Change in Existing Course
Existing Course Prefix/Number/Title ECE 4525 Methods of Nurturing Second
Language Acquisition
Department Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Degree Title (if applicable) Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhoood
Education Birth through Five
Proposed Effective Date Fall 2011
Please indicate what changes are being proposed:
____ Change in course number __X__ Change in course description
____ Change in course title
___X_ Change in prerequisite/corequisites
____ Change in credit hours
____ Other change (please identify) ________________________
I. Current Information
Current Course Information in Catalog:
Course Prefix & Number: ECE 4525
Course Title: Methods of Nurturing Second Language Acquisition
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to Teach Education, EDUC 2120, ECE 3360,
Corequisites: ECE 4545
Course Description Teacher candidates will develop a clear understanding of language
proficiency levels for the fours skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and learn
appropriate approaches, methods and techniques for working with English Language
Learners and their families. Candidates will examine major theories related to culturally
and linguistically diverse families, and principles of linguistic systems (phonological,
syntactic, and semantic) and their acquisition as they occur in first and additional
languages. Additionally, they will explore the relationship of oral and written language
and become familiar with assessment techniques and devices for evaluating the
development of an additional language. This methods course includes an extensive field
experience for five weeks. Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior
to placement in the field.
II. Proposed Information (fill in ONLY proposed changes in RED)
Course Prefix & Number:
Course Title:
Credit Hours:
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education, EDUC 2120
Course Description:
The course description should:
1) Include full sentences
2) Be written in the present tense
3) Have a maximum of 75 words
4) Focus on what the student will learn in the course.
Fill in entire course description and make changes in RED
Teacher candidates will develop a clear understanding of language proficiency levels for
the fours skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and learn appropriate
approaches, methods and techniques for working with English Language Learners and
their families. Candidates will examine major theories related to culturally and
linguistically diverse families, and principles of linguistic systems (phonological,
syntactic, and semantic) and their acquisition as they occur in first and additional
languages. Additionally, they will explore the relationship of oral and written language
and become familiar with assessment techniques and devices for evaluating the
development of an additional language. This course includes a 15 hour field experience.
Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in the field.
III. Justification for Change
This course will be removed from the methods block and taught as an upper
division course. Since the course addresses the specific topic of working with
children with languages differences, it will have a field experience that focuses on
young children and language acquisition.
Signature Page
Submitted by:
Name Raynice Jean-Sigur, Ph.D.
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Date 4/28/2011
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Curriculum Committee, Date
General Education Council*, Date
Professional Teacher Education Unit
Program Area*, Date
Department Chair, Date
College Curriculum Committee AND/OR
Teacher Education Council*, Date
College Dean, Date
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum
Committee, Date
Assoc. VP for Academic Affairs
*For curriculum proposals involving General Education courses, there should be
collaboration by the Department Curriculum Committee and the General
Education Council. For Teacher Preparation proposals, there should be
collaboration by the Department Curriculum Committee, the Professional
Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) Program Area Committee, the Teacher
Education Council, and the College Curriculum Committee.
Form updated August 27, 2009