BAGWELL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Ed.S./Ed.D. Program EDL 8510 Research & Best Practices in Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology Integration Kennesaw State University Bagwell College of Education Department: Educational Leadership Department phone number: Semester: XXXX Credit Hours: 3 INSTRUCTOR: e-mail: Web page: Office Phone: TEXTS: Dean, C.B., Doty, J.K., & Quackenboss, S.A. (2005). Research into practice series: Classroom Instruction that Works. Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.S. or Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership or approval of the Educational Leadership Department to enroll in this course as an elective course. EDL XXX Advanced Study of Learning This course will provide an overview of curriculum, instruction and assessment theories and research which serve as the foundation for effective technology use in classrooms. Using these foundational principles, candidates will develop a personal framework for evaluating and responding to current technology use in K-12 classrooms. Issues surrounding using technology to differentiate instruction and to accommodate needs of special learners also will be discussed. PURPOSE/RATIONALE: Researchers consistently have determined that technology use is most effective when it is integrated into high-quality teaching and learning practices in the classroom. Yet, research also shows that technology use in K-12 schools often falls short of this ideal. Unfortunately, much technology use remains infrequent, peripheral to primary learning activities in the classroom, disconnected from state and national learning standards, and/or focused on lower-level cognitive tasks. Through this course, leaders will develop the skills necessary to establish and articulate a vision of and expectations for effective technology use in classrooms. “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 1 of 13 KSU CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK SUMMARY Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching and Learning The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers and leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and who enhance the structures that support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates as they progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates at the doctoral level develop into leaders for learning and facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes, values, and demonstrates collaborative practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration with professionals in the university, the public and private schools, parents and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of assisting Georgia schools in bringing all students to high levels of learning. Knowledge Base: Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: preservice, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching-learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believe that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during the continuum phases teachers progress from being Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an end-state but a process of continued development. Use of Technology: Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the master teacher preparation program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional media. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and Internet, and feel confident to design multimedia instructional materials, and create WWW resources. Field Experience: While participating in all field experiences, you are encouraged to be involved in a variety of school-based activities directed at the improvement of teaching and learning. Activities may include, but are not limited to, attending and presenting at professional conferences, participating in leadership activities, attending PTA/school board meetings, and participating in education- “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 2 of 13 related community events. As you continue your field experiences, you are encouraged to explore every opportunity to learn by doing. Diversity: A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be employed to meet the needs of the different learning styles of diverse learners in class. Candidates will gain knowledge as well as an understanding of differentiated strategies and curricula for providing effective instruction and assessment within multicultural classrooms. One element of course work is raising candidate awareness of critical multicultural issues. A second element is to cause candidates to explore how multiple attributes of multicultural populations influence decisions in employing specific methods and materials for every student. Among these attributes are ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, giftedness, disability, language, religion, family structure, sexual orientation, and geographic region. An emphasis on cognitive style differences provides a background for the consideration of cultural context. Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to support students with disabilities within their academic program. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (770-423- 6443) and develop an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required. Please be aware that there are other support/mentor groups on the campus of Kennesaw State University that address each of the multicultural variables outlined above. For more information contact the Student Life Center at 770-423-6280. Doctorate of Education (EdD) The knowledge, skills and dispositions (KSD’s) of the graduates of the The Kennesaw State University Doctorate of Education program of the Bagwell College of Education reflect the unique aspects of this degree. Collaboratively developed by faculty from across the university and in consultation with community/school partners, these outcomes and proficiencies delineate the high expectations we have for graduates who will be Leaders for Learning. Clearly, the proficiencies reflect the complex nature of student learning in advanced degree programs leading to a terminal degree. Consequently, many of the proficiencies listed below incorporate aspects of knowledge, skills and dispositions within a single proficiency. These proficiencies are clearly linked to our conceptual framework, The Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning and Leadership. Graduates from the Doctorate of Education Program at Kennesaw State University 1. Demonstrate leadership as advocates for students and education. Candidates a. synthesize and apply the latest research on learning, leadership, developmental theory advocating the implementation of best practices and assist colleagues to do the same to ensure all students learn. b. are knowledgeable, articulate and think critically about educational practice, policy and issues on national and international arenas. “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 3 of 13 c. understand, respond to , and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context in matters related to education. d. are knowledgeable about the factors contributing to safe physical environments for education. e. develop, articulate, implement, and steward a vision of learning supported by the school community 2. Demonstrate leadership as agents for change, collaboration and collegiality. Candidates a. understand the complexity of schools and the ambiguous nature of educational issues. b. act in concert with and/or on behalf of colleagues to improve teaching and learning in the classroom as supported by effective school, district, state level policies and operations. c. facilitate shared-decision making and teamwork. d. improve teaching and learning by intentionally and systematically building networks of influence at local, state, national and international arenas. e. impact student learning for all and mentor other educators to do the same by effectively working within the structures and culture of schools, families and communities. f. support the teaching and learning process by soliciting all sources of funding and educational resources. 3. Demonstrate leadership as mentors. Candidates a. support and guide teachers to improve teaching and learning for all. b. are committed to improving student learning by improving teaching and the learning environment. c. model routine, intentional, and effective use of technology while mentori8ng and encouraging others to do the same. 4. Demonstrate leadership as expert teachers and instructional leaders. Candidates a. are creative and flexible in their thinking and in seeking solutions to educational challenges. b. are knowledgeable of assessment, evaluation and accountability practices and critically synthesize and utilize the data to improve student learning. c. are master-teachers and instructional leaders possessing and demonstrating content and pedagogical expertise who are able to make international comparisons in both areas. d. develop and/or support appropriate, meaningful curricula that positively impact student learning for all and assist others to do the same. e. facilitate and support curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments that integrate appropriate technologies to maximize teaching and learning. f. use technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and student learning. 5. Demonstrate leadership as models of professionalism. Candidates a. effectively design and conduct educational research which positively influences educational practice or policy. b. exhibit ethical behavior in all professional and personal interactions. “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 4 of 13 c. respect others, value differences and are open to feedback. d. believe that for every problem there is a solution and actualize that belief when engaging colleagues, students, families and community partners. e. seek out responsibility and are accountable for their actions. f. maintain current knowledge and best practices through continued professional development. 6. Demonstrate leadership in meeting the needs of diverse constituents. Candidates a. value and recognize the strength and power of diversity. b. incorporate global perspectives and cultural richness in curriculum planning and decision making. c. address exceptionalities in planning, teaching, and assessment and respond to diverse community interests and needs by mobilizing community resources. d. proactively and intentionally advocate for and work to build educational environments that are inclusive and supportive of diverse students, families and colleagues GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: (Aligned to content Standards) Candidates will support the adoption and effective use of learning technologies in education by articulating a vision for effective classroom integration of technology, providing models of effective integration to staff members and stakeholder, providing constructive response to staff as they attempt to achieve the vision for technology integration, and choosing appropriate technologies for specific standards-based learning goals. (ELCC Standard 2, NETS-A Standard I, II; ISTE/NCATE TL Standards I, II, III, V, VI, VII, and VIII). In pursuit of these goals, the learning objectives of this course include: 1. Researching and disseminating project-based instructional units modeling appropriate uses of technology to support learning (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 2. Identifying and evaluating methods and strategies for teaching computer/technology concepts and skills within the context of classroom learning and coordinate dissemination of best practices at the district/state/regional level (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 3. Staying abreast of current technology resources and strategies to support the diverse needs of learners including adaptive and assistive technologies and disseminate information to teachers. 4. Locating and evaluating current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 5. Identify technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability based on the content standards (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 6. Identifying and evaluating options for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 7. Continually evaluating a variety of strategies to manage student learning in a technologyenhanced environment and disseminate through professional development activities. 8. Identifying and evaluating instructional design principles associated with the development of technology resources (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL II) 9. Designing methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of all state and national content and technology standards in orders to promote the “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 5 of 13 academic achievement and technology literacy of all students (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TLII, III) 10. Disseminating curricular methods and strategies that are aligned with district/region/state /national content and technology standards (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL III) 11. Investigate major research findings and trends related to the use of technology in education to support integration throughout the curriculum (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL III) 12. Facilitating the development of a variety of techniques to use technology to assess student learning of subject matter (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL IV) 13. Providing technology resources for assessment and evaluation of artifacts and data (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL IV) 14. Documenting and assessing field-based experiences and observations using specificpurpose electronic devices (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL V) 15. Applying instructional design principles to develop and analyze substantive interactive multimedia computer-based instructional products (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL V) 16. Designing and practicing strategies for testing functions and evaluating technology use effectiveness of instructional products that were developed using multiple technology tools (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL V) 17. Organizing, coordinating, and participating in an online learning community related to the use of technology to support learning (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL V) 18. Communicating research on best practices related to applying appropriate technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VI) 19. Communicating and applying principles and practices of educational research in educational technology (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) 20. Describing social and historical foundations of education and how they relate to the use of technology in schools (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) 21. Discussing issues relating to building collaborations, alliances, and partnerships involving educational technology initiatives (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) 22. Designing and leading in the implementation of an effective group process related to technology leadership or planning (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) 23. Using evaluation findings to recommend modifications in technology implementations. 24. Using national, state, and local standards to develop curriculum plans for integrating technology in the school environment (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) 25. Comparing and evaluating the instructional vision in district-level technology plans (ELCC 2, NETS-A II, TL VIII) “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 6 of 13 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – aligned to Program Standards The Professional Teacher Education Unit prepares learning facilitators who understand their disciplines and principles of pedagogy, who reflect on their practice, and who apply these understandings to making instructional decisions that foster the success of all learners. As a result of the satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of these courses, the candidate will demonstrate the following outcomes: Course objective Doctoral KSDs Distributed School Leadership Roles* Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader PSC/NCATE Standard 1. Researching and disseminating project-based instructional units modeling appropriate uses of technology to support learning 2. Identifying and evaluating methods and strategies for teaching computer/technology concepts and skills within the context of classroom learning and coordinate dissemination of best practices at the district/state/regional level 3. Staying abreast of current technology resources and strategies to support the diverse needs of learners including adaptive and assistive technologies and disseminate information to teachers. 4. Locating and evaluating current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences 5. Identify technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability based on the content standards 1a, 4d, 4e 5f Learning & Development Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1a Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 4b, 4e 4b 6. Identifying and evaluating options for 4b, 4e the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities 7. Continually evaluating a variety of “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” 4e Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, 1.8 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Page 7 of 13 strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment and disseminate through professional development activities. Instruction & Assessment Leader 8. Identifying and evaluating 4e instructional design principles associated with the development of technology resources 9. Designing methods and strategies for 1c, 4e teaching concepts and skills that support integration of all state and national content and technology standards in orders to promote the academic achievement and technology literacy of all students 10. Disseminating curricular methods 1a and strategies that are aligned with district/region/state /national content and technology standards 11. Investigate major research findings 1a and trends related to the use of technology in education to support integration throughout the curriculum 12. Facilitating the development of a variety of techniques to use technology to assess student learning of subject matter 13. Providing technology resources for assessment and evaluation of artifacts and data 14. Documenting and assessing field“The Collaborative Development of Expertise” 4b, 4e 4b 3c Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Data Analysis Leader Learning & 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Page 8 of 13 based experiences and observations using specific-purpose electronic devices 15. Applying instructional design principles to develop and analyze substantive interactive multimedia computer-based instructional products Development Leader 4e 16. Designing and practicing strategies for testing functions and evaluating technology use effectiveness of instructional products that were developed using multiple technology tools 4b 17. Organizing, coordinating, and participating in an online learning community related to the use of technology to support learning 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e 18. Communicating research on best practices related to applying appropriate technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities 1a, 6a, 6c, 6d 19. Communicating and applying principles and practices of educational research in educational technology 20. Describing social and historical foundations of education and how they relate to the use of technology in schools 21. Discussing issues relating to building collaborations, alliances, and partnerships involving educational technology initiatives 22. Designing and leading in the 1a “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” 1c 2a 2c Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 Learning & Development Leader Learning & Development Leader Learning & Development Leader Relationship Development Leader Relationship 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.5, 1.6 Page 9 of 13 implementation of an effective group process related to technology leadership or planning Development Leader Process Improvement Leader 23. Using evaluation findings to recommend modifications in technology implementations. 24. Using national, state, and local standards to develop curriculum plans for integrating technology in the school environment 25. Comparing and evaluating the instructional vision in district-level technology plans 4b 4d, 4e 1b Operations Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Learning & Development Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Leader 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.8 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 Operations Leader Change Leader Performance Improvement Leader *Georgia’s Leadership Institute for School Improvement & Georgia Committee on Educational Leadership Preparation’s Distributed School Leadership Roles COURSE OUTLINE: 1. Principles and models of research-based instruction 2. The role of technology in instruction 3. Technology and student achievement 4. Promoting and monitoring student technology literacy 5. Promoting range of use 6. Matching technology tools to learning goals 7. Research on technology integration “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 10 of 13 8. 9. Observing practice and providing constructive response on classroom technology use Expecting and supporting technology integration COURSE REQUIREMENTS/ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Candidates will participate in a series of online discussion forums and in-class activities responding to assigned readings, recommended websites, and critical issues related to the professional learning and instructional technology. Candidate responses should relate not only to the question(s), but also to the comments made by classmates and/or instructor. These responses should clearly demonstrate that candidates have read the required articles, thoroughly examined recommended websites, and participated fully in course assignments and exercises. Responses should be relevant to the topic and should serve to move the discussion forward—not simply agree or disagree with what has already been stated. Candidates should interact with classmates constructively and respectively, allowing for everyone to participate. Candidates should follow the rules of netiquette to be provided in class. 2. Small groups of candidates will review and compare popular models of backward design and technology integration. They will weigh strengths and weakness of each model and collaboratively construct a common framework for responding to classroom practice. They will present their framework to the class in a presentation. 3. Candidates will observe and document a teacher using technology in a classroom (Video taping is preferred). Then they will use the standard framework developed in class to respond to the technology integration example and to provide the teacher with constructive feedback and suggestions for enriching, expanding, or improving the learning experience. EVALUATION AND GRADING: Online and In-class Discussion of Readings (40% of grade) Framework Presentation (15% of grade) Observation of Practice (45% of grade) A: B: C: F: 92% - 100% 84%-91% 75%-83% 74% or lower Note: All written work should reflect careful organization of material and the high standards of investigation associated with college-level studies. Papers should be typewritten, on 8 1/2 x 11 in. paper. Action research work submitted should follow APA format. Manuscripts must be proof read to ensure accuracy in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Written work should be attractive and neat -ESPECIALLY WITH MATERIALS INTENDED FOR STUDENT USE. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: The KSU Graduate Catalog states “KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Any work that students present in fulfillment of program or course requirements should reflect their own efforts, achieved without “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 11 of 13 giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance. Any student who is found to have violated these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action.” PROFESSIONALISM: CLASS ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION POLICY: Attendance is required for each class session, and candidates are expected to be on time. Part of your success in this class is related to your ability to provide peer reviews and feedback to your group members regarding group projects. Furthermore, responding effectively and appropriately to feedback from your peers and the professor is another measure of one’s professionalism. Since each class meeting represents one week of instruction/learning, failure to attend class will impact your performance on assignments and final exams. Class discussions, group work, and activities require that everyone be present. There is no way to “make up” this class. Please be prepared with all readings completed prior to class. You are expected to ask insightful and pertinent questions. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Archer, J., Hoff, D., & Manzo, K. (2001). Teaching and learning. Education Week, 21(14). Bannan-Ritland, B., (2003). The role of design in research: The integrative learning design framework. Educational Researcher, 32(1), pp. 21-24 Bannan-Ritland, B. (n/d) Teaching instructional design: An action learning approach. ITFORUM Paper 37. Barab, S. & Landa, A. (1997). Designing effective interdisciplinary anchors. Educational Leadership (March). Building Better Instruction. ((nd)). Learning and Leading with Technology, 31(5), 8- . ces Clark, D. (2000) ISD is like building a deli sandwhich. Big Dog’s Instructional Systems Development Resources and Training Handbook. Ip, Y. K. (2003). Active learning. SCTL’s Ideas on Teaching.1 (February). Kamil, M. L., Intrator, S. M., & Kim, H.S. (2000). The effects of other technologies on literacy and literacy learning. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research: Vol. III (pp. 771-788). Mahwah, N J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kruse, K. (2002) Introduction to instructional design and the ADDIE model. e-LearningGuru. “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 12 of 13 Leu, D. J. (2000). Literacy and technology: Deictic consequences for literacy education in an information age. In M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research: Vol. III (pp. 743-770). Mahwah, N J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Maureen, Sherry, PhD. (n/d) A regional depiction: Standards-based curriculum reform in the Northwest. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. (2005). Changing Schools. Aurora, CO. (Spring). Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory. (1997). Noteworthy perspectives: Exploring beliefs and research to promote thoughtful practice. Aurora, CO: Author. Pohlig, C. (2002). Many special-ed teachers plan to quit. The Seattle Times, Monday, June 3, 2002. Reeves, T. (1996). Educational paradigms. Rowntress, D. (1995). Teaching and learning online: A correspondence education for the 21st century? British Journal of EducationalTechnology. 26 (3). Sherry, L. (1996). Issues in distance learning. International Journal of Educational telecommunications, I (4), 337-365. Simpson, M. & Nist, S. (2000). An update on strategic learning: it's more than textbook reading strategies. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.43. Tomlinson, C.S. (2000) Reconcilable differences? Standards-based teaching and differentiation. Educational Leadership. 58(1). “The Collaborative Development of Expertise” Page 13 of 13