm 2 borrows $1000 from Bank Firm 1 borrows $1000 from Bank Firm 2 pays $W to Middleman Firm 1 pays $V to Middleman Firm 1 Firm 2 Middleman Firm 1 Firm 2 1. Circle comparative advantage loan: fixed/variable 1. Circle comparative advantage loan: fixed/variable 2. Interest rate on comparative advantage loan = v percent 2. Interest rate on comparative advantage loan = w percent 3. $V = [v percent]*[notional principle of loan] 3. $W = [w percent]*[notional principle of loan] 4. $V + $W = Total interest paid on comparative advantage loans. 5. $Z = [$X + $Y] – [$V + $W] > 0 necessary and sufficient condition for interest rate swap. 9 Volume 1, Number 1, 2002 New Zealand Applied Business Journal APPENDIX THREE Comparative Advantage Loan Bank Firm 1 pays $X to Middleman Firm 1 Net Cost of loan = $X-$A Middleman $C = Commission Interest Rebate = $A Firm 2 borrows $1000 from Bank Middleman pays $V+$W Firm 1 borrows $1000 from Bank Firm 2 pays $Y to Middleman Firm 2 Net Cost of loan = $Y-$B Interest Rebate Assume Zero Credit Risk for Middleman = $B Counter Party Risk 1. Calculate the middleman’s commission: c*[$Z] = $C; Z=[$X+$Y] – [$V+$W]. 2. Calculate the dollar interest rebate to Firm 1 and 2: $A = a*[$Z-$C]; $B = b[$Z-$C]. 3. Calculate the net cost of loan both counterparties. Firm 1: $X - $A; Firm 2: $Y - $B. 10