Cover Sheet (10/02/2002)
Course Number/Program Name EDUC 6120: Diversity and the Learner
Department: Secondary and Middle Grades Education
Degree Title (if applicable) Master of Arts in Teaching
Proposed Effective Date Fall, 2010
Check one or more of the following and complete the appropriate sections:
X New Course Proposal
X Course Title Change
X Course Number Change
X Course Credit Change
Course Prerequisite Change
X Course Description Change
Sections to be Completed
If proposed changes to an existing course are substantial (credit hours, title, and description), a
new course with a new number should be proposed.
A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as
part of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each
existing course incorporated into the program.
Minor changes to a course can use the simplified E-Z Course Change Form.
Submitted by:
Faculty Member
Not Approved
Department Curriculum Committee Date
Not Approved
Department Chair
College Curriculum Committee
College Dean
GPCC Chair
Dean, Graduate College
Not Approved
Not Approved
Not Approved
Not Approved
Not Approved
Vice President for Academic Affairs Date
Not Approved
Current Information (Fill in for changes)
Page Number in Current Catalog: On-line catalog
Course Prefix and Number EDUC 6100___________________
Course Title Development, Psychology, and Diversity of the Learner
Credit Hours 5 hours
Prerequisites Admission to Master of Arts in Teaching
Description (or Current Degree Requirements)
An examination of the unique aspects of and relationships between the development,
psychology, and diversity of learners. A study of life span development (with an emphasis on
adolescents and young adults) addresses social, moral, emotional, physical, cognitive and
psychological development. Theories, models, and principles of learning and motivation are
examined and related to development and diversity as it has influenced culture, language
cognitive ability, gender, and special needs. The use of technology in this course will include
word processing, presentation applications, Internet research, online courseware, electronic
portfolio development, and the review of software.
Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses)
Course Prefix and Number EDUC 6120___________________
Course Title Diversity and Disabilities________________
Credit Hours 3 Hours
Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements)
This course examines the demographic changes in America’s schools that influence teaching and
learning. Attention is given to assisting candidates in developing a socio-cultural consciousness
and the disposition that all students, including those with disabilities, can learn complex content.
Candidates engage in in-depth study of students with disabilities and their educational needs as
well as the creation of culturally responsive and inclusive classrooms that support all students.
This course is the first of five professional education courses leading to initial
certification through successful completion of the Master of Arts in Teaching degree at
Kennesaw State University. Initially this proposed course and the proposed course
EDUC 6110 were offered as a six-hour block under the labels of EDUC 6100 and EDUC
6100L. After review, faculty and students felt the content could be better delivered as
two separate courses
In 2001, NCLB set the tone of high expectations for all, meaning that schools are
accountable for closing the achievement gap between the subgroup of students with
disabilities and those of the general population. To be successful, educators must first,
and foremost, have a clear understanding of diversity that guides their practice and brings
them to a better understanding of the various constituency groups in their schools.
Second, teachers must demonstrate the ability to foster learning environments that are
culturally responsive, inclusive, caring and accepting of all individuals. This course
prepares prospective content area middle and secondary teachers with a greater
understanding of diversity as well as the collaborative tools necessary to bringing all
students, including those with disabilities, to high educational standards.
EDUC 6120 fulfill the Georgia House Bill 671 requirement as well as the Georgia
Professional Standards Commission Rule 505-2-.20d: Special Georgia Requirement on
Special Education which stipulates that… “Any person certified in a teaching field, the
leadership field of Educational Leadership, the service fields of Media Specialist and
School Counseling, or holders of permits, or Technical Specialist certificates shall
complete course work approved by the Professional Standards Commission (3 semester
hours of college credit or 5 professional learning units) in the identification and education
of children who have special educational needs. Holding National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (NBPTS) valid certification will satisfy the special education
requirement.” (This requirement was re-stated May 15, 2008.) See attachment
Additional Information (for New Courses only)
Banks, J., Cochran-Smith, M., Moll, L., Richert, A., Zeichner, K., LePage, P., DarlingHammond, L., Duffy, H., McDonald, M. (2005). Teaching diverse learners in DarlingHammond, L. & Brandsford, J. (Eds.) Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What
Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Salend, Spencer J. (2007). Creating inclusive classrooms: Effective & reflective practices. (6th
Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Chalk and Wire Account. Purchase from the KSU Bookstore. (Note: This must be
purchased immediately so that
you can attend college training on Chalk and Wire.)
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT Program
Objectives and Professional Standards
Course Goals and Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this
course the candidate will
1. Understand how differences in
ethnicity, class, gender,
religion, language and
exceptionality affect the work
of schools and teacher
Articulate the legal and ethical
requirements of their role in the
education of students with
disabilities and the ways those
continue to evolve out of
legislative, litigation, and
sociological changes.
Demonstrate an understanding
of the way in which general
characteristics of
exceptionalities are linked to
definitions under state and
federal laws and the attendant
Demonstrate an understanding
of due process and their role in
its implementation for parents
and students and their role in
engaging and supporting the
participation of parents of
students with diverse
characteristics (including
disabilities) in the education of
their children.
5. Demonstrate an understanding
of disabilities as lifelong
circumstances requiring
different strategies and
accommodations in various
settings and stages.
CPI Outcomes and
(Proficiencies) & NCATE
CPI –Subject Matter
Expert (1.3 and 1.4);
Facilitator of Learning
(2.1 and 2.7)
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
Dispositions), Standard II
CPI – Subject Matter
Expert (1.3 and 1.4);
Facilitator of Learning
(2.1 and 2.7)
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
CPI – Subject Matter
Expert (1.3 and 1.4);
Facilitator of Learning
(2.1 and 2.7)
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
CPI – Subject Matter
Expert (1.3 and 1.4);
Collaborative Professional
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
CPI – Subject Matter
Expert (1.3 and 1.4);
Collaborative Professional
NCATE – Standard I
Assignments and
 Ethno-cultural
Heritage Assignment
 Proficiency Exams
 Proficiency Exams
 Read/Review/Respond
 Proficiency Exams
 Read/Review/Respond
 Proficiency Exams
 Read/Review/Respond
 Proficiency Exams
 Read/Review/Respond
(Knowledge, Skills, and
Dispositions), Standard II
Demonstrate an
understanding of their role in
collaborating and co-teaching
with professional partners.
CPI – Collaborative
Professional (3.4)
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
Exhibit a commitment to
teaching in a diverse world.
CPI – Collaborative
Professional (3.4)
NCATE – Standard I
(Knowledge, Skills, and
 In-class activities
 Read/Review/Respond
 Ethno-cultural
Heritage Assignment
 Professionalism
Instructional Method: Lecture, collaborative groups, online case studies,
cooperative learning projects, observations
Methods of Evaluation:
Course Requirements and Assignments (to meet course objectives): All work should reflect
thorough editing for accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Excessive errors may
impact the grade for the assignment. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Timely
completion of work is essential for your continued learning. Late work will not be accepted
unless prior approval from the professor has been granted OR due to excused absences.
Ethno-Cultural Ppt. (75 points): Engage in self-exploration of your ethno-cultural heritage
and how it relates to your decision to become a teacher. Then, using the framework
provided by your instructor, interview an adult of a different race, religion, sexual
orientation, physical ability, cognitive ability, etc. than your own. Reflect on your
experience and what you learned about yourself and create a Power Point presentation
that summarizes your ethno-cultural heritage and how it has affected and influenced your
decision to be a teacher; your approaches and attitudes toward your own learning; and
your expectations for your future students. You will give a ten-minute oral presentation
of your ppt. to the class. Specific guidelines and grading criteria will be provided by your
instructor. (Diversity, Technology)
Research on Collaboration and Co-teaching: (50 points). Locate and read one research
article addressing issues in educating students with disabilities in your content area or
area of interest, e.g. TESOL, Math or English. For example, if you are pursuing an MAT
in TESOL, you must find research on students with identified disabilities who are also
learning English. If you are pursuing an MAT in Mathematics Education, you must find
an article on teaching math to students with disabilities in the general education
classroom. Special emphasize will be placed upon research articles addressing
collaboration and co-teaching with special education teachers. Journal articles can be
located through technology tools such as CD-ROM, WWW, Galileo, ERIC, microfilm or
microfiche, etc. Personal responses to the article will be developed using the rubric
provided in class. (Diversity, Technology)
Special Education Proficiency Exam (100 points): The proficiency examination is a
comprehensive assessment of foundational and pedagogical knowledge of teaching
students with disabilities. It is a take-home examination that is open-book, open-notes.
You must reference your textbook, handouts, wiki or professional literature to
substantiate your answers. To pass this course, you must earn a minimum score of 70%
on the exam. Note: This assignment must be posted on Chalk and Wire. (Diversity)
Part I: Legislation and Litigation: Candidates must demonstrate a clear knowledge
of the federal laws that regulate the provision of educational services to students with
This assessment requires candidates to apply their understanding of laws to authentic
cases of students with disabilities in middle and secondary settings. (50 points)
Part II: Disability Characteristics : It is important that candidates have an
understanding of disability categories contained within the Federal Regulations for
Special Education as well as the characteristics and learning needs of students
identified with those disability categories and most important, how to teach them.
This assessment tests the knowledge of candidates in these areas. (50 points.)
Diversity Survey (15 points): You are required to complete the BCOE on-line Diversity
Survey. This will be done as a class activity.
Participation Points (150 points): Your instructor will do daily homework checks for all
assignments on the class agendas and wiki. These are worth 10 points per session.
Evaluation and Grading:
90% - 100% Excellent
80% - 89% Good
60% - 69%
Less than satisfactory D (must re-take course)
Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only)
70% -
Other Personnel
New Books
New Journals
Other (Specify)
-0- 0-0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0-
- 0-
Funding Required Beyond
Normal Departmental Growth
This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the
Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President.
The form is required for all new courses.
(Note: Limit 30 spaces)
Approval, Effective Term
Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U)
If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas?
Learning Support Programs courses which are
required as prerequisites
Masters of Arts in Teaching
EDUC 6120
Diversity and Disabilities
Fall, 2010
Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee
VII Attachment: Rule of Georgia Professional Standards Commission
Effective May 15, 2008
(1) All applicants for certification in Georgia shall satisfy certain Special Georgia Requirements. These
requirements are in the areas of: content knowledge; standards of conduct; recency of study; special
education; and computer skill competency. Special Georgia Requirements do not apply to individuals
holding Georgia life certificates.
(a) CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT(S). An applicant for certification in Georgia must pass or
meet exemption criteria for content knowledge assessment(s) appropriate to the field of certification
and/or any other assessment(s) as required by the Professional Standards Commission. Specific content
knowledge assessments have not been developed for all fields.
1. An applicant may be exempt from passing the PSC content knowledge assessment(s) for one of the
following reasons: (i) hold or have held a professional certificate in another state, and have passed the
appropriate content knowledge assessment(s) required in that state for the issuance of that certificate
field. (ii) satisfy the out-of-state certificate and experience criteria outlined in paragraph (2), below.
(iii) hold valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification in the specific
field, with the exception of the Middle Grades Generalist field. The NBPTS Middle Grades Generalist field
does not exempt the Georgia Middle Grades content assessments.
(iv) the PSC has not adopted a content assessment for the certificate field being sought.
2. Completers of Georgia state-approved programs who have satisfied all program requirements with the
exception of the content knowledge assessment(s) and have obtained a valid Recommendation Form
from the provider, may be issued a one-year Waiver certificate at the request of an employing school
3. Additional information on the required content assessment(s) is available on the PSC web site at
(b) STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. An applicant for certification in Georgia must comply with the ethical
standards of the profession. An FBI background check (fingerprint) is required for employment in Georgia
public schools and a Georgia criminal history check is required every five years for certificate renewal. In
addition, applicants for certification must respond to background check questions on the application form.
Individuals applying for or already holding certification who violate standards of conduct may be subject to
a PSC investigation which could involve certificate denial, suspension or revocation. PSC Rule 505-2-.34.
(c) RECENCY OF STUDY/EXPERIENCE. An applicant for certification in Georgia must verify study or
experience within five years preceding the date of application. This requirement may be satisfied by any
one of the following: completion of 6 semester hours or 10 Professional Learning Units (PLUs) or 10
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) within 5 years; or, completion of 1 year of out-of-state teaching
experience on a certificate within 5 years; or, holding a valid National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards (NBPTS) certificate; or, holding valid Georgia Master Teacher certification; or, completion of 1
year of full-time college teaching experience within 5 years (as defined in paragraph (2)(a)2(ll) below; or,
in the fields of Audiology, School Psychology, School Social Worker and Speech and Language
Pathology providing a valid State of Georgia license issued by the Examining Boards Division of the
Office of the Secretary of State.
505-2-.20 Page 2
d) SPECIAL EDUCATION. Any person certified in a teaching field, the leadership field of Educational
Leadership, the service fields of Media Specialist and School Counseling, or holders of permits, or
Technical Specialist certificates shall complete course work approved by the Professional Standards
Commission (3 semester hours of college credit or 5 professional learning units) in the identification and
education of children who have special educational needs. Holding National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (NBPTS) valid certification will satisfy the special education requirement.
(e) COMPUTER SKILL COMPETENCY. Certificates expiring on June 30, 2006 or later shall NOT be
renewed for a 5-year period unless the certificate holder demonstrates satisfactory proficiency on a PSCapproved test of computer skill competency or completes a PSC-approved course. Individuals who have
not completed the requirement may, at the request of an employing school system, be issued a 1-year
Non-Renewable Professional certificate during which time the requirement must be completed. Holding
valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification or completion of a degree
in Instructional Technology or Computer Science from a college or university with PSC-accepted
accreditation status will satisfy the computer skill competency requirement. Out-of-state educators who
completed an NCATE-approved educator preparation program on or after July 1, 2001 have satisfied this
requirement and should submit a Recommendation Form from the NCATE institution or an official
transcript verifying that an NCATE-approved program was completed. A listing of PSC-approved courses
and test-out options for this requirement is located on the PSC web site at
(2) Out-of-State Experience Exemption. Veteran out-of-state educators moving into Georgia may be
eligible to exempt all Special Georgia Requirements except the Standards of Conduct and Computer Skill
Competency. To be acceptable, the out-of-state experience must be in the same field (subject area) as
the certificate being requested. For example, to exempt the mathematics assessment, the experience
must be in teaching mathematics, to exempt the school counseling assessment the experience must be
in school guidance counseling, etc. Out-of-state educators certified in multiple fields will be eligible to
exempt the content knowledge assessment only for the field in which the acceptable experience was
earned. Other fields will be subject to the assessment requirement, but will be exempt from all other
applicable Special Georgia Requirements.
(a) The following criteria will be used to determine acceptable experience:
1. The applicant must hold, or have held a professional certificate/license from another state or
country in a field that is comparable to a current Georgia certificate field. The certificate and the
experience must be from the same state or country and in the same field.
2. The applicant must have a minimum of 3 full years of acceptable, successful education experience
in another state in a field that is comparable to a Georgia certificate field within 5 years of the date of
application for a Georgia certificate. No Georgia experience may be used for exemption purposes.
(i) Only full-time experience will be accepted.
(I) One year of full-time experience in a P-12 setting is defined as a minimum of 120 days working full
time in a PSC-approved educational setting, as defined in paragraph (3), below. No computations for
partial-year experience will apply.
(II) One year of full-time teaching experience at a college or university is defined as teaching 9
semester hours each semester for two consecutive semesters.
505-2-.20 Page 3
(ii) Applicants may earn 3 years of acceptable experience using any combination of full years of public
school, approved private school or approved college/university experience. For example, 2 years of public
school experience plus one year of college experience (all within 5 years of the date of application) totals
3 years.
(iii) Experience may have been earned while serving on a non-professional certificate. However, the
applicant must have converted the out-of-state certificate to a full professional certificate in the field in
which the experience was earned at the time of application for the Georgia certificate.
(iv) Successful experience is defined as no unsatisfactory annual (or equivalent) performance
appraisals within the most-recent 3 teaching years (all must be within 5 years of the date of application).
3. Acceptable experience must take place within the following settings:
(i) a U.S. public school;
(ii) a U.S. private school regionally-accredited when the experience was earned;
(iii) a PSC-accepted accredited college or university;
(iv) jurisdictions that have signed the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, such as the District of Columbia,
overseas U.S. military schools, etc. as found on the web site at;
(v) teaching in kindergarten, pre-kindergarten, or a Head Start Program, provided they are under the legal
jurisdiction of a public school board of education or are regionally/state accredited;
(vi) teaching in a school setting in a foreign country, as long as:
(I) the applicant held the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree prior to the time the experience was
(II) the applicant held a valid professional certificate issued by the country’s governing body
appropriate to the field and subject taught at the time the experience was earned; and
(III) the school was organized and conducted with educational curriculum similar to that found in U.S.
public schools (final decision to be made by the Professional Standards Commission).
(vii) Experience as a supply/substitute, paraprofessional or as a member of a board of education does
NOT apply toward Special Georgia Requirement exemption.
4. If an applicant is a member of the military Reserve or National Guard and is called to active duty,
one full year of active duty status will be accepted as a successful year of educator experience. No more
than 2 full years of experience within the last 5 years may result from military active duty.
Authority O.C.G.A. 20-2-200