Cover Sheet (10/02/2002)
Course Number/Program Name ECE 8190 Curriculum Inquiry
Department Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Degree Title (if applicable) Education Doctorate (Ed.D.)
Proposed Effective Date Fall 2006
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Current Information (Fill in for changes)
Page Number in Current Catalog
Course Prefix and Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
Description (or Current Degree Requirements)
Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses)
Course Prefix and Number ECE 8190 _____________________
Course Title __Curriculum Inquiry
Credit Hours 3
Prerequisites Acceptance to the Ed.D. program
Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements)
This course examines various forms of inquiry that can be used to respond to the issues confronting
contemporary curriculum developers. Emphasis is on inquiry that goes beyond the traditional means by
which curriculum is examined and assessed and on developing research techniques and perspectives that
are most appropriate to various curriculum-related issues and to your own abilities and interests as a
curriculum researcher.
Scholarship involves the deliberate and rigorous pursuit of substantive questions. Different questions
necessitate different means of pursuing answers to those questions. Therefore, it is essential that scholars
recognize and be able to use various forms of inquiry. Otherwise, they are likely to find answers or develop
theories and pedagogy that fail to reflect the true nature or complexity of a given issue. Similarly, if scholars
can see the world according to varied modes of inquiry, the questions that guide their intellectual pursuits
will become increasingly complex and compelling. Proficiency in multiple forms of inquiry liberates the
researcher from narrowly defined, traditional conceptions of curriculum that limit the potential of both the
scholar and the curriculum.
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Additional Information (for New Courses only)
Instructor: To be assigned
 Connelly, M. and J. Clandinin. 1988. Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives
of Experience. New York: Teachers College Press.
 Short, Edmund C., Ed. (1991). Forms of Curriculum Inquiry. New York: State
University of New York Press.
Admission to the Ed.D. program
Course objective
1. Identify and characterize multiple forms of
curriculum inquiry.
1.B, 4.B,
4.D, 5.C
5.D, 6.B
2. Interrogate the epistemological, axiological, and
ontological underpinnings of each form of curricular
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
3.B, 4.A,
3. Explore significant contemporary curriculum
issues using various forms of inquiry.
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
2.B, 3.B,
4.A, 5.A,
5.C, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
4. Analyze, synthesize, and critique the curriculumrelated ideas of professional peers.
1..A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.B,
2.C, 2.E,
3.B, 4.A,
4.D, 4.E,
5.B, 5.C,
5.D, 5.3, 6.A
Distributed School Leadership
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
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5. Use various forms of inquiry to critique, enrich, or
revise existing school curricula.
6. Identify and articulate how your personal
assumptions and experiences shape the manner
and means though which you inquire.
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
2.B, 2.C,
2.E, 3..A,
3.B, 4.A,
4.B, 4.D,
5.A, 5.C,
5.D, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
1.B, 2.A,
3.B, 4.A,
5.B, 5.D,
5.E, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
Instructional Method
Possible assignments might include:
Issue Paper, Presentation, and Discussion – This would involve a seven to ten page
paper related to the topic, “Curriculum, Accountability, and the Role of the Teacher”.
The paper would
then be presented in a mock symposium on the final day of class. The students would
also serve as discussants for a collection of class papers – synthesizing ideas and offering
critique regarding the issues in the form of a one to three page discussant response.
In-class Written Responses – These would be regular in-class responses to synthesize the
readings. Students would be asked to consider connections between the readings as well
as implications within their personal contexts.
Collective Annotated Bibliography - In groups of no more than four students would
generate an annotated bibliography for curriculum inquiry. The bibliography would
include the following:
 A section for each of the following forms of inquiry: historical, aesthetic,
scientific, phenomenological, hermeneutic, narrative, critical, normative,
theoretical, philosophical, and ethnographic.
 A definition for each form of inquiry
 A minimum of three annotated entries for each form of inquiry
 A list of potential curricular questions that could be asked for each form of
Issue Based Inquiry - Students would identify critical curricular issues within their own
settings and explore the relative value/contribution of three to four forms of inquiry in
Page 4 of 12
relation to those issues. They would also explore how those forms of inquiry might
enhance or impede their work as scholars and teachers?
Method of Evaluation
Each assignment would be evaluated according to a rubric provided to the students at the
beginning of the assignment. The course grade would be assigned according to a standard
percentage scale.
90 – 100% = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
59 and below = F
Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only)
*Course funding is addressed in a comprehensive manner in the comprehensive proposal for the umbrella
Ed.D degree for the Bagwell College of Education.
Other Personnel
New Books
New Journals
Other (Specify)
Funding Required Beyond
Normal Departmental Growth
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This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the
Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President.
The form is required for all new courses.
(Note: Limit 16 spaces)
Approval, Effective Term
Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U)
If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas?
Learning Support Programs courses which are
required as prerequisites
ECE 8190
Curric Inquiry
Fall 2006
Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __
VII Attach Syllabus
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ECE 8190 Curriculum Inquiry
Instructor Information
Class Meeting Information
Possible Texts
Connelly, M. and J. Clandinin. 1988. Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives of Experience. New
York: Teachers College Press.
Short, Edmund C., Ed. (1991). Forms of Curriculum Inquiry. New York: State University of New
York Press.
Catalog Course Description
This course examines various forms of inquiry that can be used to respond to the issues confronting contemporary
curriculum developers. Emphasis is on inquiry that goes beyond the traditional means by which curriculum is
examined and assessed and on developing research techniques and perspectives that are most appropriate to
various curriculum-related issues and to your own abilities and interests as a curriculum researcher.
Scholarship involves the deliberate and rigorous pursuit of substantive questions. Different questions necessitate
different means of pursuing answers to those questions. Therefore, it is essential that scholars recognize and be able
to use various forms of inquiry. Otherwise, they are likely to find answers or develop theories and pedagogy that fail
to reflect the true nature or complexity of a given issue. Similarly, if scholars can see the world according to varied
modes of inquiry, the questions that guide their intellectual pursuits will become increasingly complex and compelling.
Proficiency in multiple forms of inquiry liberates the researcher from narrowly defined, traditional conceptions of
curriculum that limit the potential of both the scholar and the curriculum.
Conceptual Framework Summary
Collaborative development of expertise in teaching and learning
The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise
among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and
expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in
classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the
development of candidates as they progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader.
Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an endstate. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are
entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and
reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates at the doctoral level develop into leaders for learning and
facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes, values and demonstrates
collaborative practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large.
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Through this collaboration with professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents and other
professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of assisting Georgia schools in bringing all students to high
levels of learning.
Knowledge Base
Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: preservice, induction, inservice, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise
is central to analyzing the teaching-learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believe that the concept of
expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during
the continuum phases teachers progress from being Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming
Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an
end-state but a process of continued development.
Use of Technology : Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission.
Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the master teacher preparation
program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student learning and meet Georgia
Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore
and use instructional media. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and
Internet, and feel confident to design multimedia instructional materials, and create WWW resources.
General Course Goals and Objectives
As a result of the readings, assignments and discussion students will be expected to:
Course objective
1. Identify and characterize multiple forms of
curriculum inquiry.
1.B, 4.B,
4.D, 5.C
5.D, 6.B
2. Interrogate the epistemological, axiological, and
ontological underpinnings of each form of curricular
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
3.B, 4.A,
3. Explore significant contemporary curriculum
issues using various forms of inquiry.
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
2.B, 3.B,
4.A, 5.A,
5.C, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
4. Analyze, synthesize, and critique the curriculum-
1..A, 1.B,
Distributed School Leadership
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
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related ideas of professional peers.
1.C, 2.B,
2.C, 2.E,
3.B, 4.A,
4.D, 4.E,
5.B, 5.C,
5.D, 5.3, 6.A
5. Use various forms of inquiry to critique, enrich, or
revise existing school curricula.
1.A, 1.B,
1.C, 2.A,
2.B, 2.C,
2.E, 3..A,
3.B, 4.A,
4.B, 4.D,
5.A, 5.C,
5.D, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
1.B, 2.A,
3.B, 4.A,
5.B, 5.D,
5.E, 5.F,
6.B, 6.D
6. Identify and articulate how your personal
assumptions and experiences shape the manner
and means though which you inquire.
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
Curriculum, Instruction &
Assessment Leader
Learning & Development Leader
Change Leader
Data Analysis Leader
Process Improvement Leader
Relationship Development
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
*Georgia's Leadership Institute for School Improvement & Georgia Committee on Educational Leadership
Preparation’s Distributed School Leadership Roles
Course Requirements and Assignments
Possible assignments might include:
Issue Paper, Presentation, and Discussion – This would involve a seven to ten page paper related to the topic,
“Curriculum, Accountability, and the Role of the Teacher”. The paper would
then be presented in a mock symposium on the final day of class. The students would also serve as discussants for a
collection of class papers – synthesizing ideas and offering critique regarding the issues in the form of a one to three
page discussant response.
In-class Written Responses – These would be regular in-class responses to synthesize the readings. Students would
be asked to consider connections between the readings as well as implications within their personal contexts.
Collective Annotated Bibliography - In groups of no more than four students would generate an annotated
bibliography for curriculum inquiry. The bibliography would include the following:
 A section for each of the following forms of inquiry: historical, aesthetic, scientific, phenomenological,
hermeneutic, narrative, critical, normative, theoretical, philosophical, and ethnographic.
 A definition for each form of inquiry
 A minimum of three annotated entries for each form of inquiry
 A list of potential curricular questions that could be asked for each form of inquiry
Issue Based Inquiry - Students would identify critical curricular issues within their own settings and explore the
relative value/contribution of three to four forms of inquiry in relation to those issues. They would also explore how
those forms of inquiry might enhance or impede their work as scholars and teachers?
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Evaluation and Grading
Each assignment would be evaluated according to a rubric provided to the students at the beginning of the
assignment. The course grade would be assigned according to a standard percentage scale.
85-92 %
IX. Policies
Diversity: A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the needs of the different
learning styles of diverse learners in class. Candidates will gain knowledge as well as an understanding of
differentiated strategies and curricula for providing effective instruction and assessment within multicultural
classrooms. One element of course work is raising candidate awareness of critical multicultural issues. A second
element is to cause candidates to explore how multiple attributes of multicultural populations influence decisions in
employing specific methods and materials for every student. Among these attributes are age, disability, ethnicity,
family structure, gender, geographic region, giftedness, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and
socioeconomic status. An emphasis on cognitive style differences provides a background for the consideration of
cultural context.
Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled
under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of
services are available to support students with disabilities within their academic program. In order to make
arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (ext. 6443)
and develop an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required.
Please be aware there are other support/mentor groups on the campus of Kennesaw State University that address
each of the multicultural variables outlined above.
Professionalism- Academic Honesty: KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in
an ethical, professional manner. Faculty of the EdS and EdD programs abide by the policies and guidelines
established by the university in their expectations for candidates’ work. Candidates are responsible for knowing and
adhering to the guidelines of academic honesty as stated in the graduate catalog. Any candidate who is found to
have violated these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action consistent with university policy. For example,
plagiarism or other violations of the University’s Academic Honesty policies could result in a grade of “F” in the
course and a formal hearing before the Judiciary Committee.
Professionalism- Participation and Attendance: Part of your success in this class is related to your ability to
provide peer reviews and feedback to your editing groups regarding their research and their writing. Furthermore,
responding effectively and appropriately to feedback from your peers and the professor is another measure of one’s
professionalism. In addition, since each class meeting represents a week of instruction/learning, failure to attend
class will likely impact your performance on assignments and final exams. Please be prepared with all readings
completed prior to class. We depend on one another to ask pertinent and insightful questions.
Key topics in their tentative order of presentation
Introduction to the curriculum inquiry process
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Historical inquiry
Scientific inquiry
Aesthetic inquiry
Phenomenological and hermeneutic inquiry
Narrative Inquiry
Ethnographic inquiry
Critical inquiry
Theoretical and normative inquiry
Philosophical inquiry
Apple, M. (1979). Ideology and curriculum. London: Routledge.
Ayers, W. and J. L. Miller. (Eds.). (1998). A light in dark times: Maxine Greene and the
unfinished conversation. New York: Teachers College Press.
Bredo. E. and W. Feinerg (Eds). (1982). Knowledge and values in zocial sducational research.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Bowers, C.A. (1984). The promise of theory: Education and the politics of cultural change. New
York: Longman.
Brenner, P. (Ed.) (1994). Interpretive phenomenology: Embodiment, caring, and ethics in health
and illness. Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Publications.
Buchler, J. (1961). The concept of method. New York: Columbia University Press.
Churchman, C. W. (1971). The design of inquiring systems. New York: Basic Books.
Cronbach, L. J. and Suppes, P. (Eds.) (1969). Research for tomorrow’s schools: Disciplined
inquiry for education. New York: Macmillan.
Cuban, L. (1993). How Teachers Taught: Constancy and Change in American Classrooms 18901990. New York: Teachers College Press.
Dewey, J. (1929). The sources of a science of education. New York: Liveright Publishing
Dewey, J. (1938). Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York: Hold, Rinehart, and Winston.
Eisner, E. W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of
educational practice. New York: Macmillan.
Eisner, E. W. and E. Vallance. (Eds.) (1974). Conflicting conceptions of curriculum. Berkeley,
CA: McCutchan Publishing Company.
Freire, P. (1998). Pedagogy of freedom: Ethics, democracy, and civic courage. Lanham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Freire, P. (1993). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum.
Giroux, H. A. (1981). Ideology, culture, and the process of schooling. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press.
Giroux, H. A. (1988). Teachers as Intellectuals. New York: Bergin and Garvey.
Greene, M. (1995). Releasing the imagination: Essays on education, the arts, and social change.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Page 11 of 12
Greene, M. (2001). Variations on a blue guitar: The Lincoln Center Institute lectures on
aesthetic education. New York: Teachers College Press.
Jackson, P. W. (2002). John Dewey and the philosopher’s task. New York: Teachers College
Jackson, P.W. (1968). Life in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
Lincoln, Y. and E. S. Guba. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. London: Sage Publications.
Macdonald, B. J. (Ed.) (1995). Theory as a prayerful act: The collected essays of James B.
Macdonald. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Phenix, P.H. (1964). Realms of meaning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Polanyi, M. 1964. Personal knowledge: Toward a post-critical philosophy. New York: Harper &
Polkinghorne, D. E. (1988). Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences. Albany: State
University of New York Press.
Reid, W. A. (1978). Thinking about the curriculum: The nature and treatment of curriculum
problems. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Riessman, C. K. (1993). Narrative analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Ross, E. W. and L. M. Hannay. (1986). Towards a critical theory of reflective inquiry. Journal
of Teacher Education 37(4), 9-15.
Schubert, W. H. (1986). Curriculum: Perspective, paradigm, and possibility. New York:
Spiegelberg, H. (1984). The phenomenological movement: A historical introduction. 3rd. Ed. The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Steup, M. (1996). An introduction to contemporary epistemology. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience. Ontario: University of Western Ontario.
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