I. COURSE NUMBER/SECTION: CSED 4416 COURSE TITLE: Teaching of Computer Science (6-12) COLLEGE OR SCHOOL: Science and Mathematics SEMESTER/TERM AND YEAR: II. INSTRUCTOR TELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: III. CLASS MEETINGS: IV. REQUIRED TEXT AND MATERIALS: None V. CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: 3 credit-hours. Prerequisite: IS 2101, CS 2302, admission to teacher education, and permission of program coordinator. This course will examine the pedagogy and methodologies of teaching computer programming at the high school level. Identifying necessary prerequisite knowledge and developing appropriate learning outcomes will be examined in the context of teaching and learning styles. A major portion of the course will include investigating methods and tools that can be used in the classroom and students will be required to develop and implement plans for teaching computer programming concepts. Students will also be required to develop programming skill in a specific programming language. Finally, the implications of the need for teaching computer programming in a technologically mature society will be explored. . 1 VI. RATIONALE: The faculty of the Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) of Kennesaw State University (KSU) endorse the standards for the preparation of teachers of computer science specified by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, and form the review standards for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Thus, the university-based experiences of this computer science education course is designed to reflect institutional and national goals for computer science teacher education in the domains of subject matter expertise, facilitation of learning, and professional collaboration. Conceptual Framework Summary: Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership. The KSU teacher education faculty is committed to preparing teachers who demonstrate expertise in facilitating learning in all students. Toward that end, the KSU teacher education community strongly upholds the concept of collaborative preparation requiring guidance from professionals inside and outside the university. In tandem with this belief is the understanding that teacher expertise develops along a continuum which includes the stages of pre-service, induction, in-service, and renewal; further, as candidates develop a strong research-based knowledge of content and pedagogy, they develop their professional expertise in recognizing, facilitating, assessing, and evaluating student learning. Knowledge Base: Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: preservice, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching-learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believes that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during the continuum phases teachers progress from being Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an end-state but a process of continued development. CSED 4416 Teaching of Computer Science (6-12) is designed to aid students in developing a comprehensive understanding of the pedagogical knowledge needed in selecting, developing, implementing, evaluating and refining computer science instruction for middle and secondary students. This course builds upon and extends knowledge of learning theories and curricular issues introduced in prerequisite Professional Education courses. The KSU CPI proficiencies established by the PTEU serve as assessment criteria for student performance, and are correlated with the NSTA/NCATE standards for science teacher preparation. These proficiencies and standards are the basis for instructional experiences and requirements of students in CSED 4416. Use of Technology: This course will familiarize teacher candidates with a variety of tools and approaches to teaching computer science to middle and high school students. Multicultural Education Emphasis: A variety of material and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the needs of different learning styles of diverse learners in student teachers’ classes. Students will gain knowledge, skills, and understanding to provide effective instruction in multicultural classrooms. 2 KSU provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to help disabled students with their academic work. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (ext. 6443) and arrange an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required. VII. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Learning Outcome The candidate will be able to: 1. Understand the content of the Georgia computing curriculum Articulate the Georgia Computing Pathway sequence covering the requirements for computer related courses currently being taught in Georgia high schools: Computing in the Modern World, Programming I and Programming II. Order computer programming principles and concepts from the concrete to the abstract Contrast the difference between procedural and object oriented programming Contrast the differences between program development using different object oriented languages Investigating basic computing platforms and architecture such as self-contained programs and n-tier architectures utilized by Internet and Web-based applications Demonstrate skill in computer programming using a development environment and a fourth generation objectoriented programming language KSU Proficiency Assessed via 1.1 1.3 Content Exam 2. Design effective instruction. Identify student learning styles in relationship to developing strategies for teaching computer programming to the high school student Identify teaching styles in relationship to developing strategies for teaching computer programming to the high school student Identify prerequisite knowledge necessary for success in developing computer programs Create learning activities, assignments, and assessment instruments mapped to desired learning outcomes 3. communicate effectively orally and in writing 3.1 Portfolio 3.2 Reflective Journal Articulate the logistics involved with teaching computer science and computer programming Articulate the logistics involved in managing interactive computer lab sessions with software and hardware components 4. reflect upon and improves professional performance. 2.6 Instructional Design Exercises Discuss how to set realistic expectations for the computer science students and how to articulate appropriate learning outcomes 3 Discuss how to insure realistic expectations are set in regards to the expectations of parents, administrators, other teachers, Boards of Education and state departments of education Describe how computer science courses are implemented in other states and other countries, especially those countries identified with current outsourcing of computer programming jobs 5. build collaborative and respectful relationships with colleagues, supervisors, students, parents and community members. 6. display professional and ethical behavior. 3.3 Portfolio 3.4 Formative Assessment Define the role of computer programming within the greater context of information technology and an information technology mature society VII. COURSE ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING: Each student in the course is expected to meet the following requirements: Course Topics: • Introduction • Computer Science Education Goals and Issues • Learning and Teaching Styles • Developing Programming Lesson Plans / Facilitating Student Learning Plans • Designing and Managing an Interactive Computer Lab • Problem Solving, Flow Charts and Algorithmic Thinking • Procedural vs. Object Oriented Programming • Interface Design, GUI and Controls • Designing Event Driven Code • Graphics and Animation • Build Collaborative Projects • Debugging Techniques • Review of Alternate Computer Languages • Exploring International Approaches to Computer Science Education • Preparing Students for AP Computer Science 4 Course requirements are: Five research-based extended abstracts which investigate issues related to course topics concerning the field of computer science and which map concepts of computer programming to specific learning and/or teaching styles. Ten fully developed lesson plans which include identification of concepts to be covered, learning outcomes, teaching strategies, rubrics, activities and assessment instruments. o Students will be required to engage in a micro-teaching activity utilizing one of their lesson plans. o Students will be required to develop lesson plans which introduce kinesthetic activities into their teaching practices. Activities and lab exercises (customized and targeted at the student’s current level of programming skill and knowledge) leading to mastery in a defined set of programming skills. Class participation. Your final course grade in CSED 4416 is based on the following scale: A--90%-100% B--80%-89% C--70%-79% D--60%-69% F--Below 60% The field experience is the culminating event of the “Teaching of Specific Subjects” (TOSS) course and the final practice opportunity prior to student teaching. Students will be expected to teach a variety of lessons during this time. To be successful in the field experience, the student should show indicators of the effective application of instructional strategies and classroom management. The field experience will be assessed using appropriate instruments completed by the student, collaborating mentor teacher, and TOSS professor. There is a formal field experience rubric that will be applied to the observations that your supervising professor and mentor teacher will conduct. The student must complete the field experience component of TOSS successfully in order to receive a passing grade. A student may be removed from his or her field experience placement at any time under recommendation of the mentor teacher, principal, or university supervisor. TOSS students represent KSU and will be held to the highest expectations of professionalism at all times. An unsatisfactory field experience will result in the student’s receiving a grade of “F” for all of TOSS . (Note that dates for the Field Experience are dependent on the local school.) U U U U VIII. Professionalism: It is expected that candidate teachers will conduct themselves with the professionalism that is required of practicing teachers. Such professionalism includes effective and respectful collaboration and communication with colleagues, prompt attendance of all meetings and classes, moral behavior and actions, appropriate communication and sharing of materials and plans with the mentor teacher and university supervisor, appropriate professional dress (even on “casual days”), etc. If, at any time, a student’s actions or attitudes are judged to be less than professional by a supervisor, mentor teacher, or school principal, appropriate remedial action will be taken. Such action may include the development of a plan for the student to complete by the end of the semester or the removal of the student from the experience. A student must have a satisfactory rating on professionalism to receive a passing grade. U Attendance Policy: 5 Students will be expected to attend all class meetings and participate in group activities. The students in-class attendance will reflect in the class assignments and participation section of the course evaluation. Professional conduct requires that the student show respect for others. This includes coming to class on time, staying for the entire class period, and cooperating with colleagues in and outside of class. In the event of an absence, the student is responsible for all materials, assignments and announcements presented in class. Any absences beyond agreed upon extenuating circumstances will be reflected as a deduction in the participation component and/or other components of your course grade. In addition to specific school-based exercises in the early weeks of TOSS, candidates will teach a morning class for 3.5 hours Mon-Thurs for two consecutive weeks in an assigned middle school and four consecutive weeks in an assigned high school classroom with a mentor teacher. Policies on late work, student record keeping, and class participation: Written work is due at the beginning of class on the day assigned. If you cannot attend class, arrange to deliver assignments on the due date. Late papers, reports, etc. will have 10 points deducted for each class period late. Keep your own copy of all major assignments that you hand in. Bring your copy of each reading to class on the day discussion is set for that text. Papers submitted must be typed. Field Observations: During the TOSS course, you will have several opportunities to complete school-based exercises intentionally planned to provide a realistic and problem-based initial development. In addition to these, you should take the initiative during your field experience to participate in school events that broaden your understanding of the community and culture of schools. You should view the new relationships that you negotiate in the schools as opportunities to glean the wisdom of practice and gather resources to equip you in your teaching practice. IX. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an “informal ”resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct ’s minimum one semester suspension requirement. 6